If I quit my job to be a stay at home mom will I get more child support?

I see the poor single moms are at it again

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Nope. The judge will still add in your “share” of the support whether you work or not.

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So you said the words several times but still don’t get it… say it with me “CHILD SUPPORT “ that money is not meant to support you. It’s for your children! To give them what they need, not you.
That would be called spousal support, even though you’re acting like a child.
Grow up, own up. Quit depending on everyone else to take care of you and your kids.


If you want to be a stay at home mom and can’t afford to then look for a work from home job

The child support is for your kids, not to support you.


As a wife of a man that pays child support, shame on you. He probably needed a better job to pay his own expenses and now you’re going to take that away too? A judge will actually give you less if you’re not working.


A. You can do a review and not quit your job since there is no guarantee you will get an increase. B. You seem just like the kind of baby mama men hate. Dont punish that man for bettering himself because you want to be lazy and get more money from him. Do as you wish, but remember child support ends when they are 18… learn to live on your own 2 feet and stop using your kids to support you.


For real? :rofl: get yo ass to work! :crazy_face: Set an example for your kids…they are always watching! :woman_facepalming: I sincerely pray for this man!!!:pray: Hell if he is footing the whole bill it’s no different than him having full custody! So maybe he should try that since you wanna be an abled body chosing to leach! He ain’t your daddy anymore sis! :ok_hand:


Well dont stay home then

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A very sad excuse for a mother I’m not sorry this is the most fucked up thing I’ve read in a long ass time very very selfish lady makes me sick to my stomach she even asked that sad sad lady

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She asked this question in 2 other groups I’m apart of as well. Just gonna copy and paste my comment… lmao This is exactly why there’s a stereotype about women who do receive child support. :woozy_face: lazy and entitled. Probably a good thing this was posted anonymously because you should be embarrassed. :nauseated_face:


They will impute your wages accordingly. My ex tried to say I wasn’t working (I was working part time weekends around having to pay daycare) before he walked out on the family. His lawyer tried to double my actual wages and pretend that I made more so he could pay less. In your case, they will take what you could be making and make him pay accordingly.

You can ask for more CS without that, he getting more money and now he can afford more.

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Seriously?! Why would you use your kids like that! What a horrible example to set for them. I can understand being a little jealous of his income but no excuse to quit your job.


If he Wants you to stay home with the kids he could agree to pay you more. He may like that idea. But if he doesn’t they aren’t going to give you more against his will.

File for a modification of support but keep your job. If Dad makes more then he must pay more by law. But you have to seek the modification in good faith and quitting your job is not that. You should be able to hire an attorney for about $2500 to do this. Some states will let you seek a modification pro se (without an attorney). This is more affordable and can be practical unless Dad has a way to hide his new salary.


Child support is for the children not for the parent to live on !


Why do you want to be a “stay home mom” if you’re kids will be in school most of the day?? :woman_facepalming::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


Lmao are you serious

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So, basically you want to quit your paying job so your kids dad can keep you up as well?? Hmmm. Nope. Dont think that can happen. You have to support your children also. You both created them, its both of your all responsibility


Work then lazy ass you already have a job. Its YOUR job to support your kids too. Pathetic you are.

I mean, it is kind of unnecessary to be a full time stay at home mom if they are in school full time… :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming: Work to support yourself and your kids just like he is… then you’ll be way better off financially! :woman_shrugging:


The court isn’t going to increase his CS so you can stay home lmao


I am caring for 3 children and don’t receive a dime of CS. I agree with every one of these women you need to get a job to support your own needs not your ex


Woooow you sound selfish af

You literally make me sick


Wow… teach your kids to work… keep your job and help support your kids too… I am so glad I NEVER depended on a man to take care of me and mine.i have 2 kids one which isn’t even mine but I support them both. Their dad is no help to me.


Wow are you f****** serious :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: child support isnt for you sweetie. Its for the kids. Why should he have to support you?? How is that fair. He isnt a money train and its really sad that this is how some women think. You really need to get a reality check.


Sorry child support is not your selfish ass it for your children

Child support is for kids, not to support you as well. That’s so unfair to the ex and such a D move from you.


First of all, never depend on a man for your financial needs. If you are able-bodied AND your kids are in school most of the day, there is absolutely NO reason you can’t work for yourself. This post makes you come off as greedy, money hungry, lazy and selfish. I don’t care if this man is working 10 jobs, you keep your job and handle your business :woman_facepalming:t5:


Child support is based on the income of the payee and so you might be able to get more but that doesn’t give you the right to stay home


Why would you become a stay at home mom if your kids are not at home most of the time? I’m a working mom with 2/3 sick kids. So if you have the issues I have of them being sick that’s understandable. If you just want to be home and making the poor man that unfortunately breed with you support you so you can chill, you sorry. Those are your kids too. You need to support them also. Not just their dad. :woman_facepalming:


Your kids are old enough to be in school. A judge will literally look at you and ask you why your not working. And your only reason being would be “I found out his salary doubled so I quit and files for an adjustment” :unamused: his job is supporting his kids, not you. He’s not going to support 2 full house holds just cause he makes more.


Ew… a succubus.

What an amazing example and president to set for your kids.

Jesus chirst.


U can quit your job and they will just I.put your earnings as whatever u made at your former job

No you won’t get more cs

If you staying at home just to try to get more child support then you realy deserve none at all…


Ah yes becoming a mooch to your ex, great example to set for your children and a sad level to lower yourself on. Tbh there’s a chance your ex can appeal to get the children more time than you because you quitting a job then trying to increase the child support makes a red flag for you and makes you seem like a unreliable parent, so I’d watch out for your choices and the full consequences they could have


Child support is to support your CHILDREN not YOU. You seem more than capable of staying in the job u have and just because ur children’s father has gotten an increase doesn’t make it ok for u to try and make it harder on him.


Honestly its people luke you who should be forced to pay child support so you can understand what its for.


Lol so you wanna quit working and live off of your baby daddy ??? Okay… that’s shady af . Especially if they’re in school full time ! I’d understand a little more if they were babies but they’re not . Child support is to help out with child expenses not to support you.


Smh… it’s broads like you that make real mom’s look bad. Ur a true bitter baby mama …

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So he’s supposed to support you his Ex wife AND his children yeah no

WOW!! Absolutely disgusting!!

What makes you think you should get more child support if you are able to work??? What kind of example are you setting for your kids? Hell if I was him I would take you court for joint custody and stop the support all together. You support them when they are with you and he supports them when with him.


No. You have to be able to provide half the support for your own a children.
Child support is to support the child.
He no longer has the responsibility to supprtet you.
And your children are also not babies or toddlers and I’m assuming will be in school 9 months of the year.

You better keep your job. I’m a mom of 2 and always worked and never depended on child support. He quit his job and said I’ll never see a penny. I never asked for an increase or begged him for anything. Now he’s disable and want my kids to help him but they hate to help him but will do minimum things since he is their father.

What the actual fuck :woman_facepalming:t2::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:. Grow up…

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How did you proof read that question without realizing how utterly ridiculous you sound


Why TF would you be a stay at home mom & expect him to pay all of your bills???:rofl::woozy_face: WTF!!! Bum behavior.


Me, reading these comments like…


Child support is for your child…. Not for you. Unless there is a reason for you to be a stay at home mom…. I.e,- your child has special needs, you have a medical condition…. I’m embarrassed for you that you posted this.


It’s women like you is why I will make sure to advise my brothers and my sons to be VERY FUCKING CAREFUL who you get pregnant.


Shame on you. You’re part of the problem. I am divorced and have been for years. (5 kids) We coparent well and get along good. I do not receive child support nor do I ask for anything.
I’ve always felt that: the child support is for the child. So if he is paying a lump sum of his income to child support that takes away from the home he can provide, the entertainment the kids could or do receive, takes food from their mouths and his. I take care of the kids myself. He doesn’t miss a baseball game and volunteers to help with sports accessories that come along with playing sports. Otherwise nothing more. Sure, he has beds, electronics and toys at his home, he is able to take them out to eat, and normal things that he should be able to do.

But for the ones that aren’t active in the child’s life I fully feel child support is necessary, not for the mothers nails or hair appt. but for the kids shoes, crayons that aren’t broken, food, camp, swim season pass, haircuts and savings.

Child support isn’t to allow you to live off his income still. There are other options. I’m not trying to be rude but you’re the problem.


Why do you want to stay home?
Do either of your kids have high medical needs? No shade on women who stay home with school age kids because there are a lot of days school is out or whatever. But unfortunately as a single mom you have less options because you are the only adult in the household and bills still exist.
Without a significant reason, like child’s medical needs or something, I don’t really see the court adding more child support so you can not work.

Girl no. The court will look down on that. I think it is really immature to even think about leaving your job for him to pay more child support! If you really need that extra money, Just take him back to court for another child support review. It will go up as his income has.


This has to be a joke.

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Umm what?! Like it ex job to help provide for the kids NOT you


WTF are you actually being serious???


Alesha Wannamaker lmfao. Some mothers these days.

I don’t even have the words to say how I feel about this…

W t f.


so you wanna not work, and have your baby dad pay more child support just to really support you? fuck outta here dude!
you sound like one of them baby moms i fucking hate.
i bust my ass for my kids regardless and dont even get fucking child support!

Wha….What? Why the hell would you do that? Your ex paying child support is to support the children, not you. Good grief….go to work and bust your ass to set an example for your children.


Probably! My child’s dad quit his job and was left barely paying any child support at all.

Truly depends on the state laws. I’ve seen it happen before tho.

Child support is based on his income not your wants.


Hell yes it’s unnecessary, and yes a judge will see it that way. Whether the dad pays or not the best thing for the children is for both of you to be doing your part to give them the best life possible. That includes teaching them that nothing is free and you have to work for everything you want/get in this life. There are no free rides.


This is so stupid and SO selfish. This doesn’t make you a stay At home mom-it makes you a lazy gold digger. :roll_eyes:


Uhm. Is this for real?

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Whaaaat? No way!! Youre gonna use CS to pay all your bills??? He may as well have the kids.


Come on … Do your part. This is so selfish


Seriously are u crazy? If they find out you purposely quit your job just to get more child support they’re going to rip you a new ahole seriously. What you’re doing is BEYOND selfish n obviously you aren’t wanting the money for the children but yourself n it shows loud n clear. You need to stop leeching off your baby daddy n tbh maybe the courts shouldn’t make him pay since u obviously just want money to support your lifestyle n not the kids. And anybody who says you should quit your job n be a stay at home mom r just messed up as you are. Child support isn’t for you it’s only for the children


Sounds like he should have the kids and then you can just worry about yourself


It may back fire on you and the courts will say, well u don’t want to work and he is making good$ and give him custody, if he is paying good cs you should be grateful and pay ur way as well.

A good judge won’t care and won’t allow you to use your CS to pay for you to be a SAHM. It is not the fathers job to pay for your lifestyle. GTFOH with that.


That’s what woman doing now raise kids on her own and claim child support.or steal money from a man​:smiley::smiley::smiley:

I realize this is a serious question but it sounds like the OP is expecting the father of her children to take care of her and the kids fully. Not realistic unfortunately.


WTF… Both kids are in school and you want to be a stay at home mom… And expect your ex baby daddy to support you… You need to get your priorities straight.

I think one parent should be a stay at home parent ,I was a stay at home parent and my kids loved it ,they had breakfast before they left for school and a hot meal when they got off the bus and they appreciated that.

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Why would you want to quit your job especially if the kids are in school full time, :thinking:


You can request a review if it has been over 3 years and if his income did go up you will most likely get an increase. But I wouldn’t quit your job. Either way you will most likely get an increase. But it does make you look bad if you quit working after getting that increase. I would continue to work. Even if it is part time. And remember child support does eventually stop. You need to be able to support yourself once that happens. A lot of women live off child support then are in the hurt bag when the kids graduate. You need to have a work history.

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Whoever asked this is what is wrong with the world. Stop being a lazy free loader. This pisses me off. If he is being a active father you shouldn’t need child support. You need to get your head right and I seriously feel sorry for your ex.


You seriously don’t deserve a dollar :woman_facepalming:t2: child support is for the kids and not for you to sit on your lazy ass all day. These are the kind of people that take advantage of everything. Unbelievable.

This is seriously messed up.

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So you want to get paid to stay home just because he makes more money now? Wow. The judge is going to say no to that.


If you voluntarily quit your job they may just drop it more, sad you would even ask a question like this


No. Child support is based solely on what the noncustodial parent makes plus a lot of other factors on their part like time spent with children things like that. Makes no difference what you make or don’t make.

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Lol I just saw this exact post in a different moms group, trolling much :joy:

Unless your after school childcare is unmanageable in amount, then yes they will see it. BUT if he doubled his salary, I’d take him back for a modification anyway. Any increase/decrease in income is to be reported to CSS. So you could get an increase simply bc he doubled his income. My ex quit his job, got his child support lowered, and started a new job two weeks later paying more. I was so pissed. Not bc it lowered but because he literally played the system and got away with it.

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The fuck is this shit.

I hope he quits his job, works for cash, and you are forced to pay double the child support you receive


Ummmm…… so I’m gonna just say this…. I’m a single mother of 3, soon to be 4 kids and I get $54 a month for my three I have now and while I think I deserve more, I definitely don’t think their dad should support my kids and I fully while I sit at home. Also, if your kids are in school, why would you wanna sit at home all day and do nothing? It’s mother’s like you that I wanna punch . The world doesn’t owe you shit…. Get off your ass and get it YOURSELF! :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:
I seriously hope the judge laughs so hard in your face if you try and pull that bullshit :woman_facepalming:t3::rofl:

Girl if you don’t keep your damn job and not rely on CS!!! :rage::rage::rage::rage:

do you seriously think they’re gonna grant you enough child support to pay your rent, phone bill, utilities, gas (if you drive), and other necessities for you and the children? that is so beyond unrealistic. yeah, you’ll get an increase in child support if you don’t have your own income. but you won’t be able to stay afloat on it. let alone the fact that this is ethically shitball. so no.


This mind set is disgusting.


Absolutely not. Child support is to help support the children not support the children and pay all of your bills as well while you contribute nothing.

A 7 and 12 year old ur just a lazy @#$&@


I feel you should keep your job and also take part in supporting your children financially. Especially if finances are that tight thar you cannot quit unless you get more child support.

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Girl, it isn’t your ex’s responsibility to take care of you. Continue working, pay your own bills and be thankful for the help you receive financially for your kids. :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t2: Hopefully the judge will have some common sense and tell you to get to work.
I hope my son never gets involved with someone like you, honestly.