I'm Struggling with the Fact My Toddler No Longer Calls Me 'Mama': Advice?


“My 18-month-old daughter has stopped calling me Mama, and now it’s just Mom. Anyone else have a hard time with this?”

RELATED QUESTION: My Children Call My Ex-Husband’s Wife ‘Mom’: Thoughts?


“Wait till they start calling you bruh lol.”

“Yes but then out of the blue she started calling me mommy, and my heart melts every time.”

“My daughter calls me by my real name and I find it shocking how many get offended because I don’t have a problem with it.”

“My 18-month-old daughter calls me by name or aunt Fiona or Hanna which is her name. She hears other people call me Fiona or aunt Fiona and that’s what she calls me, I try to tell her I’m mom and she says ‘no no.’”

“I called my mother mumma until the day she died. And she called me lovey or honey.”

“My daughter calls me ‘mimi’ which makes me feel like a grandma but she loves it and it’s not hurting anyone… it’s tough but don’t make mountains out of molehills. Life is too hard for that.”

“My son calls me “mOOOm”, “God Pam” (in an incredibly sassy way like its all my fault, you can hear the eye roll in his voice) “momma” and “Pam”. He’s 3.5. He calls his dad “Dad” “daddy” “Codes” and “Cody”.”

" Its so sad when babies aren’t baby enough to call us mama anymore! My baby, our youngest, is 2 and only calls me mama if she’s really tired and getting whiney, or upset."

“My 8-year-old called her dad ‘Bro’ a few months ago. His face was priceless.”

“I just started referring to myself as mama when my daughter did this. ‘Can you give that to mama?’ ‘Can mama have a hug?’ ‘Mama loves you.’ She caught on and started calling me mama again.”

“My daughter went through that phase. Only lasted a short time. She’s 11 now and still calls me mama or mommy. I hope your little will be the same way.”

“My two year old calls me mommy and has picked up bruh from her brothers.”

“It’s a phase. She’ll grow out of it. I’m in my fifties and went from mama to mommy. My mommy loves it.”

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There are plenty of other things you can be upset about .


My baby did the same thing but don’t worry about it so much cause it didn’t last that long now he calls me mama mom mommy at least the baby knows who you are no matter if it’s mom or mama

It’s not forever - just a phase.

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My fifteen-year-old son in two and three year old daughter still call me Mommy every once in a while though the girls will say mom and I tell the girls I’m Mommy

Its ok. My brother and I say that there are levels. First is mama, then mom, and lastly…just ma! :joy:

They all have love in them so, just let it be :wink:

My daughter is now 35 and still calls me mama and no we are not from the south lol.

You have a right to any feelings that you have. It’s okay to feel sad about losing something that you felt was special to you. There will be more things that will be special between you and your daughter. Hugs. <3


Mine calls me mom or Linda…lmao


My daughter’s first word was Mom … and then soon after she had a verbal regression (she is on the Autism Spectrum) and stopped talking. She will be six and still no words. So yeah … :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:

My 5 yr old still calls me mama I love it. Your entitled to your feelings

It happens. It doesnt mean she loves u any less or thinks any differently of u. Its completely normal thing that does happen

Idk, my 22 yr old has always called me "momma":heart::heart:

My 2yr old calls me Shay-Shay or either bae!

Both of mine call me mama mom mommy or amanda depending what they want or need…

Well she could be calling you by your first name.

Wait till they become teenagers and you just get grunts :joy::joy:


Holy cow,wait until she is old enough to tell you to " mind your own business" …smh…must be first time mom.

Parenting gets a lot tougher…

Brace yourself. Motherhood gets tougher than this.

Yes but then out of the blue she started calling me mommy and my heart melts every time


Wait till they start calling you bruh lol


My daughter went through a phase at 4 just calling me Melissa so I’ll take mom. :joy::joy: but yes our babies grow to fast.

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Dont worry, soon you’ll be bruh lol

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My daughter went through that phase. Only lasted a short time. Shes 11 now and still calls me mama or mommy. I hope your little will be the same way :green_heart::green_heart:

My kids call me Mom, Mama, and Mommy lol.

As long as she doesn’t call you an dip stick or worse-- don’t worry about it

I correct mine lol at 18 months my oldest started calling me by my name uh no ma’am I’m mama to you! Actually my 2 yr old yelled it across the park today(she was with her grandma) so I yelled back it’s mama to you :rofl: my 3 yr old makes it a game cuz it makes me sad we go back and forth, I tend to get called all 3 mom mama mommy :woman_shrugging: just depends and sometimes I just correct the other 2 names lol

My son calls his Daddy by his name and won’t call him Daddy :sob::sob:


It’s a phase. Mine went through it atleast and went back to mama.

She will start again my daughter is almost 6 and still calls me momma especially when she wants something

My kids are in their 20s and still call me Mama

My daughter is two and never called me mama til recently. I was always MAAAAAA

I still call mine mama and I’m 22 lol.

My 8yr old and 6yr old still call me mama :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

My 2.5 year old daughter still won’t call me mom, momma or anything really…I just get yelled or screeched at if I don’t respond to her cues

My 2 year old calls me ma. Idk where she even got it from. I’m like no it’s too soon :sob:

My 7 year old told me I don’t have to call you mommy anymore because I’m big so now I’ll just call you mom :joy: my 18 month old still says momma mom when he walks around

My 13 mo old skipped mama altogether and only ever says mom. It was her first word too.

Wait till they don’t even call you mum but call you by your name :woman_shrugging::woman_facepalming:

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My 3year old son just calls me mom, its normal

Lol yes! I miss it when they’d call me that. Transition from mommy mama and mom is bittersweet.

Wait till she turns 13


My 22 month old calls me Mamee

Yes, it is always sad when a phase ends , I loved mommy
now its MOOOOMMMM!!

My 3 year old learned our first names and calls us that sometimes lol :woman_shrugging:

My kids are 31, 23, 21 and 19 they still call me mommy


My 4 year old told me her dad told her to call me Mother, not mom or momma, and we had a discussion about that. But for your 18 month old, it’s probably just a phase. Haha. Mom is definitely better than Mother.

My youngest calls me mom… my eldest get unbelievably upset that her little sister calls me mom. My eldest consciously calls me mommy.

Wait til they call you bruh lol


I hate all of my “grades of mom” lol. First I’m “ma-ma” then I was “mommy” now I’m just… “mom” :woman_facepalming:t3: I love her to death though, even when she hurts my feelings lol

My 8 year old calls me bae​:roll_eyes::unamused::woman_facepalming: honey​:blush: mommy or by my 1st name…idk as long as she calls ME ig thats all that matters

I just started responding to myself as mama when my daughter did this. “Can you give that to mama?” “Can mama have a hug?” “Mama loves you”. She caught on and started calling me mama again

My 15 month old says mama when she wants cuddles or anything really but if she’s just talking it’s mom my 4 year old still calls me mommy :grin:

All four of my girls calls me mom and mommy they are 2,4 and 2 five year olds they are twins.

I’m still mommy to all of mine lol

It’s a phase. She’ll grow out of it. I’m in my fifties and went from mama to mommy. My mommy loves it.

Yep… My 2yr old calls me “mom”
I’m “mother” to my 7yr old :unamused:
Surprisingly though, my 11yr old still calls me mommy :two_hearts: clinging to it because I know it’ll end all too soon :sob:

My daughter called me by my nickname for 2 years.

My 3 year old calls me mom or ma :sob::sob::sob:

My daughter calls me “Hey”

Maybe it’s cause that’s what I say before every sentence like, “Hey, did you know…”, “Hey, where’s…”,
“Hey, do you want…” regardless to who or when I’m starting a sentence

It’s a speech progression.
Ma-ma are very easy sounds for littles to make and put together.
Mom is usually the next easiest and the next “stage” to verbal development.

I wouldn’t take it personally. It doesnt mean she needs or wants you less. Doesnt mean you’re less special in her eyes. Just means her vocabulary and vocal skills are improving.

My 3 year old doesn’t call anyone by their name in person ever but will point to pictures and name everyone .

Just think yourself lucky that your child can call you anything.

Awww my twin boys are 10 and they still call me mama…but my daughter calls me mom its like that sometimes its life…we just have to continue be the best mama we can ever be

My son calls me Georgia 90% of the time :upside_down_face: I’ve tried everything to make him stop but he won’t

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My daughter calls me by my real name and I find it shocking how many get offended because I don’t have a problem with it.

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My 6 yo calls me mummy. She stopped calling me mama around 2 and started calling me ‘bec’… that made me sad… until I realised she was just picking up what everyone else was calling me, I stopped answering to Bec. After that, she just started calling me mummy :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

My are at the age that they call me bro! It drives me nuts but I love it at the same time. Try and enjoy all stages.

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My son really never called me mamma … it’s always been mom lol

My son is 6 and now calls me mother and I adore it. He is so cute. Each phase is amazing

My kids all call me moonis. Lol but they are 11, 13, 16 and 17.

My kids are grown but my son calls me ma and my daughter calls me moma.

Mine who is 3 1/2 just started calling me “Mother”. No idea why or where she learned it but :woman_shrugging:t3: lol

Don’t worry you have this to look forward to still! :heart: my teens saw this and regularly do this to me. :joy:

Just wait until she calls you by your first name instead of saying mommy :joy:

My two year old calls me mommy and has picked up bruh from her brothers :upside_down_face:

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My son calls me “mOOOm”, “God Pam” (in an incredibly sassy way like its all my fault, you can hear the eye roll in his voice) “momma” and “Pam”. Hes 3.5. He calls his dad “Dad” “daddy” “Codes” and “Cody”.

To my 3 and a half year old its mom or mommy. Or he will call me Shawna to tease me or hey you old lady. Lol

My kids are 20 and 17 and still call me mama

My 20 month old learned my nickname “Nia” at 13 months old.

It was momma then out of nowhere it was Nia. :woman_facepalming:

It broke my heart, but honestly, if he ever wanders off(creator forbid), Then at least he knows my name. :woman_shrugging:

He’s a little Stewie. He’ll pick on me and follow me around, saying,"Momma, momma, mommy, ma, ma, ma, ma, Nia, Nia, huff, MY NIA. :joy:

My 8 yo always calls me by my name and I just correct her. It makes me so sad though. It’s like hey I earned that title and I love it

My niece legit called her dad by his name for the longest time and sometimes my own kid calls me Shiann :joy:

Don’t take it to heart!

My kids are 6, 4 and 20mo and I’m trying to get them to call me mom instead of mommy :joy::joy:

The other day my first (almost 4) called me mummy and usually he calls me mama and not lying my heart sunk abit :sweat_smile::joy::upside_down_face::see_no_evil:

My daughter never called me mamma :sob: its always been hey mom

My daughter calls me “mimi” which makes me feel like a grandma but she loves it and it’s not hurting anyone… it’s tough but don’t make mountains out of molehills. Life is too hard for that :sweat_smile:

I think it just changes my daughter use to call me mama and now she calls me mommy.

I called my mother mumma until the day she died. And she called me lovey or honey

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No I still here every version of mom every 2 to 3 seconds

My daughter calls me mommy and she’s almost 11

For a while my son who’s two now called me ma. He’s just making it easier for himself as he learns other words it’s totally ok

My 3 yr old daughter calls me by my first name cuz everyone else calls me that.

My 8 year old calls me mama, or when he is being a smart ass he calls me mother :joy:

Shell go back to mama. My three year old calls me everything from mommy mama mom and Erika :joy:

My 8 year old called her dad ‘Bro’ a few months ago. His face was priceless :rofl:

Let him get really hurt he will scream mommy

Wait until their 5 and call you by your name because no one else calls you mum. :woman_facepalming:

My son calls me mom sometimes, I’m a little shook when he does it, but I did it to my mom, so I can’t be too mad or annoyed or shocked. Its just a word :blush: and its normally following the words “I love you” lol

It is sad when they stop I’m now called Hey :joy: