Try and find NYDA. Get two bottles, section hair and follow instructions. 5 days after that, douse her entire head in baby oil, put it up in a tight bun or braids and leave it over night. Comb through and wash out next morning. Check throughout the week. If there’s more bugs, use the other bottle of NYDA and do the whole process over.
Dry everything on the highest setting for an hour as well.
My oldest has long thick hair too and this worked for us!
I’m not sure where you are from but we had a lice problem 4 years ago. There is this place that’s local called lice busters. It was $200 but they got rid of it in 1 day. And they do a recheck for free. I’m sure there are other companies that do it.
The magic trick is coconut oil!!! Treat with NIX, then lather hair in coconut oil, leave on for 4 hours, then wash out with dish liquid several times. It will take a few days to get the oil completely out but the knits can’t stay in the hair. Comb out what you can after the first wash. You will not regret trying this! The hair will be beautiful and lice free!!
Google Cetaphil Method for lice. It’s cheap and easy and works.
I have hair to my butt and I got rid of it!
Every morning put all of her bed sheets in the dryer for 30min high heat.
Go outside for this because it gets messy- you will need
2 bottles of vinegar
2 bottles of mineral oil
2shower caps
You need to treat every surface- couch/chairs/bed/brushes etc.
Dump and saturate entire head with vinegar- this will loosen the glue on the eggs. Then again root to tip coat head in mineral oil and put a shower cap on use a hairdryer all over head for 20 min (cap on) to heat up the head then (cap on still) wrap in a towel to keep in the heat for another 20 min. The oil will help burn and suffocate the lice. Wash and Comb through hair thoroughly to remove eggs/lice. Keep hair in a bun or braids use the dryer to really dry hair because Ltd the heat they hate. Repeat this process in 2 days to get any stragglers! Must comb out 2x a day for a week
treat with nyx, mix coconut oil with either tea tree oil or lavender oil and put in hair, use a hair straightener and pull nits out by hand daily. the combs do not pull nits out well but are good for bugs and pulling nits away from scalp. continue using the coconut oil mix and keep her hair braided when she attends school. my son has extremely long hair and is in the 5th grade. he has only had lice once. every year there is an outbreak of lice and he has remained lice free since i started doing this. hope it helps bc i can’t imagine having to cut her hair.
Give this a try, buy diatomaceous earth, the food grade kind, apply it on her head and comb it through. After, place a shower cap on it. Make sure to have your child wear a face mask and you as well, during application. I have been in your place and DE is the only thing that worked. Remember to get the food grade kind as it is the most safe type. Good luck!
Hi, I couldn’t get rid of them on my daughter. Found out she kept getting them from her friend - we tried EVERYTHING. Finally what really worked (aside from not being close with that friend again), get a jar of solid coconut oil, melt a bit of it and cover hair and scalp (let it warm just a bit - don’t wanna burn scalp), cover with shower cap for an hour. Rinse out and run through with robi-comb (electric lice comb) a couple or more times a day. Harmless, affordable and totaly works.
There is this stuff called Lice free. It is available at Walmart, Walgreens and on Amazon(probably other places too, these are the ones I am aware of that carry it). I went through this and nothing worked for our kids. We tried it all. Then got Lice Free and first try it worked. You spraybit on and leave it. I comb too but it says you do not have to. It is all natural, affordable and easy compared to everything else. Good luck.
Listerine and vinegar let the Listerine dry in the hair then rinse run a comb through it then due Listerine and vinegar together comb then Rinse twice a week for two weeks be completely gone