I’m not sure what to do at this point. My daughter has head lice and I’ve tried EVERYTHING. From over the counter, to home remedies, to even calling our family doctor and having him prescribe us something for it. Nothing is working for us. I comb through her hair daily, for hours and she’s over it. Which I don’t blame her, because I’m over it myself. I wash the bedding and vacuum daily as well. Just becoming overwhelmed. She has hair that’s past her butt and it’s insanely thick! I just feel like it’s impossibly at this point and I wanna cry. Looking for ideas to do, that worked for others, in case I didn’t try something! Thank you so much.
Put trash bags over her pillows and on the mattress for about a week to suffocate any that are living on the them. Bag any and all stuffed animals for a week then run them through the washer & dryer.
When I was little (like first grade) we had issues with head lice from school (I kept getting it from the kid whose coat hung next to mine in the coat closet.) I had very thick, blonde hair that at the time was past my butt… we ended up cutting my hair to my shoulders and then into a chin length bob. When I got it again a few years later thanks to a sleep over, my mom treated my head with whatever otc lice shampoo, combed out the nits to the best of her ability and then took me to get a perm. I was in 4th grade at that time. All the chemicals must have done the job because I never had another issue.
Go to Walmart and get lice freeee. It smells like black licorice. I’m not exaggerating when I say that stuff saved my daughters hair. She has the thickest hair I’ve ever seen in my life and those long tooth combs that work so well for everyone else, didn’t work on her. I was ready to ruin everyone’s life and shave her head until my friend told me about that stuff.
If anyone else in the household has lice as well that could be why you can’t get rid of them. That’s what happened to me as a kid, my best friend had lice and even though my mom got rid of mine when I’d play with her and we’d do our hair I would keep getting it back. Also they may be embedded in the mattress. Also I had to cut my hair because mine was long too and it was a disaster to try to get the eggs and all completely out.
This will sound drastic but it WORKS. I learned this trick from a Foster Mom who constantly had to deal with lice issues. Use Rubbing Alcohol. Make sure not to get it in their eyes, but completely wet head and put a shower cap over it for about 15 min. Then shampoo and condition. It works like a charm, kills live lice and nits. I thought it would leave my hair brittle but it removes all old shampoo residue and leaves your hair silky soft. It is super inexpensive and it really works. You do still have to treat your house. Don’t forget car seats and backpacks. Good Luck, I hate lice.
This sounds funny but it works and dont cost alot wash her hair wit dog shampoo the says lice on it and use a blow dryer around ur base boards and every where they can hide cause heat kills them
Tree tea oil is awesome as well!!! Its the eggs that you got to get good. Try the mayo and wrap her hair with plastic then a shower cap over night. Then tree tea oil to help comb through
At this point, a cute short haircut is a must. Let her choose the style, keep treating her hair and call a pest control company. They do a heat treatment in the house, and they will be gone.
I went thru this so I feel your pain I ended up having to go to a lice clinic and they treated all our heads the same day we left the clinic lice free it was kind of expensive but so worth it and they gave us preventive spray for when the kids go to school or daycare
Be sure you’re treating all stuffed animals and furniture in the house. If her dresser is close to the bed, that may be infested as well.
When I had lice as a kid, my mom stuck me in the tub with mayonnaise in my hair & wrapped it up. I believe she heard about this remedy from her mom, but not 100% sure.
But because of this, the smell/taste of mayonnaise is GROSS but it did work with my lice!
You can make a coconut oil mask, put peppermint and eucalyptus oil if I remember right. I know they hate peppermint. The oil is supposed to suffocate. Make a bunch and slather it all over her hair completely saturating every inch of her head and hair then wrap a bunch of cellophane around her hair and head. Leave it on as long as possible. Wear a towel around the neck as it’ll drip. Did this for our daughter along with the RID and combing and hers was gone.
Also put all pillows, stuffed animals, anything soft that can’t be washed into garbage bags and seal them tight for a week
You have to wash in hot and dry hot EVERYTHING. AND do the shampoo every 2 weeks before new eggs hatch. We cut my nieces hair.
You need to treat EVERYTHING in the home down to the mattress! Dry everything you physically can in the dryer on high heat put it in trash bags after tie them up. Use the cleaners to clean the furniture and mattresses. If you don’t treat your house they’ll never go away.
Yea tree oil spray on the roots and scalp, I also had to cut my daughters long hair when she got lice at school. Literally sat her down in the kitchen, put it in a pony tail and chopped it off…… once the lice were gone took her to a salon to fix my terrible cut
Extra virgin olive oil or the best method in my opinion is mayonnaise (the mayo actually makes your hair soft after as a added bonus just try to forget it’s mayo and pretend it’s a leave in conditioner ) wrap in plastic wrap or use a shower cap and leave for 12+ hours and then wash and section the hair into smallish sections and comb out what’s still hanging on after
Good luck!!!
Look for a lice treatment and removal clinic near you. It’s a pretty penny I think but very worth it. Then wash literally every single thing at the house.
Extra virgin olive oil helped when I was a kid I have really really thick curly hair.
I dealt with this too. Look up lice treatment centers of America. We have not had a reoccurrence since and it’s been over 5 years.
Peppermint oil mixed with water in a spray bottle is key to preventing them. I spray my kids before school and on their backpacks and jackets.
I’m sure I’ll be flamed for this answer. My family endured this and a friend suggested dog flea and tic stuff. It worked.
Add tea tree oil to your regular shampoo and conditioner, as an added deterrent. They hate the tea tree oil. It doesn’t kill them it repels them. Bag up all stuffed animals and toss em in the dryer on high heat for as long as you can safely do it. Same with pillows and blankets. Make sure you spray your furniture and vacuum it. Lice is such a pain in the ass. I hope you get some relief
The problem with long hair is if you miss 1 nit… it keeps going. My daughter had it at least once a year through elementary and a a couple times in middle school. They loved her. She has thick long hair. The best treatment I found (and we tried them all) was coating the hair in olive oil, then wrap in Saran Wrap and put a shower cap over it (this suffocates the lice)and let it sit for several hours. Then rinse with diluted vinegar. (This breaks up the sticky glue that sticks to the hair) then go through every strand of hair and pick off the eggs. Took me about 4 hours each time to be thorough. Repeat this for 3 days. I had no life and was exhausted but if you are not diligent, it is all for nothing. Also everything cloth in your house must be washed every time it’s used or near her. I also used a lice spray on furniture and carpeting. We kept pillows and stuffed animals in garbage bags in the garage for a month before drying them on high and bringing them back in the house. The process brought me to tears many times but the key is to be thorough. They also make sprays and shampoos with peppermint eucalyptus and or tea tree oil that you should use every day she is in school. It deters them.
I coated my daughter’s hair with mayonnaise and tucked it all into a shower cap and left it for several hours then washed it all out that worked wonders plus washing all the bedding and stuffed animals and vacuuming everything as well.
Try a live removal clinical or cut her hair/ shave her head remove all bedding pillows stuffed animals clothes couch covers and cushions and EVERY fabric thing you don’t need and retreat it or toss it out and see if there’s a live bomb or something for your house. Idk of it stains but a water and tea tree oil mix to spray around. Also a bottle of tea tree oil in her shampoo. Lice HATE tea tree oil. I’m pretty sure it kills them
A black light will help you see what your missing. The combs always miss some, gonna have to pick through it.
Also mix a few drops of cedarwood oil and tea tree oil in your shampoo and conditioner bottles. This will help with long term prevention.
Also, heat, blow dry her hair often, if you do outside the eggs sorta stand out with the sunlight. Follow up with flat ironing her hair.
I hate to be a nay-sayer, but all these people claiming chemicals, don’t realize that these chemicals soak into her skin, it can be very damaging. Our skin, is our largest organ.
I always used the natural routes above when my daughter was in elementary and it worked perfectly.
Cut and dye her hair. I know its a crazy thought but find a color closest to her natural hair color and dye it. The chemicals will kill the lice and the eggs. Might have to do it once a month for 2 or 3 months but it is effective.
Put all of her stuffed animals and actual pillows in the dryer for at least 30 minutes and throw pillows on the couches. Use the furniture spray. I dyed my daughters hair and made her dry it every night for a month, they don’t like heat!
Vammouse comes in can at Walmart and most drug stores.if her hair is long and thick buy 2 cans make sure you saturate every hair comb through with the metal comb and put shower cap on for about hour before washing out it smells awful but wont harm her.my kids have super long thick hair and it’s the only stuff that works.
Our girls had super lice i hated doing it but using the cheap drugstore dye as close in color to the natural hair is what worked for us
So I have lived this nightmare over and over… my oldest seems to be able to get them if she is a mile within range of them! When she was little we would spend many hours crying combing her hair. Come to find out T-tree oil is a GOD sent… for real! If she is infested i would wash her hair with her shampoo and add a few drops straight onto the shampoo in your hand. Once they have all died and after you have repeated the treatment. Just put a few drops in the shampoo bottle and shake it. Trust me it will save you hours of heartache!
I had lice that wouldn’t go away no matter how much picking and kits she used. So My momma put my in the bath tub and poured rubbing alcohol on my head. It took my breath away for a few seconds, but I was lice free ever since
Mayonnaise works great and it softens the hair at the same time … I used everything before but mayonnaise makes the actual bugs fall into the water and then getting the nits out is super easy after the Mayo treatment
Cut her hair. Mayo with a shower cap and then the tea tree oil. Every day go thru. Do your house. Make sure she is not around anybody else that has it. We dealt with it for a whole summer and gear to find out one mom in the neighborhood was not dealing with it.
I’ve helped several friends when their daughters got head lice.
Saturate the hair with original Listerine.
Cover hair with plastic bag.
Let sit for 30 min -1hour.
Wash as usual
Comb out on light solid sheet on the floor.
Repeat a week later
No one I have tried this with has a ever had a bad reaction to it… however I can NOT guarantee that anyone that tries this would not have a bad reaction.
My mum used to cover my head in malt vinegar every single night and leave it in a towel, bloody stunk so bad even at school but within 2 weeks it was done, combing through for like 3 hours a day till my head was sore and her arms were aching xxx
Tea tree oil I put 3 to 4 drops in our shampoo and conditioner
I know this will sound tedious and it will take some time. My 11yr old use to have lice a few years ago and LONG THICK BLACK hair so I feel your pain… what worked for us is i would have her sit in front of me and I would section her hair in SMALL sections. Each small section I would work on I would remove the lice and eggs(nits), then once i knew the were gone from the section i would add coconut oil, braid it and wrap it in a little bun. After I did this to each section I would put a plastic bag around her hair. Each day i would take each bun down, one by one, unbraid it, go through the section again, re-braid and put back in a bun… it’s a long process but I promise it works
A few years back my daughter had lice bad and it drove us insane that they kept coming back. I bagged up all stuffed animals and extra pillows. Threw her bedding in dryer daily! Threw out old brushes (you could also freeze them) we tried over the counter and prescription. We cut her long thick hair to shoulder length. Drenched her hair in mayo, put a trash bag snug on top and let her sit for a while. Combed out and all was clear!!!
You may have to braid her hair everyday and put hair spray on it that should help keep the lice away using tea tree oil in her shampoo helps to! You shouldn’t have to cut her hair for this, just either braid it or put it in a bun everyday, good luck!
Honestly with thick hair, I’d go get it handled professionally at a lice clinic. They will check everyone out as well to make sure no one else in the family has it. Put all pillows, stuffed animals, things that can’t be washed ir even thrown in dryer on high heat, it a bag and seal it and put in garage. Lice like clean hair, during school we only wash hers 2x a week and her hair is in a braid most days. Also start using lice prevention shampoo/conditioner. We even have a detangler. She’s been lice free for 2 years even when another outbreak happened last year.
I’m Glad I Have Boys Because When My Oldest Caught It Once We Just Shaved His Head…
Have you tried listerine? Worked wonders for my girls because nothing else would. I let it set for 15-20 mins in a shower cap
My mum used to straighten my hair to kill the eggs x
I dont think I saw anyone mention this yet. If so, sorry!
My daughter went through the same thing, we tried it all, lice treatment, mayonnaise, everything. Her dance teacher recommended us to use listerine, the original kind. Put all over her hair, let it sit for awhile then wash out. Do it once then again in a few days. It works wonders. After, you can put in a spray bottle, and spray before school or anything like that.
I ws a beauty consultant for several years and I had a customer come in and tell me that she put hair spray on her child’s hair. (she is picking these up at scool). The chemical used in hair spray will not let the lice attach themselves to the hair shaft. Another woman told me that she let her girls play around and dye their hair. There again, the chemical won’t let anything attach. but, these have to be from school. alert the school nurse. could be an epidemic.
Just went through this. Soak in olive oil for 24 hours wash with lice shampoo hand pick the lice out then repeat the olive oil but add tea tree an lavender essential oils put a shower cap on and keep doing this and when I say cover her head I mean legit pour the shit on thick. Then when she washes it use Cetaphil in her hair and don’t wash it out repeat these steps for 5 days and pick through each wash
Get rid of all stuffed animals pillows anything that they can get into wash literally everything in hot water. And cover and I mean cover her head in mayonnaise and cover with a plastic bag. Causes them to suffocate, super gross but it works. Also use tea tree oil in hair hair brush use as a spray around d the house for couches carpet etc.
My daughter has super thick hair. Her pediatrician recommended putting Vaseline all over her hair and scalp and covering with shower cap overnight. Then wash the next morning. We began using Fairy Tale products for lice prevention. We bagged up everything not washable and used lice spray for the house and vacuumed. Remember car seats coats and stuff. I didn’t get it tho. Hair dresser said it’s because I use a hairdryer and hair gel so they couldn’t attach. Make sure everything is washed and dried in hot water and hot heat. I had trouble getting my ex to do his house also.
Im not sure of this is super helpful, but whenever school would send home letters saying other children in my kids class had lice. I would start washing their hair with tea tree oil. Apparently lice hate the smell of mint, and my kids never had lice, even though everyone else in their class seemed to catch it.
Really hot flat iron work for me and my kids , make sure to section her hair really in thin sections and comb with a clesn lice comb
I drenched my daughters hair in Listerine. The original kind. Then I would put a shower cop on her hair at bedtime. As soon as morning came we would wash her hair again and comb it. Only took a couple nights and they were all gone
I literally had to go through every strand of hair and remove the nits for several days in a row along with all the treatments. And then had to go back a week later and do the same. Also bagged all brushes and blankets and pillows and treated furniture
I myself have thick long curly hair. I always dread when my daughter gets lice because I always get it too. the over the counter stuff has never worked for us I always buy an extra spray bottle and I mix baby oil and vinegar. I spray our head then wrapped out hair in a Walmart bag for 24 hours. Take a shower to rinse out but don’t use shampoo or conditioner! Lice do not luke dirty hair! Switch between the baby oil mix and just regular mayonnaise. Cover all your hair in mayo and again bag it up for 24 hours. Do this combo until the lice is gone. Again if you keep your hair oily and switch between these remedies and continue to spray and clean bedding your lice will be gone in a week.
The only thing that worked for my oldests lice he got from school was Coca-Cola. I poured a liter-2 liter on his hair, let it sit, then washed it out and shampoo/conditioned as usual. Nothing after that for him. My youngest, I used pure mayo (he was a few months old and his brothers got lice from school)
Don’t cut her hair yet! I had lice that wouldn’t go away, I tried everything. Someone said to use baby oil or olive oil bc it makes your hair slick & the lice can’t cling to it. I used baby oil, it was so long ago that I don’t remember how long we left it in, maybe 20 minutes, then shampoo & the lice comb.
Put Vaseline through her whole scalp and hair it will smother the live ones and leave on overnight use a plastic head cap , wash out in morning with dish soap and use a good metal comb to comb out the knits . It’s messy but it helped .
Our doctors office had us use hair gel. Just cheap hair gel from the dollar store. Slather it on really thick and have her sleep in it overnight with a shower-cap. Then rinse in the morning with apple cider vinegar. Then come through. We had to repeat this process for a week every night. The gel suffocates the lice and they die and then if u keep repeating it, the knits that hatch will die and then in a weeks time they will all be dead.
In our area there is a professional service that removes lice. It was well worth the money they said the reason people have trouble getting rid of them at home is they are truly not brushing out all the eggs, since they are so hard to see & they hatch every 10 days. I would hands down, get their services right away if we ever got it again.
My daughter kept getting lice from the babysitters. I got a shower cap. Soaked her hair in olive oil and put the cap on. I had her sit with it on for as long as she would then washed it was lice shampoo. Then I’d comb through it for hours. I did this for days until I was sure all the nits were out
I had lice as a kid once and i have really thickkk hair and it was down to my butt. Ending up chopping it to my shoulders which sucked but my mom used mayonnaise and it worked! I would also have an exterminator maybe Spray something to get rid of anything in carpets. Good luck!
I had this problem when I was around 8. I had hair to my butt and my mom tried everything. Eventually I had to get my hair cut to around my shoulders and retreated with a prescription strength treatment. It was devastating because I loved my hair but it worked!
Flea spray! When my son got it, we treated everyone’s head, washed everything in hot water, and I sprayed the hell out of EVERYTHING with flea spray.
Leave some conditioner in her hair when washing. Then comb thru her hair with the lice comb when wet. Do that for a week or so. They can’t hold on cuz the conditioner makes the hair slippery. I was told this by a mom who had trouble getting rid of them as well. She said that ended up doing the trick. Good luck!!
Electric lice comb. We have 6 kids in the house, and it was an endless cycle of wash, treat, repeat. The electric comb (we got ours at Walmart) along with washing all bedding was the only thing that worked.
Pick out the nuts once a day, cover her head in olive oil each night and wrap her head in cellophane or cover with a. Hat or something. This prevents them from crawling back on and attaching at night. Put ALL stuffed animals in bags and do not open for several weeks, they can’t find a host they can’t live. Strip and sanitize all bedding!!! Wash linens in hot. Any clothes
She came in contact with same thing. Also anyone in the house should do the same. You could also call Luce doctors they come to your house to address the issue and are great. But two weeks of olive oil in hair before bed plus all the above! Oh and vacuum!!! Good luck
Not sure where you can find one, I got mine at a CVS year a ago, but look for an electric lice comb. It really works! It kills the nits and the eggs. I have really thick hair and we just Did very small sections. Do it daily for a week and it should get rid of them all! Also, Bag up Everything in her room, put ir outside for a week. Change and wash sheets daily until gone. Its a lot of work but worth it. Good luck momma!!
Apple cider vinegar. Soak her head in it and dont wash it out. Just let it dry. Also make her blow it out everytime she showers. They hate the heat. And finally. Put mouse in it b4 blowing it out. They prefer clean hair
Lice LOVE clean hair! Dirtier the hair the better so it. Ant attach to anything. I would recommend cutting her hair, downfall is you can’t take her somewhere because she has lice. Was everything, clothes too. Have beds professionally cleaned.
Get a hair dryer where it has a cap that you can put on her head and it connects to a machine! My mom did that along with vinegar in my hair. But my mom was so over the constant infections she had to cut my hair and it was down to my butt at well. Maybe contact a salon who does lice removal? And also pop the bedding into the dyer first before washing!
I gave my daughter a permanent wave at home. I had a very difficult time with lice with my daughter. I was very fortunate as I worked at a dry cleaner and they cleaned all our bedding and had carpets deep cleaned. Chemicals in the pemanent solution worked. Tea tree shampoo conditioner sold at Sally Beauty supply is reasonably priced and works
Ugh I remember spending hours in the tub with my mom like 7-8 if you don’t get all the eggs out it’s not going to help. She had to pick them out one by one. Now that I teach elementary I spray peppermint and tea tree oil in my hair everyday! Because damn that sucks. Hopefully you can get it cleared up soon.
My daughter got lice constantly. It kept coming back. Finally I dyed her hair with a metallic hair dye and cut her hair shoulder length. I threw all the pillows away and any stuffed animals. She hasn’t had it in almost 6 yrs and she dyes her hair every time it grows long enough for her to cut and dye the undyed hair. My boys just shaved their heads
Treat all bedding and furniture and also vehicles all stuffed animals treat everyone in house get someone to help u go section by section in her hair and treat anywhere else she goes as in if she goes to grandparents for an overnight they should treat their home and cars
I used Adams flea and tick shampoo on my daughter years ago and it was the only thing that worked!!
I grew up using mineral oil mixed in equal parts with vinegar. Mix it in her hair very well and then cover her hair with a plastic bag… or a shower cap over night! Next morning they’ll all slide right out!!
Coconut oil mixed with several drops of tea tree oil, sleep in overnight. It’s messy but worked like a charm for my daughter. We also mixed water with tea tree oil and sprayed ALL the soft surfaces in our home that could not be washed in HOT water.
Bag all stuffed animals in bags for 2 weeks, let her sleep with mayo in her hair and comb it out the next morning. Put tea tree oil in her shampoo. It helps keep them away
I was there too and a friend who is an exterminator and fumigator for a living gave me the best remedy. Use oil, olive oil or vegetable oil, and completely cover her hair and scalp with it. Don’t be shy on the amount used. Then put a shower cap on her head, you can use an elastic headband to keep it tight. And let her sleep with it on all night for three nights in a row. Wash it out in the morning. This suffocates the lice and eggs. It’s all natural. And it’s the only thing that ever worked.
When I had it in middle school, we started by cutting my hair up to my shoulders. I know it isn’t ideal but it really helped. Then we used the over the counter stuff every morning and night and the lice went away in like 2 or 3 days
When your combing through the hair,after a treatment, if you find a stubborn egg… pull the strand out completely. Did this with my daughter, the only thing that worked for us. Took about 4 hours. But when it was over, they were gone.
Have you tried oil cover all her hair and it has to he totally smoothed really good leave shower cap on over night you probably have super lice
Olive oil. Cover the hair with olive oil, leave on for 8 hours. It suffocates the lice & nits. Wash hair with regular shampoo, it washes the nits out also. Had a RN tell my mom this when my siblings were in Elementary school because my sister kept catching it from someone in her class.
Same happened to us, if you can go to a lice clinic (they exist but maybe $150/person) it can be pricey but sooo worth it. Wash everything hot. Same happened to me as a kid, best friend got it and I kept getting it after my mom and grandma would comb through my hair and take it all out. It’s a horrible experience
Go to a lice center ! Only thing that worked for my family ! Expensive but well worth it !
Spray hairspray all your furniture and curtains and in you car. It will glue them down. You can use cheap sauve conditioner and do a deep conditioning treatment. You saturate her hair with it. Tie a bag around her hair, run a hairdryer over it for about five minutes, and let the hair sit in the bag for 20 ish minutes. From there comb through her hair. You can do this DAILY until gone. Treat your hair too. Spray you car down. That aqua net hairspray can do a lot to help stop them from traveling. It works like glue. This is tried and true.
Ugh I have no help but I went through this as a child. Make sure to check all her little friends and school mates for whoever is bringing it in. Good luck mama.
I would give her a trim to a more manageable length. It’s possible you arent getting all the nits out. Also bag up all stuffies, soft toys, pillows, blankets for atleast 3 days. Save 1 blanket and pillow and wash them daily and dry them 2x. Also try bug bombing her room for 24hrs and then opening a window to air out before letting her back in. And wipe down her toys and hard surfaces.
And also during all this treat her hair several times and then invest in shampoos that specifically keeps lice away. I’ve heard good things about Fairy tales Rosemary Repel shampoo and the other products.
I steam cleaned my carpets and furniture. Washed absolutely everything I could (including curtains) and bagged everything I couldn’t for a couple weeks. I sprayed my entire house with the lice killing spray (although now I would find a natural alternative because I try to limit toxins the best I can). I have boys so we shaved their heads and treated my hair. What I did was probably overkill but I couldn’t sleep thinking about the bugs. It’s a lot of work but we got rid of them pretty fast. Good luck, Mama. I hope you find relief soon.
Buy the Cetaphil face wash put it all over her hair through her roots then blow dry it until it is perfectly dry. Braid it for overnight. This will kill everything and the eggs cause of the heat. As a precaution put tea tree oil in her shampoo and conditioner and in a leave in conditioner. Also put tea tre oil behind her ears. My daughter got it twice and I learned after the second one. She has been lice free even when there has been an outbreak at schoool.
Natroba!!! It’s prescribed by your doctor! There is NO COMBING! It’s a miracle medicine I promise you! My daughters both have thick hair down too their butts and when they got lice years ago I thought I’d DIE! But the first thing I did was call our pediatrician and thank God I did!
Make sure you do this with all household members. I also recommend washing any stuffed animals and allow minimum on the bed like a small blanket and one pillow so you can keep track of where they may continue to be.
I had to cut my daughter hair. It was past her butt . After treatment THROW AWAY PILLOWS. Go get some cheap ones from Walmart and think of them as disposable. Put every single stuffed animal or anything on her bed in a trash bag seal it up tight stick it in the closet and forget about it for about a month. It Has to be sealed tight so they do not escape. Use the over the counter lice stuff every other day. Get a few different brands and switch them out. Honestly the main thing is cut that hair it will grow back I know it’s awful but it needs to be done. Then check every single friend that comes into your home or that she hangs out with because that is likely the culprit. If you do all of these things and her best friend still has lice untreated she will continually get it. I spoke with a parent and explain to them that their daughter also had lice, the worst I’ve ever seen and she demanded that that was not the case and it was only dandruff. So I went to the store paid for the medication myself and helped treat her best friend
Everything that can’t be washed in HOT water, needs thrown away or put in big black trash bags and left in a garage or somewhere hot. One of my daughters had it so bad, when she was little, it took a months to go away. Comb, comb and comb some more. And I know you hate to, but cut her hair.
Use Mayo and layer her hair in it and put a bag over it for an hour. It definitely helps. It traps them and kills them. I would definitely cut a good bit of her hair off though. That’s for sure
Once it’s gone use a lightweight gel I would always put it in my girls hair after I’d shampoo their hair, I’d also pull their hair up in a ponytail and mist it with a light hold hairspray for school everyday. They never had lice, matter of fact everyone laughed at me and said there’s no way this would work but I’ll spare the story just know tho they all figured out how well it worked when I was hospitalized for 2 weeks once lol I learned this trick in beauty school and I swear by it… also tea tree sham and cond works well
You literally have to sit down with a flashlight and pick out every single nit you see in her hair Put them one by one in a plastic Ziploc bag and throw it away when you’re done, kill them with the treated shampoo first and then sit her down it might take you for hours but it’s going to be the best way to get rid of them
Coconut oil + tea tree oil mixture. Saturate her hair and wrap it up with a cap or plastic bag, leave it on for hours (honestly treat everyone in your houses scalp), wash and dry all bedding, stuffed animals on the hottest setting for at least 90 minutes, vacuum and heat treat the furniture with a blow dryer. Hang in there!
Heat kills them. We would blow-dry and straighten our hair every day! Even when we got rid of it, we did that literally every day for months. I should also add we would blow dry our hair even when it was dry. It worked for us.
I paid $300 to a lice technician to come to my house to get all the eggs out of both of us. We had it 2 months and I was done. The smothering method is what kept it away. She told us to use olive oil…first 3 days every night saturate and wear a cap,then wash with Dawn soap to get oil out. Sucks but we did it,then every 3 days one night for 3 weeks!!! This ensures if any eggs hatch they are smothered. Total nightmare but it worked!!! I also cut several inches off my daughters hair. Got rid of a ton of stuffed animals also!!! You are not alone,it definitely makes you crazy