If I quit my job to be a stay at home mom will I get more child support?

I never comment on things…but this, this makes me furious. Be happy to have CS to help support your CHILDREN and be happy you have a job, especially now. Sounds like all you see your kids as, is a paycheck. Tell me how that looks to your children! What are you teaching them…it ok to have kids and you can use their other parent as money?! If your children are not disabled, no need to stay home. Teach them to do something amazing in their life, not lazy. You’re just being selfish


You give us stay at home moms a bad name. :woman_facepalming:t2: Lazy tbh, I’d love to be out working if daycare wasn’t so expensive and I trusted anybody else with my kid.


Is this a serious question? This can’t be real…. Sometimes I swear that people post the most outrageous and ridiculous questions just to get a rise out of people…


So if he quit his job then he doesn’t have to pay anything right? that’d be my next move with your logic


Please don’t do that to him. He pays you child support, he may be struggling himself and found a good paying job. He should not be punished for that. He does what he’s told. You’re being greedy. Find a job that would allow you to be home with the kids if that’s what you’re wanting. It’s not fair to take a free ride off of someone trying to do what’s right by paying you child support already.


When I left my husband I never even asked for child support. It makes me proud that I raised a wonderful, caring man (now in his 20s) on my own. I would rather work to provide for my family then expect someone else to provide for them.


He most certainly should not pay you more to stay at home to be with your kids. From the sounds of it you are plenty capable of working. What you don’t want to work? Who does? I’d love to stay home do the stay at home mom shit, but that doesn’t pay the bills. Working and making money not the child support increase. If he has a new salary talk to him separately. But you saying you want to stay home and use the child support is complete bull shit and you’re part of the problem as to why STRUGGLING single parents can’t get more. You need to re-evaluate the reasoning why you want the Increase and staying at home. Seems the priority is wrong here & you’re being vindictive.

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No because in the eyes of the law the child support is only for the child. It is intended to help for costs of the child only.


Beyond disgusted! This is what is wrong with the system. People trying to take advantage. It is not that mans responsibility to support YOUR lazy ass! If your kids aren’t home— you absolutely have ZERO reason to be a SAHM mom. And you definitely should NOT receive a bump in CS because you CHOOSE not to work. Ridiculous!

I know this post is anonymous, but I kind of wish it wasn’t, I’d report your ass so quick, women like you piss me off, if you want to be lazy, that’s on you, don’t take it out on the father if he is already paying his dues. What you are is trifling. Trifling ass gold digger.

If you quit work, then go to school and get a degree or certification or trade school… you won’t regret it… being home all the time is darn boring


I’m A single mom I work I get very little child support if any. And I don’t make enough to stay home and not work.

Soo he has to support you and the kids then with the “child” support??..

No. I was working full time and caring for my disabled child, the dad motioned and was granted to lower the child support . The woman judge told me to get a second job.

Your kid’s are in school full time. Just go to work. It’s your job to support them.


I wish I got child support I work a full time job and have never received a dime from my baby dad. I couldn’t imagine sitting at home doing nothing while my child was at school :thinking:

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This is gross. Don’t be lazy and go to work.


Sorry but it’s not your ex’s job to support you. If you can’t afford to support your children on your income and what cs you get then give the children to your ex


He should file for custody since you’re obviously incapable of providing for those kids. Then you could pay him child support.


This shouldn’t even be a question wtf🤦🏻‍♀️

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You are a low life piece of shit at least the bloke is paying childsupport and because the bloke gets a pay rise you want to take it off him you’re an oxygen thief your grub :rage::rage:

Oh so you want to stay home because your children’s father earns more. Yea that sounds morally correct especially since none of your kids are at home. I’m sure a judge will see complete sense in that.


I require this to be satire.


Well certainly take him to court to get an increase but with kids in school full time you can work pt during the day. Save that money for the kids for future issues. You have been living on what he gives you already. What is purpose of sitting home all day? I don’t think you should do that. I was a single parent most of my kids lives but sitting home all day is not teaching them anything.

You still have to pay your half for the child.

Wait what? :skull: listen if the father of your children you’re not in a relationship with can afford for you to stay at home with your kids cool but looks like your ex can’t afford to let alone want to since it’s not his job to sustain YOU but in reality it’s your kids child support is for the kids

Wtf… did I just read


Is this a real question ??? Wow

In my opinion, child support is for the kids, not for you to live on. If you want to be home more, get a different job that allows that… my daughter is 3yrs old and the most she’s ever gotten from her bio dad is 50 bucks I had to use for diapers and clothes. My now husband pays more in child support a month on his 2 daughters than we do in rent, and we’ve made it to where we are now… I’m allowed to be a stay at home mom now because we can afford it now. If his ex wife had the case reviewed and our child support heightened we would probably be living with his parents again… so instead of thinking selfishly like that, think about him and his life. Child support is for the kids, not to punish the baby dads.


If they are both in school, why stay home. I was excited to go back to work when my kids were old enough to go to school. Is it for health reasons or you just don’t wanna work?


I got 2 kids. A 4 year old and 2 month old. Don’t get any child support from either father. I work 2 jobs to support my kids. Even if I got child support I would still work 2 jobs. My kids deserve the best life. And kids aren’t cheap. To do anything to enhance their life costs money. So I have to work. You’re lucky you get child support so stfu. Some of us struggle hard af and have to hustle just so they kids get to eat. Don’t be selfish. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Wowsers that’s obviously why his an ex husband.
Literally no reason for her not to work

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You’re so lucky to even get CP. I’m a single mom with no child support and I lost my job due to covid. You should be grateful for what you get and the job you have.


This is a joke right??!

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I have a legit question….Have you always had a job? If yes, Why now that the kids are in school do you want to be home 24/7? Do they have medical/behavioral issues that require you to be at their immediate availability? What about Health Insurance for yourself? What about when that 12 year old turns 18….then what? It’ll be hard for you to return to the workforce. Why not continue to work…ask for a CS review (you’ll most likely have to pay an attorney) and put that “extra” money away for THE KIDS emergency needs/college. Because FYI…He doesn’t have to pay for college.


Duh lazy milker if you don’t need to be stay at home mom to take care if the children why do you need to quit your job …… I understand why you have an x

Okay here’s the truth of the situation, if he started earning more money after the original order was enforced yes he would be required to pay more in child support, however the amount of support you receive is for the sole purpose of supporting the children, not you. I’m not going to come down on you like others have in response to your question because as every single parent should know it is very difficult & tiring raising children on your own, having to work and take care of a household & never having a moment for yourself but the fact remains you can not live off of the money that is intended for the care of your children and you should not want to. Maybe find a job where you can work from home or a job that is less demanding of you.


So basically you want to sponge off your ex husband because he got a better job?
Wake up sunshine


To many people having children for child support

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Ummmmmm REALLY!!?? Dang just keep your job and be thankful you get any CS at all! Don’t be a mooch and quit just because your EX is bettering his job position :woman_facepalming:


I cant believe you would put that out for all to see. I hope the x sees this


If you quit your job voluntarily they will keep your calculations for income the same.

You sound selfish :unamused:


Depends on the state you live in, but generally you can get more because he makes more, but not because you choose to stay home. That’s on you, you can expect him to support your lifestyle. Especially since kids are in school all day.

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If our BM decides to stop working just because she wanted to, they will still look at her last income when factoring it in. It also has to be 3 years or a change of circumstance (such as she had another baby) for them to change child support. I will say that if you are just quitting because you don’t feel like it or just want more money from him, then you are a sorry individual. I’m sure if you took him back for an increase they will want a valid reason for quitting, such as you are now disabled.
He is not a paycheck and you need to consider what you are doing. The more money you take from him, you are taking from the kids as well. He will have less money to do things with the kids on his time, provide the best home for them, or live a life from you which is clearly what he should be doing.

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Wow, just wow. :woman_facepalming:t4:


:sweat_smile: Is it necessary? Do you have an actual, legitimate reason to even stay home, or are you just wanting more money? If you request a review, regardless everything will change because he is making more and its based on what he makes now, not then. But its kinda greedy to want more money just to stay home and, like, why? Your kids are in school lol it seems completely unnecessary for you to be a stay at home mom.

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You sound shady, greedy and lazy AF. Ain’t no way SMH.


It’s either pay a sitter or stay home with your kids personally I’d rather stay home with my kids that does me not make me lazy and worthless


Wow not throwing any disrespect here but personally I think you should thank God that you have an ex that actually pays child support for his children - it’s not to support you and the children it’s for his children and you should do your part in the taking care of them. If you have majority custody of them and he only has visitations you are being greedy and selfish in my personal opinion. Why would you now decide to be a SAHM now that they will be in school full-time when school is in? Be thankful that you have a job and can support your children bc there are so many out there right now who can’t but would love to be in your shoes with a job. You can always go through the courts and a revision done on the amount if you feel the need but remember he has a life as well and if he’s doing for them and has always done for them as the court ordered be happy. Just my opinion.


What’s it like to feel entitled?!?!


I wish I got enough child support to be a stay at home mom. My 180 I get if he even pays it won’t let me do that shitttt. On the other hand if the money you are getting right now helps u take care of ur kids that should be what matters!

Most likely your child support will not change much. In the state where I reside, if your child is over 18 months, your income will be imputed meaning they will calculate child support based on your income now because you have proven your ability to work. You can’t just expect that if you quit your job that he has to pay more child support. Why wouldn’t you want to financially contribute to your children anyway? Why do you need to be a stay at home mom if they will be in school 9 months out of the year? Sounds like you need to reevaluate the purpose of child support.


Can’t wait for your kids to be older. Then zero dollars income and you have no job or likelihood of getting one.


Now thats a duck move. Like really? I pay child supportto my ex husband and he never reports when I get a raise. Because I have soon to be two other kids by someone else. And hes a narcissist cheater. The judge is prob gonna laugh you because you wanna be a sahm to kids who are in school. Why would you wanna live off a fixed income of child support? I was a single mom for a few years with two kids. And I still paid my child support which is pretty up there because my case was set up during the time I was homeless so I wasn’t paying rent. I worked two full time jobs even pregnant with my 3rd. I worked 80 hrs a week just to make sure my kids had a roof and I paid child support with one of my full time jobs. Becausw of my order they told me they were not going for any more support because I pay what my order says. Even now I’m on baby 4 and pay a heafty amount. (Thank gosh for my boyfriend or id have to figure out a 2nd and 3rd job all over again) I think you need you need to be an adult and keep your job.

My momma always told me NEVER DEPEND ON A MAN.

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Work while your kids are at school or get a sugar daddy either way it’s clearly not about the kids


So what you’re saying is you want to play the system and make him pay for your support as well as your kids? Sounds pretty pathetic and trashy. It’s just as much your job to support your children as it is his. Any judge with common sense would laugh in your face for that level of stupidity


Just do a review please. You shouldn’t be living off your ex’s salary. If he makes more, you get more for the kids. I don’t believe It matters how much you make. A father still needs to provide from his income regardless …

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It Is absolutely unnecessary for you to be a stay at home mom…

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I can’t with you! :joy::joy::joy:. Sorry , I’m not perfect but dayuuummm woman. Why not work and get that CS. You lucky you even getting what your getting. Left my baby daddy over 14 yrs ago. Seen about 500 since then for OUR 4 children. They grown now so the money don’t matter. Point is, dot quit your job. What if he gets laid off or disabled or worse. How will you continue to provide consistently for your children??? I mean, by ALL means, do what you want cause it ain’t gonna hurt me personally at all. But you asked so I responded! :woman_shrugging:t4:


How is this even a question!? You’re literally a piece of shit! I bet you’re one of the moms too that barely let’s the dad see his kids, dad can’t have a girlfriend around your kids, dad can’t take your kids on vacation all while you want to sit on your ass and collect money from him. He’s obviously doing something with his life, how about you try to do the same instead of trying to take someones money away from them because you want to sit on your ass. I feel bad for the poor sucker that knocked your dumbass up!

Its people like you that give “baby mamas” a bad name. Sick.
CS money is to help support the kids. NOT YOU!!! And not 100% financially support the kids.
They’re your kids too and you need to do your part in taking care of them. Including financially. Grow up!


I’ve seen this before. The judge will ask you why you left your job, and when it’s discovered it was voluntary, no increase will happen.

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Girl, take your ass to work like the rest of us mothers do & quit being greedy🙄

Stay home by yourself all day to try to collect more support!? :laughing::laughing::laughing: yeah go ahead & try, it’s a great idea

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If you were to tell a judge this they will laugh in your face you do not volunteerily quit a job and expect more money when you can work


Weather you are working or not has no bearing whatsoever on how much cs you get. Only the amount he makes is how they figure up your percentage.

You are a disgusting person.

You straight up don’t deserve your kids. That poor father…


Child support is about the kids not to support your living and be the only thing financing you. Did you re read what you put before you submitted it? CHILD support, not YOUR support.


You spelt “I want my ex to support me while I stay home for absolutely no reason” wrong :expressionless:


Or here’s an idea… make your own money instead of taking that poor man for all he’s got :woman_shrugging:t2:


You need to provide for your kids as much as he does. You both made the decision to have children, therefore you both need to be financially responsible for them. Child support is for the children not the ex.


I was told I get less. It’s based on income of your living situation and his on a formula based different from state to state. It was explained if I worked more hours than what I had at the time he would owe more child support but because I was only getting 24 hours at best at that time. So it may actually lower your support or it will stay the same.

People like you are whats wrong with this world. You expect the dad of the kids to support you to stay home and be lazy. Yall aren’t together you are not his responsibility! Stay at home mom to kids that are in school is NOT a stay at home mom :unamused: like wtf


And we wonder why us “baby mommas” get such a bad rep :upside_down_face: switch your hours. Go to work when your children are at school. Be at stay at home mom when they’re home…


So u want to stay at home to be a stay at home mom while your kids are at school so their dad has to pay to take care of them and you??? No wonder these men are bitter Jesus …


I am at stay at home mom to 2 toddlers who are not in school yet. With that being said, I am able to be at stay at home mom bc I am married and my husband works hard and has a good job that enables me to stay home. Sometimes families have to outweigh the cost of daycare vs the cost of the money that parent would make working, and 9 times out of 10 it is just easier to stay home. I don’t think this is how it works though if you aren’t with the child’s father and he is paying child support for them. That money is for 50% of their expenses and needs and you provide the other 50%. Now I realize that diff in salaries and amount of child support received may differ as far as actual split down the middle and be more like 60/40 or whatever… but you are still responsible for supporting yourself and your “half” of your children’s needs. I am blessed to be a stay at home mom, however as soon as my kids are in school, I will definitely be Finding a job. I can’t imagine being a stay at home parent while my children are in school all day?? However, this is your life and none of what we all say here will truly affect your decision. I feel like you have your mind made up. With his increase in salary, yes your support should prob go up, but you are still responsible for your portion and therefore I don’t think you should quit your job. Also, a judge may see that as trying to take advantage of the situation and not reward you more support. Is that a risk you are willing to take? Good luck to you and with your decision, however it works out :slightly_smiling_face:


In NZ if your getting government financial assistance you wont see child support as its paid to the crown

Here is one of those times that my mouth would get me in trouble. So I’m going to be an adult and just keep it shut. You should try it sometime, too.


You quit your job before even thinking about this??
1: your kids are at school all day so there’s no reason you can’t be at work
2: child support doesn’t increase because you CHOOSE not to work
3: you can’t just quit your job and expect your ex to be your source of income because you in some way just wanna be lazy​:roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


#1-you suck.
#2-Here in my county/state child support is based on overnights.


Your ex could get upset and go to part-time on purpose. So he would pay less CS.

This is why I don’t like a lot of child support women. Unfortunately, I know a woman that does this and it’s disgusting. Child support is NOT about you or your needs. It’s about the children. He’s not paying to take care of you, you are your own responsibility, he’s paying to take care of his kids, that’s it. You want nice things or nails done? Work for it! That’s not his job to do for you. He takes care of himself and his kids, you need to grow up and take care of yourself and do your part financially supporting those kids. You choose to have them so now you have to provide for them. If it’s such an issue then they should live with him and you can pay up.


This is a complete joke…right?! No no you can not do that! Child support is there to help with the needs of your children! Not for you to collect so you can sit your lazy ass at home! Both your kids are in school! There is NO NEED for you to be a stay at home parent! You dont make enough money?! Go get a better paying job! A judge will laugh in your face!


You can do a child support review to update payments based on new income information, but if you don’t actually need it and if he helps with the kids then you shouldn’t even do that. You just sound lazy. You should continue working to provide for your own household and so you can put some money into savings for your kids and have money for yourself. Your kids don’t need you to stay home, there’s no reason to. Your kids need you to set a good example of responsibility and human decency, but this is not it.


What on earth did I just read?! I hope this is a troll question and not serious… for the the love​:woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:


There’s no such thing as “baby momma” support. So just stop.


I think it’s just to get people riled up.

Sounds like my boyfriend’s ex wife, PATHETIC

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And this is why men quit jobs to avoid child support, or to better their own lives. Grow up. For real.


:face_vomiting::face_vomiting: This is the most absurd thing I’ve seen all day!! You are exactly the stereotype that gives women a bad reputation.
Go ahead and quit your job, I hope your ex gets full custody- then you can sit around and be lazy all day and shirk any bit of responsibility! :woman_facepalming:t2:


This is absolutely disgusting and so are you. Just to reiterate what countless other people have already said, child support is meant to ASSIST with SUPPORTING the CHILDREN. It is not a “Get Out of Work Free” card. That money isn’t for you and is not designed to be the sole support for the children. It is your responsibility to provide at least 1/2 the financial support for your children. If you aren’t going to work and contribute to their welfare then they shouldn’t be in your custody, period!


Women like this make us hard working single mothers look bad. If you have always worked keep working.


Girl, you better take your lazy ass to work and put in for a modification if you want more child support. I hope you posting this is a joke. Your kids are in school. No reason to sit at home on your ass.

This is so stupid and selfish. You sound horrible.

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You’re a pathetic piece of shit.

No wonder why y’all aren’t together anymore.


Is this for real? You sound lazy af. Please do a review. So a judge can laugh in your face.


Are you really asking that question? You are lazy trash.


So you want to quit your job that you don’t have to quit to stay at home even tho they both go to school most the day just so he can pay for you to volunteer to stay at home… Bc he got a higher paying job?


My son is 11 and I would have loved to been home more with him but even with child support I have to work a full time job and even work over time averaging 10 to 15 over time cuz even with child support I don’t get enough to work part time so I can spend more time with him!!! My ex has never met my son or bought anything for my son every thing my son has I have worked for and will continue to work even tho at times I wish i was home with him more people that dont work and eat up getting child support is why some of that work still need more can’t get it!!! I’m sure every mom would love to be a stay home mom but unfortunately it’s not an option for some people!!!

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