“My 18-month-old daughter has stopped calling me Mama, and now it’s just Mom. Anyone else have a hard time with this?”
RELATED QUESTION: My Children Call My Ex-Husband’s Wife ‘Mom’: Thoughts?
“Wait till they start calling you bruh lol.”
“Yes but then out of the blue she started calling me mommy, and my heart melts every time.”
“My daughter calls me by my real name and I find it shocking how many get offended because I don’t have a problem with it.”
“My 18-month-old daughter calls me by name or aunt Fiona or Hanna which is her name. She hears other people call me Fiona or aunt Fiona and that’s what she calls me, I try to tell her I’m mom and she says ‘no no.’”
“I called my mother mumma until the day she died. And she called me lovey or honey.”
“My daughter calls me ‘mimi’ which makes me feel like a grandma but she loves it and it’s not hurting anyone… it’s tough but don’t make mountains out of molehills. Life is too hard for that.”
“My son calls me “mOOOm”, “God Pam” (in an incredibly sassy way like its all my fault, you can hear the eye roll in his voice) “momma” and “Pam”. He’s 3.5. He calls his dad “Dad” “daddy” “Codes” and “Cody”.”
" Its so sad when babies aren’t baby enough to call us mama anymore! My baby, our youngest, is 2 and only calls me mama if she’s really tired and getting whiney, or upset."
“My 8-year-old called her dad ‘Bro’ a few months ago. His face was priceless.”
“I just started referring to myself as mama when my daughter did this. ‘Can you give that to mama?’ ‘Can mama have a hug?’ ‘Mama loves you.’ She caught on and started calling me mama again.”
“My daughter went through that phase. Only lasted a short time. She’s 11 now and still calls me mama or mommy. I hope your little will be the same way.”
“My two year old calls me mommy and has picked up bruh from her brothers.”
“It’s a phase. She’ll grow out of it. I’m in my fifties and went from mama to mommy. My mommy loves it.”
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