Wow…go get a job lady…you have no reason to have quit your job anyways since your kids aren’t even home during the day!!!
Time to be an adult. Quit trying to scum off others. In all seriousness why the fuck would you think you were intitled to HIS money bc he got a better job and you quit yours to do nothing???
Child support is just that…SUPPORT For the CHILD!!! Not to support lazy exes!!!
Why would you want CS over an income in which you most like would still get CS? And what’s the point staying home during school hours if the kids are at school?
This is embarrassing. I’m embarrassed for you.
Go to work. Grow up. Woman up.
i heard sometimes these are fake posts just to get likes and get ppl worked up. u can tell by how stupid they are
This cant be real why would u want to be a stay at home mom if ur kids arent their! If you want to spend more time with them just find a job that fits school hours so ur home with them ! Its not their dads responsibility to provide for you and its only his responsibility to provide 50% for them the other 50% is yours
Hes not paying to support your lazy self, this is for the KIDS to use for clothes, school activities, their NEEDS not to pay your bills why you sit at home doing nothing. Women like you always running to Attorney Generals office everytime your ex/kids dad gets a raise makes me sick. Just pathetic honestly. No don’t quit your job just to depend on extra money from him, sounds like you are very selfish and self centered and not doing this to improve your children’s lives more like for your convenience. Pathetic honestly
Woman like this are a big part of today’s problem ! I’m sure we would all love to get payed to sit on our ass all day at someone else’s expense !
He got a better paying job , in sure he works harder for it ! So he can one day retire and enjoy the benefits he bust his ass for , and as long as he pays his fare share of support then stop being a lazy ass money hungry bixxh ! I’m sure when he has them he also pays for all Thier needs and wants ! Thiers already a bad example set to young girls , that just think get pregnant young get c’s and welfare , sit on Thier ass and go party neglecting Thier kids ! It’s happening far to much !
He ain’t your ATM and I really hope a judge would see u for what U are and tell U politely where to go !
Talk about greedy! Don’t you understand that child support is for the children, not so you can have the luxury to just quit your job and sit on your butt at home. You don’t have a reason to stay home. The kids are in school. Geez it’s women like you that make it difficult for real women who are truly struggling.
Why would you ask a child support question on FB. That just makes there jobs harder dealing with dickheads who give wrong information.
Ring them
You’re a POS
Your ex is doing his share to support the children and you should be doing yours
That is the most disgusting thing I’ve read all day! Are people that low that they would actually quit there job in the hopes that there ex would pay more? How bitter can one fcuking person get!
What did I just read
What in the fuck is wrong with you?
Surely this is a joke. How embarrassing. Like i would literally live in a cave and away from human’s because i am embarrassed for you.
You are a disgusting person I hope someone sees this and shows it to your judge and you lose everything you nasty ass person
I wish there was a “what the fuck” button
And you should not be allowed half of his retirement check! He worked for it, not you. Give him the kids, they are his also.
Mama’s uncut, why are you fishing for drama? c’mon…if this is a real question, the chick needs therapy.
So becausr dad got a bigger salary now you must get more because you don’t want to work. If you badly want yo be a stay at home mom then do a sideline business to come up with the money that you are short… what if you had to pay child support and just because you got a new or better salary now you have to give more money. No man. Cs shouldn’t be a gun held against the dad’s head so that yiu can stay at home.
Ashley did you post this
In a sane world this would be satire but I can’t be sure these days
Child support is for your kids not for you to be a lazy stay at home mum and bludge off your ex when he’s trying to clearly support himself, especially in this hard time of lockdowns!!! And plus your kids arnt even home. What goes though your head to think like this?
I feel so embarrassed for you why would you want to stay at home if your kids are at school and you can’t afford to
im so confused. Your ex isn’t there to pay for you to sit on your ass
This post is horrible and you should be ashamed of yourself!!
Girl, get an Only Fans page and stop trying to live off other people.
I see why you guys arent together anymore. Is this what you want to teach your kids? Congratulate the dad, and carry on with your life.
I think there should be a va review and the judge should decide if the kids are entitled to get more money from dad. In the cases where dad does get more money, they usually adjust and give more to the children. But under no circumstances should you stop working, it would give the wrong impression that you’re just trying to live off of your ex and that’s not a good look.
U are a piece of shit ur getting child support already and because u are a lazy POS an he got a better job u want more money give him his kids an walk away from the kids life cuz obviously u don’t care about the kids besides a paycheck… furthermore its because of women like u that some men are afraid to leave a relationship once a child is put into the mix
You can file for more support hes suppose to report his increase. Cut your hours down at your job but dont quit
An no… no one should get more of the dads money cuz he paying child support more then likely taking the kids when the courts allowed him to take them an still spending money on them for toys taking them out to have like arcade or something like that so he is doing his part
My ex was ordered to pay the lowest amount the state allows ($80/month for 4 children) and I’ve hardly received that…and I’m just happy when it actually comes. People are wild.
If you cant afford it then don’t do it. Hes helping to support the kids not you.
Wow, just WOW. My husbands ex actually tried tbis so I can tell you its a big fat NO. Im going to stop right there before I get real disrespectful
Why don’t you give 50/50 access to the father so he can see his children and then you can work like the rest of the people. Guess you probably already got the bigger percentage of the assets in the separation already.
Not only a judge will see it as unnecessary sweetheart. We all do.
I can’t not believe as a woman and mother what the hell did I just read??? Is she joking…
You cam chase the money for as long as you want. Question is what are YOUR individual plans for retirement and your future after raising these children? It’s not wise in my opinion. You are as responsible for providing shelter and food for them. Unless of course you think he is the only capable parent and responsible parent which it looks to be so. Just hand them over and live your life
I have 4 kids. My oldest is my ex husbands. I stay home with all the kids (husband works). When the ex and I went to have support adjusted, because I don’t work, they assigned me a “possible income” based on my education. You have every right to take him to get more child support money. Kids aren’t cheap, but is it really worth quitting your job? Maybe you could find something part time while the kids are in school?
Give the kids to your ex, sounds like you’re only in it for money, not for your kids. He might bring them up better.
See this shit right here!!! The answer is no… even if you work a judge will go based off of minimum wage in your location and the potential of what you could make… Especially with your kids being in school you wouldn’t be a stay at home mom you would be a f-ing couch potato who lives off the system…
Act like an adult and take care of your kids. I have worked 2 jobs to support my kids with ZERO child support!!! Grow up!! You aren’t with him anymore, it’s his job to support your kids NOT YOU!!!
First depending on your state u need to call dor child support request that they file a new case to review and do an increase once it goes to court a determination will be made they’ll have you fill out a financial statement. My ex owns his own business and I barely got 50.00 every so many months my daughter is autistic I had him in for content of cs to the point it did no good I live in ma
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. If I quit my job to be a stay at home mom will I get more child support?
You can review the child support if you take more care of your children as is… but if you hit your job and then ask for more child support you are literally chasing the money…
I would work for the time the kids are in school and then ask for more support if you cannot afford the bills…
Bottom feeding dirt bags think like that
Sorry have to say but you are the reason women have a bad name…
This post is just all wrong my kids are 6 and 4 me and my husband both work full your kids are at school all day just like mine why do you need to be a stay at home mam if your kids are at school yes school holidays are coming up and people find it hard but loads of people out there do it
If you voluntarily leave your job you’re entitled to no help regarding benefits for approx 6 weeks,so you would have to hope you had savings to get you through.
And let’s be honest, unless your ex is pulling in tens of thousands a week, you won’t be able to live off the CS amount he pays.
Get a frickin grip. Imagine if the tables were turned and he decided to take a lesser paid job so he paid you less.
If your children were at the age they needed full time caring, not in school it may of been a possibility, but if you’re wanting to stay at home all day and claim money doing fuck all whilst theres family’s out there who need the help and don’t get it, you need to take a rein check, you need to not be point scoring and fuck your ex’s opinion you aren’t with him anymore. It doesn’t matter what he does, he sees his kids and pays what he needs to end of
It’s child support, not ex support.
Do you get any benefits now? Like UC? If you do you will be sanctioned by them. Your reason is not good enough to give up work.
You would need to be at work as both your kids are at school. If you became a stay at home mum and used the UC ( if you’re not on it already) then they would expect you to look for work. There is no getting out of it.
Why should your ex pay for you to live? And everyone else ?
Keep your job, provide for your kids. Maybe ask the father to pay a little bit more.
When on benefits they make u look for work as soon as your child get to school age (age 5) so it definitely won’t benefit you seems your children are not at home all day and cs is not based on your situation its based off father’s earnings and how often they have the children
You can do whatever you choose. But no you wouldn’t get more child support. If your a single parent you’ll already be getting all that your entitled to as a single person for your child anyway. The only thing that will change is you’ll go from getting a monthly wage to £320 as that’s what you get from dole/UC now. Your ex partner earning more money should not sway your choice. You wouldn’t get more money from CSA if your not working. And just because his money has gone up doesn’t mean yours will, if he provides evidence that his wahe has gone up and so his outgoing and he can provide proof you’ll find your amount will stay the same. If you want more time with your kids find a job that fits around school. And lastly if you give up your job, dole/UC wouldn’t give you no extra as your seen to of given your job up so you put yourself in that situation. Again if you no longer wish to work full time rather cut your hours, or change jobs to part time!
She should stay in work however if he earning more the law says he needs to pay more maintenance that’s just how it works it’s done on salary
Please tell me this is a joke…
I’m sorry, did I just read this right?
I’m not one for mum shaming in the slightest, each to their own and all but come on, someone have a word please!
I remember when I was struggling, had 3 jobs and couldn’t even afford food/heating and in conversation my sister turned to me & said ‘why should I go to work when I get my rent paid for me?!’
There’s workers and then there’s shirkers… #justsayin
Right so you want to give up your job and stay at home because your ex now has a better paid job and you want more cm. Well I’ve heard it all now
You will have to look for work you can’t just stop working and claim universal credit without good reason you would need a sick note or something.
You only have to work for upto 16 hours until your child is 13 though!
Jess Ellen Surman bruh
KeIsey Iouise Curtis
As if… have you read this back to yourself? Don’t be a dick.
Pay your taxes like everyone else just because their father earns more doesn’t mean you have to take it
What a pathetic loser😂
The complete lack of shame and situational awareness just drives it home. Your poor, unfortunate children and ex, I feel bad that they have to endure your existence…
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. If I quit my job to be a stay at home mom will I get more child support?
This is one of the most messed up questions I’ve ever seen on here. Support yourself!!! I feel bad for your ex-husband and you should be setting a better example for your children. Your ex is trying to better his life and you’re trying to capitalize on his efforts. Disgusting.
I don’t think that’s right. He shouldn’t have to take care of you, if you guys aren’t together. Only ones he needs to care for is his kids now. Not you.
Its not your ex’s job to support you. It’s his job to support the children 50%. You are that other 50% and it is your job to provide that financial support just as much as his. Most decent attorneys can prove that a recent voluntary financial change (ie…quitting a job) was done for financial gain or manipulation of the system and it will get you obliterated in court. You could even lose primary custody if it’s used against you. But also, do you actually deserve to have primary when you aren’t putting your child’s best interests first? Being petty to try to get more money from your children’s father isn’t putting their best interests first.
I don’t think you can just quit your job because he got a raise and you want him to pay more money. You might be able to get it a adjusted a little bit but, not just so you can stay home. Like you said I feel like a judge would look at it as you don’t have babies and they are in school most of the day. Good luck with all that!
It’s things like this that allow people to still knock moms who try to collect needed child support, the ones who say that women waste it, don’t deserve it, are just out for a pay day.
I raised my kids from ages 2.5 and 6 from a wheelchair (I’m completely paralyzed from the waist down due to a spinal cord injury). I couldn’t work and had no choice but to be a stay at home mom (which was amazing and a blessing, looking back, but wouldn’t have been the path I could have just chosen to take). I fought for every random child support payment I could get them to hold him to (which at its highest was 380/month), and never even tried for a review to up it because what was the point? If I were you, I’d thank God I still have the ability to work and an ex who makes the payments to begin with.
They go off of your earning potential and his to figure that number out. He does not have to pay you for what is basically a lifestyle choice for you (unless you left out details about why you physically can’t work from your original post).
Child support is just that child support.
He provides 50% and you provide the other.
I have a friend that tried this and the judge actually lessened his payments for c.s. because she chose to try to stay home. The judge literally told her it’s not his job to pay her Bill’s and dropped the amount.
The kids are in school there is no reason to be a stay at home mom
A good judge will tell you to get a job and help support your children. They are both you and your ex’s financial responsibilities. Kids aren’t meant to be a paycheck.
Go to work for your kids. Its not your exs responsibility to pay your Bill’s, just support the children…he has his own bills to pay. That’s not how CS works.
Why would you be considered a stay at home mom if your kids aren’t home? Why would he pay you more to sit at home while your kids aren’t there? I hope you have more sense than to ask a judge for this.
How you live your life should have absolutely nothing to do with what their father has or doesn’t have. Why do you want to quit? If your kids are in school, why would you want to quit your job? If it’s simply because you found out he is getting more money, that’s not fair to him because it’s not his job to pay your way. If you truly have a reason to stay at home, then that’s another thing but this post seems like you know this unnecessary and shady and are looking for the okay to go ahead and use this man.
I hope you realize that CS ends once they are out of school and turn 18. If I were you, I’d keep my job 1. To have that work history 2. To have some dignity and respect for yourself, because trying to live off your children’s child support sounds pretty pathetic. Now if you have some sort of disability, and receive disability support, then that’s your contribution in you also supporting your children, but if that isn’t the case, have some pride in yourself. Keep your job.
Wow It’s not his job to provide for you. Why should he pay for you to sit at home? And the kids are in school all day?? Lawwd have mercy the nerve of some people!
Is there a medical reason not to work? Otherwise, he shouldn’t be paying you to stay home. He should be paying for his part of the children’s needs, not yours.
It’s not the fathers job to pay you enough to make you not have to support YOUR children and pay YOUR bills.
A judge will calculate at least minimum wage as your income and have a field day with you if they thought for one second you were intentionally not working to support you and your children.
In fact he could give the kids to your ex if your ex is more financially stable.
It is unnecessary for you to be a stay at a mom if your kids are in school. He should not be completely responsible for 100% care of the kids plus you too. It’s a 50/50 thing. You pay 50% for the kids and he pays his 50% for the kids. Then you pay 100% for yourself.
It’s not his job to support you, it’s his job to help take care of his children, you as a mother are still suppose to support your children also, I never understood how single mothers could be stay at home mom’s like how does that even work.
Unless you physically can’t work I dont see why you need to stay at home
Child support is for the kids not you
If your kids are in school during the day and you quit your job to stay at home, you are not a stay at home mom. You are unemployed.
you basically admitted that you are doing this just because you found out he got a raise. its not about the kids in this case
It’s not his job to support you to live, come on. Its called “CHILD” support, not lazy mom support.
It’s not someone else’s responsibility to support YOU because YOU don’t want to work. Smh. Child support is just that. Support for his children…not to support you not working.
Sounds like you don’t need to be a stay at home mom. Maybe he should take custody instead of paying child support. This sounds like pure laziness… I’ve seen judges lessen CS because the mom decided she didn’t need to work. Also not his job to support you. Its child support. Not ex support. Get over yourself.
If he has to work to support his children so do you. Period.
If it falls out of your crotch, you’re supposed to help take care of it I think.
And you are the reason parents don’t want to pay child support. If he got a job that doubled his pay, just reevaluate child support based on his new salary. He shouldn’t have to pay to sustain your life.
With that attitude you deserve none it’s people like you who make us seem greedy.
While you’re entitled to the review, and will probably get an increase of CS due to him making more, you’re not entitled to him supporting you staying at home…it’s your job as a parent to support them too.
So you found out he got a pay increase, so you want to quit your job ? Poor guy.
Not really necessary for you to stay home and expect to be supported by child support. It isnt spousal support.
I’m sorry, but I see nothing except WRONG WRONG WRONG with you even THINKING THIS. I’m sorry, but you have to do your part. You cannot be a stay at home mom when you’re the only parent living in the home. If that’s the case, you may as well just give him full custody Since he’s the sole provider. I said what I said.
If you NEED support, you dont need kids. Hes obviously paying so why would you cause an issue just because you don’t want to work? If the kids are in school you should be working just like he is. Sounds lazy and bitter to me and I hope if you decide to take it to the judge he says the same thing to you. I truly hope this is a joke because wow…
And you are part of the reason we get judged so hard that get cs!
Why should he pay for you to sit home while your kids are in school
I would recommend finding a job that fits your children’s school schedule. As a single mother myself I could never! I miss my babies but I love my money and independency. My children’s CS is extra money for us to do things together.