I'm being rejected

If he loved you he would love you in all ur different changes in life he should love u in all ur different body types! I wouldn’t stay n feel the way u are because u will always remember what he said!


Honestly sounds like a cop out… possibly cheating?

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I found out I had a thyroid issue after I had my first. Definitely go get your levels checked! It’d be different if he said he wanted you at a healthy weight. And to answer your question your husband should love you and make you feel wanted regardless of what size you are. Sending you prayers! Lose weight for you first and foremost and for your health. Don’t lose it for anyone else. This is your health and your life! Take charge! You CAN do it! Even if you take baby steps like walking around the neighborhood with the stroller. You’ve got this!


You deserve a man… sorry he is just a boy.
Good thing my son can’t talk with him! He’d be told more than he wants to hear!


Best advice I can give u is to divorce the dbag, do a complete make over for YOU and be happy :woman_shrugging:t4:


Learn to love YOU and do what is best for YOU. While your body may no longer be attractive to him, his heart is likely becoming no longer attractive to you. Your future depends on what you do for yourself, today. If YOU don’t like how you look, then you do something about it for YOU, not HIM.


He’s a horrid husband. There is nothing wrong with you or your body. He’s just a shallow person and needs to fix himself. Counseling may help but honestly, I would walk away.


Why is everyone calling him an arsehole? She kept on making sexual advances on him and he didn’t want to partake. So he’s been asked why and he’s told her the truth. If it was the other way round and he kept pestering her for sex he’d get called rotten

Sounds like you need to lose the husband. What an asshole.

Girl it’s not an issue you should have to fix. That’s absolutely disgusting that he would say that. Carrying a child is hard work you will gain weight. But I have thyroid disease to. I’m not a small girl and I was able to lose weight on top of having pcos which makes it even harder to lose weight. I had to find what worked for me to lose the weight. I lost 30lbs before I got pregnant again and gained it all back plus more. I can’t imagine how you feel. I already feel fat but if my husband was to show that towards me I would be crushed. You need someone who loves you for who you are not just your looks.


Lose him, stay the same!


Love you more than you love him. You deserve someone who appreciates what you sacrificed to bring his seed into this world. Physical attributes will fade, shame on him. Sounds like he’s a loser. :woozy_face:


First he sounds very immature. A real man will love and want you no matter if you a a stick or 600lbs. That’s love!! When there become conditions for you to receive love from a man then that’s not true love that’s a immature boy. I’m so sorry you are going through this but in all honesty I’d leave and find a real man

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I’m sorry that you married a shallow piece of shit. That’s not a man, that’s a boy.
Tell him, you’re sorry, but his dick is just too small. Pack his shit and throw it out the door.

So you gain weight having his child and…

You wouldn’t like my advice. I tell you to leave him.

Your body is amazing you grew and birthed a whole little human what an amazing miracle you should be so proud of that fuck this guy he sounds like an asshat immature wee boy and you deserve so much better your beautiful as you are and deserve to be treated so much better

If he doesn’t accept you the way you are, ESPECIALLY after carrying his child, divorce his ass! He doesn’t deserve you! You should not have to change in order for anyone to like you, let alone your damn HUSBAND!

What an asshole does he think he’s gods gift,how dare he judge you after you giving him a miracle,some men don’t actually get all my the changes we go through in pregnancy,he doesn’t deserve you the asshole.

After having 2 kids anytime I make a comment about my body or weight my husband always says things like “you made humans, your beautiful the way you are” type comments. If he ever made me feel how your husband has made you feel I would 100% leave. Not necessarily to divorce but he needs to make a choice, either be your partner and support system or he’s not. He sounds like a jerk and I’m sorry he’s made you feel like garbage. Just know YOU ARE STRONG, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, HE DOESN’T DETERMINE YOUR WORTH.


The reason your body is like that is because you carried his child. Obviously he has no idea about that fun fact. He is a selfish person. You deserve much better than him.

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Just another random post I’ve read that instantly enrages me…. Is this peasant for real ?Like…… seriously you’ve created and carried a human inside your stomach for 9 months and because your body hasn’t snapped back to it’s former pre baby shape and you’re not looking like an appealing snack to him ? He can make you feel unworthy and shithouse when you are probably feeling the most vulnerable you’ve ever felt? What a complete fucking shit show of a human have you scored yourself there? Never mind that you’ve probably been surviving on a minimum of 2 hours sleep a night trying to fumble your way through and survive this new daily mum life completely exhausted and getting trying to get 5 minutes to yourself to have a fucking shower! You’d forgotten to somehow stick to a strict diet of sweet fuck all and lettuce into your daily life paired with a exercise program that you physically are not ready for! Let’s face it pregnancy and giving birth knocks the shit outta your body and you need to be gentle with yourself to recover……silly you hadn’t thought about your repulsive partner and what would please his eye so he’d be interested in giving you a good pounding?
Seriously girl go put your Big Girl panties on that he doesn’t find attractive and dump his ass! Clear space in the wardrobe for a real man! :wink::facepunch:

The only weight you NEED to lose is the weight of carrying him around. You deserve happiness. This isn’t that. Losing weight for him for this purpose won’t make you happy and won’t reverse the fact that you’ll always remember that he did this to you. Love your baby, move on, be happy.


Tell him you gonna get a “buddy” on the side and find someone that can’t get enough of you and your body. 🤷

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He was cruel to you. Love yourself first then find a real man who will love you no matter what. Be happy with yourself. X

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:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: leave that dickhole you don’t deserve it and Cleary he is shallow as hell & trust when those of use are telling you it will get worse.

So how does he look? He’s probably no Thor. What an a$$

I’d get a side piece then let him find out. I’d say YES I got a side piece, it ain’t my fault you can’t get an erection! But I’m petty so… Hurt my feelings, I’ll hurt yours🤷


Love yourself!! Is his body perfect!!! Sounds like he needs to go

You just had HIS CHILD. I’m honestly disgusted that he is doing this to you.


I’d be taking the kid and out the door

Aw I’m so sorry to hear this, this is so heartbreaking :broken_heart: and I know this isn’t an easy fix for you and obviously I don’t know him but in my opinion when you truly love someone you kinda don’t notice how they look anymore because their absolutely perfect in your eyes! And unfortunately if he isn’t attracted to you after giving birth, as you both grow older he won’t see what’s on the inside just your appearance, so you could find yourself in this position again through no fault of your own. I’m not saying he’s a bad bloke but it’s very hurtful to say that to you :yellow_heart: and if that’s how he feels then maybe he’s not as in love with you as he thought he was :broken_heart: I’m so sorry to write this but this kind of thing will reappear its head if he can’t see past how you look. I hope you find the right solution for you, but my advice would be that you shouldn’t feel hideous because of your S.O they’re the ones who are meant to build our confidence up, and you don’t deserve to feel the way you do when you’ve just given him a child :yellow_heart:

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Time to let him go is up.he clearly doesn’t deserve you.

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Leave him and then only If YOU want to loose weight, make yourself feel good about you and learn to love you again, then make yourself irresistible to him n when he comes running :wave:t3::fu: he don’t deserve you!


You sacrifice your name. Your body to bare his children and your sacrifices are thrown at you, the mother of his child’… Ummm no! Not OK! Sadly if he hasn’t touched you, being male, he has probably ventured elsewhere so if it does come to an intimate time, please use protection. But this should end here. I see no positive turn around from that. Abuse is mental and emotional, sexual and neglect too not just physical.
I fear he will bring you down down down until you become nothing but a bag of bones. Do not ever let someone’s selfish ways and their nasty truths become your realities.
If he had a problem he should be encouraging you to eat healthy and exercise and I’M RIGHT BESIDE YOU BABE ALL THE WAY… Type behaviour not making you self doubt and hate on your fine self! You just gave birth to a human ffs!! Please do not take any more of that with the knowledge of how he now feels about you. Fkn hurts like hell but girl… Run!! Ain’t no person worth your mental health and well being x best wishes


What a horrible thing of a man ! Absolutely pig :cry::cry: this just makes my cry chick ! You made a beautiful baby in your belly ! What would his body be like if he’s done it !! You need to run ! Get rid of him :hot_face::rage::hot_face::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::exploding_head:


I guarantee he will put on weight, his hairline will recede, and it’s possible his dingaling will stop ringalinging.
You need to worry about you and your child. You want unconditional love and he doesn’t have it to give.


Dump him…all I can say is love comes from within and obviously he is only looking at your physical body after you gave birth to HIS child. Sad!!!


I had my son 4 years ago and my weight has fluctuated since but even when I’m smaller, my body is not the same. After giving birth I don’t think it ever will be. He should cherish the fact that you carried his child and brought a piece of him into this World. I know it’s hard but start slow. Go for walks, try portion eating. Do what works for you and what’s gonna make you love your body again and if he doesn’t like it… tell him to go find someone else but the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.

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Feel attractive, confidence is sexy ! If if you fake it till you do feel it!
Get a hair cut or a new color :thinking:
Lay in the tanning bed or a spray tan
Get vitamin c
Get your nails and or toes done
New nighty or lingerie
A new outfit
Even your favorite meal can make u feel better :relieved:
Do it for you , f him.


You do that for you no one else. Ever.


Dont show any interest…then tell him he needs to gain weight in a certain area


Leave his ass,that’s not a man that’s a boy

Girl. You put your body through hell to bring forth HIS child. F him if all of a sudden your body isn’t good enough.


I looked at my children, and I told my wife that her body was beautiful, look what it created. Your husband is a douche & an a$$hole.


I am so, so sorry for you. My wife has body image issues, also. We have 2 kids and she struggles so hard. She was a tiny size when we met and is now slightly larger than before our 2 kids and it has been really hard on her. Imo she is more attractive now and I try to get her to see that every chance I get. I could not imagine being so cold and callous. Im not saying he shouldnt be honest but he should comfort and love her. Maybe if it is an issue for both he will offer to work out with her so they can both better themselves


I can only imagine the hurt. We do not have control over ones brain chemistry. People can’t artificially produce the spark that creates intimacy in relationships. Focus your energy towards loving yourself and your child while you work through this. :kissing_heart:


Your husband should love you anyway, get rid of him. That’s so nasty… and even if you lost so much weight you will forever think of what he said to you. That’s almost like you saying to him get a bigger pecker or I’m not sleeping with you. That would really hurt him. Even though they don’t change it’s the point of it. You know. Best revenge lost weight and leave the bastard!

Get rid of him that’s bloody awful! X


Exercise do what u gotta do you can slwAys get back to the way u were it’s not hard mist get lazy


Tell him to get a vasectomy so he doesn’t bring any more kids into this world only to body shame the mother of his child. You are not the gross one he is the one who has a disgusting mind he should never have wanted to child if he couldn’t handle what happens to our bodies so that’s why I say make a good choice and do not have another child with this man


There is nothing in the world that is going to change that man. He’s already done that damage and no matter how much weight you lose or how much you bounce back, he’s already destroyed any sense of security you could have with him.

That is a pathetic excuse for a partner and you need to get away from him.

You wanna lose weight fast? Go ahead and drop every bit of the 225-250 pounds of dead weight that is your spouse and I guarantee you’ll start feeling better in no time.


Your husband is a piece of shit!! Point blank!! Your body changed having his child ask him if he forgot that while your on way out the door with your baby!!

Why would you still want him? He’s gross. He can’t love you… If he did it wouldn’t matter how you look 🤷


Sounds like he’s looking for excuses😧


First and foremost you need to see your physician and get your thyroid “issue” taken care of. The thyroid gland can cause weight gain and depression… Not sure how many “months ago” you gave birth but it can take up to a year for a mom to lose the baby weight.


The only extra weight you need to lose is him.


Loose the weight for yourself if that’s what u want to do than leave his ass :partying_face:

You birthed his child…he litterally did it to you(got you pregnant) and he has the audacity to critizise your body? Thats so cold and heartless. You sacrificed your whole body and mind for HIS child and hes saying…i cant even. Thats shitty

What a piece of shit. Divorce him

You should feel loved no matter what your body goes thru… I’m not saying women should gain 600 lbs just bc your in a relationship… But weight gain happens… especially after having a baby… But someone who loves you the way they should would still love you no matter what… you deserve better


I would lose minus his body weight overnight to start out! Lose weight for YOU…not an uncaring man!


I went through this along with many other things. I left him and immediately after I dropped 50 pounds, my skin cleared up, my hair started growing fast, etc. I didn’t realize how much stress he was causing my body until I got out. Our divorce will be finalized soon thank god and I look better than I ever have. My advice- leave him. You’re worthy where you are right now whether you lose the weight or not and if he can’t see that shame on him. You deserve someone who can.


At least he was honest. And with his answer you can start detaching from loving him as well. Some people are visual or maybe his “love” was purely superficial. It can happen. You work on yourself mentally to end what hurts you. You can also go to the gym for yourself not just to get his attention.


STOP…do NOT ever change who you are or what your weight is for ANYbody, that includes your husband. If he cant or won’t love you because of your weight, he doesn’t love you like he should. It’s not that you “let yourself go” and are gaining weight due to neglect. YOU carried and birthed a child!! That is worth every ounce of added weight. If he doesnt accept that, tell him to go kick rocks in flip flops! Don’t be ashamed of your body! Of course wanting to lose the weight is ok IF it’s bothersome to you BUT your husband should support you and love you unconditionally.
SO, think of it this way…he wants nothing to do with you now but if you lost weight he would. Are you still going to feel that attraction to him knowing he couldn’t love YOU but only loved your body??? You will feel resentment and anger towards him knowing you are only good enough when you meet his standard of body image. It’s very clear he’s only attracted to your physical appearance. That’s absolutely NOT ok. If you aren’t good enough now…don’t ever stoop to his pitiful level. Love yourself for who you ARE!


I’m so sorry that you feel this way but you need to love yourself. You can’t wait for someone else’s approval because at the end of the day, it sounds like you don’t like the way YOU look and it’s easier to blame him for something YOU’RE not happy with. It doesn’t seem like he’s an ass and body shames it sounds like YOU asked and he gave an honest answer which, no matter how uncomfortable it made you, you should appreciate his honesty.

All I can say is wow really what did he think was going to happen when you got pregnant the selfishness you shouldn’t have to change yourself to please him after you just gave him a gift from God you need to give him a note to meet him straighten out or he needs to leave and don’t be afraid to be on your own there are many men out there that like big women wow

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If you want a quick way to lose some weight, dump him. Problem solved. You just lost a couple hundred pounds and you’re now free to find a man worth a damn.

Shallow and narcissist run. Point out his body issues see how he likes that


:fu::fu::fu: f***in jerk! Is he perfect is he?


You got a awful excuse for a man… mo I’ve gained a lot of weight, thyroid issues, 18 years of marriage he still loves me for me. Find someone who can love you no matter what you look like. I bet your a beautiful woman. Men need to know that a women’s body goes through a lot during childbirth. Gee, did his dad treat his mom that way? You gave him his child. He’s not worth it.


Omg!! Like the mama’s fanclub needs to rough this fucking douchebag up! My man was and is still awesome about it! That may be because when I got fat, I turbo boosted my cooking and he got fat too! Even my ex was not only supportive, but humorous even on my sad days. Hopefully yall aren’t 30 yet!! Hopefully around the time he turns 30, he’ll get a little plump, as the case being with the vast majority of us all!

He agreed to love you and marry you in sickness and health, for better, for worse. And last time I checked pregnancy was a team effort. He can’t expect your body to be what it was before you’ve given birth to a child, even if you lose weight. In addition your body will age and change, it’s normal and not something you can control. He doesn’t love you for who you are, he loves you for the idea of who he needed you to be. You should be loved in marriage, so one of you should love you enough to ask for more. I hope it’s you. Love yourself and leave.


you can’t because he is a shallow person and does not really love you anyway

You just had a baby and you’re beautiful…Your husband is a shit bag. Real men don’t act this way.

That’s a sorry excuse. If I were you I would get the thyroid issue looked at and start it getting better then you can start working on yourself and might find it better to be without him than with him


Your husband is a jackass!

Throw that Piece of trash out. You had a baby and didn’t bounce back like a super mom. Fuck him and his stupidity. I don’t care that others are like oh, after a year you should be normal weight again, no thats not how that works, maybe she was busy, other kids, work, school, other things that’s going on… Eating healthier, fully back that, but just because she can’t hit the gym doesn’t mean her trashy “husband” has an excuse. He could have came at it a different way, like suggesting they both go to the gym, walk during the day… Something. You gave him a child… Uhm he fuck right off.

You lose the weight if you want. And lose the weight of that grown ass man making you feel that way.

Love is unconditional get a new husband!


What a shallow piece of shit, hes absolute trash

Kick that idiot to the curb.

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I could never want intimacy or get turned on by such a pos. He doesn’t deserve you at your best!

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To hell with him , if he was in love with you it would not matter … if a man really loves you he is into you no matter what I gained weight and ended up bed ridden for 6 months and my man was there for me …get rid of that so called man …


I am so very sorry you are going through this. Get a therapist asap. I know it’s really hard to hear, but if he truly loved you as a person, especially after bringing his child into the world, he would love and support you. I worry if something really big happened (not that birth isn’t, but that’s kinda the point), would he be there or run? You deserve a partner. You deserve to be and feel loved exactly as you are. I wish you all the best. :sparkling_heart:

Ummm you just gave birth to his child. If he can’t understand how hard that is, and the changes in your body that occur… you need to throw away the whole man. You grew a whole ass human for him. Something is wrong with him, not you. Your body did something hard yet amazing. Your husband is a POS for even saying something like that to you.

You have had babies men really do grind my gears saying you’ve put on weight blah blah but it’s okay for them they make the baby with you and then boom they ain’t attracted to you I just don’t understand why men do that I would love to see a man pregnant and then he can actually see what we have to go through I really do hope you don’t feel to rubbish be you Mumma you got this :heart:

Wow ok. Nobody should have to change the way they look cause of a partner. Hes the one that got you pregnant, hes the one that should still love you and want to be intimate with you after you birthed his child.

I hate that people are so quick to say leave! You’re married. Try therapy and I wish you luck

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There is nothing you can do beside ask him to go to counseling with and with out. The problem is with him and not you. He needs some real help. Then together you can work with someone to help repair the damage. Caused by him.

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He’s super shallow and that’s not true love. True love is unconditional. If he really and truly loved you, he would love you despite your changing body. Learn to love yourself first and foremost and move on with your life. There’s someone out there who will love you unconditionally. (((((HUGS)))))


I’ll be the dick I guess. Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to. Noone is in control of what they are attracted to. You can’t force something or “fix” them. Either realize you have the power to make him see a more confident heavier you or lose the weight. At least he was honest with you. Do you make any effort to fix your insecurities? Because self conscious women tend to not take care of themselves if they don’t “look” the way they want to. Don’t mope around the house feeling sorry for yourself. And I know it’s easier said then done. Every woman has had body image issues. You are the only one in control of how people see you. So if you don’t like the problem. Fix it instead of throwing it all on your husband. I’m sure he doesn’t like the way it makes him feel either. Women have nine months to nurture a bond with a baby. It’s harder for dads imo to adjust to life marriage kids ect especially if they don’t like change to begin with. Maybe therapy together would be ideal or get both of you a gym membership and go on a healthier journey together.

That man ain’t worth shit sorry! What a shit guy!

If he actually loved you. He’d still be intimate with you regardless of how much you gain out change. He’s not your soulmate.

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What a f** jerk, thats no way to treat any woman you just had his child. Id loose the weight and say see ya later when he wants to come crawling back


He’s very superficial, get rid of him.

Unconditional love doesn’t exist. Hallmark movies are crap. No one talks about the period of adjustment after having a baby. Unless you’re a movie star and have liposuction and a personal trainer. Humans are very conditional. As a species we look :eyes: for the perfect :joy: mate to mate with…Stop eating for two and go for walks. The fact he can honestly say his truth means he has hope and he’s just trying to figure this out. Sex isn’t everything but Intimacy is. He’s talking to you about his fears. I was in the ICU for almost five months before giving birth. Hair falling out. Tubes everywhere. I gained 80lbs. I was a stranger in my own body. And yes, not “attractive.” Many ups and downs. Changes. But we always talked about it. 18 years. Be afraid when he stops talking to you.

Wow …you very brave to share this …this a hurt that words cant express…your partner should love you completely …loosing weight won’t make this better …learn you…love you …accept you…God loves you …


Fuck that, you do it for yourself hun.

Talk to dr about B12 shots and weight pills…as well as thyroid pills. If cant get dr to give the weight pills…then can get them from a weight management clinic. Over the counter stuff doesnt work…the prescribed ones do and B12 makes you feel so much better. Lose the weight for yourself…not him.Then go find a real man…lol.

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