If I quit my job to be a stay at home mom will I get more child support?

I wouldn’t ask anyone’s opinion… they aren’t you!

You hashtag “motherhood” uhhh that’s the last thing you’re doing tho! Child Support is not for you, it’s for your kids! You can’t rely on that money as the only income, what if he up and dies?! He’s doing better for himself, so should you. Plus your 12yr old will be old enough soon to babysit the younger child. Keep your job stop giving single moms a bad rep!


Child support is based on BOTH of your incomes.


No. I’m a sahm and they enter on a base rate that I could be making if I was working to figure out child support. That’s in MI not sure about other states

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I really wish we could put a face to this lame post


This doesn’t make sense to me…so you found out he got a better job and you think that lets you quit yours??? Your kids are school ages…theres no need for you to sit at home all day and him foot that bill… Go get your case reviewed if you think theres a room for increase but do not make child support your meal ticket…that is for your kids


Go for more child support if he’s making more money for sure…. But not so that he can bank roll your SAHM idea when there is no reason to stay home.

You’re a grown woman and can take care of yourself, it’s not your ex’s job to financially take care of you. Child support is about supporting the CHILD.


If you quit your job, the court will find you voluntarily impoverished and impute the earnings that you had before you quit. You will not get any extra for not having a job.


I’m in NC and chid support is based solely on what he makes. Get that review!


Your child support would not change because you have already established your earning potential so the judge would expect you to contribute at the same rate you always have regardless of your existing salary.


What are you going to do when your children are 18 and he doesn’t pay you anymore ??? Do you not plan on retirement or anything like that you just want to sit at home and live off your ex instead of working and giving your children a better life


Ma’am keep your ass at work… there is no reason for you to quit you job and have your ex Financially support you.

Came straight to the comments :skull_and_crossbones::rofl:


Why don’t you just leave it where it’s at and let him live just because he makes more doesn’t mean you need to go after him for more what happens if you were in the man’s position


I’m having a hard time wrapping my brain around this question. I can’t believe that someone would actually even think this. I feel sorry for the ex!!!


A CS review would be appropriate. It is unfair and unrealistic for you to have him carry you while you stay home. Especially, if the kids are in school all day.


This whole post makes me cringe. Are you basically announcing you had kids for money???


What the hell??? YOU are why single mothers getting child support are looked down upon. Stop giving mom’s a bad name…


Sounds rather unnecessary


No. CS is solely for the children not to take care of them AND YOU. If you didnt have them you’d still have to financially support yourself.


It’s called child support, not lazy bitch support.

Child support is exactly that and not to support you! Besides you need to be tucking money away for yourself, like 401K, stocks and bonds. Your children are not going to be there forever. It sounds like it’s time for you to grow up.


:thinking: that isnt smart. But I am a stahm,( not by choice, my husband works and we have 1 vehicle) and when I went for child support they put me at making minimum wage regardless of me not working imo you should work and atleast help pay for you kids

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Child support is not meant for you. It is meant for their dads half of the medical expenses(ie dr appt, vision apt, dental, surgeries) and to help with keeping clothes on their backs. Child support is for the child or they would call it baby mama support


Figured the comments would be a dumpster fire. Didn’t disappoint

Yes you staying home will impact the amount you get because child support is a calculation of what both parents contribute. If you are currently married your husband’s income would be considered. If you are not the judge will ask how you are covering YOUR expenses as child support is not for that.

Bottom line, never base your home finances on child support because it can stop at any time.


That is whats wrong with society today. CS is for YOUR CHILDREN that is for clothes, food, anything they need hell start a damn savings account for them so they can buy a car or do what they want and need. So many woman more then men think they are entitled to that money… no, its called Child Support for a reason. Not for you. Rather men pay it or women. Im my opinion half the girls in the USA needs to be paying CS here lately :roll_eyes: dont be THAT role model for your kids… geez

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You’re literally a lazy freeloading POS. You’re entire post is “me.me.me” legit no care for the kids or their needs or wants. And you expect CHILD support to be YOUR income? R u stupid? It’s supposed to help support you having physical custody of the children. Not your whole ass life. That’s just pure selfishness and laziness. You even said you can’t afford to be a SAHM, so don’t…sounds like he should have the kids for being a more responsible adult thats able to work to pay bills and child support. This post is so beyond stupid I literally can’t even…

If the kids were young and she was struggling with daycare cost working doing it all and he wasn’t helping… this would make some sense .

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Enough is enough already, get ur ass to work their ur children too right!!!

I have zero respect for women like this. And what are you teaching your kids by pulling this?


Seriously? Your husband makes more money so you want to sit your lazy ass at home? Have some pride for f**ks sake. Maybe get things reviewed so you can provide more for them but damn. Can already tell where the money is going after a post like this and hint, for damn sure isn’t to the kids. Way to give women a bad name. You should be ashamed.


Depends on the custody arrangement. If you have full custody and he has visitation of 30% of the time or less. The child support is based solely on his income. If you share custody and he makes more than you hence has to pay you child support, you have cut your earning potential by choice so he would not be required to pay more. You could always ask for a review though. There are lots of factors involved. Who pays for before and after school care, extra curricular activities and things like that.

This poor man. You just sound greedy. Just cause he’s worked hard and gotten a raise, doesn’t mean it’s for you… his EX, to live off of him. Sure… get more child support for the children since he makes more, but you need to keep a job. Use that child support for the children! Put them in sports or save some for Christmas. That money is for the CHILDREN. Not you :no_mouth::woozy_face:


All women should be able to stay home and care for their kids till they are grown. Everyone wants to be a feminist and look at the state of our country. #bringbackthenuclearfamily


Even if you aren’t working, a child support calculator for court will put you making minimum wage regardless so it will still show income. In Arkansas the monthly minimum is $1,892 and if you’re here, regardless if you make below that, it will still go on record as what you make.

Sorry not sorry. But wow, can you say gold digger. Sounds like you just don’t want to work in order to support your kids. Dad isn’t there for a paycheck. This type of thinking is pretty selfish. I have always prided myseld in supporting my child without a single cent from her Dad. I signed up to be her mom, so she is my responsibility no one elses.


If you go back and not working they will put it in as you making min. Wage even if you do not

:unamused: is this a serious question? Please someone tell me this girl is joking. First of all ur bd has the right to get ahead. Why the hell would u selfishly quit ur job to demand more after u heard he got a job making double. Child support helps u support ur children. It takes 2 to make a child u need to support ur kids also.


So your trying to get your ex to support you instead of the children.


If he’s making more then yes…do a review.
Why would you want to be a stay at home mom when your kids are gone most of the day? You can’t rely on child support. You should want to build a career and savings to take care of yourself and your children. Lead by example for your kids!!


Absolutely NOT! Child support is for the child(ren) not your lazy ass. I cannot believe you could think this is okay. Greedy wench! Let me guess you trapped him by getting knocked up and now you’re holding onto any kind of power you might have over his wallet? Go to work like the rest of the world and quit looking for handouts!!!

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Keep your damn job and quit expecting others to take care of you. What happens if they stop sending child support? Then you’re screwed. The kids are screwed. I can’t believe I just read that bs. I’m slowly losing all faith in humanity.


If you quite your job and go on a benefit

You will not get the child support, and its biased on what he earns!

This is just wow! Really


I wish mine were school aged I’ve have to address my mental health from abuse and they are forcing me to go for child support. This brings a lot of anxiety knowing how courts are. I’m trying to heal find peace get back on my feet from being knocked down n they want to force this on me for the temporary help needed with no support system to do so. My kids aren’t school aged well one is starting kindergarten in the fall.
So I can understand from a different perspective that has been judged when no one understands the situation. I no longer seek that validation.


Child Support supports the child not you . Smdh

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I believe the answer lies right there when you said “if i voluntarily leave my job” you are still an adult with children and you need to provide as much as you expect your ex to provide. Its 50/50


There your kids too, he shouldn’t be the only one supporting them.


Here in Maine, you would get LESS CS because the amounts go by BOTH parent’s income!!

My question is if the kids are in school most of the day why wouldn’t you find a job during that time. Somebody’s looking for a free ride


You’re better off keeping your job maybe drop some hours, get a review, but remember they will look at both earnings. Where you’ll find more pay is under wff.
And depends on custody deals too

Say this to a judge and ask his opinion, word for word😊 although the judge may conclude that you are not a stable home for the kids since you have no income and give custody to the father🤷🏼‍♀️


Yes and no. It’s based on what you’re capable of earning. Same as if he quit his job… he’d still be responsible based on what he had the potential to earn. You will get a increase based on his income going up but it’s not going to support you quitting

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Ugh… this whole post just made me aggy… :unamused::unamused:


Go ahead quiet your job, pretty sure he can use that in court in his favor lol. Wow!:woman_facepalming:


Girl if you don’t get a job and stop pocket watching :roll_eyes:


Not even gonna be nice here! What in the actual hell are you thinking? HE IS NOT YOUR PAYCHECK… WOMEN LIKE YOU MAKE ME SICK! :fu::nauseated_face:


you need to work if not but be aware when kids. grow up you still need to live


Lmao I feel bad for him!


I’m no… cs is determined by what your ex makes it will not increase because you “chose” not to work… I worked full time when my kids were 1 & 5 yo and continued to work because I figured it was in my kids best interest to do so! When my kids were small I was entitled to cs and half of my daycare costs from time to time he missed payments so it’s not entirely reliable. What happens when he gets laid off or gets hurt and can’t work ???


If your children are in school, why are you trying to be a Stay at home mom? Better yourself and get a good job or go to college and get a degree. I do not agree with this if he has been paying child support this whole time for the children then it goes towards supporting them and I personally feel the non custodial parent shouldn’t be responsible for 100% of everything. It should be 50/50 since it takes 2 to have children. Why take away from the other parent so they can’t survive to live and have a decent place for the kids too?! Either way if you voluntarily quit your job why should he have to pay for the consequences. Makes no since to me. I’ve been a single mom for years and worked full time, struggled to provide, going to college while taking care of my children, and I have asked my ex for help over the years and he is paying child support but I could never make his life more miserable by taking all he has just so I could not work no matter the issue or feeling on why we divorced. The kids have 2 parents and should be able to see them both happy and both be able to provide.


You have to consider all scenarios. What if he gets fired? Quits paying for any reason. Don’t rely on anyone else but you. But I echo what everyone else said. Child support is to support your children. Not you. What are you going to do all day while they are in school? If nothing else, work to bank extra cash. Never know what can happen.


Really? The thing is the child support is just to support your children… not you. If you are able to work. You should be!


The judge will most likely use your current salary because that’s a salary you are able to make. If your ex is making a lot more, it might be worth it to file for a child support increase.


This is actually the dumbest thing a mom has said


Seems like you are complete trash…ya know the females that I warn my son about!! I feel bad for your children growing up with a Mother they can’t look up to and apparently has zero ambition


NOPE and is that all you care about being lazy sitting at home on your ass. Your unreal you should BOTH support the kids hope he takes you for full custody your trashy.

Wow!! Just wow! Wake up to your selfish thoughts!
And no you can’t you will be assessed on capacity to earn… :woman_facepalming:t3:


Uh… you’re the reason men hate women who file for support.

It’s to support your kids. Not your god damn lifestyle.

Why are you wanting to be a stay at home mum? Does your work fit with school times or are you working after school? If your children are at school and you work mainly during school hours, I for one would try and stay employed.
Obviously no one knows your scenario, however your question does make many wonder why

Abuse of the system.

Maybe just change your occupation so that you only work when the kids are in school and home when they are. Unless they’re home schooling then I understand. I work overnights so I’m home all day doing school work with my boys. By the time I leave they’re in bed and I get home before breakfast.

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Yikes. Why would you want to be a mooching bum?


Wtf ? That screams I just want to be lazy to me :flushed:


This is the type of ppl that drive me insane


You’re not the first to think this way, you won’t be the last. This is wrong. It’s absurd to have this mindset. Under no circumstances should you ever even want to live off of somebody else’s dime. Imagine if he passed away what a predicament you’d be in. Think if he just dipped state and moved far away and changed his name. Far fetched but think. You’d fall flat on your ass and it would be epically pathetic. Work your ass off, its your job as a mother. It isn’t wrong to say that you should rethink your morals if this is your genuine mindset or maybe you’re just having an OFF day. He is a human and not a bank. Everything should always be about what benefits your children and this doesn’t seem like it will work for you in the long run. Many ladies here will tell you it’s okay what you’re thinking, it’s not. Empower yourself and make your own money. This is weak.

In my state if either parent willingly quits their job or takes a lesser paying job they’ll still use their earning potential to input in support calculations.
Also we can only have our support recalculated for modification every 3 years

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CS is to help support the children… how would that be fair to him to support you and your kids while he works his ass off just so you can do what you want? There’s no reason for you not to work. You helped make the kids it should be 50/50 on both ends. And I’m trying to say this in a nice way as possible :+1:t2:

You likely won’t get more child support. That’s not how it works. Just like if he quits a job they don’t just deny u support.

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No. Child support is determined by each parent income or what they could make working. It’s crazy that just bc you know he got a better job that is what you think is now an option for you

While you should help support your kids, you don’t have to tell a judge that you want a review so that you can be a stay at home mom. You just request a review based off his income going up. It sounds a little greedy though. I had my ex’s child support payment set at minimum wage, even though I know how much money he makes, and I’ve thrown away all the review papers the court has sent me for the last ten years. If he helps and does he part, there’s no reason to ask for more than his fair share🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s not his job to support you, because you don’t want to work anymore. The child support is to get the kids the things they need. Not to pay your bills.


So let’s think on this, at this present moment your kids are 12 and 7, assuming that you dont have a degree or an entry level position you would be classified as minimum wage, depending on the state its typically about 18k, of you have a degree and the father of your children argues the ABILITY for you to generate income in your degree field, most judges will consider that when rendering support amounts. So in less than 6 years your support will reduce because a child will turn 18 by then your now 7 year old will be 13 and you will likely be getting half of whatever increase u may get and at the end of the day you are doing a disservice to your children as opposed to building a better life not only for you but for them. Child support will stop then what do you do? Go back onto the workforce with a huge gap in employment and pray you make the same money you make now or better? Why not use your child support to provide better for your children and still work so when they grow up you can still stand on your OWN 2 feet :woman_shrugging:


Is this shit for real? Like how shallow and disgusting can you be.

Sometimes I wonder if these questions are made up just to spark a controversial conversation…


Wow ! Seriously child support is for the kids , not for you

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I don’t think that you are entitled to your ex’s accomplishments anymore than he is entitled to yours.


That just sounds greedy as hell.
They are your children as well you should be paying for them too, not just him.

In my opinion, people like you are the reason moms get so much shit for receiving child support.

Tell me you’re lazy without actually telling me.
What do you plan on doing all day that would require more CHILD support? Did you read that? Its called CHILD support not lazy baby mama support.


U can take him for a review but get your ass to work. They aren’t babies anymore u just don’t Wana work lol

Nope and it’s ppl like you that don’t deserve a fcking dime


Wow your a money hungry wench :face_with_monocle:
He’s job is to support his kids, not his lazy ex.


Child support is only his half of support for the kids. You still have to have income to support the other half

You just sound lazy no offence but why do that just because he’s doing well in life he pays his CS alot of deadbeat don’t so why

Where I live I have to work mandatory a full time job. I worked a part time and the judge asked y im not working full time that I’m supposed to

Are you crazy :crazy_face:. Stay in your current job. Not worth losing it to gain more money. BTW, that CS is for your kids not for you to live on. SMH

You can tell the second wives in this post. Your child support should be reviewed and if you have the kids most the time than you have more of the cost of raising them. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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:rofl::rofl::rofl: I hate it if he was to stop paying… as a woman u should never depend on anyone to take care of u or ur kids. I would feel like a complete fool if my kids asked for something & I have to tell them oh u gotta wait for such & such… but hell to each it’s own. I wish tf I would, I’ll beat my own ass

I feel you used the wrong hashtag.

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Umm yeah it doesn’t work like that. Child support isn’t meant to support you and your kids fully that is his portion of support for the children not for you to sit at home and do nothing while he pays all your bills. That is just ridiculous


I see it as unnecessary for you to revert to being a stay at home so probably :woman_shrugging:

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