Nope…your income as nothing to do with HIS child support not YOUR paycheck.
Haha wow that’s all I can say
I can’t believe this is even being asked
No, they would see you as a person who is perfectly able to hold a job. Also they might cut your allowance for that. That sounds absolutely absurd.
Wow, excuse me if you think I’m rude but damn…you don’t see the wrong in any of that? It’s not to support you.
Anytime you open that door your opening it to go either way. You could always get less depending on his situation. You could be shooting yourself in the foot
People like you are one of the biggest problems with the child support system, and no they will not increase it so you can stay at home. Do you think of him needing to support them when they are with him? Or does their welfare at dad’s house even matter to you? I’m normally not a mean person, but make your own money. He’s not your sugar daddy. I never once had my exes reviewed, why would I? We both worked and she was cared for…
I hate everything you stand for in this post you lazy gold digger
He got a higher paying job so you feel your entitled to his money?
He probably had to get a higher paying job to afford himself and the child support.
I’m sure if you quit your job and go to the court and say
“I quit my job. I want higher child support” they will laugh at you.
Here, even if you don’t have a job, they figure the income is minimum wage at 40 hours a week. Unless you can prove you have a very good reason not to work. So even without a job they factor in an income.
Child support is for his HALF of the financial support of his children. It’s not for 100% support of his kids, nor is it for ANY financial support of you.
Keep your job so that you can support you, and provide the other half of the support for your kids.
No, if you purposely change your income to get more they will base your CS on what your potential earnings are. Same as if he purposely quit working or takes a lower paying job. They’re supposed to look at that as an attempt to evade child support. It worked for my ex but isn’t supposed to.
I quite my schooling because of the ex…taunting, harassing me, threatening me
My eldest was having emotional problems…she missed her dad seeing him special occasions only.i wish thing were different back than.he never paid cs or contributed go upbringing of any my… yes exlaws called them Her KID’S . Go for it…your kids need you as much as you need them consult a lawyer specializing in family law in your area,
Where I live it’s based if his income not what u make I have chose not to collect child support from my daughter dad but we both agreed I would clam her on taxed every year
No way this question is a serious one…
If your kids are in school all day you have no reason to become a stay at home parent. You sound lazy and entitled. Just work like a normal person, and don’t be so selfish.
His child support is not intended to be your income he didn’t commit to support you
You won’t get extra child support but you can ask for an evaluation to see if the increase in his pay will give you more money .
What is the reasoning behind quitting your job to stay home? I understand finding a new job that would coincide with the hours the kids are in school, but its unnecessary and irresponsible to quit just to be home all day by yourself.
I’m sorry but you need help!! Your probably one of those moms who spend the CHILD support on yourself and not actually on your kids where it is supposed to go!! It is not his job to take care of you it is his job to take care of his children of witch you are not one! A judge is going to look at you dead in your face and say your crazy you are a capable adult who is trying to leach off a man!! If that’s what you want find a man with a good job and marry him ( if you can get one to agree) or find you a sugar daddy
Who’s to say when you quit and his CS goes up he won’t do the same? Then your left broke without a job! Be independent work for your money and be happy knowing that you alone provide for your children and noone else, this alone gives me great pleasure CS is not your salary its to assist with your children’s needs.
Hahaha wow. In short NO. They don’t pay for ur lack of work… what u get paid is based on numbers not ur situation
Quit trying to be lazy man be happy the guy is paying you anything some mother’s and father’s get nothing …
You will get an increase only if he is paying less than his calculated percentage. You will not get an increase if you decided to become a SAHM. The court would likely question you as to WHY you are no longer working.
Why would you want to be a stay at home mother when your children are full time in school. I don’t understand.
I can only speak from my own personal experience… My ex-husband pays me child support and a good amount my kids are in school all day and I’m a stay-at-home mom. I’ve probably held one job for maybe three or four months in the 7 years that my kids have been alive. He’s about to get remarried and never once says anything about me being a stay-at-home mother or the child support he has to pay but we don’t go through courts. He knew that if we had kids I wanted to be home with them. Just bc we decided to divorce doesn’t mean my children should miss out. I get all of my housework and appointments done during the day so when they come home my attention can be on them…we don’t know the exact details of her situation maybe she’s trying to go back to school or has some mental health issues she needs to take care of…y’all are so judgemental…
It’s pretty simple. You are absolutely free to seek more child support and/or quit your job to be a SAHM. Domestic Relations is equally free to assess your portion of the children’s monthly maintenance based upon your earning capacity, given you would be terminating employment volitionally and have school-aged children so no tender-aged child doctrine applies.
With all due respect, I’m a single Mom. My daughter is in cheer and also softball. My x husband pays a little in child support and we split extra curricular activities. With all due respect, I would never ever want to depend on my X husband to pay my bills. I am proud knowing that I can do this on my own. I can get maybe double of what he’s actually paying in child support, but I’m not going to take more of his money because things did not work out between us.
Something to think about before making this decision. If, it’s even possible.
Seriously child support is to help pay for what the child NEEDS not for you to quit your job and do nothing…. Any judge in their right mind would tell into work while they are in school…. Seems like you are one of the ones that pop children out just for the money!
I said what I said hate me I don’t care
Wow. That’s all I got.
stay fighting for UBI and vote yang 2024
My mom tried to do this to my dad. He paid cs, school fees, sports fees, health care, and the things we needed for at his house. Thankfully the judge saw all that my dad was paying for and told my mom to quit abusing the system. I don’t know your full situation , but he deserves things in his life also and to have things at his place for when they are there (assuming he has them regularly). Please don’t abuse the system because you don’t want to do your part to support your children. It’s different if you are truly unable to work, but the parents that actually help support their children are usually the ones to get screwed
U can file a petition to “modify child support” since he has a higher paying job now u can request more child support.
Maybe work part time? Then you could be with the kids too.
If you quit your job & ask for more CS due to his new job, the judge can use “imputed income” (money you could/should be making) against you to lower the new child support amount anyway.
Keep your job & be a responsible adult.
If your kids are in school, there is no reason you can’t/shouldn’t work… at least part time. Show your kids what it’s like to work hard and earn what they have. Not to rely on your ex or someone else to support you. Support your damn self!
Motherhood… maybe try participating in #adulthood
You being lazy does not mean your ex has to foot the bill for you to sit home all day when you are clearly capable of working. I wish we knew who your ex was so we could make sure he has proof of this ridiculous question to show the judge when you do decide quitting your job to be a stay at home mom, to kids who ARE NOT HOME ALL DAY, is a good idea… Child support is for the KIDS, not a “grown” woman who just doesn’t want to work and sees her kids as her meal ticket. GROW UP!!!
Your kids aren’t your income… idk why you’d even think they would be or should be
So you quit your job to be a stay at home mum when your kids are in school 5days a week and expect to be only supported by child support from your ex???
It shouldn’t be your x husband’s place to support you yes the kids but not you keep your job and don’t be a government rider
I bet she has the latest coach purse and her nails are done.
If your kids are at school why tf do you want to sit at home all day!!??? How lazy. Child support is for the kids not for you to be a lazy POS around the house and not work.
Get a CS review. If he’s earning more he needs to pay more but don’t be one of those women who use child support to live a comfy work free lifestyle. Grow up.
The simple answer is - pay a little bit and ask a qualified attorney instead of letting other people answer your question based upon their judgment of their assumptions of your reason(s) for wanting to do this.
Lady, you are one selfish, manipulative woman.
Its not his job to support you only his part on the children. Keep your job and don’t be bum. clearly your priorities aren’t straight. Turn the table. He has custody and you pay child support. Still like the sound of your little scam?
Women like you are what give "baby mamas " a bad name.
Is this a real question? lol
You could apply to have the child support reviewed since it’s based off of income. But you should get a job while they are in school…it’s not his job to support you, it’s to help the children. You are fully capable of working while they are not home
Women like you give the rest of us bad names!
Is this a joke??? Smh
This is what gives women a bad rep
That’s horrifying… you need to reevaluate. And thankfully there is some protection for the people who pay support and atleast in my state no you will not get more for staying at home. If anything you get less. Don’t sit there and make a bad name for women who are just trying to get by and not using their exs.
You’d be bored out of your brains if there in school trust me !
Sounds like my fiances ex, quit her job and lives off his cs
If he’s in those kids lives regularly, why is he paying child support at all?
Wow…talk about a lazy leech! Your kids are at school most of the day, so there’s no reason why you CAN’T work, and yet you just wanna sit around, not work, and live off his dime?
You can quit your job, but your ex can also petition for custody of those kids because of your instability to provide for them while in your custody. I am a woman but it is instances like this that fathers need more rights than gold digging women who use their kids as pawn.
oh my god, suck it up and keep working. You really wanna live your life knowing you can’t support your own kids without child support ? Shame on you! Maybe invest more time into finding a better career since your kids are in school all day ?
Is this an American page? In Australia cs gets reviewed every year at tax time and automatically updated.
You know as a single parent it is not the father responsibility to take care of you and your household expense it’s just a help with what your kids need i am lucky to get crap from my kids dad grow up an help financially support your on kids you need to grow up and help he didn’t make those kids by himself alone you both are responsible for providing for their needs if I was the judge I wouldn’t give you a dime if you’re just going to sit on your hind end and not help provide for your own children I give full custody to the father and if the dad gets a good lawyer can you prove you unfit
Hey sorry but I think you should continue working. If he’s keeping up the kids 100% then he should have the kids. If they’re with you then you should be supporting your children. CS should be strictly for the kids! Think about how much more you could do for your children if you continue to work and they won’t miss you because they’re in school! Good luck!
Sometimes you just don’t have words WOW!!!
Keep your job. This is the reason those who actually need financial support can’t receive it. Your kids are in school, not even daycare that you pay for. The SAHM ship has sailed for you.
If you have no child at home to care for there is NO reason to stay home if you are able to work. Asking the court force your ex to totally support you and your lifestyle is fucking disgusting.
Well you’re a gross human being
It is my understanding that Child support is based on a percentage of his base pay, so regardless of wether you are working or not you should be able to get an increase based on his new higher salary
Loser for even asking the question. The kids are not your paycheck or your retirement plan
This can’t be real Lmao
I am a sahm because of some medical issues I can not work. However just because I don’t work he doesn’t pay more because that is not how child support works he pays his amount based of his salary and that is that. Now if your ex got a new job paying more then you can ask for a review to increase his payments based off what he makes at his new job but it still isn’t going to be able to support you choosing to quit your job for no damn reason.
I think this is a little selfish if your kids are school age. you seem like a gold digger
Child support is based of his income, you deciding not to work, would be your own problem. And if you can’t provide, he will likely get the kids and then YOU will pay child support
Have some dignity and pride.
What is the reason for staying home if your kids are in school most of the day? Are you disabled? Are the children disabled? Did you ask for alimony in the divorce? I mean, I’m all for sahms but you sound like you want your ex to pay for you to stay home and what? Please don’t say clean the house and spend time with your kids. Depending on grade and whether they are homeschooled or in a classroom, they will be gone for 7 hours out of the day. And then will you pick them up or will they ride a bus? That’s another 30-45 minutes. So you want to stay home and do what for 8 hours? Get a job or change your shift to work those 6-7 hours they are gone. Put dinner in the fridge to thaw out. Only do enough laundry that you can put in the dryer while you sleep. When you get up, throw another load in. Dry it while your gone. Clean up as you go. See no need to stay home on his dime. You can work and be a mom. I’ve been married 30 years. I’ve worked when needed and was a SAHM to four. Now they are grown, I adopted two of my grandsons, I homeschool them and babysit three more. On weekends, I may have all twelve.
It’s not his responsibility to support you to be a stay at home mom.
If his salary doubled, the child support might go up but that’s a matter of contacting your CS people. As for you quitting your job so you can be a sahm…child support isn’t meant to pay your rent, your lights, your water, your cell phone, your groceries, etc. It is meant to assist in child related expenses. You would have all those bills whether you had kids or not. They might be less, but you’d still be paying them. Child support is for clothing, the kids food, gas to and from, activities, etc. You can’t expect a man to throw money at you so you can sit around all day doing nothing. If that’s what you’re after, perhaps a sugar daddy situation would be better. As a mother, you should WANT to support your children financially and not depend on a man. What would happen if he died and you’ve been out of work for 5 years? And what do you plan on doing when your kids no longer get child support? Taking your children’s money and their fathers money so you can be a bum is pretty despicable. And yes, a judge would see it unnecessary since you are I assume an able bodied individual who can work.
How about keep your job pay for the bills and save the child support for your children’s college fund or for prom expenses or their first car, don’t be a gold digging baby mama just use your head and be a good mom
Loafers are a trip I worked 40 god dam yrs nobody supported my or my daughter ppl our unreal
It sounds like you found out he got an increase and are looking at it like a way to get out of also financially contributing just because he has more money. Either way there should be an increase because of the job change yes but you shouldn’t be looking at it like he should give (you) a free ride. You still need to support yourself. CS is for the children’s needs not so you can quit taking and supporting your own needs which have nothing to do with him anymore.
I sure hope whoever is asking this is just asking to see what others say and not serious.
The dad should get custody. Hopefully he has better character
Are you… Are you being serious?
Do a review and continue to work. There’s no reason to leach
Sounds like you just want more money from him so you don’t have to do anything. You could get a job while the kids are at school you don’t need to be a sahm they’re old enough now.
I realize that this isn’t RIGHT and I shouldn’t have to live this way, but I’m a single Mother and haven’t gotten a dime in child support in 2 years that I’ve been split from my childrens’ father… He barely ever sees my children anyway and my pride won’t let me even ask for his damn money… But THIS right here, is straight up greedy… Just because HE worked hard and got better employment, that means YOU should get to be a stay at home Mom and get more money from him? I don’t care who disagrees with me… that is wrong. If there are women out there who can manage on low-income, by themselves, with no child support at all, then I have a real issue with women who think that they automatically need more money just because their ex got a better job. The child support system is so broken. I don’t understand how some children can supposedly be supported with $30 a week, but children whose non-custodial parent makes a lot of money get hundreds of dollars a week. I’ve always felt like child support should go into one big pot and distributed to everyone on child support evenly that way even the children with deadbeat non-custodial parents get something to help, and women don’t take advantage of the fact that their ex is successful and keep going to court for more money. If I can raise my kids with no help, there is no reason whatsoever that someone needs thousands of dollars a month in child support to support their children…
Never depend on CS for one, it can go away at any given moment. As a Mom it is your responsibility to financially take care of your babies. Think of CS as a bonus. I will never understand why women do that. The father has to also provide while he has the kids. What makes you entitled to his pay increase??? Do your part!!! Be better, not bitter
Are your kids disable? If so that is a reasonable reason why you want to stay home
Kids aren’t a paycheck.
Child support is to supplement your income to make sure the kids have everything they need. It is not supposed to be the only source of income. Not judging, and I know it is hard being a single mom, because I was one for 10 years. But, I worked two jobs, in addition to child support, to make sure my kids never did without.
No. His support could be increased, but if you quit your job the judge will not be on your side at all.
Women like this make me sick.
Every state is different. In pa, if you quit a job, you’re held to the same amount you made
You are the kind of woman who makes my skin crawl. The CS your ex pays is for YOUR CHILDREN. Their CS is NOT there to support YOU. It is your job to support yourself and to help support your kids. I hope a judge sees right through your greed. Your ex does well for himself, so you want to go take more from him? Shameful, I would rather work my butt off than ask a judge to take more from my sons father so that I could stay home and freeload off of somebody’s hard work.
How would you contribute to the financial part of raiding y’all’s kids if you give up your well playing job…
You are part of the problem. Just saying. Go to work dont be lazy and show your child good work ethic.
I also never ever comment on these… I’ve seen so many that I have so much experience with but I get side tracked and then just don’t bother… but…
This is a pet peeve of mine… I feel it is wrong in ways for the support to go off of what a man makes … BECAUSE of woman like U!!!.. and then some other reasons… so he/ the man/person has done better for then selves and is making more money… so what… I feel it should go off of age and so on… they can help with half the extra circular stuff and thats about it. Not all father’s r dead beats. Some ppl don’t work out or whatever and why in the hell should they be made to pay out stupid amount cause they have done good for themselves . And why in the hell should u get to stay at home off of his money, I was my my ex for 20 years… split last year… I have always worked …i would have killed for more then 6 month mat leave… but couldn’t … I am now on my own… bought a truck last summer … and pay for everything on my own… I have never had a dime from him… and i just don’t bother. Hell I didn’t even fight for the house that was half in my name cause… I just couldn’t bother with years of court and the bull. I walked and have started fresh… it can be done… it’s hard… but can proudly say what I have is by me. And when ur kids r at school age it is no longer a stay at home mom… u can be workn a part time job at the least…
Umm sorry hun but if you actually look how you worded it doesn’t sound nice. But hey I’d say continue to work so in the event he loses that job
He shouldn’t pay you to stay Home when u can earn extra income for yourself and kids.let him keep his money so he can spend it on the kids when he sees them.
There is no reason to be a Sahm if your kids are in school. There are plenty of jobs you can get that are the same hours as school hours if that’s what your worried about. And it’s soooo sad that he gets a better paying job and the first thing you think is more money for cs. That’s why I love the new law in Arkansas! They go off of both house hold incomes to make it fair. And unless you have a damn good reason not to work the judge isn’t gonna be on your side.
For my one child I get 215. That’s with me staying home. I never depend on it. Leave it for clothes and extra stuff that my son may need.
There is no way your going to get enough to live off of comfortably.
Why would you want to stay home all the time?
Probably not but who knows you have the right to have it reviewed just like he can state his case as well. Good luck.