I'm feeling out of depth with my 7 year old, help?

Throw the iPad out the window and see who gets it. :joy:

Put the fear of God in her

The iPad would be getting it,insolent little madam

Ass whooping? My momma would have smacked the taste out of my mouth. She is 5 foot even and I respect her to this day. My 4 and 2 year old have the best manners I have seen (2 year old mainly signs them). Take everything that’s a bonus away. She wouldn’t get them till she realized she does not boss and demand an adult SPEACIALLY her own momma

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Following for advice. My 5 yr old is doing similar.

She shouldn’t be allowed to keep it after using that tone. Not saying you’re doing wrong but that’s how I would handle it. I’m thinking she’s learning this behavior somewhere? Also at 7, does she have any chores or is she being given any responsibility besides laying around on her iPad all day? At 7 my boys both knew how to do laundry and dishes and a few other things. They have not once demanded anything! They know if they did it wouldn’t do them any good. You’re her parent not her servant. Make her do things for herself, the days of babying her are over. If you don’t intervene now she’ll only get worse, and she’s not learning to do for herself. What’s going to happen when she’s older and if anything happens to you? She needs to learn to do for herself, not everyone is going to cater to her. Entitlement thinking is a bad way of thinking. Stop allowing her to act that way.

Looks like your not getting your ipad

My 8 year old has currently lost her tablet for the 1000000th time. She’s not getting back for ages. She does the same shit your describing. Her attitude always clears up when she knows she has lost something. I’m not sure if I should ever give it back to her this time :roll_eyes:

Sounds like she needs a spanking

If I did this with my parents my dad would have hung it up and shot it right in front of me. “Now you get nothing” is what I’d have been told.

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You have to get that in control now, because it only gets worse when they get older. What types of punishments do you use? I would have taken her phone away from her for that and given it back to her when I was good and ready. There has to be consequences or there’s no deterrent.

Take the iPad away …if she talked back like that to me she wouldnt have it for awhile …have her butt up and helping around the house to teach her some responsibility…make her earn her own money she if her butt does t get up …and privileges would definitely be taken away over mouthy disrespectful talk

Children who have access to the Internet Are so overstimulated. My daughter become addicted to hers to the point her behaviors are so out of control that she started threatening me with my life. This started when she was 11 by the time she was 12 I had to admit her into a behavioral facility. Don’t let it get to this point before doing something about it to include minimal time on social media.

Its good that you ignore it. Ecen with children you have to have boundaries and you need to let her know she cannpt talk to someone that way to get something she likes. She will also need to be taught that not everything goes her way.

You better handle this now will only get worse. Imagine the teenage yrs. That I pad sure I would of taken out of charger and she would not get back till she learned how to talk a normal tone to me.

Yeeeeeah my 7 year old did that once… her iPad went in the trash & she got her little her butt spanked. Got me messed up, talking to me like that.

Maybe she is mirroring behavior she sees. I would see just what she is watching on her ipad and also pay attention to people around her. I noticed my daughter’s behavior change when she would play with the girl next door. So one day I watched the girls while they played at our house and knew exactly why.

Take ipad away!! Full stop… xx

Oh no children don’t demand anything from their parents and I feel you need to ignore her when she is being demanding but tell her if u want something we use please and thank you if you do not ask nicely I will ignore you. You have to stand your ground. Your the boss not your child. Take things away…make house rules anything. If she steps out of bounds you nip that in the bud right then and there. If you let just one thing slide she will push for more. Kids…give an inch they will take a mile.

Whoses the Momma? YOU ARE!! Don’t reward bad behave!! Sit down have a talk with child. Listen to what the child has to say. Ask questions with out screaming n hollering. Hug ur child. It gets better as long as You stand ur ground on the fact that you are MOM.

Sounds like you did the right thing by making her get it herself… I wouldn’t have argued or entertained it at all since thats stooping to her childish level. I would simply say, “No, ma’am. You are capable of getting it yourself. It is at the end of the bed.” And if my kid would have argued further, I would advise of two choices- get it yourself or you are losing it for a WEEK. LOL. And if he didn’t take it seriously, then he would absolutely lose it for a week. I don’t play kid games with my kids, and that’s I think the best advice I can give to you. Dont entertain drama. Try to operate like a textbook.

I would let my daughter get away with one maybe two rounds of that and then I would stop what I was doing go right up in her face and tell her she does not need to be talking to me like that and that she needs to get up off her butt and go get her iPad. And if she’s disrespectful she can just go ahead and not have the iPad for the rest of the day…

Better get a handle on her now or she will drive you crazy in a few years. Discipline. Don’t reward bad behavior. No empty threats.

That CHILD is SEVEN. You are the parent. You need to take control of your house and start introducing her to consequences and punishments. You going back and forth with her is just instilling in her that she CAN behave this way and you won’t do anything about it. Her being rewarded with her tablet after being disrespectful speaks volumes. I say it’s time to remove the door to her room, completely empty her room of everything except a mattress, pillow and blanket. Leave her enough clothes to last 2 weeks and everything else comes out of her room. You are only required by law to feed, clothe and house her. All the other crap is extra and a privilege NOT a right. Stop letting your child run your house. If you truly are fed up with it, then why don’t you do something about it? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but still expecting something to change.

Take the iPad away until she learns some respect, period. Obviously she knows she can speak to you that way and still get what she wants, so she does

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Have you tried slapping her mouth

My momma would have hit the restart button on me if I had talked to her like that. I would get her an old school one. A notebook and paper. She could write about why she thought it was a good idea to talk to you like that.

Activate pain receptors activates learning receptors . Her phone taken causes the most pain - opportunity for her to learn.

Ummmm. Whoop that ass… what do you mean??

If only people could discipline their kids like we used to…

She may be pushing boundaries or she may have some type of ODD Might want to to her to a psychiatrist just let rule that out

Up to you what you let her get away with…Gotta be the parent, not the friend


I’d be taking the iPad and putting it away.

Keep doing what you’re doing ignore it and let her get it herself if she wants to use it

She wouldn’t have a ipad

Have you ever heard of a spanking??

Get an evaluation for behavioral

I’d gladly go get it. And put it away for a very long time.

She sounds entitled. Uhm no

First off… you argued with your CHILD. Nope. Start there.

If you got the iPad you’re a damn fool. That is called SPOILED and the cure is A SWITCH ON THAT ASS!!!

Ignore her and take away the iPad if she’s being nasty about it.

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Why reward her with a freaking ipad?! TAKE IT ALL AWAY!!!

Take it from someone who has a 22 year old that with a major attitude problem. I should have stopped it when she was 6 or 7 but I along with my deceased father spoiled her rotten. Do it when she is you. Take everything away from her and make her work to get it back by doing chores and make her respect you

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My kids know better. I set boundaries and expectations and have kept them the whole time they have grown up. I’m only forced to provide a roof, clothes, and food… The rest is earned. Sit her down and discuss what is going to happen the next time this behavior occurs and when it does, have the consequences ready. Take the iPad away. And make her earn it back.

Maybe you need to get her checked by a doctor and if they say there is nothing wrong with her you need to start taking stuff away from her I have a 14 year old and he was so mouthy and disrespectful I took stuff off of him it didn’t work so I took him to a doctor and she said he has a behaver problem and put him on meds now I have very little problems with him but seems your daughter thinks she is boss and you need to make her see she isnt that yall are

Yeah I’m gonna say that she needs to lose privileges until she learns respect for authority. It’s hard I have a 10 yr old that acts that way occasionally, I just take everything she likes until her attitude gets better.

Behavior therapy will help.
Also, sit and explain to her that she can not talk disrespectfully to you. Explain why. Also set and enforce boundaries. When she does that, set a consequence, ex: no iPad for a time out period, since that’s what the subject of her disrespect is.

My daughter is 15 now and all I have to do is give her a certain look and her attitude changes QUICK. I’m the type of Mom that I will tell you ONE time after that it’s either ass whooping or the disciplin I see fit. I grew up getting my ass tore up any time I was bad. And I turned out to be a very respectful adult without any mental issues from all the ass whoopings I got!!

You’d be amazed how far actual parenting goes … the issue appears to be yall do what this kid says… you are literally the problem :woman_shrugging: stop arguing with spoiled kids and learn to be the adult

My 3yr old does this. She will demand I find her stuff and if that doesn’t work she’ll whine and cry. I’ve started completely ignoring her after I say something like “I don’t speak to people who are talking meanly” usually this ends up with tears and her running to her room and finding xyz herself

I’d have grabbed that I pad and been like since that’s how you choose to talk to me I’m taking this once you clean up your act I’ll give t back :person_shrugging:

Have you tried discipline or parenting?


I would have said if you want it you grab it and if you answer me with an attitude I’m taking it away for the rest of the day and we can try again tomorrow.

Walk away and don’t respond to her when she demands you to do something.

Also take the iPad away until her attitude improves. Limit screen time. Spank her ass if needed.

When I was about 8/9 I went through a phase of being a right little brat, it’s probably just a phase

Oh this is quite the mouthy age. You have to set clear boundaries. If kids don’t fear you just a little… they will never behave.

My son was diagnosed with ODD at 7. I didn’t do meds immediately until the adhd and odd made school impossible. But just having an answer helped my parenting a lot

What kind of discipline are you using or are you doing nothing? If there are no consequences for her actions then you’re just setting your entire family up for failure. iPad should be taken away if she cannot behave appropriately and with respect. The moment she started to raise her voice or catch and attitude I would have ignored her, calmly removed the iPad and tell her she can have it back when she decides to act right then put it away until she does. Make her earn items back with good behavior.

She needs a calm sit down talk with you or Dad, or both. Ask her if there’s anything she’d like to tell you because her behavior as of late is concerning you. She needs boundaries set and firmly now before the teen years start. It will get worse if it’s not corrected soon. But, see if there is a reason for her behavior outside of normal childhood stuff.

I think the best move is not even to entertain that behavior. Calmly give her one warning and tell her if she continues this way there will be consequences.

I would have grabbed that iPad and hid it for a week. She would have never repeated that behavior.

You say “alright, I’ll get it. And now it’s mine until you learn a thing or two & that attitude of yours changes. Now, go clean your room (or, whatever) or I’ll find something else to hold onto”.

Having the same issue my child she is 9…

Spank her and stick her in a time out

Crack her arse and send her to bed !

She’s 7

Good ole fashioned Ass Whoppin. Never goes out of style.

Take it away. Tell her she gets nothing until she speaks nicely. Period.

Take the iPad away from her for a week. Be the pack leader. You are in charge. Don’t stop at the iPad. You can and should take away all that she cares about until she’s willing to act right. Explain this to her.


It will get to the root of her issues and the therapist will work with you on techniques that you can use in the household

She wouldve lost it indefinitely.

My son is only 3 and JESUS I’m afraid :sob::joy:

Take the iPad. Period. Maybe whoop that ass … there will be her attitude adjustment.

Um… Get rid of the tablet. :joy:

I woulda popped her butt!

Brittany Nicole Garcia girl I wish you would have :rofl::rofl:

If all else fails try ABA therapy.

Cherish before too late

Beat the crap out of her !!

Jennifer Healy read the comments

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Smack the shit outta her

:slight_smile: RESPECTFUL PARENTING - Stop Repeating Toxic Generational Trauma Cycles

Grab it , then put it away

Sounds like she wants attention

Ummm…take away her ipad

If you dont like my answer, I’m sorry, but my opinion is she needs her butt spanked HARD. If you tolerate this, it will only get worse and she will be a mouthy adult and run her mouth to the wrong person and they’ll whip her. She will also make any future husband absolutely miserable. You’re not just raising a child, you’re raising someone’s future spouse.

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Monkey see, monkey do???

Needs as ass whoopin

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Take her ipad away until she gets better :v::heart:

Take the iPad away for a few days!

Just get it mom… and then keep it :woman_shrugging:t2:

Lord Jesus what happened with today’s parents and kids smh.

A good slap. Problem solved.

I’m so sorry! Please PM me if you want to chat

Smack or discipline her

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Have you tried biting her to assert dominance?


Mine too, you’re not alone

Is there any history of mental illness in either side of her family???

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I'm feeling out of depth with my 7 year old, help?

I would say to my son, “if you are needing this iPad and it makes you so upset and mean spirited, then the iPad has to go away for 48 hours. We need to learn to always be kind and considerate of each other”. But you have to make the 48 hour rule happen. And it’s a tough 48 hours, but you will get a lovely daughter after this happens twice. (I do this with all items, clothing, toys, candy, meals, dessert, tv, computers, iPhones). Not everything gets taken away for 48 hours, but everything gets the lecture about “items aren’t important, our relationship and how we treat people is important”.


In situations like this at first I ignore my 8 y.o. attitude. If he continues I remind him if he wants it bad enough he can get it himself. If he tries to be pushy/disrespectful he gets one warning that it will be taken away for the day, then if he chooses to continue I follow through with the consequence. Slowly I am seeing more reasonable behaviour, with repetition of the same set of rules and boundaries. I hope this helps, good luck!