If I quit my job to be a stay at home mom will I get more child support?

Nope they’ll typically go off what you were making or what minimum wage is. It’s not like you have a disability and can’t work. You’re just lazy.


It’s both of your responsibility to support the children not his alone.


Its women like this that give the rest of us a bad name. Girl, NO! It is not his job to support you, that’s why it’s called child support not family support. Go to work, pay your own damn bills and quit trying to use your ex as a meal ticket! You go to court with this crap and you could end up losing the kids. Why not be a good example to them by showing that working hard gets you what you want, not using other people!


No judge will increase so you can sit home that’s crazy. Baby daddy is responsible for his kids not your bills


No you won’t, especially because they are school aged and during those hours you can be working


It’s unnecessary to be a stay at home mom when your children are out of the home 8 hours a day five days a week.
It is not his job to support you.


Don’t know about staying home but if he’s making more money why not pay your kids more since you have them full time! Small amount of child support is a joke when one parent have them full time


Its not the fathers job to pay for you to stay home. It’s to help support your children


Umm No… I know times are hard just keep on keeping on… you have to be able to support them also.


You are entitled to an increase of his income increased. You are not entitled to more just because you want to quit your job.


You will be voluntarily underemployed in the courts eyes!!! Work to support ur kids!!!
Ur hashtag :roll_eyes:


People like this is part of what’s wrong with this world today. It’s not his responsibility to pay all your bills while you sit at home.


I mean this with all due respect… GIRL BYE!!! Those are your children… you should WANT to ensure your children are taken care of… go to court if you feel that is fair but if he has been paying child support and taking care of his kids good for him for trying to better himself! They are your children not a pay check!


Lol honey it’s child support. Not an income. It’s meant only to help support the child. It’s not meant for you to live off. It’s only to help for the children. I wouldn’t quit your job. It’s not his place to support you.


If the support you’re receiving doesn’t include his new wages, you can ask/request that they reanalyze/adjust the child support orders, therefore possibly adjusting/increasing the amount that the court feels is due to you. That is the only way you would receive more child support. Good luck!


Is this person actually serious!? Gross.

As a matter of fact, yes. Please quit your job and mooch off of your child’s father. Do it until your youngest is 18. Thats 11 years, then once that’s done and the child has aged out and then go apply for a job and explain your lack of work history to your possible employer. Do it all so they could look at you with the same expression I currently have on my face after reading that.


Nope. His child support is based soley on the percentage of his income based on how many children.
You arent his responsibility. The children are.


First of all…
He’s not YOUR daddy.
Second, you’d have to file for a modification with the court and PROVE you NEEDED to be a SAHM for HIS children. He’s not a free ride just because he got a better job and you want to stay home. :woman_facepalming:


Wait, what?! Just because your Ex got a better paying job doesn’t mean he should have to support You while you stay at home. :thinking: He’s suppose to help support the kids, Not You. & Hopefully the Judge would call bullshit on that. I can see being a stay at home Mom when the kids are young, not in school & you have a husband to support you or someone besides your Ex Lol. But when they are in school most of the day, take your ass to work & support yourself. :woman_shrugging:t3:


There is a very fine line with this concept . For instance if daycare costs you each $500 per month , you might be able to negotiate an increase of $250 per month in support if you leave your job. This only works because you would be eliminating his $500 child care obligation .

However , if you essentially quit your job simply in order to get more support - it likely won’t go well and be seen as a scummy move. A judge could determine you are capable of providing for your kids. They could even give your ex full custody of the kids and order YOU to be the one who now has to pay support. I wouldn’t recommend going this route


Family Law Paralegal here, you can request a child support modification every two years (in GA) or if there’s been a substantial change in circumstance. His increase in income is a substantial change and the judge will consider it and possibly increase the child support. You still have to impute some income on your end even if it’s at minimum wage Or the courts will consider what you could be making if you were working and impute that income.so no quitting your job will not increase his child support however his increase in income possibly can but The law does not typically allow for him to pay you to be a stay at home mom. As a paralegal I cannot give you legal advice I’m just letting you know how it typically works.


I could see u staying home as a stay at home mom if you all were together. I’m a stay at home mom I do work some but my man (daughter’s father) is the primary bread maker but WE ARE TOGETHER WITH OUR DAUGHTER! I dont work a lot because I have Multiple Sclerosis so I can’t do what he can. But we are still a family. If I had child support from him it wouldn’t be his responsibility to support me and our daughter so I could do nothing. I am a true stay at home mom with school cooking cleaning and activities. This is just a messed up way to treat your children’s father. It just sounds lazy honestly and like gold digging. I’m sorry just being real


I don’t understand how this even became a question for you to ask or think is okay… CS isn’t for you & it honestly sounds really shitty you want to raise it because you think it can potentially increase to where it supports you & you don’t have to work :woozy_face:
From the sounds of it, you’ve been doing it all wrong.
Don’t get greedy because you don’t want to work because if it was that simple, NO ONE would. :woozy_face::roll_eyes:


LMFAO women. I can’t believe someone even thought in the least bit this would be okay to even ask. Your fortunate enough to even get support some parents do it all by themselves and never ask for anything! This is just beyond disrespectful. Not only to your baby daddy but to your kids.
A kid raising kids.


I’m confused as to why you would quit your job when your children are in school full time not to mention a 12 year old who can stay home alone for a few hours if need be. Sounds like you just don’t want to work ? It’s not your husbands job to support you it’s his job to support your kids 50 percent. Hard to be classified as a stay at home mom when your kids aren’t there. At the very least you can work part time and be home for them when they get out of school if it’s really the kids you’re worried about …This post is pretty transparent …… I don’t think you will find a judge anywhere that will allow you to quit your job and increase child support


Child Support should be used to only go for your children’s needs, if you stayed home it would be going towards your needs too. Look into finding a job you can work from home, there’s so many out there now.


If you aren’t financially capable of caring for your kids the dad could also file for full custody and probably win.


Wow I think that’s ridiculous. You want to milk your ex/Baby daddy for more money because you found out he’s making more money? That’s so shameful. Keep your job and go ask the judge to review your child support case. His job isn’t to support you so you don’t have to work. His job is to help provide for his kids and if that’s what he’s doing, be happy. There’s plenty of men who don’t support their kids. This is the most selfish question I’ve ever heard someone ask.


Minnesota has a child support calculator. You enter the numbers and that’s what you pay. Surprisingly, the more total income between the two parents, the more child support paid. I’ve been paying child support to more than one mom for over 20 years, missed maybe 3 or 4 payments total due to job changes or layoffs et cetera. My kids have always been a part of my life, despite a deadbeat mom in the mix. The fact you want to do this is disgusting, and I hope everything goes wrong for you


Sounds like he is trying to better his life by getting a better paying job, and you are trying to take the extra he is getting. I am all for child support, but let’s be honest, it’s hard to make ends meet when you have a big chunk coming out each week. Also, child support is not to support you, it is to support your children. There is no reason to quit your job to be a stay at home mom to school aged children. If you don’t like your hours, find a job while they are at school. Period. Some people seriously floor me.


No you wouldn’t and you might get less because you’re purposely trying to milk him for more. Child support is to support your CHILD, not to pay your bills. It’s disgusting that you would even consider this and you’re just being lazy.


Honey you’re a single mom, you need to work and support your child it’s not all on him. I have a husband and a child and we both work. Stay at home moms are not for single moms. Be a boss babe and don’t depend on any man.


That’s neglectful on your part! he can just turn it around in court that he can afford them and you cant so then when he gets the kids you’d end up paying him and having to work anyways…lol…stay in your home lane and see if it can be revised as they are bigger and required more but no def don’t quit the living youve made…if the children require more (sorts,clubs,what not) then see if you can get it adjusted…otherwise be happy you receive what you get! .


CHILD support. Read that again. CHILD. He is legally required to support his children. He won’t be required to pay anything towards you just because you don’t want to pull your own weight and continue to work to support yourself. That’s not how the system is set up. Rethink your thoughts.

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You will find more self worth if you have a job to do your 50% in raising your kids. It’s both parents responsibility to take care of the kids. You can’t expect your ex to take care of you. You are not his responsibility to take care of. Please do your part.


Unless you’re planning to take your kids out of school and do some sort of homeschooling/unschooling/etc I think it’s wrong to stay at home if the kids aren’t there with you.


Wow…women like you give single moms a bad name… it is NOT your ex’s responsibility to take care of you. You are a grown ass woman. I can’t believe you actually had the audacity to even ask this…and what happens if he loses his job…then what happens? Absolutely ridiculous…


If you are self sufficient and capable of working, why wouldn’t you want to be an independent woman? Why would you choose a life where your money is controlled by your ex? If your kids are in school you don’t have to be a stay at home mom. Get a job, be free of him, get your own income.


I’ve been a single mother for years. I’ve busted my ass to provide for my kids because their father seems to think child support should cover everything they need. It barely helps with anything they need, so I provide the majority while he gets to be the fun parent taking them on trips every weekend he has them. Pay your own bills, it’s not his responsibility!

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This is a joke right? The point of CS is to make up for not having that two parent household. Not to support mom because she’s too lazy to work. Especially considering your kids are in school all day. I feel sorry for the kids and the dad because I know you’re hell to deal with.


I’m sorry but this is terrible. Wanting an ex to pay your bills so you can stay home and do nothing since your kids aren’t even home ‘most of the day’. Let the man keep his hard earned money and continue working to help finically support your children.


No matter how much money he makes, it is still your responsibility to provide half of the support for your children. Wether you are a stay at home mother or not. You can be a stay at home mom if you choose to be. But not at his expense. If the only way you can afford to stay home is to rely on him, you should re-evaluate your plans and find a remote position.

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Um…first you don’t need to quit your job to get an increase. Secondly…where do you live that you can support kids on cs alone? Lastly I’m trying not to judge…but I had 3 kids, one who is on the spectrum and yet I worked and put myself through school and never missed a drs appt, school play, or doing their homework and cooking them dinner and I know plenty other moms that do to. Quitting so you can stay home…and do nothing until they get home…unless you are planning to go back to school or training of some sort to better their life and yours in the future sounds lazy and selfish. It’s not his job to pay for you to sit at home. While I do know how much work goes into being a mom…all day every day so I won’t say you aren’t doing your part bc I don’t know you. But just bc you are there every day for them…cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, driving them to and from…and he’s not doesn’t mean he should be paying for everything and you shouldn’t. How is forcing your kids to do without and not teaching them hardwork and independence good for them?


It sounds like you want alimony more the Children’s support which you aren’t entitled to if you were working while married.
Yall are separated now, the choices you are making are your responsibility not his

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I’m completely flabbergasted by this. How in the world do you think a SAHM gets to stay home while kids are at school and get PAID for it. I hope the judge makes YOU pay child support instead

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Sorry girl, but your ex is not obligated to make sure you can be a stay at home mom. That is extremely selfish on your part. Why do you need to be a stay at home mom anyway when your kids are gone all day?..it just doesn’t make sense. You can easily find a job with the hours your kids are in school. Be an adult and don’t expect someone else to make sure you can not work, especially your ex.


Yikes. It’s child support, not baby momma support. A good judge will tell you to get a job, you are each supposed to provide 50/50 for those children


Yeah you go ahead and take it to court and I hope the judge lessens his amount for support you get. Probably one of those moms that always has her hair and nails done and pawns the kids off to random people, babysitters and their grandparents so you can go out all night too huh?This is one of the most messed up things I’ve read in my life. Being a stay at home mom SUCKS, the loneliness, depression, isolation besides your children. Your kids are school age and gone for more than half the day and you want more money to sit home in your rear and do nothing? So basically you want to be lazy? Get out of here lady lol


He is not with you! He doesn’t need to take care of you! Take care of yourself and let him help with his children. You need to do some self reflection and think about how that would only benefit you and no one else.

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Go ahead and try. I had a friend it back fired on. She lost primary custody and got to pay him child support. Most courts are now giving the father custody over the mother.


This is awful. You should be ashamed for wanting to stay at home and let someone else support you. Take away from a mans honest living to pay your way. Child support is just that. Money to support the children. Not money to support you.

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I think you’re one of the reasons it makes it harder for moms to actually get child support when they NEED it. You’re just being greedy at this point. Your kids are in school so there’s literally no reason to be a SAHM

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So because he chose to better himself and succeed at his career he needs to be penalized and pay you more? I have my daughter full time and she goes to her dad’s on the weekends. He got a $2 an hour raise and do you want to know what I did? Nothing because that meant more for him to provide for my daughter when she’s there. The way some of you think blows my mind.


You are a parent also. You need to have an income as well to support your children. You cannot live off of the child support that’s meant for your kids.

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What a horrible question to even ask. Leave that man alone and stay your ass at work!


Why would you consider this an option?
What would you do if he stopped paying?
If he got hurt and couldn’t work?
Why would you stake the livelihood of your self and your children on child support?
His responsibility is help pay for the children, not you.


And yet we’re begging for help at my job and one of many reasons why i strongly support fathers! You’re able to work so do it!


Support you damn self… Ffs single mom 24/7 get no help from the dad as far as support goes but I’m struggling trying to keep him in their lives because I know they love him. Count your damn blessings, get off your ass and stop whining. :person_shrugging::person_facepalming:Shit no body wants to work anymore.

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I have a feeling that in this case if you present this to a judge the judge might see you as an unfit mother. What I’m trying to say is since u don’t want to work the judge will think how is this mother going to support her children and then give custody to the father. It’s what I think but still you should work just like how everyone else is saying your not your ex’s responsibility you need to support yourself and your children. I’m sorry, not sorry :woman_shrugging:t2:

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No, he won’t. Regardless of what he makes, you are still responsible for a percentage of the children’s cost, so a judge would still factor in you making minimum wage.

Sounds like you’re upset he makes more now, and you want a piece of the pie. Is the CS he pays not sufficient enough for the children’s coats? If not, you are entitled to go back and ask for an adjustment after 2 years. But, be careful what you ask for. He could request more time with the kids, or even joint custody reducing your CS. Do your research on the CS laws and calculator in your state.


This is ridiculous. He shouldn’t have to pay more because he got a pay increase when only X amount of money is actually needed to care for a child anyways. Good for him for getting a new job. I find it ridiculous you think you’re entitled to his pay increase. And why do you need to be a stay at home mom when like you said your kids aren’t even home during the day?

People are mind blowing. Men out here getting screwed by women like you and the system that lets them do it.


It’s not to support you. It’s to support your kids needs. Yes a roof and water and electrical they need but so do you. It’s not to support you. No you shouldn’t get an increase. There isn’t a necessity. He might just give them to him tho. He can afford it.

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Child support is based on his pay, not your lack of pay. It’s child support not baby momma support.


If you’re a single parent it really isn’t necessary to be a stay at home mom. That’s usually more when the kids are little because childcare is too expensive.

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No! You’re not his child. You’re a grown ass woman and a single mom, take your butt to work and hustle for you kids like every other single parent. Child support is only legally allowed to charge a certain percentage depending on how many children, and it’s for children only. Your kids are in school but yet you just wanna stay home and sit there? That just sound crazy and lazy. I have never met a single mother wanting to quit their job and make an ex pay their bills.

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If you can’t provide care for your children while you work the judge will give them to the father instead of giving you more money. You are a hott ass mess and if you are trying to use your kids as money they should prob go to their dad anyways.


They are your kids too and you are responsible for taking care of them. Also it is no longer his job to support you! Go to work and be grateful for what you have and are able to do for yourself!

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That’s not how that works. The judge won’t give you an increase just to stay home. He shouldn’t lose income bc you want to stay at home. He has a home to provide for the kids also. Why should they lose out on activities and things? Seems unfair and selfish. I had to quit working bc I’m disabled now. I never once asked for an increase even when I had basically nothing coming in. $150 a week for two kids and we did it without going to court. I would never do something to affect his home like that.

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Omg Fr?! Dude I get NO child support at all. He’s ordered to pay a lil 200/ month. But I can tell you if I did It damn sure wouldn’t matter if his pay increased it’s because he worked to get that raise NOT you!!! I could understand a little bit better if your kids were VERY small but they’re in school??? I can’t stand this post man that’s where “baby mommas” get looked at like gold diggers trying to live off their ex…. Man that’s some messed up logic straight up.


Your ex is not supporting you. He is supporting his children. There is no reason with the age they are at that you should be a stay at home mom. A judge is not going to make him pay your way in life. Honestly ridiculous you think him getting a better job means you get a free pass in life. He still has a life to live too he got a better job to help support his life not yours. SMH.


Unreal. You are literally trying to have your kids father take care of you also. Nope. I am a single mom to 1 and did get CS from her father…for her. Not for me. I worked and supported my household. Shame on you.

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My ex and I have two kids together, I left him 3 years ago, we haven’t even been to court because we just take care of the kids needs when we each have them…
I’m currently a stay at home mom until this fall I’ll be able to work again, and I personally can’t wait! If you’re fortunate enough to be able to work, why quit? From what you’ve explained, I’d leave it be. My ex is still bitter that I left him and can be a total asshole to me sometimes but I would NEVER expect him to pay me so I could stay at home!! It’s his responsibility to take care of the child(ren), not you!

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My question back to you is how would you feel if you had 50/50 custody and had to pay him even a DIME let alone him quit because you got a raise and he wants MORE of your money. Let that sink in.


Wow… at least your honest about being a lazy leech. There’s no reason for you to not work when your kids are in school. :woman_facepalming:


I would understand if you had babies/toddler’s as even sharing daycare costs is insane when they’re out of school, but wtf you sound thirsty. I’m a stay at home right now with 4 kiddos by the grace of God, but once my 9 month old last of my babies gets into school in the next couple of years for Headstart I’ll be going back to school or working to help their dad out some with income.


That is a straight Gold digger question! Quit being lazy - show your kids what it is to be a responsible adult! SMH


Man & woman make kids together. They don’t work out. Man supports his kids, betters himself & gets a raise. Women wants to benefit from him working hard by sitting at home all day while the kids are in school.!!! Are you serious?? You make us look bad!! Better yourself don’t live off a man your not even with just because the state might allow it. RIDICULOUS.

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You have a responsibility to provide for your children too!! Maybe if single mothers got NO child support, people would actually try to stay together! If you can’t support your children yourself, maybe they should be with their dad who can financially support them. I feel bad for the guy honestly…

Whew … unfollowing this page right now. Can’t believe they even had the nerve to post this question. The system is so messed up. It’s Child support not Mama sit at home support!!!

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You are the reason genuine child support cases have so much trouble. Don’t be so dishonest, and also, is that really what you want to teach your children? I’d be trying to instil into them that you have to work in life, you work not only for money but to contribute to the community and also for your own mental health. Working means you have a purpose, teach that to your children, don’t set them up for generational failure by teaching them if you scam the system you win. There are enough dishonest people in the world (case and point), don’t raise the next generation to be dishonest and scammers. You have the chance to create great humans, by teaching them this so young, you just teach them laziness and scamming gets you through life.


This is why men want to review the child support case to be lowered. I don’t blame the men who do that. My deadbeat ex hasn’t sent anything since July of 2013 when he left us for a drug addict female, be grateful for the father of your kids is sending you something. Can’t handle them, sign over full custody to him. :woman_shrugging:t4::roll_eyes::unamused::face_with_hand_over_mouth::yawning_face:


C.H.I.L.D support. The real question is if your more than capable of getting up and working while your children are in school why wouldn’t you? Id be looking into an increase for child support for my kids to have more. Not for me to sit at home. Just because you want to stay at home while your kids are in school doesn’t mean he should have to pay you more. If you wanna sit at home get a job working from home.

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Hell no :-1:t3: it’s not right, why would you wanna become a stay at home mom?! Unless you have a terminal illness or a disability then no… you are just as financially responsible for them kids.

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And this right here is what is wrong with the child support system. This is why numerous single dads struggle financially. No, you should not quit your job to be a stay at home mother to your school aged children, simply because you’re greedy and want to take advantage of your ex husband and obviously jealous that he’s making double what he did before. Congrats to him for bettering himself and moving up the pay scale at his job! Shame on you! This post truly disgusted me. I watched my ex husband struggle for years. He made $75,000 per year, yet he lived in a run down one bedroom apartment because a judge saw it fit to take all but $550 per pay to give to his ex. As for me? I refused child support for our two children and provided for my children on my own to lessen the burden on him. What is wrong with people these days?! Rant. Over!

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I would say that a judge will look at the entire situation and deem that the needs of the kids are currently being met and if THEIR situation hasn’t changed that the CS won’t change either.
If you knowingly decide that you should live on CS alone the judge will see that - not the first rodeo they’ve seen.
Your ex may have doubled his salary but that doesn’t mean you get to stay home and have him pay for 100% of everything for your kids AND you. YOU aren’t his responsibility.
Unless you are expecting Alimony, I very much doubt that you will be successful in getting much more money, if any, from the man.

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Why would you be a stay at home mom if you cant financially support your kids that YOU have CUSTODY of​:exploding_head::exploding_head:

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You’ve answered both of your questions! 1 they are 7 & 12, in school and no need for you to stay home unless they are special needs. 2 if you voluntarily leave your job, why is your ex responsible?! They’re not! Absolutely no need for you to stay home! Get a diff job if you’re not happy where you are currently. :woman_facepalming:

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My brother BM tried this and my brother left the courtroom with custody of his child and her paying child support… It’s his job to take care of the children not you if you put yourself in a position where you can’t take care of your children intentionally than maybe they need to go live with dad until you can better your situation

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Why would you quit your job?? It’s also your responsibility to take care of your children as well as his. Kinda sounds like your a bit greedy and just don’t wanna work. If you don’t want to help support your kids why not just let him have them. Sadly more and more women do this. :roll_eyes:

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It’s different by state I’m sure, but my cs is based on both of our income. There’s a certain percentage of your monthly income that they look at that’s basically seen as needed to care for the child, if he makes more he pays the difference and vise versa. You could probably get the amount adjusted if he’s making a lot more money but I think it’d be pretty messed up to quit working for no real reason. CS isn’t meant to support you, it’s meant to support your kids.

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Sounds like a bitter baby mama to me! If you can’t afford to be a stay at home mom then you shouldn’t of quit your job. It’s not the fathers responsibility to take care of you!!! If you can’t take care of your kids then maybe your kids should live with their dad.

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Child support shouldn’t be for you to be able to stay home. That is to take care of the child. That’s it. If you needed some extra help with some bills then ask him. Don’t try to make more money off of him so you don’t have to work.

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Child support is to help care for your children. Not for you to be able to afford to stay home. Thats not fair to the father and to the children either.

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How would YOU feel if your ex did the same thing? Oh wait he can’t because the courts will take his driver’s license and then send him to jail. How about you not make this about money and just be a mom and do your best. Most kids would live in a cardboard box and be happy as long as you are happy. Are you happy? It doesn’t sound like it. You better be careful because there are plenty of dad’s who can parent alone nowadays… and they don’t care about getting child support either


Can you not review the child support ? 50-50 doesn’t mean exactly down the middle. What is fair is based of income. If he makes a significant amount more then you then he should be able to offer more of the support for the children. I don’t think you should quit and ask for more child support. If you are overwhelmed find a job that suits your needs. Like making sure you’re done at the same time your kids are done school.

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Not his job anymore to support you. You are just being selfish for wanting to stay home when the kids are in school.

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This makes me so fucking mad, who would really expect the state to agree to raise child support so you can sit at home. From your EX, not even your current so. This is what’s wrong with the world now a days


I swear some women are so lazy & stupid, yea no judge is going to increase child support because you quit work just because your baby daddy is making more money! Quit your job, you’ll probably lose your kids then you really wont have child support or even a need to work be like the rest of lazy society live on unemployment & government benefits


You’ll get more child support because his income doubled. Do the review. No need to be a stay at home mom when you are a single mom. Working is important but if his income is higher and your income is the same you will get more child support from the review.

You people are awful litterly have no idea her situation im sure she has a husband or another half that pays so she can second litterly says that he’s doubled his salary so yes hun yes u are entitled to 17% n then another 5% for each child their after 2nd child support is and does come in HER FUCKING NAME BC GUESS WHOS DOING 90 PERCENT OF THE WORK TO TAKE CARE OF THE KIDS NOT HIM SO SIT THE HELL DOWN ALL YOU