If I quit my job to be a stay at home mom will I get more child support?

You just want to be a bum ass person. Get off your lazy ass and work. Ugh your question disgusted me

I hope this is fake …why the hell should he have to pay for you to sit at home … his responsibility is to help with those kids not make sure you never have to work while he struggles to provide for himself and kids along with your lifestyle of entitled laziness . YOU ARE NOT HIS RESPONSIBILITY ANYMORE!!!. Get off your ass and work .

A judge doesn’t give you more CS because you want to stay home. CS is based off of the total amount made NOT the fact you want to stay home.


Be a women and raise your own kids…


You’re a piece of shit

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And this is whats wrong with our world!!


Your ex isnt your cash cow! Keep working and set a good example for your kids. They are both at school so no need for you to stay at home!


They are your kids too. You share half of the financial responsibility. There is not such thing as a stay at home mom when you are a single mom. Get a job working when the kids are at school if childcare is an issue. Apply for school cafeteria work. That is what my mom did when she transition from being a stay at home mom. You work during school hours. Can have your pay divided out so you still get paychecks during summer. And you are off when kids are off. Stop being greedy and lazy


In the state of Kentucky they will go by your income and his. If you are able to work they will base your child support on what you are able to make or your previous salary in combination with that.

If you “can’t afford to be a single stay at home mom” then dont be. Teach your kids to work hard in life and even if that means you are only working part time, then work part time… But for fuck sake. It’s not his job to support them AND YOU :100:. You created these kids and YOU have a duty to provide for them too. Lazy ass bitch should just give the kiddos to dad if she is so god-damned lazy that she doesn’t want to work just because her baby daddy is actually doing well in his life. THIS is why people have such strong opinions on child support… And why so many people think negatively about moms who receive it. YOU LADY… need to get a fucking grip because a real ass woman and a good mother would continue working her ass off for her kids no matter what. A judge will laugh in your face knowing you QUIT YOUR JOB in an attempt to get him to pay you more. You seem like one of those bitches who dress their kids in rags so you can have a brand new coach purse to match with one outfit that you never even wear. You a ho. Get a life.


Sorry, but don’t think that would work. Don’t think the judge will take the case. You might be able to get more child support if he is earning more but judge expects you to pay your part also. And going to court isn’t cheap.

I pray the court gives your cash kid to the responsible doubled their salary parent!


The fact you even bothered to ask makes me wonder why you had kids.
My ex pays me cs for our son and I hated that the state I live in opened the case.
Stay working to show your kids an example. You are their mother, you share half the financial responsibility. You didn’t state if their father doesn’t see them or anything but based off of this question you’re just being a greedy bitch.

Your poor children, I feel so sorry for them.
You are suppose to bust your ass for your children, not sit around and mooch off of others.
What an amazing example you are setting for them of what not to become.

Keep your job!! Not only is this incredibly wrong. Child support is not guaranteed income!! He could lose his job, he could get injured and not be able to work, literally anything could happen. Plus it is also YOUR responsibility as a parent to support your children, that doesn’t fall on just one parent. You can’t be a SAHM just because you don’t want to work anymore and no judge is going to allow that.


The answer is yes. The minute his salary doubled he was mandated to tell the courts that. These people are trying to make you look like the bad girl here when he clearly is the one pulling some type of trickery. I don’t know what house you work but I do agree u should still keep some type of gainful employment but I would go for a modification hearing


I’m just sitting over here drinking my tea and reading comments (which did not disappoint)
I wish my oldest two’s father was in their life at all, let alone paid a dime of support.
Ma’am, go to work, SUPPORT YOURSELF and your kids and do the right thing. This is honestly why some mother’s have a bad rep. Do right by your kids, yourself and leave that poor man’s money alone. You’re not his responsibility.


You realize that child support isn’t for you to sit on your ass? It’s to HELP raise your kids. Your job is to show them how to be productive people when they grow up not to be your average baby mama who’s all about that money or what they can get out of the father. Your kids need to know how to be independent not depend on people and suck them dry. You’re lucky your ass gets child support. Most single moms bust their asses and don’t get a dime! Those are the moms who come out on top. Their kids know who is there, those moms are the heros. You need to be a role model for your kids. Not a baby mama.


You need to stay working if you just up and quit you most likely not get any more support

What is this teaching your kids :flushed::woman_facepalming:
Good grief, go get a job and stop depending on someone else for your own benefit.


The judge will tell you to get a job. I work two jobs and my ex is supposed to be paying $2100 a month but doesn’t. It’s not guaranteed and not worth the risk. He’s living large getting paid under the table, but what my kids will see is their mom working hard for everything we own.


Wow…keep your job an stop being lazy. Thats so ridiculous.


Oh my, you make my head hurt! Work for yourself and your kids :woman_shrugging:t3:

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I’m not sure why everyone is upset except for the fact you want to quit your job. I don’t think that’s a good idea but if he is making more money he is just keeping it from his children and they’re ENTITLED to it


Seriously? You want your ex to pay for your lifestyle while he works his ass of and sit at home doing nothing. A stay at home mum has young kids at home. If you have kids in school and don’t work or study you’re a lazy bum!!! I can’t believe you would ask this. But I’m sure a bunch of mother’s will agree you are"entitled to it"

It doesn’t work that way.

Is this even a real question?


Said the same group that posted this.

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West Virginia doesn’t claim this person, maybe ask Kentucky?:neutral_face:


Why you wanna quit you need to work and provide for your child


So am I reading this right. You want baby daddy to pay for your kids (which is correct) and pay your way? If he’s making more money now power to him. If you’re allowing him to see them then let him spend that extra money on them. Y do you need it to pay your way. Maybe things didn’t work out because your greedy and lazy. Child support is to help support them. You need to put foot work into it too. Smh


Didn’t ever receive the full amount of child support (but I was still considered the bad person)!
Has it been 36 months since last CS Review (they are to do it without either party asking for it)
I doubt it will be increased, sorry to say.

Out of everything you fixed your fingers to type THIS is the ONLY detail that is relevant in the decision of whether or not you should be a stay at home mom. And I firmly believe that noncustodial parents SHOULD have to be paying child support for the children they helped create, but seriously what on earth did I just read?


It is the responsibility of both parents to support the children. If you quit, how will you do your part to support your kids?
It’s not the Dad/ex’s responsibility to support YOU, and the kids. He’s only 50% responsible for the kids the other half is on you.


I live in Wisconsin and child support is calculated by subtracting the lowest paid parents income from the highest paid parents income then they take a percent of the difference. I’m a SAHM but only because my boyfriend financial supports me, our 2 kids and my son from my previous relationship and I’m disabled. I could probably take my ex back for more child support because he’s had an increase in pay over the last several years but to me it’s not worth the hassle when we are doing just fine and whatever extra support it would be probably still wouldn’t be enough to fully support my son and my boyfriend makes more than double what my ex makes. Why not just talk to your ex and work out an agreement that for summer you drop hours to part time in order to save on Childcare and he either buys what the kids need or throws in a little extra money to cover the costs for the summer. He’s not responsible to provide support for you, only the kids you share so you still should be working to be able to financially support yourself and half the cost of caring for your kids. Honestly, a judge would likely throw you out of court if you told them you want them to mandate an increase in support so you can be a SAHM, you can still ask for the increase but I definitely wouldn’t ask unless your working and still struggling to support your share of costs for the kids.

Nope while kids are in school …they will say you should be working


Pure pathetic laziness :thinking:


My ex quit his job to not pay CS and the judge ordered his child support to be adjusted to what his yearly salary was for the last five years.:joy: Unemployed and now had a higher payment and was threatened with jail time if not paid! Bahahahaha


If you can’t support your children, then let them live with their father until you can square things off financially. Now if you are working and what he is giving you is not enough, I would revisit child support, only if he is not helping with anything extra like clothes, sport fees. Your ex getting a raise should not be a career opportunity for you. Do better. Be a better example for your children.


You know what I want you to read this real carefully…
He doesn’t want you anymore!!!
Stop trying to get him to support you.


Cynthia Lisette what in the fuck :sweat_smile:
& there really is girls that think this way

No. They’ll go on your last salary and ‘potential income’. Being underemployed doesn’t mean you get more child support.

Whaaat this is nuts!! How you gonna say you want the ex to support you sounds like he may need to take you to court and get them kids since you are unfit to care for them urself. These questions are so crazy at times!! Stop being lazy damn!

I’m sorry, but is this for real? That’s messed up.


Wtf it doesn’t work that way your kids are in school you can work while they’re at school. No cs doesn’t even work like that it’s only 20% of what he makes FOR THE KIDS NOT THE EX why does your ex have to pay for you needs you’re an adult act like it


Keep working, you will benefit physically and mentally in the long run, I wish you well. :hibiscus:


I do not agree with your plan, why should you leave the work force to be unemployed and at a stay at home mother with the kids at school most of the day and expect others, including the tax payer to pay you for the privilege’s. I hope this post was a gee up.


Why can’t you work while they are in school? Try a lunch lady? Don’t put all that on your ex…


It’s not his job to support you.


The only way you would get paid money for yourself is alimony if you were married and even then you should still have a job. If he’s already paying CS why are you trying to squeeze more out of him? Children are a shared responsibility

Sooo you want to be a stay at home mom while your kids are in school and have this funded by your ex that has to pay child support…:unamused:

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You just don’t want to work and want someone else to support you

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No you would not and don’t think it is right to do that to your x when he does pay his dues.
So many women out there that get 0.00 from the dad and you that you do get you tying to squeeze Him for more. They are a shared responsibility if you can’t afford them then maybe it’s time to let the dad have custody.


People like you make me sick. You outright admitted there is no real reason for you to be a stay at home mom. If the children’s father is helping support them, and you can work there is no reason for things to continue. You aren’t owed anything. Stop being entitled. Child support is not supposed to support your lazy ass, it is to support the children. You know, clothes, shoes, school supplies, food, you know necessities.

Keep your job and be thankful you get child support… i was a single mom of 2 under 2 i worked, went to school and got NOTHING from their dad… even a court order to pay he still paid nothing so count your blessings and move the fuck on with your life enjoy your job and children your ex is NOT YOUR BANK


Why do you need to stay home more? He’s bettering himself and you’re not :woman_facepalming:


I would keep working while the kids are in school. Remember, you are an example for them.
Support is a separate issue & we have no information as to where you live & what the laws are. Contact an attorney. Good luck

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Just work mama. Don’t rely on a child support increase to make ends meet. Child support is only supposed to be meant for partial support, the other parts coming from you.


No, that is not what child support is for. Child support does not go up because the custodial parent’s income goes down. It is both the mother and the fathers responsibility to assume 50% each of the financial burden of raising the child. In fact, if the custodial parent is home all day, then child support should go down due to the reduced cost of daycare expenses.

This is coming from a man who receives child support from the absent “mother”


So your EX Got a better job for HIMSELF & you think it’s his job to pay for you to stay home & be a stay at home mom even though your kids are in school and do not need you to stay home ? Okay so you’re deranged deranged. Gwirrrrlll stop while you’re ahead. No you’re not allowed to try & live off your ex… this is probably one of the craziest things anyone has ever posted in this group. Smh


How about get off your ass and get a better paying JOB. Freakin joke!!

Child support is for your children NOT you…


Erm no that’s not how it works you do realise child support is for your child not to keep you

You should want to set your kids a good example not to teach them how to leach off an EX


He is not responsible for YOUR BILLS.


Here is my take on child support. It is for the children! Yes the non custodial parent should pay for their portion of the children’s needs. I have seen many times when that check rolls in the mom or dad goes and does things for themselves. Basically spending the children’s money on whatever. My opinion is this….the one who pays support should be able to see receipts abs proof that their contributions directly benefit the kids! Should be law that if asked they must provide receipts. It would help.

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You can get an increase in child support every 3 years or if there is a significant increase in your ex’s pay. Being said that, why would you risk quitting your job to depend solely on his child support? What if he loses his job somehow? That’s super risky.


What will you be doing all day if your children are in school?


Some mums out here having to work full time and not receive a cent from their baby daddy. Be grateful for what you get already.


For kids that age and going to school all day, what’s the point in being a stay- at- home mom? They’re at their more independent ages where they’re starting to want you around less. If you were going to try this, it’d have been better if they were younger and you were teaching at home.

I know damn well… you didn’t really just ask that

If you’re in a position where you’re capable of working, you should continue to do so. Do the review to see if child support amount changes due to the income change. But quitting your job just because you realise you could get more child support is frowned upon. That isn’t right.

That’s called laziness


:flushed:…………. What the……. Stay at work! That’s not a great way to think of it.


Yes if his salary went up you’re entitled to more for the KIDS. Not for you. Keep working


No if anything they’d give the children to their father since he would be more stable and can afford to take care of them and their needs (assuming he’s not a shitty person). You need to work. He’s already supporting his children. He shouldn’t have to support you sitting on your ass while he works his off. That’s your job to support yourself and the children as well.

Child support will decrease if you quit your job no matter how much baby daddy works. There should be a child support calculator for your state.

You want to be a stay at mom home, that’s cool, but I think you shouldn’t go the route of using CS. What will you do if he decide to quite that job or something happen, what’s the next plan. Just wait it out save, some money up, and you may even meet you a gd man that support you and say you ain’t got to work. Still go do the CS review and get your increase, but dont quite your job girl.

Lazy much? What a disgrace and a shit example of parenting and laziness to set for your children to see!

Ugh! I hate child support. If you are capable of working work! If the dads takes care of his children. No need for child support or even more child support. I loathe women who take advantage of their children’s fathers.


It’s not his responsibility to take care of you.


You are unbelievable.


Wait what you want to stop working so your kids dad pays more???
Sorry it don’t work like that, it goes on his wages and he pays for his kids
He’s not there to support you

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Well he should sue you for custody !!! Cause if their at school all day take your butt to work !!!


You file for a child support reevaluation review.

Go to to CS and ask for a review, but depending where u live, in. Australia u are still expected to work so many hours per week or volunteer once the children are older than 6 or 7 yrs. Why not look at working part time? CS is not for you its for your children. Maintain your dignity and morals and keep working in some capacity.


This is so ridiculous :person_facepalming:t2: taking care of yourself is your responsibility


They’re in school. Why would you get more. What about when you retire? Work.


They will ask you why your not working. My bf ex quit her job when she got married. They asked why she wasn’t working when she is capable of working. Then they went off her husband income as her income


This is whats wrong with child support. He isn’t paying to support your needs he is supporting his kids needs. Keep your job and don’t expect him to be your provider when thats not his responsibility its yours. And you should be just as responsible to provide for those children as he is. You want him to pay 100% of their needs? While you sit pretty on a CS check?


Cs is for the child not you. Alimony is for you but if you’re not entitled to that then you get nothing from your ex. Why be a sahm when your kids are at school?? Lazy as hell that! Get a job that fits in with school hours


If You get an increase or not, don’t depend on that money as your sole income… What if he looses his job? Don’t depend on that money. And don’t quit your job and live off your ex. That’s rediculous! Not to mention it’s your job to provide for your kids as well… Meaning working to support/ help pay for your kids needs.


The Cs money isn’t for you. It’s for if kids need clothes, shoes, toys and nappies etc whatever the chid needs. Also If he lost his job and that’s your only money coming in your gunna be stuck trying to get a job again


You can get a review according to his new wage, but there is no reason you shouldn’t have to work and take care of yourself especially while there is no good reason for you to be at home?


I pay cs for a young lady that I’ve always wanted in my life. But the issue was her mom had moved out west when i was still living out on the east coast. Yet the baby girl wasn’t born yet. But I’ve always wanted her to be part of life. She is now 17 yrs old and I love only got to see her about 5 times before cuz of what I had to do as a father of a child that wasn’t allowed (forbid) to call me. She doesn’t work and never will I guess… It’s very upsetting to know that a woman that has a job and is capable of working on her own would go that low just for an extra buck. Sorry to say. But you my lady are a selfish person.


Lol! Wow. I have a 16 month old and am about to be a sahm through redundancy. As soon as my lil one has permanent nursery hours I will be looking to return to work! I hate the idea of living off benefits and CS for our sons needs. But due to childcare being so expensive, the amount I have been putting on my mum to babysit so I can stay in my job its literally only option atm! But I’m hopeful itll only be for 8 months or so.

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Some of these questions are straight up hilarious and out of control. I just can’t fathom how stupid and idiotic they are


You’re a terrible person. Child support is to help with the childs needs. It’s NOT suppose to be to cover all of your expenses. Your Ex clearly works his ass off and got a raise for himself. That doesn’t entitle you to get more money from him. He’s not suppose to support you too! Shame on you.
&&& you’re children are in school. So don’t use the excuse “stay at home mom”. It’s more of a deadbeat who wants to sit on her ass all day. :woman_shrugging:t3:

What a horrible person you are. So because your ex has a job that has doubled his salary, he should be made to pay for your lazy arse to stay at home? That’s just ridiculously dumb. I despair with some of the shit people come out with these days.

Imagine being that kind of role model to your children :person_facepalming:

Absolutely not your not his responsibility because you want to leave work why??? Your children are at school all day get a grip…


Are you for real? I seriously hope the judge laughs you out of the courtroom. Child support is to support the child not the mom to sit on her butt and stay home. So what he got a better paying job that was to better his situation not to give you money to stay home that’s not his responsibility to take care of you to be able to stay home. I can see why he left you. Can we all say Gold Digger