I'm feeling out of depth with my 7 year old, help?

She wouldn’t be using that iPad for awhile for one thing … she’s learning to disrespect you and she’s manipulating you and it will only get worse

She would’ve lost her pad for a few days here. But I understand, my 9 year old is mouthy, sometimes too… some of it is expected at this age, I’m told.

Shes testing her limits with you to see how far she can go and get away with it . By going back and forth with her. You’re giving her the idea she has a say and a right to speak to you that way. Don’t allow it . Shut it down immediately. Respect goes both ways. Tell her if you want people to do things for her . She must be polite first off and be respectful. Also no one is obligated to do anything for her. It’s simply a favor done out of kindness . What you daughter is exhibiting is bullying and entitled behavior ! Shut it down now before she gets older. I’d put the tablet away for awhile till she became more grounded and respectful to those around her.

If it’s getting bad why is she on the iPad or having anything that she wants. Take it away. They are kids for a reason as your the parent. If you don’t do it now and have any type or respect she should have it will get worse. Don’t say why you can’t do anything we don’t need to explain as if they are grown, just say your can’t get it. The shorter things to say the better and leave it at that. Good luck

That would have gotten the iPad taken away for a week. She needs boundaries to learn respect!

I would have said ok, fine I’ll get it. Then I would have taken it and locked it up and told her that she is grounded from it for being so rude and bossy and she can have it back when she shows that she respects me and behaves better.

What u allow will keep happening, its beyond me how people allow their children to talk to them in any kind of aggressive tone…

I would’ve honestly taken it away after the first, maybe second, time she mouthed back (first time telling her it’s a warning). I tell my toddler all the time that if she is going to act certain ways, then I can take stuff away so she understands - works for me :woman_shrugging:t2:

All y’all just saying take the ipad…i dont disagree, however I am old school she’d have gotten a butt whoopin too. Absolutely NO child will be disrespectful to me or their other elders like that.

Sounds like she feels disconnected from you. The nice gestures we do for littles as they age, get fewer. But those little hands still need to feel cared for in those ways. That’s a mom’s love to them. Maybe have a conversation about how you love spending time with her. She’s growing more independent. She can do so many things! Make a list! She’ll be so proud that you see she’s growing into her own person. Maybe then explain how people show love in lots of ways, not just “acts of service”. I’ve had a similar convo with my 11 year old, 9 at the time. She had had a lot childhood trauma fueled by a narcissistic alcoholic for a father. I was a traumatized co-dependant. I protected her by doing things for her. If I did it wrong, I got in trouble with Dad, not her. She saw acts of service as my main outpour of love for her. When I divorced my ex, the girls and I moved to start over. I had a full time job and two kids as a single mom. Oldest had to learn quick about seeing her independence as a strength. I still pour her milk in the morning. When I turn to put the milk back, I kiss her head. It’s not just pouring milk for her, it’s showing love. Yes, she can do it. But in that moment, I can help and she can see love.
That’s just my opinion.

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I’d take the iPad and put it up for the day until she gets a better attitude. Pre teens. It only gets worse as they grow. Lol Teenagers

I laugh at some of these comments because from experience I have learned each child has to be dealt with differently!! I have grown children, and grand children…my big ones were model children, in grades,and behavior! I had a caboose ( on purpose :rofl:) eighteen years later! My caboose is a totally different child! He is a good child, one of the teachers favs…but he will do the same thing to me about bringing him things, (and I have done the spanking) so I will just ignore him, and he will go get what he was ugly about… .so I leave it at that! ( pick your battles with a strong willed child)

If my kids behaved like that they would no longer have an iPad.

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Sounds like you need to woman up and show her who’s in charge. I’d take the iPad away for at least a day the second she talked to me like that and an extra day for each smart ass remark after. And if she goes off the edge take it for a full month

Reach out to Chesterfield Mental Health Services.
There are folks there that can help you both improve your relationship. Whether she’s going through some challenges, has a behavioral issue, undetermined diagnosis or you simply need parenting supports. It’s there. Family therapy is also available.

You have spoiled you child by giving in to her. She needs to learn what respect is if she wants that ipad she can get it herself or leave it. Don’t ever let her talk to you as if you are her maid. Give that girl some chores everyday and if she doesn’t do them take that ipad or phone away until she learns that you and your husband are the boss of the home. If you don’t you are going to have a bully on your hands worse then she already is as she is abusing you.
Please put a stop to it ASAP!!

No matter what you do or how u act, it doesn’t give her the right as a child to behave like that or speak to you like that. It will get worse as she gets older if you tolerate that. You need to take things away and stand your ground, every outburst or disrespectful thing she says she’d lose something until she has nothing left and then add time to it being gone until she earned it back with good behavior. Bc her speaking like that to you is ridiculous.

Take it away and ignore said behaviour…when she is good let her have it…hopefully if you keep doing that she will understand she can’t talk to mummy like that…good luck :muscle::blush:

Wow, Ffs get her iPad & don’t let her have it. I wish ppl would start disciplining their brats & stop worrying about being mean. Smdh stupidiness.

Therapy. Don’t take advice from strangers in this…yes they can offer good advice but from personal experience Therapy would be more beneficial since it sounds like it’s just starting.

Stop the iPad. Stop all electronics.
My son would get mouthy or a little nasty and his punishment always take away what he loved most. I left him with BOOKS! Not something to entertain him by watching. He had to read, be creative in what the scene is set for. Not a device to give him nothing. He’s 22 almost 23 and hasn’t watched tv since he was 15. He’ll pull up the History channel or documentary shows but nothing with garbage that corrupt their mind with today’s society and how they should be feeling, acting, etc. They back in the day thought video games brought violence to these kids. Hell some of these shows they show now are disgusting! Telling them its OK to have a man dressed as a woman reading stories to little kids. Teaching them younger about sex. Absolutely NOT! Not in my house would that take place. That is the parent’s job to know when they should have certain talks. Not some media company.

Take the ipad away and if she keeps it up take everything she has in her room and put her bed on the floor and make her earn it back kids need to be taught that things are earned and not given either she will smarten up or she’ll have nothing but a mattress on her floor and that’s it uauslly they realize that its allot easier to be respectful and listen to what u r saying… Good luck… :heart::heart::heart::heart:

Have you tried talking to her about how quickly she’s getting angry and working with her to find the source of that anger? It sounds like there’s something else going on that’s making the little things feel like big things. Set some boundaries on appropriate ways to express that anger and work on solving the deeper problems.

Stop ignoring it and address the behavior everytime…my daughter is seven and has come to realize bad behavior has bad consequences…she loses access to fun experiences… as well as time by herself…just as good behavior has good consequences…my reality is it takes consistency…addressing it everytime!!

I will respond the first time. After that, I tell mine if they’re going to have a crappy attitude, no one else is gonna put up with it, so they can sit in their room until they chill out. Also, since they want to speak to me like I’m irrelevant to them, everything I’ve purchased or cleaned can be irrelevant, too.
Realizing no one wants to be around someone who acts like a jerk has worked for us. They’re good alone for a bit, but when they come out and try to interact with everyone and no one wants to talk to them, they get it.

Personally I dont respond to ‘demands’ if my kids can’t be patient and wait for something they actually might need help with (like my 6 yr old getting a cup because the cupboards are too high for him) I stop responding and get it when I’m able. Something like a tablet isn’t a necessity it’s something that is earned. I’d have taken it away until they show they deserve to have it back.

Your daughter could be acting out for your attention. There is usually more going on with emotions and feelings. Therapist maybe a good idea. And as being mom , it is diffuclt to always stay calm. I explain to my kids. I get to their eye level so they dont think im looking down upon them. Kids want moms approval. Good luck and just breathe.

My other half goes back and 4th w my 7yr old. And its tit for tat. I have to get on both of them its ridiculous. I speak to her like an adult. Not baby her. No yelling and she gives me no issues. Yelling back doesnt help at all. Im firm but not an asshole.

But there definitely could be other things going on she may not have told you about for her to act out. No one knows we don’t live with you guys. Wish you luck.

I would let her know that I was busy at the moment and if she could not get up and get it herself she would have to wait until I am finished with what I am doing. If she didn’t get up and then starts yelling do not respond you already expressed to her the situation the back and forth yelling talking at that time they’re not listening to you they just know that they’re angry they’re not getting what they want and they need to know that it doesn’t work that way that conversation needs to be done when she is calm I can repeat back what you’re saying to her so you know she understands ask questions

In my house if kids do anything like disrespecting and ignoring things that need to be done, their screen time or anything like going outside to play isn’t allowed. Until they do what needs to be done and respectfully apologize.

She wouldn’t get that iPad. She would be grounded, maybe even had that ass popped for her attitude.

Take away her iPad. Make a behavior chart. Move it up and down. Try not to engage or argue with her. Just move the pin down on the chart and every time it moves a privilege is lost. Ex: no iPad, no dessert, no tv, etc. set it to your household. It worked wonders for my daughter. Also fiery and strong willed. If the pin moves up, reward it with a candy or extra electronic time, or something like that. Punishment or reward comes at the end of the day

Actions have consequences. That iPad should have been taken away. You seem a little too nice. Not always a bad thing but some kids take advantage of that. Stay strong & teach her who’s boss. If not? Unfortunately it will get worse and she can even turn abusive in the long run. Good luck

Try not go go back and forth, reply with I believe you are a smart capable girl I’m sure you can get it if you want it.

I also use statements like it’s so sad that you chose not to 0lau on your I pad.

Allow chooses and let her have natural consequences. You can get your I pad or you can play with something else

Consistent is key, do not cave, do not scream/yell, say it and then point out the natural consequence.

When you yell at me I dont feel like making you a treat is an example of a delayed consequence

She wouldn’t have seen the iPad for a long tíme. Or anything else she demands.
Having said that, girls are impossible growing up

My 7 year old just got grounded from her iPad for a week for screaming at me!!! This momma don’t play like that!!!

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Thank God I had mine years ago when children did as they were told and never allowed to answer back now they do as they please parents are allowing this it will get worse

How about find your child a pediatric behavioral therapist? Sounds like your child may be showing signs of O.D.D. or possibly another mild neurodivergent condition. Don’t medicate her. Just get her some help.

And yes, confiscate the iPad if she does get that ugly because children and adults both do not deserve things they WANT if they are being ugly.

Clearly you need to learn that you are in charge and she isn’t. Take her stuff away! She doesn’t deserve anything if she doesn’t know how to behave. iPads are a luxury and if you act a mess, then you don’t need it. Don’t allow the disrespect! Humble her now, before it’s too late!

Definitely start setting boundaries. Make it clear what you are doing in a non-confrontational manner. She should also see a reward for good behavior. Decide what that should be ahead of time. It should also be contingent upon doing something when asked the first time. Pleasant attitude, etc… pick a period of time for measuring this good behavior and provide the reward.

If my kids yelled at me like that, their iPad would be in the garbage. Idc how much it cost. Absolutely not.

My kids have tried to pull that crap with me before. They learned real quick when they lost everything but their beds, blankets, and clothes. And they couldn’t come out of their rooms unless it was to use the bathroom, eat, or go to school.

Get her a physical, she may dehydrated or sugar issues. Get into a routine that she must follow and if she back talks or has a fit stop her and explain she is not to act like that. If she does it again there will be consequences. Spanking, time out in a chair in the corner of a room. Time off TV or computer. The first time 2 minutes then increases by 2 every time. Talking back you can ignore her until she can talk to you like she supposed to. The silence treatment works pretty fast.
Ask her why she is suddenly acting like this. Talk to her in private, maybe someone is bother ing her. Bullying or worse touching her.

I feel the mistake you’re making is letting it become a battle by continuing to argue with her. Just end the conversation.

I peraonally would have said if you dont want to get up and get it you must not want it that bad and if you keep up the attitude you dont need it back and then i would have taken it away

Take her outside to play . Do something with her to exert that energy into a positive place . Set a time limit for those devices . Keep it in your room until it’s her time to play with it . Good luck to you :pray:

“Excuse me young lady? That is NOT how you speak to me and you can head to time out if you continue speaking to me like that.” Or “That is absolutely not how you act, I am busy and you will do it yourself or I will take it away for the whole entire day.” If it proceeds take it away.

Look into the gentle discipline book and the whole brain child book. Connect with her and figure out what’s going on. Empathize but still hold firm boundaries of how she needs to act and respect you. Sounds like she just needs some love and understanding not time outs and whatever else people are recommending.

Sounds like spoiled only child syndrome. Tune her up quick.

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Take away the damn ipad for one. Children who get thousand dollar electronics and talk to u like that don’t deserve shit til they learn their place n show some respect.

Take away her iPad and tell her until she can have it back when she learns respect and changes her attitude and tone to u do it for a week or so to see if u can see the change and to make sure the change in behavior sticks and telk her that other things may be taken away if she keeps up the attitude and will only be left with the essential things

You reap what you want. Slap in the mouth never hurt anyone or not answering he demands this is tough age she she really testing her boundaries as a parent you are not a slave to her How is her school work Kids are important but they must learn you get what you work for. Everyone has chores so the world will be a better place At this age they should make a choice and acknowledge the punishment if it’s the wrong decision be a good person and teach


Take her iPad away, give her chores to do, no games, give her a book and correct her when she speaks to you that way. Start with the basics.

If it’s very out of character for her, I’d be trying to find out if there’s something wrong in her little world that she’s not coping with, and because you’re her safe place, you’re the one copping it. Has there been recent family dynamic changes/something going on at school etc that could have caused her to become so angry and start acting out towards you? When you’re both in a happy frame of mind, not in the middle of an argument, I’d be setting up a picnic in the backyard or something nice one on one. Have a genuine conversation with her and just see if she’s okay. Yes she can’t speak to you like that and she does need to learn that she can’t, but just find out first if there’s a cause for her change in behavior.

Look up respectful parenting. It actually works a lot better than the old-school method to just take things away and expect them to understand why. Young kids like this don’t really know how good they have it, Especially if they get tablets and waited on. They don’t have as good of a comparison of other kids as we do as grown-ups seeing that we have more life experience. Try to have a civil mature conversation when you’re all calm. She will respect you more for it instead of you just taking it away and being a dictator. Help her understand why her behavior is not OK, list all the things you do for her, ask her to rethink how she acts next time and see how it goes. Also if your relationship is just situation is like these, you’re not gonna get very far with getting respect. If you have a good bond and spend time together not arguing about little things, She will more likely than not feel bad for mommy when mommy tells her how she feels. It’s all about building a relationship remember even though they are kids they have opinions too about you And how you are as a parent.

Okay I’ll get it but when I do I’m keeping it :partying_face: that’s how I’d respond to that if it continues that shit is minneeee until she’s a perfect mannered child , not perfectly behaved but will be perfectly mannered lol

Ummm iPad, tv, xbox, everything would be gone, including door until she gets her attitude straight. I have 5 kids. The oldest did that crap but he learned pretty quick not to. The rest never did. That’s not fiesty mom, that’s a brat. Address it as such.

This sounds exactly like my son. He will be 7 next month and has waves of serious aggression

Take her electrics And toys away from her tell her until her attitude changes and she stops being disrespectful and yelling at you and ignoring your instructions she won’t get them back and stick to it. I would say next time she yells at you slap her in the mouth (not hard but just hard enough to get your point across) but that is frowned upon in these mom groups. GOD forbid you smack your child because of they are being a disrespectful little shit. Yes I said it! Spare the rod spoil the child. Let one of mine yell at me or tell me what I’m GONNA do. I will show them What I can do and they won’t enjoy it. I will take everything away from them and if that don’t make them change their attitude, I will take extracurricular activities away and if that don’t work, I will try manual labor my garden has weeds that need pulling the grass needs cutting the floors need mopping etc. But mine already know if they yell at me the chances are highly likely that I will pop them in the mouth

Take the iPad away or whatever she’s wanting but demanding you to get. Just be like no and you’re not getting it now either until you can be respectful etc.

My answer to that attitude would be taking away the iPad. Take away electronics and set up a system to earn screen time. My 8 year old is so much more well behaved with less screen time.

Learning begins at home , counseling and therapy begins at home . Have you ever heard of the saying bend a tree while it’s young? Parenting doesn’t come with a manual but Your child is young and at this age you correct and run things because as they get older it can get worse. Put your foot down !!! Chastising is important too .

Um sounds like you let her get away with treating you like that for awhile so shes used to it. Shes 7… your the adult I dont understand why you csnt handle a 7 year old bratty attitude and put her in check. Let me guess… you got her the iPad or even let her still get on it ?? Yikes good luck

Man I’m telling you when my now 10 year was 7 she spent an entire year grounded from all electronics and I took almost all of her toys away and made her donate them. Say what you want I don’t care she was put of control with her bad ass attitude breaking stuff destroying furniture ruining a 3 rd generation vanity literally throwing money out her window. She had her books and a couple stuffed animals her mattress was on the floor because she wrecked her 4 post canopy bed. Now she’s 10 and is back to her grateful loving helping self

I wouldn’t have let her have the iPad after that. I would have warned her first by saying you need to get it yourself otherwise I’m taking it and you won’t get it back for X amount of time. Too much back and forth.

If that were my child she would not of had access to that iPad. She needs to work to earn her privileges. You get up in the morning you complete a certain task or tasks and then at this time you get access to the iPad the TV etc. for a specified amount of time if they don’t handed over or turn it off when it’s time. They don’t get it in the evening…

Ignore bad behavior. If she doesn’t get up to get it herself asked you then got mean about it. Get up get it and put it away somewhere she can’t get to make her earn it back. But have a talk afterwards so that she understands that type of attitude is not acceptable

Bye bye iPad, for starters. Do not reward bad behavior. She is acting out, but still getting what she wants. If there is no consequence for that type of behavior, why would she stop?

If my 5yo did this which he does I would go get the iPad and put it up for at least a few hours until he apologized for being disrespectful and demanding

Pretend you’re going to give her the iPad, then take it. Tell her she have it back when she learns respect. By ignoring yet you’re telling her that it’s okay to be disrespectful. Also not good for kids to have iPads too much, they become addicted and get aggressive over it.

When any of my sons gets the nerve to talk to me out of tone, I tell him, “you wanna try that again!?” They all immediately tone down because they don’t know what comes after that if they do- hell, I don’t even know because none of them have gotten that far yet. Lol. My 12 year old tries to whisper under his breath and i tell him “Speak up! If you have something to say, say it louder.” They all know I don’t play when it comes to respecting me. My youngest had a bad day at school and he got the tablet taken, sent to bed and lost all other privileges like watching tv and whatever else. Needless to say, his next day at school was a lot better. Let her know you’re the boss. Tell her “oh! I missed the memo where you had a job and earned the title as the boss of this house.” My kids never usually have anything to say after I remind them that. They rarely push the limit to testing me beyond me telling them once. Stand firm with your tone and demand respect, and always always always follow through on their punishment- if you take it away, DON’T :clap:t3: GIVE :clap:t3: IT :clap:t3: BACK. At least not until her attitude improves. She will learn the hard way one way or another because even adults can’t talk to their employers like that, better to teach her now as her parent than her grow up thinking she can. Good luck!

you should have taken her ipad from her and put it up

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Bust her a** I’m a firm believer is spanking children if they deserve it. I was spanked as a child and I turned out fine. I have manners.

My son is only 2 but i also deal with the stubbornness, refusal to listen & the talking back at times & agree with some ladies above, ignoring it until she stops the behavior & starts doing things herself along with also taking things away, if that doesnt work, then give her age appropriate chores to do or she never gets those items back. (Atleast for a few months, that will feel like forever to a kid)

For one thing she shouldn’t have an iPad until she changes her attitude :unamused: and she is controlling you because she can

Sounds like you need to take her stuff from her and she needs a good old fashion butt whooping she should not be talking to you or any adult like that it starts now if not then she will be out of control later I know I am a mom of 3 and I don’t put up with the behavior

That iPad goes everywhere with me. You talk to me like that, you lose the PRIVILEGE of using it.

Personally- take everything fun away. Once attitude improves( it’s tough. Going through this myself) fun stuff comes back.

She is testing you. It will get worse I am sure if you feed into it. My daughter has an issue with same behavior. If I tell her no she goes on and on. It’s very hard to ignore but i do. She eventually gets the point and gets/does whatever she expected me to do. I have talked to her doctor and think she may need counseling as well as myself to deal with these issues. I know i need to have consequences for the behaviors but it’s so hard with a bullheaded determined child. She will go for hours! Just know mama you are not alone. Get a professional involved. I feel I have waited to long and it will be harder to change the behavior. Please dont wait!

Set more boundaries. If she’s upset about you not getting things for her then be firm and take it away. She should start to understand that she is NOT in control you are

Tell her if she is going to talk to you like that then she isn’t getting the iPad until she learns how’s to be respectful.

Ditto, Same!!! I took away tv, and all screen time! Helped tremendously. If she is pleasant we’ll have movie night on the weekends.

Or start taking things from her as in grounding her from these things she likes

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I would have taken it for the way she spoke in the first place. Then do chores to get it back

Maybe look into what she is viewing on the ipad and see if she is learning rude behaviour from certain shows or programmes on YouTube etc. Do you have parental control on what she views on the tablet?
Maye ask her why she thinks shouting is a good idea and tell her that it is wrong.
I agree with the others about taking the ipad away but I also think you need to get to the root of the issue. Where is she learning the behaviour from?

Honestly it could be an age thing as my daughter is going on 8 in a couple months and she’s got the attitude like I do lol, as hard as it is (I still have to learn!!!) but don’t go back and forth, give a warning or a 3 strikes your out type thing and clearly say the discipline you are going to use (I’m going to take away… or you can go sit for a few…) eventually they get it, and no it won’t solve the issues immediately and will take time but they do stop and listen most times when you give that strike!

Consequence for behaviour directly related to behaviour this one is easy no iPad. Use 1-2-3 as a buffer. Don’t even argue or say anything else just say 1 when it is a behaviour you do want to continue. 2 and than on 3 a consequence she knows and will not be shocked by. If she is highly motivated by electronics than it is loss of electronics for predetermined time. Sometimes it can be ten minutes if behaviour is u
Out of control up the anti. If electronics isn’t motivating for some kids it is friend time, others can just a time out. You really need to know the kid for the motivator. Consistency is key. You bend or argue you continue to feed the behaviour.

First thing you have to grasp is she is a child. My first question to her would be WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TALKING TO? You have to develop your line of respect. She’s letting you know the stage of emotion she’s growing into. And you have to teach her how to control hers by displaying yours.

Glad you stood your ground with not getting it for her.
With her mannerisms being rather rude and demanding,I would maybe take a break from the iPad.
I would also check the contents to see what she’s had access to and has been playing/watching.
Hopefully you can nip it in the bud now before things get A lot worse.

Notice I say spank not beat not abuse not mangle not harm. But spank her little behind. I did my kids. And take her things away.

Not in my country! No child born of a mother should treat her with such grave disrespect.SMH

When my daughter was at a young age i would let her act out and place her in a corner anywhere. If i was shopping id find a place to make her stand, if she wanted to scream and cry I let her while I kept pushing the cart or walking laughing because I’m not physically abusing her. She’d get so mad and embarrassed to where she would give up and stop. You’re in control keep that control!

unfortunately, i don’t know how to stop that. maybe being stern with her and sending her to her room when she talks to you like that. also, my daughter is 7 years old with a ipad and if she demanded me to get it, she would get it taken away without a doubt. when i take her ipad, it’s usually for a week to a month. so it’s a BIG deal. taking something away for just a hour or few doesn’t help much in my opinion. they just know then, that they can do whatever they want, because they will only be without ipad ( whatever is their fav toy ) for a few hours.

I would use negative reinforcement here and take the tablet away for a while. Just my two cents. Also pay attention to where she is picking up that behavior

Show or teache her who is the mother.

Are determine if there is an underlining situation to these temperamental outburst.

Sounds like she needs to know who’s boss. My girl started getting very bossy attitude at this age as well, she needs some big time consequences. I would have just said well now you have no iPad today due to screaming. Let her know it will not be tolerated.
Some kids are strong willed and test the boundaries…

Then you tell her she isn’t getting it because of her attitude…you as the parent do need to set boundaries. Very clear and simple!

My kids each had their tablets but for some reason kept arguing over them. I was driving and kept telling them to stop fighting. They kept it up and I gave them a final warning. I had to take them away. My daughter lost her mind screaming about how it was hers and I couldn’t take it away. Needless to say…… The window went down….The Tablets Went Out…… Problem Solved. If she wants to keep telling you to get her iPad and Being Rude. Get Rid of It. Hide It and Let Her Think You Gave It Away. If She Can’t Act Right She Shouldn’t Have It

If I talked back to my parents I be picking my ass off the floor at 7 your going to have your hands full if you don’t show her who’s boss.

make her write sentences. works like a charm on my now 9.5 year old. we started at 7. she writes sentences when she lies or anything that i see fit. it’s good practice for school, but they hate doing it so it usually works.

Do. Not. Engage.
Respond (if she has asked in a respectful way in the first instance) - if there is an immediate escalation, do not engage.
She is old enough to understand your reasons behind this, engage with her and talk through respectful words and tone. Once you have done this, stick to your guns and do not engage as soon as she escalates.