My daughters used to constantly bring it home from school. One of them has really thick hair also. I always soaked their heads in Vaseline (yes it’s a complete pain to get out) left it in over night with a cap or bag in their heads, 24 hours later I washed their hair multiple times with dawn dish liquid to help get the oil and dead bugs out( they come right out cause of the oil and they are dead cause they suffocated from the Vaseline). After all that I would blow dry and flat iron their hair (heat also helps kill the ones that did manage to survive). Then comb out in extremely small sections. It’s a very tedious time consuming pain in the a** but I never had to repeat until they brought them home again. Also invest in tea tree shampoo and conditioner or get some tea tree oil and put it in your normal shampoo and conditioner (it helps keep them away) you can also make a spray with the oil in it for furniture and carpets. Put all stuffed animals in a black bag and sit them in the heat for about a week and you can also do it with extra comforters and throw pillows. You could also add the tea tree oil to laundry and use hot water to wash clothes and high heat to dry.
Dawn to suffocate them. Vinegar to loosen the glue on the eggs. Olive oil to bring back some moisture. Dye it. Then finish off with heat. Blow dry and flat iron
Virgin Coconut oil works great for lice and you need to bag everything in the house stuffed animals and hanging clothes and everything for 2 weeks. Then wash in hot water and dry as hot as you can. That’s the only thing that worked for us. We had to call a professional lice cleaner in.
I cant give you much advice becase when i was homless i had hair to my shoulder blades (the longest my hair had been in five years) and i ended up getting it so bad i had to shave my hair
Hair straightener after you treat with shampoo. And comb through to get big ones out use a hair straightner on the eggs then comb out pain inthe ass but 8 days later do a second shampoo and straighten again.
Throw away the pillows. Treat everything and retreat heads. New pillows. That is the only way I got rid of my son’s. Even after washing and drying pillow as recommended, it didn’t work. Just pitch the pillows and start over.
I don’t know if you know about it but there’s a place called LICE LIFTERS
it’s like a beauty salon for lice they specialize in
lice removal
Soak her head in mayonnaise wrap a plastic bag on her head leave it on for a couple of hrs then wash her head real good it will condition her hair and suffocate the lice
Look up lice nanny and have her product shipped to you. IT WORKS AMAZINGLY!! we lived a WHOLE summer nightmare until I found her products!!
Mayo worked wonders for my sisters and I when we were children. Leave in hair for an hour or so.
Lice don’t like dirty heads, they prefer clean heads to move around.
Use a flat iron and straighten her hair, small sections at a time. Wash hair out using any shampoo with tea tree in it. Blow dry and then repeat until you stop hearing them pop.
It pops any eggs and any lice in the hair.
My kids had thick thick long hair past their bottoms and this worked like a charm. Plus the washing and vacuuming.
Put tea tree oil in her shampo and conditioner and anyone else’s in the house. It won’t kill them, but they hate the smell and will avoid it.
Run apple cider vinegar through scalp and hair, cover hair with trash bag for 10 mins and rinse out, do not shampoo. A couple days later I put in a can of Diet Pepsi and did the same. All while putting all the girls clothes in trash bags and leaving the clothes in the garage for a week then washed them with white vinegar on hot cycle, same with bedding. I couldn’t get rid of the lice for nothing and it was a couple years of everyone passing it to each other and from other kids. I don’t know which worked so I would do it all the same steps. My kids never got lice again after that.
Trash bag everything. Put mayonnaise on her hair and let it sit. Then comb through Blow dry and straighten her hair too. Get tea tree oil and put it on all the combs and brushes. It kills lice on contact.
Most the time if she continues to get it after being lice free it’s coming from a friend or family members a child. My advice is to strip every bed in your house spray with Lysol or rid lice spray and completely saturate it, when dry vacuum every inch of it! Do the same with you couches carpets… with wood floors just vacuumed and mop daily! Bag up all toys such as Barbies stuffed animals anything that lice can live on for 72 without a blood host I would bag them for a least a week in the garage somewhere hot! Put sleeping pillows and blankets in the washer on hot water cycle then dry on high, if washing isn’t a option just dry multiple times on high heat. Wash her night clothes and pillows every night till you have treated her hair twice and find no lice or eggs! The main thing and most important is the combs don’t work the only method I have found is to pick every lice egg out and wipe them on a wet napkin… then put that in a ziplock bag and throw away, blow her hair as much as possible they hate heat always check her hair multiple times a day if you see a egg immediately pick it out usually they lay at the crown of the head and behind the ears. I’ve found that rid works best for shampoo I used 2 bottles on my daughters hair she has a lot of hair those. Watch the kids she’s around usually you can see them scratching or egg in their hair. Hope this helps
Conditioner and a nit comb is all you need. The lotions do not work. My daughter seemed to have them constantly for a year I would do it and she wouzld get them back. Combing them out with conditioner is the only way. Took ages as my daughter has Afro hair abs loads of it but it worked. Then I put coconut oil in her hair for school as nits cannot survive in oil.
Trust me do not waste any more money on lotions, they do not work and do not kill them!
They actually have salons that will guarantee successful treatment. Not cheap but money well spent. Then wash everything and spray the house. Google for a salon of this type in your area.
I know it sounds absolutely gross and to be honest as someone who hates mayo it is but it works me and my daughter both got it a couple years ago and we went through the same thing I didn’t think I was ever going to get rid of it but if you take mayo and condition every inch of your hair and scalp and then take plastic bags over your head (we used Walmart bags) and let it sit for a few hours and then wash it out they just kept falling out like I said I know for someone who hates mayo it isn’t ideal but it does work like a charm. You can Google all kinds of home remedies because the stuff that was over the counter and prescribed stripped our hair so bad
Check to see if there are any lice clinics nearby you pay one price they dry them out in the head and vacuum them out . If it comes back you just go back I believe no charge extra . They also make their own products I think it was called lice clinics of America. They will even check the other people in the household to see if they have it
Put mayo on her scalp and put a shower cap on it have her sleep with it every night for a week. Take all bedding to laundry mat
Ladibugs one and done treatment was the only thing that helped for my daughter when she got it a couple of years ago.
Make sure you are treating you car also…I found that was the issue I was having …kept treating everything and couldn’t get rid of it until it dawned on me to vacuum out the car
Pouring rubbing alcohol in her hair will kill the lice. Unfortunately, it doesn’t kill the eggs so you will have to go back through to get the eggs using nix or something similar. My son has very thick hair and it was easier to do it that way for us. Anything cloth goes in a bag for 2 weeks and then run through a dryer on high
There are actually ppl who will come to your home and treat everyone. It costs a bit but it’s worth it when you’re at your wits end. They will educate you as well. I wish I could remember the name of the company but if you Google it’s a reputable company.
It takes hours and hours of going through each individual hair to get rid of it. I feel your pain. I went through the same thing with my daughters, and I spent eight hours on each had to make sure it never came back… blow drying helps as well. The heat kills them
My friends daughter had it and she took a hair straightener to her hair and burned them after a treatment
Use Vaseline it suffocates the lice & im sure will be a lot easier for you to comb through her hair with it
Mayonnaise!!! Cover her hair in mayonnaise put a shower cap/ bag anything you can around her hair and let her sleep in it over night wash out in the morning! Had this happen when I was little nothing helped but the mayo!
Use the regular blue dawn soap rinse then use coconut oil and wrap her head in a shower cap or a grocery store bag and let it sit for an hour multiple times a day! Works great! Better than anything else you can buy at pharmacy! I also heard Mayo would work to just as I mentioned the coconut oil. Good Luck!
With all these comments… In sure you’ve got it figured out but I had super long hair as a child and my sister & I would get lice frequently. My dad finally used kerosene. I’m sure that’s frowned upon these days but it worked
Put miracle whip all over her hair and put a shower cap over it and let her sleep n it then n the morning wash it out and do the combing part again. That’s how I got rid of the lice n my daughters hair and it was to her but and very thick as well! Good luck
You can get spray for lice and bed bugs and spray chairs, and everything fabric
I heard vinegar helps I have not tried this yet but you are supposed to be able to put it in your hair and make a spray with water to spray down your carpets and furniture. I’m dealing with the same issues of having tried everything only to have it keep coming back. So I’m desperate to try anything as well. I’ll be trying the vinegar soon
Sounds crazy but I heard mayo or Vaseline. It suffocates them. It does take like a week to get the hair not looking oily but it definitely worked when we were kids.
Rubbing alcohol mixed with conditioner!!
The gold Listerine and a shower cap. Drench her head in it put on the shower cap for as long as she can tolerate then rinse it out. Make sure alk her stuffed animals are cleaned or thrown out as well
Try baby oil i promise its amazing i use it on both my daughters hairs and works every time with teetree oil as they hate mint xxx
Cover hair with Mayo and sleep with a shower cap on. Rinse out in the morning. Any bugs will suffocate and die,the nits will be easier to comb out. Put tea tree oil in all of your shampoo and conditioner and it should help keep lice away in the future.
My girls kept coming home from school with this crap one year. I treated so much I could cry. Doc offered to call us in a script for it but insurance didn’t cover it and it was a $300 script! It was getting to where it was harder and harder to get rid of it. Finally I was at a store we have here with different vitamins, oils, organic soaps etc. I explained to them feeling so defeated. They told me take a dark glass squirt bottle. Mix witch hazel and tea tree oil together in it. Spray on dry hair till saturated. Let it sit. Try to comb it ( it made hair way too dry to comb) then wash, condition and use your lice comb. Use this treatment once per day till lice is gone. I noticed the kids had less scratching. Lice was gone! I did a treatment for three days just to be safe incase I missed anything. But I was in shock
Try the cheapest box dye you can find in her hair color make sure it has ammonia in it, my daughter got lice back in kindergarten n I had to shave her brothers head n use the dye on her n myself it worked great better then anything else I had tried. Honestly
You have to treat for lice then treat again before 10 days to make sure everything is dead!
Places like Lice Busters will treat her hair & companies like Lice Troopers will come clean your house.
Lice Freee. Its smells like black licorice but it’s amazing and works. It was my go to anytime my kids got lice.
Out of sheer desperation, I used brown listerine on my boys. It worked!!!
There is a possibility that the lice is in the skin layers of her scalp and not just the hair roots. Happened in ww2, it was rampant even with people shaved bald. Check areas that have been scratched open.
Treat everyone the same day !!! My sister in-law had this issue with my nieces when they were little nothing would work so she tried hair dye left it on 10 min -15 min and rinsed and kept a bag over it … And put mattress, pillows etc in garbage bags and wash what you guys will be using in hot water if you have carpet or anything fabric that has to be treated to a steam cleaner may be of some help
Treat everything. Carpets bedding couches curtains mattress EVERYTHING. another of ppl aint gunna agree with this but I had it so bad before that my mama had to make a kerosene and water mix to get rid of them
Use mineral oil…put it in her hair coat good not saturate a plastic shower cap on her head for 4-5 hours …the oil will smother the lice… you will need to use Dawn dish detergent to get all the oil out but at least it’s not burning her hair up with the chemicals. Also I would trade it everyday but cause what nits are there will hatch and you want to make sure you get them. But you will need to use a lice called to work through the mineral oil and pull the lice off the hair strand. I hope this is a help to you do not reuse plastic shower cap. If you don’t have a shower cap a plastic grocery bag case oil off of everything plus is like a hair moisturizing treatment. Hope this helps
I would buy 2 brand A-200 do that then Nixx after u have to put a light on a table white towel and go through every inch of hair then flip it over and do it again keep your hair covered it sucks put all stuffed animal in plastic bags for a few weeks and not let her play with the kids that are giving them to her
My daughters had lice. We were told use fairytale shampoo and conditioner we also used nix lice and put it in her hair for the 10 or so min but used a plastic grocery bag on her head covering the hair only and tied it tight during the wait of nix we then also used tea tree oil on top of all of that and has never had an issue since
Well if she has them that bad, that means you also have them that bad. I had an old teacher from Detroit tell me that the teachers sprayed their hair everyday with plain old aqua net. Lice won’t go to a head with sticky hair spray. We tried it and it worked, so my kids never went to school after that without a light spray.
You have to go through every piece of hair over and over again and leave tea tree oil at the roots with a cap on. My daughter has hair down to her butt and she got it and it was a terror to get rid of but that is how I did it.
Put any and all fabric items in the house in the laundry or in a trash bag tie it shit completely and leave for two weeks. Al the while wash everything even clothes in closets and drawers. Treat her head along with everyone in the house and get the stuff to treat furniture. Use it on the couch and the mattresses. Al this has to be done on the same day. If you miss one you will be re-infected
Keep towels separate from each person, they can get on them, and will infect others. We had ours lined up in the bathroom close to one another and they were spreading that way. Keep everything separate for awhile until gone. Also pillows on the couch
Put everything in trash bags(clothes, stuffed animals, bedding) . Get the stickey medicine from the doctor(it’s like sap) . Put borax powder on mattresses and floors, let it sit, then vaccume.
I have 3 girls with very thick curly hair omg it was a nightmare I would start off just throwing everything away from pillow covers, bc sometimes they don’t die even if you wash it good. Next buy the electric comb, put lots of eucalyptus oil on thit leave it on spray it all over
Use Olive Oil and comb her hair outside after dousing her hair in it. Comb through, each comb through then put the comb into a tall glass of bleach and water and then another glass of water to rinse the bleach off. Repeat.
I had the same situation. My daughter also had very long thick hair. We tried everything but sadly we were forced to cut it.
When my daughter was little the only thing that worked was Mayonnaise. Put a cap on leave it in for a few hours, wash it out lice be gone!
If she has stuffed animals put them in a plastic bag and seal it for 40 days. Have carpet professionally cleaned if you can. Wash everyone’s bed linens. Check friends heads. I went thru this and it was a friend that had lice and kept reinfecting our home. Once her lice was addressed we had no more problems.
Keep doin what your doin and add 2 drops of tea tree oil to shampoo and conditioner. Remember to shake it up each time before ya use it
If you keep tree tea oil use a drop and run through her hair after the other steps she won’t get em back
Have you tried full fat coke? Soak the hair completely and leave on over night. Should kill eggs and lice (it strips limescale off toilets too!).
Wash out the following morning, will need doing twice and then comb through with conditioner still in the hair, rinse.
Repeat every 3 days for a total of 3 times. Shouldn’t be anything there after the first go though.
You need to do everyone in the house on the same day, because you just end up passing them back and forth between everyone.
A few things that worked when we fought it…
using a straightener on everyone’s hair! It killed everything in the hair immediately. Did it daily for a week, along with nit picking, mayo treatment on the bad heads, & then rinse with ACV.
We bagged up anything cloth and put it outside or garage or trash. Minimum 30 days & run it through hot water/hot dryer cycles, including stuffed animals, rugs, blankets, backpacks, hats, curtains, couch pillows, shower curtain, towels. Put the couch cushions in direct sunlight for a day or two.
Boil everything hair comb, brush, pony tail, barrette, Bobby pin related that can tolerate the heat.
Good luck momma. Call in reinforcements if you can, it’s a big project.
Use mayonnaise!!! Smother her hair in it and cover it with a bag or a cap over night. It’s the only way I got rid of them out of my daughters hair and she has a thick thick long curly hair.
They hate eucalyptus in South Carolina we have a drug store that makes their own remedy best yet eucalyptus oil with peppermint oil u still have to pick off nits
Vinegar worked for me. Just straight vinegar in hair…saturated it good…put a bag over it and let sit 15 min. Wash out and comb. Good luck momma. I have been there a couple times.
It’s not just on her head. It’s on anything that is cloth. All her stuffed animals and dolls need to be bagged for a week.
So I used this on myself a while ago but try adams flea and tick shampoo for dogs. If you read the label it says it works for lice too.
There are electric combs you can buy at Walmart that zap the lice. But also picking with your hands meticulously is a must.
If you can buy some bug bombs and set them off that will help kill them. For the stuffed animals put them in a tightly sealed trash bag for 2 weeks to suffocate them.
Listerine 2hrs soak head with shower cap…then coconut detangler and comb…but tea tree oil few drops in shampoo its a natural deterrent
How old is she? Best thing is:
Do a coconut oil treatment and put a bag over it for a few hrs this will suffocate them.
Wash hair with a anti lice shampoo
Comb through and spray watered down apple cider vinegar
Blow dry it for at least 15-20 minutes
Wash all linen and never let her sleep with wet hair.
Good luck!
I just went through this a week ago with my stepdaughter. She comes to visit and always has them. We got rid of them in 2 days! There is hope.
Use a hair straightener. If you can get as close to the roots, you can burn most of those nits out. Theirs also lice shampoo and a comb that zaps them that you can purchase
Essential oils - suffocate those SOBs - cinnamon eucalyptus and rosemary with coconut oil and bag her hair. Even the little sacks will dry TF out
For prevention put tea tree oil in her shampoo and conditioner. Don’t buy it with it in there, out it in it yourself. Send her to school/sleepovers in braids.
Try mayonnaise it’s supposed to smother them, then add some tea tree oil to your shampoo and conditioner for a preventative
A lice clinic got rid of it for us 2x. Worth every penny
Nits and lice die in heat, so everything that can go through the drier, anything that can’t you can use a hair drier and vacuum or store in a bag for 14+ days they live on everything for at least 48 hours without a host and 14 days for eggs to hatch .
Wash with lice shampoo. Then. Divide hair into squares. Inch squares Tightly mini rubber band them. Go through each square with your finger tips a couple strands at a time taking nits out with nails as you find them when you are done with the square braid it tightly and put grease in the top of braid around and on scalp. It’s a lot of work but. It’s a for sure
You have to put treatment and sit down and pull each and everyone of them out by hand that’s the only way if u don’t wna sit and do that only other option is to cut her bald speaking from experience no treatment alone is gna get rid of them
Amazon sells some military grade shit for like $150 . I was about to go that route but luckily when we had it I bought a bunch of stuff from Walmart and it worked. the electric combs. Shampoo you use for lice every shower. And the treatment.
I sectioned my daughter’s hair strands by strands then ran the flat iron on it could here them pop eww you don’t have to cut her hair but if you think it’s worth it do it I took me three days to clean my daughter’s head
Soak hair in coconut oil. Cover with a plastic bag. Leave for an hour. Blow dry over bag. Use lice comb and comb over towel. Wash with Dawn dish soap. Do every other day for a week. Very safe.
Wash all linens shes been on and clothes shes wore in hot water in the washer.have someone check each others head to make sure no one else in the house has it to.they also have new stuff out at walmart and etc for lice and theres spray thats for lice to spray your couch and bedding with.
Have you coated hair in coconut oil. Leave for an hour or a few (if you can). Comb through. Wash and then flat iron hair. It kills nits, etc. Repeat every 2-3 days, until gone.
We had the same problem with our daughter a few years ago. We ended up having to buy a lice bomb (like a flea bomb) and do our whole house. There are also lice centers. Hope you and your daughter get relief soon
Vinegar, then put a bag on for an hour. Then lice treatment. Comb out with lice comb. Repeat! Wash and dry everything with hot water and on the highest heat. What ever can’t be washed put it in a bag with a dryer sheet with tea tree oil.
Mayonnaise does work and works on getting rid of fleas on animals also.
It’s gross but I shit you not but kraft mayo it’s natural and you can do it twice a day hands down worked with me and my family
Mayonnaise cover head hair completely in mayo, then put on a plastic cover over her hair completely covering for at least 30 min. Then wash out.
I had lovely, thick, long hair and the only think that got the lice to get out of town was a short haircut.
Bug bomb your house. Make sure the same ingredient in lice spray is the main ingredient in bug bomb. Wait a week and do it again.
Color her hair that’s how my daughter got it out of my granddaughter hair it works great
In the past to treat I’ve tried smothering my daughters hair in mayonnaise and letting it set overnight. It’ll take about a jar to do it. After you’ve done that put her hair up in a shower cap for the night. In the am rinse with dawn dish soap and comb through it. The mayo suffocates the lice. Make sure that you put her hair up in a braid or a bun everyday and use hair spray, that don’t like hair spray because they can’t get to the scalp. Use a shampoo with tea tree in it. I buy the Paul Mitchell tea tree from the salon, it’s expensive but easier than the nightmare
I ended up having to cut my daughters hair and slather it in Mayo for HOURS. And I bought Tea Tree shampoo and conditioner and that saved my butt too.
I read a story once there was a small village and all the kids had lice - they had community de lousing nights where everyone attended with their kids … turns out it was the old lady in the sweet shop - she would pick the kids up cuddle them and sit them in the counter and she never knew she had them but they were all being spread from the shop and hugs
We put tea tree oil in our conditioner. We just put it on, let it sit while we bathe, and then rinse. Worked like a charm. This was 3 years ago and no problems since
Depending on where you live they have lice removal places that actually do the hair for you!