Government assistance isnt there for females who have deadbeat baby dads whose pockets that they would rather keep fat so they can kiss thier ass and keep them coming around to fuck and drop off a pack of diapers once a week…tax payers dont pay fpr your monthly fuck and measly pack of pampers…they pay it for people who are REALLY in need!!
I have a granddaughter that thinks like that also, was with a muslim and tried to be a muslim…had 2 kids, she said he doesn’t make enough money to pay child support but he can afford car after car and one license plate…now she is with a black guy and she was here 2 years ago, the little girl didn’t want to leave my house, she is scared to death of that black guy…i don’t know where she is now but i am so afraid for the kids…she doesn’t even know there are 2 Washingtons,the state of Washington and Washington DC…my son paid child support for 21 years, and the state of Illinois says he still has to pay child support…even tho the boy is on his own and his mother is dead. that is the state of Illinois for you…I am just saying put the father on the birth certificate,give those kids a father legally.
If you are on government side then yes they will put him on child support where he should have been Day 1. Since he has not been taking care of the child consistently his name doesn’t belong on the birth certificate. What if you get into an arguement and he keeps the child with him, you won’t get her back if the dad’s name is on the birth certificate. He would have legal rights to take the child and never come back if his name is on it. LEAVE HIS NAME OFF THE CERTIFICATE
So your using the system!!! SMH
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My. Ex. Didn’t. Pay. Alot. In. Child. Support. It. Is. Base. On. What. They. Make. My. Ex. Told. Me. I. Couldn’t. Make. It. Without. Him. Our. Kids. Are. Grown. Now. But. At. The. Time. My. Ex. Made. $5. A. Hour. He. Paid. $186.00. For. A. Month. For. 4. Kids. Which. Is. Not. Alot. I. Worked. Waiting. Tables. For. 6. Days. A. Week. 5. Of. Those. Days. Were. Double. Shifts. I. Didn’t. Depend. On. Child. Support. I. Didn’t. Get. Government. Help. Either. Some. People. Said. I. Was. Wrong. Not. To. Get. Government. Help. But. I. Called. It. Pride. My. Sons. Saw. Me. Working. Everyday. I. Didn’t. Ask. For. Hands. Out. Men. Should. Help. With. Their. Kids. But. These. Women. Should. Show. Teach. Their. Kids. How. Not. To. Live. Off. The. System. I. Went. To. Court. For. Their. Dad. Twice. When. He. Was. Behind. On. Child. Support. Because. He. Was. Between. Jobs. You. Don’t. Get. Child. Support. If. They. Are. Sitting. In. Jail. Their. Dad. Did. Not. Pay. Alot. But. He. Helped. Out. In. Other. Ways. You. Can. Make. It. Without. Government. Help. If. You. Want. To.
Depends on the state
Anchor Baby!!! Hmmmm
According on what state you live in
No they wont unless you are getting government assistance
Are you f-ing kidding me!
In KY, yes they will go after the father if you receive Cash Assistance & mostly like SNAP or Food Stamps also. As far as the medical side, the regulations are a tad different. Just be honest, you can put him on the BC, have him write out a statement that he gives you so much a month… and submit that to your local office. I know lots of women that have handled it this way. Just because you are receiving some help from the father, doesn’t mean that you will automatically be disqualified for “low income” or “state aid” if it’s truly needed. I think sometimes people get so wrapped up in how to answer the questions or what to tell the FS Dept that they will go to FB & ask for the “public’s” assistance in various states to see what is the best way to “work” the government. Being honest won’t necessarily hurt you in the end, maybe you can get the help as it is now from the father however y’all have it worked out, and still get help as a single mom. Prayers!!
I’d hope the dad would want to support his child instead of having the government do so.
No not necessarily. My boyfriend just got put on his sons birth certificate (he finally found his sons mother and made her do it… she’s been MIA for over a year this round) and she is and has been collecting government assistance (she does not have any contact with her child) and we have not received anything about child support even though we would fight it and turn around and go for full custody and I’d go for adoption
My daughters father wasn’t on her birth certificate. I put her on Medicaid and I put her father down on the paperwork. Since he wasn’t on the birth certificate they needed a DNA test (which showed he was the father of course) and then the state went after him for back child support even back when we were together because we weren’t married. I couldn’t fight it.
Most states should go after him even if he isn’t on birth certificate. It is your child’s right to receive support regardless of your feelings about him (unless it puts the child in danger).
I got paperwork to fill out from child support enforcement a few months back. They don’t really care that my son’s father is not on the birth certificate. In fact I was told that’s not their jurisdiction when I asked if starting the process would give him legal rights.
My point is that not adding him won’t necessarily stop that from happening unless you want to pretend you don’t know who the father is.
I don’t have my daughters father on it. Glad I don’t because he’s not a father to her. And I never need permission to move or leave the country if I don’t add him
Ik in VA, paternity would have to be proven. My youngest grandsons father is not on the birth certificate and in order to get cash assistance, my daughter would have to provide his info. She refuses as it opens up visitation. Hes on meth and she doesnt want that. But, people are right. If you’re getting cash assistance, not telling them who the father is, is not good. My daughter gets food stamps and medicaid, and they dont care about the father. But cash assistance they do. Good luck
Im in Michigan if you are on any kind of assistance they will go after you. My friends were in a relationship but not married and she filed for assistance and they went after him so CS THEY LIVED IN THE SAME HOUSE.
If you are on assistance ,Yes they will take him to court for child support and if you refuse, then you lose your assistance. If they find out you lie of not knowing who the father is, you will lose your assistance. Even if they take him to court, you have the option to speak to the judge and let them know the father does support his kid without an order. But that will have to be included into your budget. Right now you are frauding the welfare system.
You can’t be on government assistance if you’re getting child support in most cases. If you apply for assistance and their is a father on the birth certificate they will open a case you don’t have to.
My oldest sons father isnt on his birth certificate and he pays child support. U would also have to have dna testing done in order to get child support.
If you haven’t filed i don’t think so I think you have to file for him to even have back child support
They will. However, you can write a statement saying you do not wish for back child support and/or current child support. I went through a similar situation with my daughter’s dad.
It varies by state. But generally if you are on support claiming the child they can strong arm you into filing child support for the child for you to continue your assistance.
Definitely if you are on state support. Probably not if you aren’t.
So many NEGATIVE comments! Nothing nice to say keep scrolling like damnn!
You and the father go straight to family court and have a mutual agreement done out. Make sure it states that the father helps by PURCHASING items for the child when need be. I have bin through this I am also on assistance and I done it this way now the welfare system LEGALLY can not ask nor be involved where I already have court documents.
Father should be paying his share for your child not the tax payers…
Yeah for sure if you are on gov asst they make you use the attorney general child support.
In Arizona they will. I even told them I didn’t want to put him on child support but they don’t care.
No as long as you let them know you don’t want him on CS. That’s all I did
In some states if the fathers name is on the BC and you are on gvmt assistance then they automatically go after child support to compensate for what you are receiving.
Only if you apply for cash assistance they will have you apply for child support before giving you anything but not for food stamps and health insurance
I went for support once and they were gonna give me 150 a week. I said I only needed 50 a week for child care. They looked at me crazily, but it didn’t take me 300 a week to raise him so why should he pay so much? Then we went ans got joint custody so we agreed no support and I claim him on taxes. He always just gave me cash each week to help with his insurance and then when he needs something we split it. Like braces and what not.
They SHOULD. Parents should be supporting the child before the state/taxpayers do.
Yes, and it also gives him rights as a father. Normally a good thing, but not if he’s not gonna be around and only pops in and out.
You can clear back support owed, judge let me anyway. But on govt assistance, I was required to pursue support or benefits would cease immediately
You can definitely get child support on your own terms, doesnt HAVE to be court ordered
Um personal opinion here but… if you get State Assistance there is No reason why the child’s father shouldn’t be paying support
You can let the court know that you and the father have worked out a private agreement for child support. Simply state that unless either one of you falter or try to change said agreement, there is no need for an order. But, I would write an agreement up between the two of you and have it signed by a notary.
Yes usually the state will investigate eventually just had a friend of mine that happened to him and his son is 14.
The father should pay for his kid if she got the kid
It varies state by state…as you can see from the different responses. Find out your state’s laws on the subject, which should’ve been done first before sharing your business on here for others to critique.
As long as you don’t currently have a case for CS. You should be good. Normally they will only do that once your put in a claim for it.
If you are on government assistance yes. Or lose the assistance.
My friend that went through that only made him pay $5 a month if there no way around it.
If you get cash assistance they definitely will go after him
Maybe if he paid support you wouldnt need government assistance just a thought.
If you are on State aid, then yes they will go after him.
in my state no unless you take him to court -oklahoma
They will go after them
Depends on what state u live in and if ur on any assistance
If you do that there could be a chance he will have to pay part or all of your previous assistance as “back child support.” Had this happen to a friend, she also lost her assistance and was told she couldn’t apply or receive again for a certain period of time.
If you are on government assistance they will do a paternity test an fcb they will go after him to pay it back basically. If it’s just ebt and medical I have no clue
I thought they only force child support if welfare was received
No they won’t unless you file for it.
If you are recieving government assistance they will go after him, unless you have something in writing that he pays you x amount of dollars per month…and he has to sign it and give his phone number for them to verify with him…and that amount will be deducted from your government assistance…
This was posted in another Group too…
If you are on government assistance they will most likely go after for birth expenses and then order a child support payment (in NY you only get $50 of whatever is paid if you are still eligible for state assistance)… They will also have a dna test done to prove it and he can be added to birth certificate that way. They can only do child support from the date a petition is filed…
If you’re on government assistance like Foodstamps no. But if your on it for welfare yes. They should regardless if he’s on it or not. You’re supposed to name the dad. Two of my kids dads aren’t listed. One is. All were on child support.
Now if he pays a bill or something then you can tell them that and they will bring that up in court. The courts decided the amount not welfare or the state department.
In Tennessee if you are receiving Government Assistance they do Pursue Child Support. If you don’t follow the rules. Government Assistance ends. Also in TN any monies exchanged hand to hand is considered a gift.
Here too? I just saw this on another page. Omg, stop trying to abuse the system!
I dont understand… you have to file for child support, right?
You cant go after him for back child support. Child support only goes back to when you file the paperwork
Why are u getting government assistance if he. Helps ok ut???
If you are on government assistance, yes they will go after him
Love he should have been paying all long before now
santa claus can go on the birth certificate… one has nothing to do with the other…
You can’t just add him he’s gotta like petition the court and shit and have his social security number and sign it himself
Dhs made my go to court with my daughters SD cause I was on medical assistance when she was born and now she is too, mf still not on her birth certificate, which is fine, her daddy is adopting her
I have a private arrangement with my sons dad so we get all the paperwork from child support but they dont chase him for money. I stated that I collect the money and that’s it. No other follow up
If dss finds he is evolved and his name is in the birth certificate they can and will go after him for child support. They can go back as far as you being pregnant and make him pay for the delivery. It’s is uncommon that it’ll go that far. I had a friend who had this issues a few years ago and baby dady had to pack back thousands and thousands of dollars. Good luck! Don’t let money be the deciding factor… do what is best for your kids.
Depends. We had to have the lawyer convince the judge that we didn’t need child support as we delt with those issues civilly, also the both of us don’t really handle some no body judge,that isn’t apart of our family, telling either of us what amount of money our kid “needs” from the other parent.
Be honest. Tell them he helps
You need to find out your state laws. They are different every where! But from I understand in my state is if you getting any type of money assistance then yes they go after him for child support but if you’re just getting food stamps or Medicaid then no they don’t go after him, but you said back child support I’m surprised they aren’t already on him for that but then you said you haven’t filed and don’t plan on it so this is confusing as hell! Just find out your state laws.
I like seriously how hard is it to just answer the damn question being ask all the other comments are unnecessary either you know or you dont smh
Depends on the state and county. In illinois (kane) they don’t care. I’ve been told I can’t go after my ex husband cause we weren’t married long enough and cause he left the country. My other child’s father was an abusive psycho and tried to kill me in front of my kids. So I don’t even want anything to do with that ass.
No. You have to file for child support yourself.
I’m not trying to judge I’m just wondering why people are on government assistance but don’t want assistance from the father of the child? It’s a parents obligation to support their children financially.
U can’t just add him and think he is automatically going to pay u. He has to take a DNA and the courts will go from there…
At one point we were on Medicaid for our son and on the application it asked me if I wanted to go after my baby’s dad for child support and I just checked yes or no on the form and that was it.
In ohio, they will also make him pay the medicals if you had state assistance at that time.
Unless you two were married when that child’s born there’s nothing you can do. My estranged husband and also the father of my son signed his birth certificate 4 months after his birth, I never had to prove DNA because we were legally married at the time. When we made a court order for shared parenting I asked the judge not to ask for child support unless he wasn’t helping me. He helped with other things so I didn’t necessarily need child support.
They usually don’t unless u have filed in the past ( which u said u haven’t) or depends on the states u live into. Ask ur attorney about it, they should know about the laws about this kinda thing more better than most ppl
In vt if he is put on butth certificate he can have more rights like pick her up from school without ur permission and ect. If ur on assistance they automatically go after father for child support(not back child support)
If you have Medicaid and you try to add him onto the bc they usually (depending on the state) will automatically go after him now if you are just getting EBT most areas don’t do anything
As long as u dont get tanf they won’t get him for child support and u can still get foodies and insurance
In WV id you are on government assistance they will tell you cant deny them going after child support but of you do deny they can take away your assistance at least that’s what they told me could have been a scare tactic to get me to go after my son’s father but I did it because I couldn’t take the chance of them taking my son’s insurance
Where I live, you cannot add him without his permission. And yes, they will go after him for child support, as they should. This isn’t about what you want, it’s about the best interests of the child.
In NC if you get assistance and the father is on the BC they will ask that you go for child support unless the father puts the child on his own insurance, My ex-husband put our son on his insurance so we waived childsuppot. If a child support case is open then Child support will either give the father the opportunity for a DNA test or let him sign a waiver declining DNA to be established and he will be considered the father in the eyes of the court.
You need to have a custody agreement to protect both you and the father from keeping your daughter away from each other. He can take you to court to be placed on the BC if he wants to.
As far as CS goes, if there is a case opened, if he refuses to pay, Social services won’t take the order into consideration as your income, only if he is paying or not.
So much wrong here, you don’t want to get out of government assistance and think it’s ok for others to support you and your child but not the father. If you’re well enough for there to be no child support then you shouldn’t be worried about government assistance.
Here in Mississippi you can’t get government assistance without the state applying for child support for you! Basically they see I as, if you had child support maybe you wouldn’t need government assistance.
Illinois will take child support as well.
I mean if hes only put in effort 1 year our of 3, I would let them get him for child support. Why should your child go without to protect him?
In Ohio if you receive assistance they will eventually go after him for child support. They went after my moms ex husband a few years ago and my brothers are in their 40’s! My mom was also only on assistance for 1 year.
One you have to file a petition through the courts to get him added to a birth certificate, they have to establish paternity, and then he can be added. This will allow him the option of changing her last name to his as well. He will gain more rights to her, they will also automatically put him a child support for back pay since you have been on government assistance. There is no way around it. He didn’t take financial responsibility for his child for 3 years and the government did. He owes that money back to the government, even if you live together he will have to pay and the courts will be involved so no way around it really
Ebt wont but if you receive cash assistance they will go after him.
If you’re on government assistance, he should absolutely pay child support. I don’t see why you would be against that, since you clearly need the help.
U can still get cs even if he not on the bc they just do a dna
If you get any kind of government assistance and he is on her birth certificate, then yes he owes. He wasn’t around for 3 years. The government doesn’t care if he stepped up 3 years later. He still has to take responsibility for his child. My daughter was 5 when I finally needed food stamps. They went for 5 years of child support and back child support from her dad. I got off assistance once I got child support.