I was being bullied at work and my husbands best friend did nothing: Advice?

I think you need to include more details if you want honest input

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Get nasty & don’t be a doormat for anyone. Make them afraid to speak to u. I’d be looking for a divorce lawyer too. Get those duckies in a row.

You’re over reacting. It’s not her responsibility to stick up for you.


Very suspicious to me


He should support you

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This is just me…for that I would leave him…there’s boundaries of respect


Key words are husbands best friend, it’s not like its your husband who didn’t stand up for you. His best friend may have been minding her own business, she don’t have to be loyal to you… only civil. Why put your husband in a no win situation cause your salty you got your feelings hurt??? Would you like it if the situation was reversed? No, don’t do to him what you wouldn’t want done to yourself.


I’m with your husband on this one. The woman has no need and clearly no desire to be involved in things that are your problem which is only fair, she has to think of herself and you shouldn’t expect her to put herself in a situation that doesn’t involve her just because she knows your husband. And he has every right to be friends with whoever he chooses whether you like them or not. I think you’re being unreasonable and selfish because your feelings were hurt, which is fine to feel that way but its not OK to control others and how they think and feel simply because you may not have acted the same way. If roles reversed I would be devastated if my partner expected this of me and I’d simply respect his opinion but certainly wouldn’t want to change my life just because he doesn’t like some one if there is absolutely no reason for it. And in my opinion you have no valid reason

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To be honest, you can’t blame the girl for not wanting to get involved & you have to understand she’s your husbands friend.
Id be mindful that she’s not a very reliable “friend” to you, but I wouldn’t expect my husband to loose a friendship over it :thinking:
I’d be civil but not overly friendly with her in future… In my opinion, it’s nice if someone backs you in that situation, but she’s not wrong for staying out of it, even though it’s obviously upset you

This entire situation sounds very childish on all sides. Bullying by adults, husband choosing his friend over you and the whole “I’m going with or without you…” everyone involved needs a grown up pill.


As she stated, she was trying to mind her business, she didn’t know what was going on, and sometimes when you get into other peoples business, you might end up with the worst part of the deal, BUT I would’ve gotten you some help

I have to add “since finding out” tells me you weren’t even aware she was present during the bullying. Therefore, you’re creating an issue out of something that would have never been a problem had you not been told or found out she was there. Let it go! Unless she’s caused issues before or you have other problems with her… chalk it up to a problem YOU had and YOU need to handle yourself.


Your an adult, deal with the bully yourself and don’t blame her for not putting her neck on the line for you. Bullying sucks, but unless she has higher authority what can she do…even then you would need to go to her and complain. It’s no one’s business to get involved unless asked to do so.


Quit!! Life is waaaayyy to short to have this shit in your life! You deserve better! Go find it!! Also why is your husband not backing you? Xxx


I would get rid of all 3 of them…that is terrible…if your husband spoke with her yet never backed you and your position of being bullied…I’m sorry this has happened…this girl was suppossed to be your friend…her excuse of not wanting to get involved is a cop out…true.friends look out for each other no matter what…Good luck…and hopefully you can move on with new friendships…and a new job where bullying is not tolerated

Needs a LOT more details to justify being mad at someone for minding their own business. Why was this girl supposed to risk her job for you?? Are you going to pay her bills if she gets fired cuz of you?? :eyes:


Sounds like he really doesn’t want you around at all. This would be a HUGE problem in my relationship.


Doesn’t matter if she’s your husbands best friend you were getting bullied at work and if she just stood there not doing anything then that’s all you need to know about how she thinks of you. Bullying is not okay for any one child or adult. Sit down with your husband and talk to him make him understand why your upset and ask where his loyalty truly lies.

Definitely more about husbands loyalty than the friend not siding with her at work

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If she was your friend she should have stuck up for you! As far as your husband, you can see where his loyalties are! Get rid of both of them.


Sorry to say this but your husband is a knob…his loyalty is with you n if your being bullied at work you should take it higher hun no-one should be bullied in the work place or anywhere for that matter.x


Bully’s don’t care haw old you are if that’s what type of person they are they will do it and no one should be bullied sorry but I would go to a higher Bose and explain what’s happening and as for your husband I don’t really know much about him but don’t let him break your heart x

stop bullying at any age

chin up and don’t let small minded people/bully’s put you down xx

As far I can see being a by stander to bullying is just as bad as being a bully! You and your husband are a team and therefore she should treat you as so!

I can see both sides of why she wouldn’t of wanted to get involved but also why you feel so annoyed
To be honest if it was me I would be really disappointed in my husband that he hadn’t understood how you felt but at the same time I think it’s unfair to expect him to not have anything to do with people who are his friends as your upset
It’s a really difficult one and I think your husband hasn’t really supported you emotionally correctly but I think he is correct for not ending his friendship

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Girl how old are you 5?? But obviously is depending on the situation,but I feel like you probably a Karen since not even your husband is on your side🤷🏽‍♀️


Hope she wasn’t suppose to be your friend. Your husband an a hole. He rather go out and party instead of trying to help solve her work issues.

I remember my ex doing the same thing. Surprise, surprise, he was having an affair with her!


Doesn’t matter she should of stood up for you no excuses. Clearly she aint got ball’s and stuff ya husband i bet he didn’t front her with you beside him…

Why don’t U report it to ur management. Ur not kids @ school ur an adult right so deal with it appropriately & that’s not having others fight ur battle for U. I spose ur hubby should support U but feels the same way coz why else would he not be backing U up unless they both have a hidden agenda🤷

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Girrrrll, First of all, you’re an adult. Stand up for yourself. She has no obligation to rescue you. I can’t stand when adults say they are bullied. Like grow up.


How were you being bullied? I find it quite odd that nobody else seems very offended by the bullying, especially your husband. Sometimes people are overly sensitive and don’t defend themselves, which makes it difficult for others to speak up in their place. I need more details to have an opinion.


My question is if your being bullied at work why is your husband not stepping in to help you against the bully, dont care if it was a bloke or a woman I would be telling them in a private face to face conversation that if it carrys on there will be trouble, buy a spy cam and keep it on you, then you have proof you can take to the boss and demand action be taken or you will quit and sue for emotional stress and nothing being done by them to sort out the bullying…hubby’s in a hard spot, it’s his friends wife …but she has done nothing wrong…remember the play ground at school, if they got involved they may get bullied also.hope you get it sorted

you should have stood your ground with the bully. and maybe report them.

How many groups do you all need to post the same story on to get answers on? This is the 3rd site I have seen the same story on? You all just seeking attention?

First of all. Your husband’s best friend is a girl?:thinking:

What are y’all in high school?

Very suspicious!! Husband is questionable :thinking:

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You should be his best friend you’re his wife!!


I’m the type that would remove myself from most of these situations. New job or department. Different set of friends. That way my husband and I don’t have this to argue about. Being around ppl you don’t like will be limited to b’day parties for him and such.
You can’t wait on someone else to bail you out of unpleasant situations all the time. It sounds like that’s what this woman is used to: wanting the HBF to stand up for her while being bullied, wanting the husband to cut off an important friendship…
These are both things she can control THEN see how it goes.

i don’t care job outside no one should stand n let someone especially someone they know n hang with, get bullied no n your hubby i don’t deal with Men,i’m a widow i don’t do headaches sorry but i def will look at her in an untrusting way from here on out

I’m not sure how you were being bullied, who the bully was, and why you expected her to step in. Was it a verbal or physical altercation?. I don’t know where you’re coming from nor do I have an understanding of your husband’s reaction. He could be a “jerk” but you could be the “jerk”. Mind you, I’m not calling you a jerk, but it’s not out of the question, you’ve clearly left out a lot of info. But there’s one thing that I’m sure of is you and your husband need somekind of counseling… if he feels that way about you…Why are you two together?

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That’s HIS best friend, not yours.

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your husband and his “best friend” are doing “IT” js :person_shrugging:

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Some people are cowards. Take it up with hr or higher up.

You can borrow cooper he’s a bigger bully and will put her in her place


he puts her first, not you - probably he has a crush on her.
leave him.

you should always be a priority! not another woman.


She’s right. She was right to stay out of it. Your husbands are best friends

You’re a grown up who should be able to handle work situations on your own with the help of HR if needed. If she had no direct part in the bullying then why be upset with her? She’s NOT your BF. Also, were they best friends before you came along? You’re going to lose a husband or he will resent you in the future if your feelings towards her don’t change. Sounds to me like you were waiting for an opportunity to come between them two.

Some people have a problem being able to stand up for themselves. Some just can’t do it, if everyone could do it, there wouldn’t be any bullying in the world, would there?
That’s why there’s stories and comics of superheroes that stick up for those who can’t do it themselves. Stick up for your friends, especially if you know them, stop that shit when you see it, there’s no place for bullies in the world unless you “mind your business”. Not only should she have stood up for her, but someone else should have too. My wife? She tells me someone is messing with her? She can stick up for herself, but the moment she says something like that? Nope. and if she saw something like that? She’d do something,or tell me to do something,cause the gods know I love trashing a bully.
Silence is compliance,some of you should have been taught better

U can complain in confidence to your management… A friend who watches another friend in need of help and does not want to assist is not a friend. As 4your husband… He’s an idiot… Lol

Be the change. Either you’re hurting or helping

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I was being bullied at work and my husbands best friend did nothing: Advice?

When a Husband does not defend or side with you hes not worth staying with, the fact that he is siding with this girl and defending her actions shows he has No love and loyalty to you, and the fact that he has threatened you suck it up or your on your own , ditch the twat seems like his only loyalty is to himself , seems like a narsassist to me (look it up) see how many traits he has!!!

Maybe try standing up for yourself instead of expecting everyone else to take a stand for you.


Your husband doesn’t sound like a very good dude.


He betrayed you emotionally!

I think that she is right in her decision to mind her own business because no matter what she did she would have suffered repercussions for it and frankly it’s cruel to expect someone to risk their job security because she is friends with your husband. She didn’t join in the situation to be mean to you either so you’re expecting a level of loyalty you wouldn’t even give. You need to speak to her about how it made you feel and you have to take responsibility for your feelings. It isn’t fair or logical to ask your husband to cut ties with a friend because she refused to be apart of whatever was going on in the work place, where she makes a paycheck to support her family where jumping into a personal bullying situation is inappropriate behavior. There has to be a line between friendships outside of work and maintaining proper professional decorum. Take responsibility for your emotions and speak to her about them and get glad in the same boots ya got mad in but realize her jumping in like Robin hood in tights would have been completely inappropriate in a work setting.


Give him an ultimatim!!!

I think you should be understanding that she was at her workplace. If she jumped in and defended you, that could’ve let you more drama and yelling and she could’ve gotten in trouble for just trying to help. I’m sorry and this is coming from someone who has also been bullied at work but you are an adult and can defend yourself. If it’s to the point where you can’t then that is what HR is for.


The only time my husband wouldn’t stick up for me ina situation like that is if he thought I was overreacting and we would talk about it.

Bullied how? To the point where your safety was at risk and hers if shed jumped in. Or someone was a meanie and you could’ve gone above their head?


Wow, put your foot down. Your husband should be behind you no matter what.

Gotta stand for something or you’ll fall for anything.
Just tell you’re husband Boundries are a thing

I don’t care so much that she didn’t get involved in your personal issues, you’re an adult you can handle your self, and shouldn’t expect someone else to handle it for you, or to get involved, especially at work. The only people I’d risk my check for are my children. However, the fact that your husband is flat out refusing to spend time alone with you, and is refusing to not incorporate his girl friend in even a single outing is ridiculous. Are you even one of his top priorities?


One of the worse things is when people see other people in uncomfortable or vulnerable situations and they choose to “mind their business”, especially on a work place. Fuck her…

This situation shows that he cares more about her than you.


Are you really a grown adult woman crying online about being bullied oh, and someone who is not your best friend and someone who is not responsible for you not sticking up for you? Let’s really look at this situation and see who was being immature. Maybe that’s simply what your husband is trying to tell you you’re not a 16 year old child grow up honey

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Talk to her. Tell her you feel betrayed. Give her a chance to make it right. If she don’t…then be mad🤷

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Grow up. His friend has no responsibility to defend you. And to expect your husband to cut her off over your butthurt is pathetic and selfish. Your husband deserves better.


Girl pick & choose your battles.

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He must be in love with her. I would just pack my stuff and leave his ass

Stop expecting others to defend you, go to HR and deal with this bully and as far as the hubby’s besty being a woman. Who cares male or female this person didnt need to protect you from the big bad wolf. As far as expecting him to stay away from her is drama. Everything was fine until said day. Unless you just wanted this to be an excuse to get your husband all to yourself again. Stop being jelly and let it alone.

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Just find a good man and get out
If you was betrayed

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Yeah Time to find a divorce lawyer cuz u will always have that issue


Yikes, guys need to stand by their woman and vice versa.


I don’t expect anybody to have my back! That’s her job also, so with that you are wrong. However, your husband is choosing her over you so let that sink in. The next move is yours


Talk to her in person about how you feel. If y’all don’t work things out and your husband still wants to associate with them then he doesn’t sound like he cares bout you and it may be time for a break away from him

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I would feel the same way I mean seriously just because you’re an adult doesn’t make getting bullied easier than it does when you are/were a child I would also feel betrayed honestly I’d probably just walk away that’s a red flag for me not only with the friends but with the husband because he should care about your feelings he should care that his friend did nothing i just don’t understand how some of these comments are saying that because you’re an adult you should just get over it. I’m sorry you were bullied and I’m sorry that not only she but others didn’t try and help you and I’m sorry your husband doesn’t care he doesn’t seem to make you a main priority and that’s sad you deserve better


I’d like to know how as a grown woman you feel bullied. You’re grown girl hold your own and defend yourself.


I agree with Lena Davis statement

My husband always stood behind me and I was crazy asf… real friends stick up for eachother and clearly this btich had no care in the world …she proved her self. Get better friends and tell your man to act right…id be livid with him. He wouldn’t hear the end of it. The girl is done… she ain’t no friend.


That’s messed up. You should come first. and your husband should support you.


Girl he needs to stand by you even if you are acting crazy! You need a new man girl. He ain’t the one.


Tell her youtself about being bullied! She was a bystander & did nothing?

Why is it her problem you are being bullied at work. Is she in HR? But hubby still should have your back, not here


If you’re being bullied, put those people in their place. Go to HR and tell them you will not put up with it. They or yourself will deal with it. One way or the other. As far as your husband goes, the only action he should take is with the bulliers. Not with his friend.


Sounds like another chick took over your kitchen time to take out the trash

He is your husband?? He chose her. You know where you stand.


Leave him. Its a deal breaker for me. Were a team so we have each others backs. If that contract is broken, no need to continue.


Your husband should stand by your side no matter what.


Not to be judgmental here but it sounds like you had a few people to stand up for you and not 1 did. Just maybe you were in the wrong and called on your BS and not bullied? And thats why no one stood up for you.

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Get a divorce.
Trust me.
I had very very similar happen. It will get worse and you’ll get blamed. Leave that entire group behind.


I think her minding her own business is her choice. But your husband acting that way is not alright. He should be by your side no matter what. He’s married to you, not her.


I think this actually boils down to you having issues with her long before she minded her own business…which is what she should have done.

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Also, the wording is odd. Since finding out she was a bystander? How did you not even know she was standing there while you were being ‘bullied’? I also question whether you actually were or not.

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Grow up snowflake. Adults can not be bullied. You have been called out and dont like it. Girlfriend is liked more by your husband than you. Seems like reality slapped the shit out of you. Maybe change your attitude and people around you will treat you with the respect you should be shown.

Not everyone has the personality type to intervene like that. Be disappointed in her? Sure. Your husband probably just thinks you’re over reacting and doesn’t want to lose two close friends over it. Yeah, I’d be upset that he didn’t have more compassion, but I get it. These people telling you to divorce him over this are crazy and projecting their failed relationships in you :woman_facepalming:t3:


grow up it was not her concern so she was correct in not butting in


Maybe she didn’t want to get in the middle afraid of losing her job you need to talk with her before jumping

I say it is time to find new friends for you

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