Nope they base it off his income not yours.
Wow so because he makes more you want to punish him is how this is coming across but if you want more child support how about getting your case reviewd
If they aren’t home most of the day what do you need to quit your job for? Sounds like you just want to be lazy
I love how people are judging this woman … NOT
It takes two to tango
Of course he should pay the child support.
Get another evaluation done.
Whether you stay home or still work that shouldn’t make a difference.
Even thinking that quitting your job will make it better for your kids is NOT okay. You are just thinking of yourself at this point and being greedy for any extra dollar you can get. That money is to support his children, not you necessarily. Work for your own living and maybe open your eyes and see you BOTH supporting for your kids is the best for them. Quit being lazy, some people have to work their asses off and still can barely provide for their children. You’re a spoiled, selfish excuse of a mom.
You all are not married any longer so regardless of him making double his salary doesn’t make it able for you to quit your job to be a stay home mom when there in school full time because you are not his responsibility any longer which me you have to support them also not just him.
Income. Also remember the word EX!! You may jus get less than expected an also who to say since u want to be a stay at home mom he may get custody an you have to pay him. Its beat to get a job an hold it down like the rest of parents are doing.
She is entitled to more especially if he isn’t paying alot
Say it with me…CHILD Support. CHILD SUPPORT. Not SPOUSAL support. If you wanted him to support you, you should have stayed with him.
I highly recommend you don’t quit your job. My ex quit his high paying job just so he could pay less child support. Plus, child support is not forever. It makes you dependent on a person you divorced. The longer you are out of the workforce, the more you will lose whatever valuable skills you currently have. The only way I would say this is a good idea is if you are going to be a full time student working towards a new skill, career, something that is going to better your life.
Literally just saw this posted somewhere else……
ew. Why are you a lazy sack of crap who wants to live for free? Your kids deserve to live with him. Also, CHILD SUPPORT is for your kids. Not your lazy ass
i higly doubt this
CS is there to support the children. Not to pay your mortgage. It’s not his job. Don’t be a lazy sack. Work like the rest of us.
Just get a job working from home. There are many available. Have your own income.
Girl if you don’t take your self to work. You don’t ever depend on someone else to take care of your kids especially when you are able. What he is ordered to give is his part ( it may not be enough) but take it as a blessing. Do something to better yourself work, school or trade. Ask for more parenting time to give to him. Trust that’s more valuable than money.
If his salary is doubled than have it reviewed and maybe cut back a few hours to spend actual time with your kids.
Go to work while your kids are at school…is this even a real fucking question.
If he quits working can he cancel the child support?
Garbage question… Work your ass off like the rest of us and stop thinking your entitled to his money just cause he got an increase…
Are you homeschooling your school aged kids or just quitting to be bitter and live off his money?
Seriously? Child support is exactly as it says on the tin. Money towards supporting children. It isn’t up to him to fund your lifestyle. You have just as much of a responsibility as him to support your own children. Wow!!
Just give him custody.
You lazy cunt
That’s…that’s not how that works…
Everyone acting crazy. You’ll get more no matter if you quit or not. His income increased and so will your CS so take him RIGHT BACK TO COURT. And he will pay what your child deserves instead of a measley ass 50 bucks every 2 fucking weeks bullshit.
and this is why mom’s who get child support have a bad rep…
Sounds to me like you’re angry because he’s making more money than you and you want to sit at home on your lazy butt and make him support you and your children both… no judge is going to make him pay you more to be a stay-at-home mom when your children are in school 8 hours of the day there’s no reason for you to need to be at home all day.
SERIOUSLY YOU are not his to support! News flash you BOTH made those kids ! He should not be the only one supporting them you BOTH should be covering half the cost for the KIDS… Stay your ass at work and do your part for the KIDS
This is just wrong in my opinion . He’s paying child support for the kids not you . He isn’t to support you . He’s to do his part and you do your part . Does it suck working when you wanna be home YES but that’s life and your the adult . It would truly be unfair to your kids father to expect more from him when your just sitting at home . That’s not how it works
You should still work to support yourself. The support is for the children
You won’t get more by quitting your job but do a review and keep working. Seeing he got raise you will get more money by case review but highly suggest that you keep working so he doesn’t say anything about you not working and try to get the kids.
Please tell me you aren’t serious
He makes twice as much now and you want to quit work? Mayne take it to court and he can get the kids. Free loading ass
Please tell me this is a mean joke
Child support is for your children, not you. Spousal support is a whole different matter but if you didn’t get it before you won’t get it now.
That’s not how that works. Honestly this is disgusting. His money is not for you, and you should know this.
Lol your 12 year old can watch your younger one pay them! people never seem to amaze me! Seriously entitlement is def the trend in humans!
What are you going to do, quit your job and do nothing ! Live off of child support? You should be bettering yourself while on child support. It’s over really quick
I don’t understand why you would want to do this. Why would you want to depend on someone else? What if he loses his job?
Jay De La Rosa
Holy crap this has to be a joke.
Child Support is not for your needs. It’s for YOUR KIDS. Quit your job if you want but that will not be a reason for the judge to give you more Child Support for your bills because CHILD SUPPORT is for YOUR KIDS ONLY.
I’m thinking this didnt go as you planned!
I’m proud of all these women on here! you ladies all wear crowns forsure!
Then go through a child support review and go on with your life. I know someone who did what you’re saying and the baby daddy got laid off and then we’re screwed. If you’re struggling with the kids then make child care his responsibility
Why not just give him the kids? I mean double salary means he would be able to pay a nanny and you can see him as much as he sees them now… I mean if it’s all about money and all.
Then you’ll be right to quit your job and live in a shared home until you can take on bigger responsibilities.
I’m gonna refrain from judgement and just give you the actual facts here…
They determine child support based off of both parents incomes and the costs of the children’s needs. If you quit then the money goes down. He may have to pay a higher percentage… but it will be based off of less money. The judge may even order you to get a job within a certain amount of time. If you don’t, they can give him custody based off of your inability to provide for them and possibly find you in contempt of a court order. If more money is what you’re looking for, then ask for a child support review. If his income doubled you should definitely be able to get it.
If you’re wanting to quit for a noble reason like going back to school, then I would suggest enrolling and cutting your hours to part time before you request the review. Be ready to explain that to the judge when you go back to court and have a plan for when you’ll be making more money.
If you’re wanting to quit just because you want him to support you, I would caution against that. Judges aren’t fools and they’re hip to the fact that some women try to exploit the children to get at the fathers money. That could blow up in your face big time.
It needs to be reviewed if his has went up drastically but I can tell you a judge will frown on you voluntarily leaving your job to live off child support. They will then take your most recent tax document to show salary and use that as your current salary if you work or not.
The simple answer is no. Just because you quit your job to be a stay-at-home mom does not mean he has to pay more.
Child support isn’t for taking care of everything it’s to help with the kids but you shouldn’t rely solely on child support your their parent too you should be contributing as much as he is specially if y’all aren’t together. How is that fair for him to pay for 2 households?
Be a stay at home for what? Clearly capable of working corrrect? She should be made to try to get a job. ESPECIALLY if they go to school.
Wow…imma say don’t quit your job, unless your child has a disability or you’re homeschooling. This seems to be one of those “insert foot in mouth” questions
No. But if he’s making more now then before it will go up. Let support enforcement know that he has a higher paying job give them all in info you know about it. They will check into it for you.
I have a $20/hr job, and I work sometimes 50 hours a week. I can’t even afford to live by myself because my CS is so high, because my kids mother chooses to have a job where she only works 25 hours a week max. On top of the CS, she receives all sorts of benefits. She lives like a king, I struggle every week. The system is broken.
Aaaaaaaand this is the problem with the world
Why do you need to be a stay at home mom if you’re kids are in school? Just cause he’s making more money doesn’t mean you are entitled to it. If you quit your job where is your portion of the financial responsibility…how would you feel if the tables are reversed? Honestly he’s making more money he should take you for custody he’s clearly the more fit parent between the both of you then you can pay him child support.
He may just say to the courts shes not working so maybe I should have the kids full time. I think it would start a whole custody issue
Lazy, is all it is. It’s child support, not x- wife support so you can sit on your butter at home.
So you want to do nothing and get paid for it? Go into politics.
Being a stay at home mom is for those who have a spouse that take care of the bills, not an ex who is ASSISTING in taking care of their children. So disrespectful. And your kids are in school why exactly can’t you work?
Lmao, you’re the type of person we can’t stand. Why do you feel entitled to more money because you don’t want to work?
I swear these pages make these scenarios up to stir up shit in the comments
Child suuprt is meant to supplement your income to help sorry the kids. You are BOTH responsible for supporting your kids
Please tell me this a joke. Just wondering what kind of example you are trying to set for your kids, other than living off of other people is acceptable?
No you will not get more smh girl keep up with your job. It’s not his responsibility to pay for you
Your literally saying you want to stay home and have some1 pay you to raise your kids are you serious
Mate that is absolutely disgusting there is parents out their fathers trying to do the right thing and then there’s you who is being an absolute dog about it that’s disgusting you should be ashamed of yourself
WOW! Is all I’m going to say……
Wow. You sound like a gold digger. The judge will still calculate minimum wage at 40 hours a week for your income. If there is no reason they may tell you to go back to work. Child support is to help support the child not to pay all your bills. If you expect him to pay for everything, maybe the kids should live with him and you should pay him support.
Not to be a dick, but what an idiotic, asshole thing to ask. He’s supporting his child, not you or your whole damn household
And yes the judge will see it as unecessary for your to be a sahm
Child support is generally based on a percentage so look that over and determine if that is something you could live on. Finding a job that works around your child’s schooling and do you want to stop your career and what do you do when they finish school. Think it through and always check with an attorney. As your children get older you may need more funds. Think!
You are selfish! And a weasel! Be a mother and provide for your children. He is providing you money now. If he didn’t make that money when you separated and you are trying to go back on him. Shame on you. He is trying to do better with his life you should also.
Eventually you’re going to need social security payments and you’re not going to get them unless you have worked and put the money in.
Child Support! Not child and mother support. Get a job and do your part, support yourself. It’s not his job to support you. If you wanted to have him support you, your should’ve stayed with him
Child support is for your child… that doesn’t mean you should up and quit your job and live solely on CS. It’s not for you. It’s for them… if you get more based on his new salary save it up. Kids grow, they do extra curricular activities, etc. It sounds pretty selfish to want to only live off of your ex’s CS. Setting a BAD example for them and giving moms who get CS a very bad reputation.
You will get an increase in the child support review bc his income increased but remember they will review everything so for example if the kids were in daycare when the last review happened and now they aren’t or you pay less bc theyre in school, your support could be lowered in the review.
Nonetheless, no you can’t get more child support if you voluntarily leave your job for no valid reason.
That’s a stay at home mooch…not mum.
He pays for the kids, not your lazy arse. Gtfoh
Shady lady. Why not use the extra income on top of what you make for the kids. Thus-- “Child support”
You can’t be serious.
Mybe let ur kids go live with there dad since u wanna be a bum
Just go for a review… Smh
Stop being a shit bag and get back to work! It’s for the kids NOT you. JFC ya freeloader!
You can’t just quit your job to get more child support. They will calculate it based on potential earnings if you are unemployed.
Holy sh*t this is pathetic what would you do as a stay at home mom while your kids are at school is that even considered a stay at home mom or just a stay at home person cuz you aren’t mommying if your kids arent home lol #lazy #notmotherhood #babydaddysarentsugardaddys
Wowwwww………this kind of shit is literally why my husband and i almost lost our house.
What kind of slime ball question is that🥴 Who raised you
Surely this is a joke…
Honey it doesn’t work that way. SORRY! If you get laid off due to circumstances but they will not go for you quitting your employment. The thing is l pay child support and it’s because he quit his job went into his own business showing a loss! His gross is his net income and they went by my gross now l have to pay him. They are strict when it comes to someone staying home or quitting for higher child support. It’s all based on a formula how many days he has with the kids. How much credit he gets vs you & your credits. Such as insurance, child care, how many other kids this person has there’s so many variables but the formula is the key. You can do a re-evaluation but you shouldn’t quit your job.
Never rely on child support to pay your rent, bills and put food on the table . God forbid he can get hit by train tomorrow, lose his job or be a jerk and just not pay .
If you can go back to school upgrade better yourself and be able to use the child support to raise the kids and put it away for their future schooling . Nothing was more satisfying than the day my ex husband realized my job wasn’t just a job I had a career and wasn’t just relying on what he referred as his money to provide his son with the necessities. In fact during a court hearing about visitation and final say I waved my alimony for final say and decision making .
I hate them type of bitches so bad
Besides saying no you absolutely shouldn’t do this because that’s not how child support works you should also look at the fact that if you do quit your job and stay home you are look at a very possible outcome that your ex may take you back to court and say you are unfit to care for your kids since you refuse to work and provide for them when you are able to. Long answer simplified…keep working since you are able to.
You should just give him the kids
Wow. Did I just read that right. This is why there are so many bitter parents.
This post alone could be printed and shown in court as intent. It’s CHILD support not I don’t wanna work support. Just wow dare I ask your age
If you yourself cannot fincially provide for your children without assistance it could backfire on you and he can take you to family court for custody or more visitation which in return could you will end up having to pay support. If your ex is actually paying his support be thankful and if he is an active parent in your childrens lives…shame on you for considering for more. Now you are taking from your children when they are with him. Be happy for the father of your children he is bettering his life which is better for your children.
You’ve got to be kidding me……
The judge will go by what you are capable of making…so it will go by your last 3 years tax return. So no…quitting your job will NOT increase your payment. Keep working.
Why would you be a sahm if the kids ain’t even home? On top of wanting to sponge off dad’s new job?
You work, you get SS later. You don’t work now, you don’t get SS later.
How would you be a stay at home mom if your kids are in school? Sounds more like you not wanting to work