Are you serious? Child support is meant to support the kids not you. It isn’t meant to be used so you can stay at home. Stop taking advantage of your ex and get to work
What did i just read🤯 Nikki June
Come on! Men are not just pocketbooks! Give your kids a role model to look up to!
Child support is based off his and your income. The less you make the less he pays.
I’m not sure how to feel about this post…On one hand, people should feel free to ask a question without backlash, but on the other hand, I’m trying to figure out what is the need for someone to quit their job, just so that they can live off of child support…I don’t know if this question even warrants an answer, but since you asked: If the kids are in school, what are you doing at home???..I get it, raising kids is a full time job, but I work full time and have 4 kids, and I don’t let NO MAN come and try to ruin my life by supporting my kids…With out without child support, I buss my ass working to take care of mine…Sweetie, stay working!!!
How about stop depending on cs and find a job that pays more then what your getting paid now. Cs is not meant to pay your bills but to help provide for the kids. Better yourself.
This right here is the problem with America! Everyone wants something for free.
Tell us you’re pathetic without TELLING us you’re PATHETIC
thinking maybe you should just remove this post…
Child support is support for the children. It’s not to support you. It’s a shame that you even think like that. Maybe you need to make some child support payments so you understand.
there is no reason for you to quit your job to stay home when you say your kids in school during the day. sounds like you just want more of your ex’s money to just lay around
It’s woman like you, who make the rest of us single mothers look like government funded leaches! Keep your damn job and stop living off of your children’s money!
You sound like a selfish loser.
Work part-time when kids are in school or go back to school
Wtf? You had them kids too. How are you even going to think that’s okay for the Dad ONLY to support them? If you don’t want them, sign over custody. Lazy ass.
Both your financial situations have changed. You can file a petition to adjust the payment based off that. But if you can’t afford to be a stay at home mom then you should get back to work.
This can’t be a serious question. Surely, this post was made just for the $&?! and giggles
Wow! Mother of the year goes to… Fuck girl just work
Sounds more like you’re lazy and just need to give him the kids. It’s child support not support your laziness. Please tell me this is a joke. No way a judge is goin if kids are in school. Smh
Seriously? You are what is wrong with this world. I hope this is a joke
Wow, you are the worst type of baby mom! Why is it his job to support you. If you want more money get a trade, get some education and may contribute something to society instead of being a pathetic leach! I hope he goes for full custody just so your kids don’t adopt your lazy selfish outlook on life.
No. Go to school if u don’t want to work and learn a career trade to make more money than him I wish I even got child support
Why would you quit your job to get more child support. Statements like this are why the world looks down on mothers. That’s just greedy and wrong. Keep ur job
You can’t be serious!!
No they can actually take ur kids ! Cuz u have no income to
Support them!!!
Chelsea Boyer-Coates Check this chick out
I just honestly can’t believe what I just read…
I’m point blank gonna say it. CHILD SUPPORT IS FOR AN ABSENT FATHER. ITS TO HELP TAKE CARE OF THE CHILD. NOT TO LIVE OFF OF. Might not be easy but child support is to help get things the child needs. Not pay for your living etc. absolutely lazinesss.
And this is why moms who request child support get a bad rep. Individuals who would pull this nonsense.
I could MAYBE get it if you were a stay at home mom while you were still with their father and was there for like moral support as he got further in his career but at the same time if they are school age it just doesn’t seem right. And he’s already actively paying you? Why rock the boat? You could go for more yeah but it could piss him off to the point where he makes it a living nightmare for you to get it. Be happy you’re getting it and leave it alone.
Women like you give other women a bad rep. If you can’t support your kids then maybe the father should have them instead of you. Grow up, and stop abusing men. Useless
U can get a review but u cant depend on cs amd why not better yourself instead of depending on that money. Ur kids are in school u can work
Get your ass to work … stop being a deadbeat mom !!
I cant even no words for you besides maybe the father should have custody
Do not quit your job what the hell??? That’s not for you… It’s a reimbursement on what you spend on your children I am a mom of 4, yes they all have different father’s judge me whatever, but I tell you one thing, child support doesn’t pay near enough to what my bills are!! Get better goals
Ummm why would you do that? He has to be able to maintain a household just as much as you do. If he’s working why shouldn’t you be
So here’s the thing 1. That’s gross. 2. You are capable of making x. The judge does their job they should ask you why you aren’t working. Then your support should be based on 1 of 3 things…. They can just give you what you want which I hope doesn’t happen. 2 they can base your pay off minimum wage and 3 they can base your cs off what you are capable of making. I quit because I’m an intern trying to progress my career and to do that I have to work for free 8-5… the hours I was working. The judge awarded me the amount and we go back in December after I should be working. Why do you want your ex to support you? Your children yes you no.
CS is to support his kids, not you. Keep your job and do better
Do not do that. It’s for the child not you???
I hate women/mothers like this. She should be so embarrassed.
If you think you need an increase in child support then do what you have to do but why the hell would you not want to work and add to that income for your kids? For their savings, for college, for vacations? You sound lazy AF. Like my fiance’s baby momma
I cant with this world anymore this has to be a joke question?? I understand CS is to help keep roof over your KIDS heads, to provide food to your KIDS anything towards your KIDS… its not giving to you to support you !!! The judge is gonna look at you the same way we all are… Dumb as horse shyt:joy:
Exactly what would make you even remotely think you’d deserve money for doing nothing but sitting on your tail at home? You can not be serious. It is NOT his responsibility to provide for YOU and his children. It is a shared responsibility for the both of you. You are only making yourself look selfish and greedy. You should be ashamed of yourself.
This post makes me sick. Lady, Keep your damn job. Help SUPPORT your children.
Are you kidding? CHILD support is to help support your children not so you can stay at home and not work. I sincerely the ex finds out about this ploy to live off of his child support and takes proof to the judge. Hopefully they’d lower his child support.
I hope this was made up because it’s weird if it’s true
People like you give us actual moms bad names
Hang on. So hes working harder and you think he should just pay you to sit on your ass at home?
Sounds like you just want the easy life. If you had younger kids I could see the concern with wanting to be a stay at home mom but 7 & 12? Being a stay at home mom isn’t about going home and sitting on your ass all day after dropping off the kids or having brunch with the girls. You sound petty because he’s making double what he had previously. What because he wasn’t making that with you you’re gonna punish him? You and women like you are toxic.
If he is making more go for a revision as he’s missing on providing adequate support for his kids.
But don’t quit your job because it’s not his responsibility to support your grimey self anymore.
What is wrong with you grow up put your big girl pants on and keep your f****** job . Stop being lazy its not your ex’s job to support you…
You need your kids taken away from you
Child support isnt income and it is definitely not something you should be using to be a sahm.
Absolutely fucking trash.
I hope this is somehow brought to his attention.
Loving all of these comments. Helped restore my faith in humanity just a little bit
Wow. Just wow. Hit him where it hurts. Cause he doesn’t deserve a life. Some of these bitch are too much
Go ahead and quit your job, the court will say your unable to support them, he’ll get custody and you’ll get no child support stupid
I mean this in the nicest way possible. But, you should always have a job to support your children. The father is not 100 percent responsible. And if your not working who is paying your bills?! Their father shouldn’t be?!
Child support is based off both homes income if you don’t work and they have a great job your child support will be lower than if you had a good job too
Can’t believe you want to benefit from him bettering himself . Stay at home mom ? Your children aren’t home lol you are not his responsibility your mind set is wrong some how
This is pathetic you both need to support the children, not just him. Don’t be that person!! That’s really low…
Child support is for the children not to support you and your entire household. What a lazy piece of crap you are.
You’re fucked in the head
Please tell me this is not a real question.
PS. Please ask this very question to the judge when you meet them and let us know the response.
Oh my. I was very taken back by this. Yes get a revision if he is making more money, but why on earth would u quit your job? This just means your children can have more between the two of you. It really is selfish to try and raise child support so u can support yourself as well. That money is meant for your children not you!!!
The judge here asked baby mama why she needed child support she said because she didn’t have a job and needed more child support. The judge looked at her and told her to get a job then she was very capable of working and seeing as how she had just quit her job and kids were in school full time. Hope that answers your question.
Another idea If you need more money per month…go to trade school (many will pay you while you do an apprenticeship) or take classes to further your education and make yourself worth more money in the workplace. Then you won’t have to depend on child support for anything. Just a thought
This post makes no sense
What? You have got to be kidding.
You should still be able to do a CS modification.
U tell them Elise Nielsen.
God forbid your ex do something to better his life for him and his family! You should be ashamed
Stay working… just go for a modification for child support…
Thats who u sound like lmaooo
This has to be fake…?
I can understand cutting back hours if they are getting in the way of pick up and stuff for your kids but to quit your job and demand more money? No hun. Judge will probably laugh in your face. I also wouldn’t push it because the judge could take money away from what you already get… also if your kids in school you should be working!
You should be ashamed of yourself!!!
Women like you are who I definitely do not want to be friends with & who I absolutely warn my 12 year old son about.
Wow… Unreal.
Imagine he doubled his salary and takes you to court f I r custody and support. This question is insane.
It is 25% of the income of the noncustodial parent
You are a piece of work. And that’s putting it nicely.
Let that man keep his money.
You greedy low life.
Why??? Like I don’t understand this at all.
My ex and I split 2 years ago. He makes double or more than what I make. We have 3 kids together… we agreed on $60/week for all 3 kids. I am capable of working, so I bust my ass every day. 70-80 hour weeks. I’m married now and have a bonus daughter and we have a baby together, so we have 5 kids total. I don’t rely on his child support one bit.
If you are completely capable of working, then you need to be. Don’t settle for living off of child support. Go make your own way.
Lol. I pay 900 monthly for child support for one child because I made 15 an hour. Don’t do that shit to someone. I can’t even afford to live alone. I don’t mind paying for my child, but I’m not paying for a full grown adult to live that wanted to file for the extra income.
No you should not quit your job. This sounds like you’re just wanting their dad to completely support you. And no a judge will laugh in your face. My question is ? Is the father doing every thing he should be? If so why do you want to drag him through court just because he makes more money ridiculous. This crap is what gives women a bad wrap. Selfish.
Personally. I think you sound like a bitter baby mama. Your children are Obvy well taken care of from the both of you as is. And there not a reason for you to stay home. Just the fact you would be able to if he paid you more. You BOTH made those kids and BOTH should continue to support and raise them! He isn’t responsible for everything because he is successful in life and you would like to start a new Netflix series.
That’s really wrong. Quitting your job is beyond irresponsible, you have to financially take care of your children as well. Unless you are disabled and on disability, keep your as in the work force. It’s people like you who irritate the out of me. My husband and I are disabled, he has to work to pay for food. But people like you who just want to sit on your butt and collect child support and food stamps are ridiculous. You all get hundreds in food stamps and people who really need it have to work. You are horrible
Uhhh no you don’t get more money for quitting your job…but you can have the current order modified to reflect his raise…
If your kids are gone most of the day while you’re unemployed and at home living off of child support, you’re more of a stay at home user… I’m a sahm but my kids are here 24/7, being raised and taught. Is this a legit post?
Wow. Your kids are in school why do you need to stay home? Your ex probably got a better paying job so he can afford to live! How about just let the kids move with him then you can have all your free time you want at home by yourself
I don’t get females like you at all. My son’s father has never paid a dime. I have never went after him and don’t intend to. I do it on my own. He don’t see my son due to his choices. We don’t need shit from him. It’s not his job to support you the fuck
The judge will probably input minimum wage or potential earnings will be. They do this because of the exact reasons you want to do this.
Sadly, I’m not surprised by this question, but make no mistake about it, it’s absolutely ludicrous!!!
Get cho ass to work!!!
So many parents just want more and more money. It’s gross!!
Your kids are school aged, for Christ’s sake!!
I can see why you asked this anonymously
Ok this is just wrong. The child support is supposed to go towards stuff the kids need. Not for the greedy parent to be a stay at home parent. Isn’t it illegal in some states for parents to do that? If not it needs to be.
This is a joke right?
Hypothetically, a judge thinks this is a good idea… how do you plan on supporting yourself after the kids turn 18?
You should have your parental rights revoked. Trying to ride the gravy train that is your ex’s income. You should be ashamed
This same ridiculous question is on three different groups!! Are you kidding me??!! No! You don’t quit your job to be a stay at home mom while your kids are in school! You keep on working and leave it alone! Just because he got a pay raise doesn’t mean you get one! #workingmomof4
How about you be happy with what your getting from him in cs and better yourself. If you take m9re money from him how is he supposed to keep a roof over his head so he can keep the jobs hes got so he can pay the support you are already getting?? I mean seriously, moms out there that do this kind of shit never think of the babys daddy. They milk him for all hes worth then bitch when he cant pay child support cause he lost his job cause y’all are greedy. Its absolutely assanine and ridiculous!!! Yes he should have to pay child support but damn let him have a damn roof over his head and food in his mouth too…
This can not be a serious question! This has to be a way to get a rise out of people and create drama to keep this page relevant.
It’s working
No. Child support will not increase if you quit your job. You still have to hold down a job to do your part to support your kids, and yourself. If the father makes more money now, you can take him back to court for an in increase in child support. This might help raise you and your children’s standard of living. God Bless you. If you hate your job, get more schooling , maybe online, so you can get a job you like.
I sincerely hope this is not a serious question…