The judge will set your income at 40hrs/wk x what you are capable of making. (If you’ve been making $20/hr, your income will be set as that amount full time). I was in school full time and working part time and that’s how the judge set my income because while yes, I was investing in mine and my children’s future, he shouldn’t have yo make up for my lack of income. And I think that’s totally fair. You can just quit your job and expect him to pick up the slack.
Nope he should contribute but not be fully responsible especially if you’re his ex.
Lol, all of a sudden want to be a stay at home mom while the ex foot’s the bills! You got a stay at home boyfriend now also😂
This is selfish and dumb he can say u have no job he has a job and can provide for his kids and be granted full custody
CS is meant for the kids, not for you. Hence the word “child support”. It’s not his responsibility to take care of you as well if y’all are no longer together.
No. They won’t. Its not based on your income
Its based on his and what portion he would be contributing if he lived in the home.
Greed is an ugly thing.
And the judge could say well since you cant work maybe the kids should live with dad
Not his job to support you just cause you don’t want to work.
Why should he pay more to you just so you can quit your job.
Child support is for your child/children. You work for you and your bills. Not to be mean but ive always worked and my kids spent their child support money on whatever they wanted.
Child support is for your kids, not you…
Set better example for your child I’m single mum and I work part time
Why would you stay at home child support is just that!!! Its not x support!!! Am I the only one who sees something wrong with this SMH
FYI it’s kinda messed up anyway…I never would do that…but my ex took me to get child support dropped because my husband makes more than him supposedly and child support was set at 8.25 a hr got to court and judge told him 1 my husbands income doesn’t matter 2 My income doesn’t matter 3 asked him how much he made he was literally making 15 dollars a hour supposedly (he didn’t have pay stubs and is in the same profession as my husband so I know its more) and then they doubled his child support…I tried to warn him beforehand because we didn’t need more but he wanted to be a jerk and take me to court than I allowed the court to decide lol
If your kids are 7 and 12 there’s no reason for you to stay home and your ex be responsible for supporting the 3 of you. A Judge will likely just see you as trying to get your ex to support you and will probably leave CS where it is. Just keep your job and request a review with his increased salary. If it’s been 3 years since the last review it will go up.
Maybe you can but should you be okay with that maybe it’s just me who would die before I expected my ex to support me or my kid
Quit being lazy and work like a decent human. It is not your ex’s job to support you!
Yes they will see it unecessary!! Because of his raise be may pay a few dollars extra, like seriously?? Is this what some y’all women are doing now
Your children aren’t a paycheck and your baby daddy doesn’t have to support YOU, only his kids.
Lmao so screw the father of your children over and basically force him to support you so you can stay home? Especially stay home when your kids are at school? That’s trash.
I tried to take my ex to have the amounts adjusted, and they turned it into a compliance hearing instead (bc he quit his job in the meantime), offered him a lawyer, and told me the prosecutor “didn’t work for me.” I just wanted the review they tell me I can request when they send me a notice about it every 12 months Vowed then I’d never go back to court with him, and haven’t regretted it one bit. I just learned never to count on it…
It’s not his job to support you. That’s ridiculous. Especially when your kids are in school. Smh. The money is for your kids, not for you and all your bills. Wow
Lmao no. The judge will ask you what’s stopping you from working and why you think it’s ok to live off of child support
Wow. So because your ex has a better job you think you can sit at home?
It’s not his job to pay your bills.
Talk about entitled.
His job is to help support his children not you being lazy and staying home especially if they are in school… wtf. This is what makes us moms look bad that actually need and use the support towards our children and even working full time the cs it still isn’t anything close to sufficient for what we provide for them… do better please. That us not fair to the father ESPECIALLY if the kids aren’t even home:woman_facepalming:t3:
So all this aside… what would you do to provide if he lost his job and didn’t tell you? Think like a mom. Think like a provider.
Why quit though? If hes got a better job with better salary ask for a CS review and keep doing what you are doing
Can I have your ex name so I can tag him in this post??? But 1st I have to ask, are you actually being serious?? This is funny shit! I hope you understand that you too are responsible for YOUR children!!!
Wow. This is just ridiculous. Dont you see he has a life too. His job to support his children not you. And the audacity to try amd get more money out of a man is disgusting. Support yourself and your children they are in school for God sakes. Women like you make us women whos my child’s father who refuses to help me look bad bc we actually need the help. Youre a money digger.
This is called using your kids as a meal ticket. Its people like you that make me feel even worse for the dads that actually try to do right and get fucked for it anyway. If you were going to do this to him you shouldn’t have split up in the first place. Keep your damn job and work for you and your babies, dont rely on him to pay for everything for you through CS. Damn.
Hes not your man he shouldn’t have to support you! Hes your childrens father his job is to HELP you 50/50 take care of his kids.
Why is it fair you get to sit home and collect his money and not work. Get off ya butt and contribute to your kids life too. Maybe get a bigger place, take them on a better vacation.
Don’t be a bumb.
No, but they will increase it if he got an increase. I’m fact, it should double.
I would never expect my ex to pay more because I quit a job.
How would you feel if he had the kids and you were paying him CS and he quit his job cause you made more money?! Would you like supporting his wants and needs?! Hell no you wouldn’t! Keep your job and support yourself, you aren’t his responsibility
Aren’t your kids in school all day? Why do you need to be a sahm?
Don’t try it you will be sorry but you can take him to court for a raise in CS paymwnts for the kids because he’s making more $$. Plus I suggest you start ank or credit union accounts for you children so they have money when they get older. My grandmother and I did this for my kids when they were younger and I gave the bank book to them on their 18th bday
If you did a review there is a chance already that CS would go up since his salary doubled. If you quit your job though they’ll most likely tell you to get another one. Honestly if you do quit your job just to try and get more money you’ll end up looking like one of the baby mamas that just want your ex to support you too. If the kids are in school keep your job…otherwise you’ll just look lazy and money hungry to the judge and most other people.
In ohio, they will base her in minimum wage and 40 hours a week reguardless if she’s actually working or not. At least that’s what they did to me when I was working 20 hours a week
the fact that you even have to ask this is completely messed up!! For his sake i hope the court would see through all this
Um- he’s providing his part. If you have a job and you aren’t required to be a SAHM mom since they are in school, why would you? That’s awful.
Why tf would you stay home?? He’s not paying for YOU. You are not his financial obligation.
Child support is to support the child, not their unemployed mother who is fucking choosing to be unemployed. Wtf.
You don’t need an excuse to take him back to court. If his salary changed you have right to, it should be stated, at least in PA it’s like this. Why not help fend for yourself tho. You’re only hurting yourself when it’s time to collect. You can do both¬ be soo stressed. The money goes to food&boarding&the kids.
Wow some people like are you kidding??? So you want your ex to just pay all your bills so you can sit at home and do nothing??? Wow
Does his child go by his income but he should only support the children
In my state they use your last possible income. You are able to work and are choosing not too.
Is this a serious question? I don’t even know where to begin here, the stupidity is just overwhelming.
It’s half and half right he puts in half of the money for the kids and you put in half of the money for the kids. In my opinion it shouldn’t be just him paying Child support if you can’t afford yours kids switch with him and then you get on CS
Some women never see a dime for child support, so be grateful
Wow. I’m all for being a stay at home mom if a couple can afford and also chooses together to do that. Yes, your ex bsolutely needs to pay CS, & if he is earning a lot more now; an adjustment is acceptable. But for you to go from working to pay for your kids who are school age; to not working based on your EX husband’s pay increase is messed up. CS is 100% for your kid’s expenses 0% for you! Alimony is for your standard of living; if a judge awarded you that. It pisses me off when mothers use their kid’s money for their gain! I’d hope a judge would say such to you as well. How selfish and unethical.
Pretty sure you would be assigned an avg salary as if working. So don’t think you would see an increase even if he has to pay more
In sure a judge would see that as voluntarily giving up your income to take advantage of him earning more which isnt fair.
That’s Not How It Work If you do quit your Job doing it on purpose they will somehow know and lowers his payments
You can get more child support by asking. Purposely giving up your job trying to get more money will look bad on your part and it’s honestly just not smart
Well, if you can’t afford to be a stay at home mom then maybe you shouldn’t do it ?
When my ex wasn’t working cs agency took his potential earnings and used that for calculating. Assuming it’s like that for everywhere
Wow how bout u let him take the kids since u want him to fully support them. You need to grow up b a woman and take care of ur kids
So you’re trying to get a free ride off your ex?! How does that sound to you after you wrote it? Cuz if it didn’t sound messed up than there’s something wrong with you.
Why have kids if it were that easy? Seems immorality wrong.
Nope the court can order your previous income to count , even if you quit . If you are not working they will decrease your payments until you find a job . The responsibility is to those kids that money if for the KIDS. Not you to stay home .
If you’re kids are In school in person learning…why would you quit your job just to take more money from your baby daddy. …
That’s literally so selfish lol. Go out and work since your kids are in school daily. It doesn’t work that way fyi
That’s not right. A father shouldn’t have to pay more in child support just because the mother chooses to quit her job. If you want him to support his kids then you need to as well. I’m a SAHM and finances can be really tough on one income. If your kids are in school most of the day why would you want to be a SAHM?? It isn’t like you need childcare… my husband works third shift so it literally necessary for me to stay home bc he would get no sleep during the day and if I worked it would all go to daycare… your kids are in school so that isn’t an issue.
Child support is for the children not for you.
What are you going to do when you can’t live off support when your children turn 18???
I don’t think I’ve seen such a selfish idea. What if he loses his job? What if he dies! My gosh woman, did you think that one out?
I can’t believe you guys would even post this. He doesn’t have to support you for you to stay home, your kids are in school…go to work.
So rude. If u can work then work. Dont see y u would all of a sudden stop work just cuz ur ex is getting more.
I really pray that the op is dumb enough to tell the judge she quit for the father’s sake!
So let me understand, ex works hard , gets promoted and a raise so you want more to sit at home? Did I get this right? SMH
You could get an increase just because of his salary increase- no need to quit your job.
the court will most likely consider you “under employed” since you have no reason not to work.
Stay at your job! Why would u do that? Wouldn’t you make more money if you were working? He shouldn’t have to pay more
No. Judge will see that you quit your actual job and will make note of it.
I’d like to know how old these children are. People on here talking all ‘Screw you go to work’… Tell me in what world is there a good paying job that starts after 8:30 dropoff time and ends by 2:30 before pickup time…then also allows for SICK DAYS, HOLIDAYS, SCHOOL VACATION, SNOW DAYS…Who misses all that work while the kids are not at school? Who pays for sitters? Oh, uhhhh…looks like mum 99% of the time. Fkn FINANCIALLY crippled by the confines of being a decent parent, while dad works full time, over time, no worries about a drop off or a sick day, or a load of laundry, has NEVER left work for a sick kid.
I’m shocked at the negative, ‘oh the poor guy’ response you ve gotten here. . Ladies, we DO DESERVE more and it’s disappointing u don’t see it…still. I do 99% of the parenting, my ex hasn’t a care in the world and he can work whenever the hell he wants, school time, night time, wide open schedule bc of ME. But, hey, that’s MY JOB right, to be endlessly and tirelessly giving and sacraficing. Men aren’t expected to be parents AND work…even married ones. SMEH!
You can quit but after he finds out you did it JUST for that and tells the judge you able to work. It’s a no go. Plus they will base that support off of what you have the potential to make sometimes.
It is not your ex’s responsibility to support you.
Your kids are school age? What are you staying home for…?
The judge may not increase it they can actually lessen it. The judge will most likely see it as unnecessary
Can get a increase. In cs without quitting work. If haft to quit for health reasons or no child care then judge wouldn’t hold it against u.
In My state they will go off of your earning “potential” if a judge sees that you can make money - that’s what will count
How would you feel if he quit his job and had to pay you less…
Your kids should not be used as a tool to get more money out of your ex.
It probably depends on the state and your judge.
You can request a CS revision due to his increase in wages, you quitting your job will NOT increase CS.
Thus has to be a joke lollllllll. Lady is it Crack you smoke. How do you not see the issue with everything you just said lol.
It’s not his job to pay your bills because you’re lazy.
You sound like the type that uses child support as extortion.
Keep working but if his income increased a certain amount then you can file a modification.
Why can’t you keep your job n take him back for an increase? If u quit after that he can take you back for a decrease
They will still count income for you as 40 hours on a minimum wage pay. Yes you would get an increase unless he proved you quit then they could keep him the same. Depends on the judge
There is a formula in the system now but when I had 2 little boys, I had to find my ex, hire an attorney who stole the money, hired another attorney and finally attached his wages all for a $100 a month which was finally paid in a lump sum as I had to file a lawsuit for the amount or when the boys reached age 18 I would have gotten nothing and he wanted visitation alll for nothing. Times have changed but you don’t ever give up working and live off of the system.
Keep your job but go get the money part. Redone he may have to pay you more anyway
They will rate ur income as a 40 hour per week job at minimum wage regardless if u work or not. They should do a reveiw every 3 years or u can request one but it doesn’t always mean u will get a raise.
No, you don’t get more money. It is called intentional impoverishment and the court knows that game.
It’s the hashtag motherhood for me:rofl: if your kids are in school and you stay at home all day, you are not a stay at home mum. You are just unemployed:grimacing:
That’s effed up …. He’s paying his part you pay yours, he didn’t make them his self.
Why the hell should your ex pay for you to sit home? Your kids are in school that’s ridiculous
It’s not his responsibility to take care of you and your bills. No reason not to work while they are in school
They compute u as minimum wage. This is a fact because I didn’t have a job when we divorced.