Dye her hair the same color. This seemed to work for one of my daughters its like they never went away no matter what I did.
My mom would use rubbing alcohol or raid lmao I know sound pretty bad but I lived haha she would put that in our hair and wrap it in a bag we would sit for a while wash it out then she went through with the lice comb
Have you washed all her stuffed animals and car seats, couches, chairs everything!
I was like this as a kid. I have thick curly hair. I was constantly infested. They were in my stuffed animals etc! My mom took me outside and poured gasoline in my hair. Afterwards washed my hair like always and then kept me away from anything hot till the next day. I never got them again
Have you seen the Lice Angels on TikTok? They make a solution that people swear by. They’re based out of Texas I think and you can order their stuff online.
My daughter had it really bad and nothing helped not even the prescription stuff… The only thing that worked was massaging lots of mayo in it just like you would shampoo, lather it up and put a shower cap on for an hour
Use rubbing alcohol and with olive oil in a sppray bottle and you can also use this on your furniture I always do a small test to see if it will discolor . And spray pillows and stuffed animals anything that has fabric make sure you check drawers for where they might have attached to clothes check her back pack it’s rough if you need help or can do anything please message
Vacuum the car? The foam mousse lice treatment worked wonders on my daughters hair. I’m sorry mama!
Change the vacuum bag . Tea tree essential oils in your regular conditioner helps too. You can mix tea tree essential oils in water in a spray bottle and spray everything.
We used Ivermectin. It’s actually for large farm animals but our pediatrician told us about it. It got rid of them instantly
I used baby oil and put a bag on my head overnight then used a metal head lice comb to remove them I would use a bowl of hot water to rinse the comb as I was combing through. I kept going through until the comb came out clean.
There’s a lady here that does it for you and she puts some sort of Cedar stuff on their hair and pulls all of the nits and lice out and your kid smells like a hamster cage for like a week but it’s totally worth it. You might have someone where you live that does it.
Also, the bagging of all the stuffed animals and the washing of your sheets and the vacuuming everything everyday is pointless. They can’t live longer than 24 hours without a host. So if it’s in your kid’s room just shut the door and they can’t go in for 24 hours. They also don’t jump or anything so for somebody else to get it they would have to actually have hair touching hair.
They are never going to leave a host to go look for a new host. So they’re not crawling all over the bed or in the stuffed animals because there’s no host there they’re never going to leave when they’re being fed. However, they will be really susceptible to getting lice again in the months afterwards because the lice can smell all of that dried-up blood and stuff. It’s pretty gross.
When mine were little I would just make my own lice spray and spray their hair every morning. Hair up in a ponytail and don’t touch your friend or laying next to them on the carpet. They won’t get the lice from the carpet but when they’re hair is touching on the carpet it can go from one person to another.
Have you tried bagging everything up in your house that you aren’t using? Put all stuffed animals, blankets, clothes etc in trash bags. I would set them in the sun or somewhere they can get hot. It will suffocate them. Or put them in the dryer then in a bag. Take her out of her room and get a spray and leave it closed up for a few days.
As a kid we used mayonnaise and wrapped our hair in plastic wrap. Do NOT shampoo afterwards. The oil from the mayonnaise helps the eggs slide right oif the hair!
Definitely call a salon and get an appointment for lice removal. The perm or dye chemicals will kill active lice, but you have to remove all eggs to get rid of the infestation. You might have to do a second treatment. The same day that you go to the salon, bag up all pillows, sheets, stuffed animals, soft toys, etc and seal them in plastic bags for 2 weeks. If you can get a plastic full cover for the mattress also, that would help. I am forever thankful that my sisters and I never had this problem.
I picked every bug and nit out by hand outside in the light it took forever but it worked. My daughter didn’t have it super bad and she never had it again after that. I kept checking her head for the next couple weeks and it never came back.
I put conditioner in their dry hair and comb through it with a lice comb. It’s messy, slippery and a pain in the ass but it’s worked for me every time. Lice shampoo doesn’t work for my girls. I’ve had to cut my youngest girls hair twice now but the conditioner has made it so I don’t have to cut it
I did a daily soak of coconut oil with drops of tea tree oil. Put a plastic bag over hair for as long as they could stand. Than use the lice comb and comb from scalp all the way to end of air, do not stop! It will catch the live bugs and eggs. Do this everyday until no more bugs are found. It is most likely left behind live bugs. I did for two days after I didn’t find a bug. Also it could be being passed to her again and again wherever she is going. I figured out my son was getting a live bug in his hair from school but didn’t actually have nits.
Wash everything in hot water and dry on high heat. Blow dry her hair every day. Lice cannot stand heat. That will break the cycle.
This is the cure i guarantee it. NEEM tree oil on hair then plastic wrap or shower cap on overnight then rinse and do the comb out. Repeat next week again. Do hair comb while child in bath using ALOT of hair conditioner and then rinse comb off into bath water and they can have shower at the end. Use hair straightener on their hair when dry regularly and last but not least you must sit and pull last eggs out with fingernails not comb to get the stubborn ones
Tea Tree Oil is your best friend in this department. Kills them on contact, did it myself when my girl was 4/5. Of course I had a band wrapped around her head so it didn’t run down her face even though I didn’t even have to use that much. I’d let her sit in the bath with her wrapped up while it soaked in the oil a bit. I did this a few times and then added like 3 or 4 drops to get detangler and would spray and brush her hair with it every day until they were all dead and gone. Now I keep it in her shampoo and detangler always and she has never gotten them again, it repels them.
School nurse/Girl mom!. Use the OTC lice med as directed. Put hair is small sections. Clean each section everyday for thirty days with lice comb and your fingers. Month 2 small sections every other day for 2 weeks. Then every 3rd day for 2 weeks. Then for months 3-6 one to 2 times per week. You don’t have to cut her hair just stay diligent. It’s a huge undertaking but very doable.
Maintenance: Use tea tree oil in shampoos.
Do you have a lice clinic nearby?? I went through that with both of my girls and eventually had to find a lice clinic bc it was uncontrollable!
I used to use a nitty gritty comb with copious amounts of conditioner, took a while and had to do it 2/3 times a week but worked
Tea tree oil kills them fast but it’s not something she should eat or get in her eyes. If old enough that she won’t do that, I would get some pure tea tree oil essential oil and mix a dime sized amount with her shampoo and leave on for awhile. Rinse well. Lice comb the eggs out afterwards. You will literally watch them die and the smell deters them from re-infesting her head. May take a few applications to kill new eggs as they hatch.
Use apple cider vinegar they fall out
Put vinegar in her hair leave for few hours and wash hair as normal, put bedding coats hats hair bands etc in on hot wash and get new hair brush for her, worked with my kids when they were younger
Wash, treat, vacume…clean the vacuumed out… spray… use a lice bomb for the house… they hatch after 7 days… so do it again to the house at 7 days. Have to kill those eggs or babies that are hatching or they will keep coming back.
Apple cider vinegar put in a spray water bottle half water and half vinegar and spray hair every night and wrap a grocery bag around it, wash every morning and make sure to conditioner hair well the vinegar will dry hair out do that every night for three days then every other night until bugs and nits are gone, worked like a charm for my daughter we had the same problem, good luck
When we was kids our grandparents were the ones who got rid of it
They used mayo
For about 45 mins
Works too I just did on my kids cuz it wouldn’t go away either
How old is your daughter? I had this issue with my daughter as well but her hair is just sort thick. (She an Eskimo) so after trying everything I literally had to use hair bleach and bleach as long as she could stand then I have her a cute color cuz she wanted it but all that also depends on the child’s age. Aside from that tea tree oil her hair and bleach everything
I always used mayo put it on there let it sit over night with plastic bag tight on her head and comb and go through hair like that and also you can b use straight alcohol it kills then
Have your doctor prescribe oral Ivermectin. I would have to look it up to be 100% sure but if memory serves everyone in the house will take 2 doses. Each dose a week apart. The lice will die and that’s the end of it. No more combing
Have you tried apple cider vinegar saturated in to the hair for atlwast an hour with plastic bag over it?. We do this in combination of the leaving in treatment and it’s great.
Put tea tree oil in shampoo and conditioner, you can rub Vaseline on the scalp and thru the hair then wrap it. I worked in a locked down facility and the whole unit had head lice. That’s how we got rid of it
Keep her hair oily ans greasy. They hate dirty hair. The cleaner it is the happier they are.
I’ve had lice a few times. We ended up cutting my hair super short cause I was tired of getting it. Was not till a few years later that we figured they love clean hair
I use Mayo. It works so well!! I slather it in, comb it through, put a shower cap on for a bit, comb in sections with a lice comb, then rinse it out. My daughter has super thick hair and it’s always been a life saver.
I dry rinse the hair with apple cider vinegar and let air dry. Then smother the hair in coconut oil and plastic wrap/shower cap overnight. Then wash with dawn to pull the oil out. Then wash with regular shampoo and conditioner and take a hair dryer to it. Take a hair dryer to the hair every morning and every evening the heat kills it. It works on my hair everytime the boys use to bring it home. And when she goes to school use updos, braids, hair spray, etc to keep reoccurance down.
They have lice spray that you need to be using on all furniture, carpet, inside you car and home. Also you need to wash everyone’s bedding, throw away brushes and buy new ones, put all stuffed animal and dolls with hair inside trash bags and tie really good(leave them there for a few weeks) bath your dogs with dog shampoo.
Honestly honey good luck I’ve been dealing with an infestation of lice thanks to my 11 yr old she gave it to all my kids before we knew she had it I ended up buying a lice vacuum and use it everyday and it’s helped a lot I’m still not over it but it’s better
Lice free treatment, mayo, and the olive oil. My step daughter has super thick hair and that’s the only thing that worked. We’ve been fighting it for 3 years and the fairytale products are really good also
We used the blue listerine mouthwash. Poured it all over her head and put a shower cap on for about 20 mins then rinsed. Did this several times a day and it worked for us.
Blue magic. It is in the ethnic section of hair care at Walmart. You want the one with coconut in it. It is like a grease. Cover ever inch of the hair and scalp with it fully. It smothers them. I leave it in for 1-3 days just braid the hair in near hair look after brushing with normally comb. It kills them on pillows and stuff they sleep on. The lice hates it with a passion. It is hell to fully wash out like you have to wash with dawn repeatedly but it is very healthy for the hair as well. It does stain some but my daughter had hair to her butt and was only way that helped us. As long as hair still has smell from it we don’t get lice back. Normal 2 months or til she ends up around another kid with lice after 2 months pass.
Okay…so look. Growing up my parents were low on money and barely could make ends meet. We lived in a apartment that had tons of roaches. We had a shit ton of raid bottles. So one day, I came back from school INFESTED with lice. We bought expensive lice shampoos We tried everything and nothing worked. My mom decided one day to use raid. She would put on plastic gloves and would cup her hands to hold a bit of water. She then would spray raid on top (diluting it). She would then massage it around my scalp. She would place a bag on my head for about 2-3 hrs then had me wash it off. We did it once for 2 days and they were all gone!
Sounds crazy, but that crap works. I had lice 2 times in my whole life, and raid has been the only thing that has helped kill those f******
My little sister was a lice magnet. We started coloring her hair and then treating the house. If it’s real bad then you can use bug bombs on the house. Also, you can cut and thin her hair.
Hair color was the only thing we could do to get rid of Lice.
Cut her hair shorter. Treat everything. Bag up all stuffed animals etc
Make sure your getting everything pillow, stuffed animal, blanket, clothes everything!!! As for her hair I would just dye it with an at home box kit! I had two friends in school that would always have it and it was the ONLY way I’d get it out of my super thick long hair! Just make sure you use enough to cover ALL of hair you might need 2-3 boxes. But I promise it will work for her hair! Hardest thing is just getting them out of the house
Idk how old she is but I haven’t seen these suggestions that saved mine and my 3 sisters when their school had outbreaks almost every year … hair dye!! You can dye her hair the same as her natural hair color or try something new but the chemicals kill them and was the absolute best and quickest way we got rid of ours and use a wet to dry hair straightener afterwards so any that may have survived on the strands of hair will be burnt up with the straightener! Also we were told and tried , mouthwash soak and using men’s body wash ! And then do the coconut oil and baby oil combination after dying and straightener to soften the hair for a good comb through to remove all the dead lice and eggs the best you can ! Make sure everyone in the home and around her is treated along with the Beddingand furniture, I would get the furniture lice sprays they carry in Walmart or online ! I’m thankful I have boys now so if lice ever invaded their school and our home we could do a quick shave of their heads lol … I know how traumatic getting lice can be I was 16 the first experience I had with them and I hated it and was so embarrassed and anxious about it…
Use a hair straightener on her hair the heat from it will kill the eggs and the lice. And start using a few drops of tea tree oil with her shampoo once a week it will keep the lice from coming back, and you can also put tea tree oil mixed with water in a spray bottle to spay clothes and backpacks to keep them from transferring in school/daycare
Ugh, I hate the ‘L’ word
My niece had it on & off for a year & nothing would work either. The only advice I have is, I know your daughter has very long hair but try to make sure you get every nit. Leaving just ONE will have you back in the nightmare. Try to remember to spray car seats, put pillows & stuff either in a trash bag dor a few days to suffocate them. Or put in dryer on high heat. I’m so sorry you’re having to deal w this. It is the worst.
We would use oil and let it sit in hair overnight with hair wrapped in a shower cap. Then the next day use a flea comb to comb out everything.
Continued use of tea tree oil in the shampoo and conditioner if you use and spray your hair when combing also Just a light mist.Keep the hair up and in a braid. This will help.
It’s ALWAYS such a pain to fully get rid of them. I’d say do a treatment every three days! Do that three times. Comb comb comb, then wait about a week apart from the last time you comb and run through and comb comb comb some more. The problem with lice is if you don’t get every single egg they will keep reproducing. The only thing you can do is really just keep doing the treatments keep cleaning the house and I promise the lice will eventually become a distant memory!
Part the hair into super thin sections and flat iron every single strand of hair the best you can
Tea tree oil shampoo and conditioner
Wash everything and anything you can’t wash out in a garbage bag and tie it up leave it in the garage for a few weeks treat her hair then blow dry it section off her hair and use a hair straightener to straighten a section at a time and comb it out… The heat from the hair straightener unglues the eggs… My daughter’s have curly hair and I had to straighten their hair before I could put a comb through it and I swear it helped so much
Time for a hair cut,- hair grows back-heavy duty purge of anything that lice can into- bedding, mattress, pillows, rugs, curtains, stuffed animals. Good luck!
I’d cut her hair and retreat with lice free spray and buy live spray made for the beds. Furniture anything that can’t actually be washed. etc. then bag up ALL stuffed animals and put them in an airtight bag and in the shed. Heat helps kill them. It’s super hot out. So it’s perfect timing.
I feel this in my soul. After 3 months of this years ago Mayonnaise is what finally did it. Leave it on four like 4 hours. Rinse with dawn dish soap and comb out every single stand. In 3 weeks repeat. ( three weeks is the life cycle so it’s important to do it after the 3 weeks) anything that hatches again will be killed before it lays eggs again.
Did you try thick olive oil wrap her hair in a bad and leave it in over night? My grand daughter has hair like that and it worked. I bombed the bed room with the bedding off and wrapped the dirty stuff in a bag for 1 month also all of the stuffed animals.
I had to finally cut my daughter’s hair short. Tea tree oil drops is great to keep it out. I put several drops in a spray bottle with water and sprayed it on the day. I used apple cider vinegar to shampoo with
My mom used rubbing alcohol on my head and it worked burned my head but that was from scratching leave it on for 30 minutes with a bag over the hair
This is going to sound crazy BUT my daughters would go to their dads house for the summer and every day time they would come back with lice
So I would treat them with lice shampoo and once the hair was dry I would turn up the flat iron to the hottest setting possible and would go over every inch of the hair from root to tip slowly making sure to not miss any hair at all. It will take time but NO Lice or Nit can survive being baked at 400+ degrees.
It worked every time
I hate to say this but unfortunately you’d have to give her a hair cut and then throughly clean the whole house, not saying you’re not cleaning, but wash and disinfect everything.
Vinegar works. I had countless cases when I was little and so did my cousins. It happens with super clean hair. At one point it was so bad that we had to dye my hair. The dye will kill them since I started dying my hair I haven’t had it since. It doesn’t have to be a crazy color just the color closest to her natural color. The ammonia in the dye kills them. It’s the only thing. That worked permanently for all 3 of us
Use 90 proof rubbing alcohol, pour it all over her head, make sure it soaks all her hair all the way to the scalp.
Then cover with a bag and leave on for 1 hour, rinse with conditioner, and it will all be dead and should come out easily.
I worked at a vet’s office for nine years and spoke to sales reps from the pharmaceutical companies. My oldest had this problem in her second year of college. Her and her two roommates fought them for months. I finally broke down and put a dose of the largest dog size frontline on her head. Told her not to shower for 24 hours to give it a chance to spread to her oil glands in her hair follicles. It worked like a charm and continued to work for 30 days. Frontline is not metabolized into the system. It stays in the oil glands in the hair follicles, so as your body secretes oil, it secretes more frontline. It only affects insects and is safe for mammals.
Seal all of her plush toys and dolls in a plastic bag if you can’t wash them. Replace hairbrush. Change bedding daily. Lastly and most importantly- check her hair for nits (eggs) stuck at the root (or close to) throughout the hair. They are dark so pay attention using bright lighting. Invest in the electric lice comb- game changer. Try combing hair, section by section and keep hair up in braid or ponytail to prevent spreading to other family members.
FYI- another way to kill nits is to hot iron them with a straightener.
I feel like I’m reading my mother talk about me as a child… I am 31 now but in elementary school the entire school shut down for weeks because of lice and the widespread of it at the time my hair is super thick and has always been past my butt for as long as I can Remer cutting my hair wasn’t an option and hours of picking in my hair and chemicals daily wasn’t either any more I was getting burns from the shampoos bc I’m highly sensitive…thankfully the district parish nurse that had been a nurse for over 30 years told my mom this…soak the hair completely scalp hair to the ends with extra virgin olive oil at bedtime put a shower cap on… line the elastic of the cap with a cushion of paper towels lining it to help it not leak out so much while you sleep with hair wrapped and wash this out with dawn in the morning followed with reg shampoo and conditioner and blow dry …and all those picking eggs and bugs that are impossible to remove take a piece of tape wrapped around your two fingers and remove them from the strand of hair with the tape this trick help save my scalp my hair and my mother’s sanity!!! Hope this helps!!!
Anything that is cloth from car to home and her bed ANYWHERE a louse can live for 24 hours til a host rest their head on. Keep that in mind. Bag up all toys for the week and spray it with lice spray. Also use it on beds and furniture. It’s a huge chore. Most people only stop by treating the child’s head. Don’t stop and think where they lay their heads on. We itch cause they feed on our blood. It’s why they can stay alive for a few days. But to much chemicals too smothering them with Mayo and wrap hair in a bag helps too
We just went through too and I’m still treating to be safe. Mine got it from the neighbors and came home infested. We all got it. Pharmacist recommended Lice free from Wal-Mart. Her grandmother did Rid and didn’t get rid of them while it worked great for us. It’s natural too. Comes with a shampoo we still use every other day and it kills them. I also washed everything linin. Blankets, pillow cases. Stuffed animals and most pillows went in trashbags in the shed for 2 weeks. Even rugs I soaked in scolding hot water and washed them. Soak for 30 mins. I did the same with all brushes and. Hair things. I also vacuum everything everyday and kept all dirty clothes and towels in a bag in bathroom when done with the stuff. Its been almost 2 weeks and no sign on any of us since.
Cut her hair and treat until they are all gone. You might not want to cut it short but it grows back
I’ve used coconut oil …massaged and lathered hair with it…left it in overnight and then washed hair and combed out and they were gone …and to this day my kids haven’t gotten them back
Use a straight iron on her hair. The heat will kill the eggs. Plus combing and special shampoos.
I used green listening. its kills whatever is live in their head. saturate their hair put a shower cap on for an hour then rinse. then use a white vinegar again saturate hair again. shower cap for another hair. then completely wash hair. the vinegar helps loosen the eggs when u go and comb them out.
When my son had it really bad before we just got to the point and shaved his head we used lavender oil and extra virgin olive oil and poured it on his his head and left it all day and then when we washed it out we used tea tree to put in it and use a mint and tea tree shampoo. It worked for a while but then he we had to shave it because it was bad.
1st check for allergic reactions,but I use a few drops od peppermint oil in a spray bottle of water. You want a light/med scent,not overwhelming so start off with a couple drops and test it. I use it for my daughters,their bedding,toys,couches, everything and it helps. It works so well my adopted daughter will fight for her spray bottle,lol! Too many drops will irritate,so be careful. You can try a few drops in the shampoo as well. My daughters wet their hair in the mornings to style it so they use the peppermint spray daily.
Mayonnaise Mayonnaise and more mayonnaise. Then wash her hair in Dawn to cut the grease. I promise you this worked for my girl when she was little.
My mom dyed my hair when I was really young and had head lice. She tried everything before dying my hair, but that was the only thing that seemed to really work
Every 3 days put this, half listerine and shampoo, on dry hair let sit 30 minutes it’s and rinse. If you do this every 3 days in 6 weeks they will be gone from hair house car and clothing. The life cycle from egg to adult in that time
Put a little lavender oil in a spray water bottle n spray her hair with it every morning n the lice will be gone. It really works but you have to do it all time
use a straightening iron at the highest heat she can handle for a week or so. it burns the eggs. only thing that worked for my kids. put everything in the dryer for hours.
We use apple cider vinegar my granddaughter. They will literally fall out and the nits comes out really easy. Works really good for her
Don’t come @ me but use the front line dogs stuff put a few drops in her hair & they an everything else will be gone by the next day , thank me later swear by it.
Both my girls had long hair when they we’re little. Live was always a battle especially during school time. I personally don’t like the meds. I always treated with mayonnaise. Leave in for 4 to 6 hours because my girls had long thick hair. Saturate it put bath cap on. Wash out… and comb comb comb. Wash everything… What can’t be washed put in Plastic bag somewhere heated for few weeks.
Buy tea tree oil. Put that on her hair as well
About 35 years ago, my kid’s school had a bad lice outbreak. I dyed her hair, same color but it worked after missing 22 days of school. Good luck
Cut it! That was the only thing that worked for my family!
Saturate her hair apple cider vinegar and let it air dry don’t rinse. Then saturate it with coconut oil and put a shower cap on and sleep with it over night. Wash hair with shampoo a couple times the next day and comb with live comb. Worked every time my daughter had it when she was in elementary school
Cut to her shoulders. Use a nix kit. Comb every day 2 times a day. Once wet and once dry. Make sure when you remove the nit/lice you put in a bowl of water. Bag everything up in her room. Keep one blanket, one sheet, one pillow and pillowcase. Wash bedding Daily and wear hair in a pony tail. Vacuum 2 times daily. You should be able to manage it better that way. This is what we did with my daughter. They also have something called skalice, prescription. It kills them in one application and you don’t have to do anything else. But it’s expensive and apparently not available right now in my area. Her long hair is the reason why your still having issues. Combing thorough is the only way to get rid of them.
Go get some safeguard for horses. Put the paste in her hair . It will kills them
Cut her hair you’ll never get rid of them with all that hair. Had the same thing happen to my daughter
Anything that’s fabric, put it in trash bags in your attic or garage for a couple days then wash it. Sanitize the entire house and soak her hair in the treatments and condition It well after. Lice don’t hold as well to clean hair and the heat in the trash bags will kill any left. It sounds like they are somewhere in the house and coming back to her. Anyone/anything with hair or any soft fabric has to be treated
Spray her hair with tea tree oil everyday and spray hair spray on her backpacks and jackets etc. Good luck!
Mayo, hair dying, and Baby Oil with a hot cap have all worked for people I know.
Personally, I went through this when I was 8 and my mother sprayed my head with RAID and rinsed it almost immediately after… I never had lice again in my entire life. I’d never recommend this but was always surprised that it worked and I didn’t die! Lol
I used olive oil and shower cap for hours then blow dry it out and repeated every couple days in case I missed some
They have a place that will treat her hair - it’s $150 but worth it
Blue lysol. Pour it over her head in the tub/shower & let it sit for 10+ minutes. Rinse out. Take lice comb & section in thin sections then comb each section from scalp to ends. Repeat if necessary
My daughters has them once and I went through her hair getting every single white egg out and the lice was gone after two days never had them since
Get a better nit comb.
Try finding a local lice removal company. They have them all over Canada and the USA.
Peppermint and tea tree essential oils
Straighten her hair daily. The heat will kill them and then braids her hair into a bunch of box braids & have her sleep with a shower cap on. Repeat daily for about a week.