I'm Very Worried My 4-Year-Old Is Eating Too Much: Advice?


"My son is four years old, and his eating habits lately have become extremely worrisome. I did think, ‘oh, he’s just going through a harmless growth spurt,’ but this seems excessive.

For example, for breakfast this morning, he ate two whole biscuits, three servings of eggs, a cup of yogurt, and some blueberries. Not even 10 minutes after he was done eating, he was screaming that he was hungry, so I gave him an apple.

Immediately after that, he wanted more (he had a snack pudding cup after that). At 12 PM, I made everyone lunch. He ate two whole sandwiches, two yogurt cups, and apple slices. Twenty minutes later, he ate almost a whole tub of cottage cheese!

Still, after eating that, he wanted even more! He’s constantly thirsty, too. I don’t think he’s just bored. I’ve tried telling him to just wait until the next meal, but he screams and cries until I give him more.

It’s been a little over two weeks like this! I’m going to make him a doctor’s appointment today, but just curious if anyone else has dealt with this.

Should I just write it off as a weird growth spurt? He’s my oldest, so I’ve never dealt with this before."

RELATED QUESTION: Am I feeding my baby too much now?


“This happened with my daughter last year. She was eating everything in sight, she was also carrying around 2 water bottles at a time. No matter how much she ate, she continued to lose weight. She was also having a lot of belly pain and attributed it to being hungry. Anyway, 5 weeks of this and multiple doctor’s appointments ended up turning into a 3 day stay at Children’s hospital. That’s when she was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. I don’t say this to scare you, but I do say this because I didn’t know any of the symptoms. If I had, then I would have had them check a lot more. Instead, our girl had to fight for her life in DKA. Fingers crossed that it is some kind of crazy growth spurt. I will be thinking about you both.”

“Research Prader-Willi syndrome and see if any other symptoms seem familiar to you. It’s quite rare but worth looking into if he has other characteristics.”

“I raised 4 boys. It’s growth. Next week he could eat nothing. Seriously I understand your concern but just let him eat. And what you giving him is good food anyway so I wouldn’t worry at all. This is only the beginning for you lol.”

“That boy is getting ready to grow!!! Continue to offer healthy foods and plenty of water. My daughter can out-eat a linebacker right before a growth spurt, and she’s a skinny twig.”

“I would def ask them to check his a1c and thyroid levels! Sounds like could be diabetes or thyroid.”

“More than likely a growth spurt. But welcome to having a boy. I have 4 boys and they have eaten this way all their lives. Doesn’t change. None of them have weight issues. Oldest is in the army. 17 and 18-year-old are tall and skinny. 12-year-old normal weight for 12. If you are concerned take him to the doctor.”

“The sounds normal, minus the drinking, for my 7-year-old daughter. She’s always been a big eater. She is tall and skinny. However, thirst is a sign of diabetes. I would call your doctor if you are worried.”

“My son is about to turn 6 and he is “always hungry” might be a boy thing or the growth spurt. My nephew is the same way and he’s 13. Is your child average weight? If he is I wouldn’t worry about it. But a doctor’s appointment to soothe your mind isn’t a bad idea. Hope everything works out.”

“Kids grow rapidly. Sounds like he’s ready for a growth spurt. My little brother did that and would be in so much pain if he didn’t eat when his body told him he needed to. It’s totally normal for kids. Heck, I’m a girl who has always been small and I used to eat like that! I was skinny too.”

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Excessive thirst can be diabetes related and eating could be worms. But I would go and get him checked out by your paediatric dr

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Check with his dr id also ask about juvenile diabetes.

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My son, 4 on the 11th, does the same thing right now. It could be a growth spurt. As long as he is eating healthy foods and drinking plenty of water is what my pediatrician said. This is totally normal. Feels like they eat SO much at this phase though.

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Definitely time to check with his doctor. There are some serious things that can cause excessive eating like this such as pituitary issues, digestive issues, etc. Excessive thirst and drinking is a classic sign of diabetes which needs to be treated asap.

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Try more protein in his diet

Take him in, ive heard of Diabetes 1 acting this way.

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My 4 yr old does this a lot, he’s going through a growth spurt. I just make sure he gets healthy foods and lots of water.

Have you checked for worms

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My daughter is this way she is 3 they tested her for diabetes just in case but levels are fine! Dr said stick to water and healthy snacks.

Sounds like diabetes, please go see the doctor


More than likely a growth spurt. But welcome to having a boy. I have 4 boys and they have eaten this way all their lives. Doesnt change. None of them have weight issues. Oldest is in the army. 17 and 18 year old are tall and skinny. 12 year old normal weight for 12. If you are concerned take him to dr.

That boy is getting ready to grow!!! Continue to offer healthy foods and plenty of water. My daughter can out eat a line backer right before a growth spurt, and she’s a skinny twig.


I would definitely get him checked he should not be eating like that it could mean something is wrong

Research Prader-Willi syndrome and see if any other symptoms seem familiar to you. It’s quite rare, but worth looking into if he has other characteristics


My son is type 1… he gets extreme thirst when high and extreme hunger when low

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The sounds normal, minus the drinking, for my 7 year old daughter. She’s always been a big eater. She is tall and skinny. However, thirst is a sign of diabetes. I would call your doctor if you are worried.

Have his A1c tested-could be diabetes.

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Could be a growth spurt but would definitely get his glucose levels checked. Is he going to the bathroom excessively too? If so, I would make an appt ASAP

Boys do eat a lot but the fact that he is thirsty I would go to the doctor. My son didn’t have both

I would defiantly see a Dr. but, it sounds like a big growth spurt is about to happen.

Mines 5 and he’s going through a phase where he is eating his weight in food lately. If he’s constantly thirsty as well and tinkling more could be worth checking for diabetes

That could be a medical condition! I watched a little girl who never got full no matter how much she ate :disappointed:

Make sure he’s drinking plenty of water. Hunger and thirst feeling can sometimes feel the same to young ones. :slightly_smiling_face: it does sound like a growth spurt to me either way.

Probably just a growth spurt and he’s thirsty cause he’s eating a lot , welcome to the world of boys , he will eat you out of hse and home always …I know my 3 sons done the same … all grown men now but still hungry lol

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Diabetes … my sister was exactly the same


This happened with my daughter last year. She was eating everything in sight, she was also carrying around 2 water bottles at a time. No matter how much she ate, she continued to lose weight. She was also having a lot of belly pain and attributed it to being hungry. Anyway, 5 weeks of this and multiple doctor’s appointments ended up turning into a 3 day stay at Children’s hospital. Thats when she was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. I don’t say this to scare you, but I do say this because I didn’t know any of the symptoms. If I had, then I would have had them check a lot more. Instead, our girl had to fight for her life in DKA. Fingers crossed that it is some kind of crazy growth spurt. I will be thinking about you both.


This is quite worrisome and doesnt sound like “hes a growing lad” or going through a growth spurt constant thirst is a big sign of diabetes but also eating alot can be too especially if his glucose levels are low. Please get him to the doctors asap and menion u want him checked for diabetes as left unchecked can be dangerous especially if hes goes in to a hypo x

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I think that is all boys. My kids eat none stop,like literally. My 6 year old will break down in tears crying saying he is starving. I do put them off till the next meal. With that maybe being an hour earlier ,or whatever. It’s rout. I feel like I work to feed the 2 of them

Welcome to the grocery bill with boys.
I got two boys and the amount of food they eat is crazy

Need to check for diabetes keep a daily list of at least 3 to 5 days in a row what he eats and drinks and how much . Also write down the times like 6:30 AM 4:00 PM


My one and a half year old son has always been above the 99th percentile, his dad is over 6ft, and I’m 5’3…sounds like a growth spurt to me, but you can always double check with a dietician and your main provider. My son is already wearing 6-7 kids clothes, and was told everything is right on track…after getting everything evaluated and tested.

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Definitely get him in to see his pediatrician for a full work up. All of that together is definitely worrisome. It may turn out to be nothing but better to get it checked out.

I would get him checked for diabetes

The always thirst could be diabetes.

Definitely have him checked out asap :+1:

It could be any number of things, I know a child (now adult) that had that issue he was diagnosed with Prader-Willi syndrome, a genetic disorder. I hate to say it but you should not give into him eating more than an adult can, also sometimes a person confuses thirst with hunger, have him drink a glass of water and wait half an hour before offering a small snack. But yes talk to his doctor. You are feeding him way too much sugar, and carbs you probably have turned him diabetic if he was not already one.


It would be extremely rare for this to be the case. However I know 2 individuals that have this condition.


Please have him checked immediately for diabetes. Excessive hunger and thirst are big signs.


My daughter eats a lot and she suffers from anxiety, could that be a possibility ?

I would mention it to his pediatrician, could be harmless or an overactive thyroid, they are your best place to check

Get him checked out but know that bread and fruits are very easily burned through making you feel hungry more often.

I raised 4 boys. It’s growth. Next week he could eat nothing. Seriously I understand your concern but just let him eat. And what your giving him is good food anyway so I wouldn’t worry at all. This is only the beginning for you lol.


My 4 year old goes through phases like this and then he will hardly want to eat at all for a while. It does seem to correlate with growth spurts so I don’t generally worry about it.

Hes a boy lol. And growth spurts have that affect too

I agree with the above mentioning of Prader-Willi Syndrome. My daughter has PWS & these are classic traits.


I think he needs to be checked for diabetes! Definitely contact the pediatrician immediately

I would have him checked by his daughter and if you aren’t satisfied with 1st opinion I would get 2nd.

Both my kids go through phases like this.
It’s completely normal.

I would def ask them to check his a1c and thyroid levels! Sounds like could be diabetes or thyroid

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Have his metabolism checked and his genetic markers checked.
Make sure he is not actually thirsty or stress eating.
Make sure he is not eating out of boredom and if he had a recent BM, he might now have more room than he had had previously.
Talk to his pediatrician.
He could be going through a growth spurt, but at age four, that does seem excessive even for growth spurts. (And before anyone says anything about me not knowing about boys, my two SONS are 9 and 6 1/2. Yes i know. Boys have hollow legs a lot of the time. I get it.
But even during growth spurts, the aforementioned amounts are excessive even for them.
I would expect that from a preteen or a teen.
Not a preschooler.)
Mae sure that his meal and snack schedule is being adhered to and his diet is as varied as possible as in as varied as he allows and if needs be, between meals and snacks, if he is hungry, encourage him to eat anything he avoided or missed in his last snack or meal. (Ie he skipped his protein or dairy tell him he can have a yogurt or some cheese. He bypassed his carrots, tell him he can have a veggie. He decided to say no to the grapes, he can enjoy them between thr meals and snacks and do not cave. If he is truly hungry, he will eat.)
Also, take a really close look at what exactly he is eating. Even if he is eating a varied diet overall, he could be missing some nutrients and his hunger could be his body seeking them out. (example: he likes his apples which is great but his body is low on Vitamin C. To try to get it, his body does not accept that he is full.
Giving him an orange might help sate that need as an example of what I mean.)
You are trying and are a good mom.
You also know your kid best and while there is a lot of sugary things mentioned, I think he will probably be fine overall.
Bring his pediatrician into it though and see if diagnostics can be ran to pinpoint the cause of his hunger.
Is it physical?
Is it psychological?
Is it genetic?
Is it his normal while on a growth spurt?
Fond out why and address it.


Have your doctor do some lab work, better safe than sorry. Good luck

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I agree with the others, check for diabetes and thyroid issues. My kids all ate a ton during growth spurts too but that IS a lot.

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I just saw this show about a child around the age of 7 who was like this. Would cry and throw fits until she ate. She had something wrong that thankfully the dr was able to fix. Not saying this is what is happening. It could be anything from a growth spurt, anxiety, boredom, diabetes. It’s best to just get him checked. My son is 8 and he is constantly eating too. That kid can put away a lot more than I can. The drs say he is healthy so maybe it’s just his body. Don’t worry but make an appt to be safe. Best of luck.

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Kids grow rapidly. Sounds like he’s ready for a growth spurt. My little brother did that and would be in so much pain if he didn’t eat when his body told him he needed to. It’s totally normal for kids. Heck I’m a girl who has always been small and I used to eat like that! I was skinny too.

My 13 year old boy eats like this. I don’t think this is normal at all at four years old. I would definitely have him checked for diabetes to make sure there’s nothing wrong.

Check for blood sugar and thyroid issues. No, this extreme isn’t normal for 4

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Diabetes was my first thought as well

First thing that comes to my mind is diabetes only because that’s exactly how I was when I found out I had it

as much as people Can Say its a growth Spurt you Know ur Child if u feel like it isn’t get him checked out. The Amount of people who told me my Son Was just having growth pains I knew it wasn’t just Growth pains turns out hes Knee pops out when he Walks/runs etc possbily needs a operation. Basically You KNOW ur child.

Get him checked for diabetes!

I would have him brought to a doctor to check for Type 1 diabetes. And tomorrow, at the latest.

I’m going to say ask the Dr to do a full blood work up to eliminate any thyroid problems or early onset diabetes, for a 4 yr old that is quite an excessive amount

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I instantly thought about diabetes. I also thought of polyphagia. One of my friends has it. I would have the doctor check for both.

I would keep the foods healthy, so you can take advantage of his hunger. But I’d also rule out diabetes like everyone is saying <3 :slight_smile: goodluck

I’d definitely take him to the Dr. This sounds like it could be a thyroid problem.


That’s a lot of food.

Take him to the Doctor. Polyphagia. Look it up.

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Ye see a doctor hun the thirsty ness could be the amount of food but get him checked for dibetees too x


There are many diabetics in my family and constant thirst is a symptom of that. Could be anything though, so definitely good that your taking him to the doctor.

Could be a sign of diabetes or another metabolic disorder. Get him checked out asap


Need blood sugar checked. Take him to pediatrician

Possible sign of diabetes. I would definitely check with his doctor.

Lol omg my 4 year old is also eating a lot lately, he has a lil Buddha bell but he’s growing and that’s ok

Check for diabetes. The thirst sounds like that could be it.


He needs to see a doctor asap.


I would def get to the Peds!

Take him to a pediatrician. This is classic signs of diabetes. He needs blood work including a hemaglibin A1C.


My son went through phases like that. Wait till he is a teenager! Do se the Dr just to be safe


Should get checked out! A1C


You’re so lucky, I can’t get my 5 year old to eat anything. I have to bribe her to eat


I have been struggling with this for 2 years. My son never gets full and always wants food. He is 7 years old and has gained 40 plus pounds this year alone. I cook very healthy and this has become very worrysome to me as I dont want him to be picked on in school. We have been to many drs and we finally have a referral to have genetic testing at the stollery. He is obsessed and never feels full. Keep on the drs until you get help thats what I have had to do after many blood tests

Take him to a Dr.a child of 4should not be eating this much . Diabetes or his thyroid cud be doing it but have him checked

I don’t want to scare you, but the same exact thing happened with my son. He was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes that very same day. Please take him to the doctor ASAP.


Please, please reach out to me if you want to discuss this further. I’ve been on the T1D journey with my son for 4 years and I’m always happy to help and give advice!

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Is he sleepy or peeing a lot? If so, take him to the ER don’t wait for an appointment and tell them you’re worried he has type 1 diabetes.

I have 2 brothers that got diabetes when they were 15 and 16 years old, the biggest sign is drinking excessively even through the night and peeing a lot. BUT i myself have thyroid problems and know that if your thyroid is working too fast, you´re always hungry,never feel full and it has a negative effect on your mood. People assume that when a thyroid works too fast, you lose weight but that isn´t always the case. So be sure to get him tested for both diabetes and thyroid issues.

I would get him tested for diabetes, I was exactly like this when I was 7 years old, especially the thirst and was diagnosed with it, better to be safe, good luck! x

Have his blood sugar tested momma!!


My son eats A LOT, like a grown man. However, mention it to his doctor and get him tested for diabetes just to be on the safe side especially with the excessive thirst.


Are you offering water? I was told that if you still feel hungry after eating you may need water.


Best thing to do is go to the Doctor.


Make sure to have his blood sugar checked.


Sounds like my boys! I swear trying to keep them feed is almost impossible some days. Defidently get him checked out to be safe. Other than that welcome fully to " The Boymom Club!"

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Have his sugars checked because it could be he is high which makes one hungry and never satisfied because the sugar is not being used right


Need to be ck for diabetes and thyroid


Yeah that could possibly be related to diabetes


You didn’t mention if he was overweight. If his eating is negatively effecting him then yes I would be concerned. I would speak to your pediatrician because there is such a thing as no shut off in the brain. People can literally eat themselves to death. I’m not saying this is happening but it could also be concerning.

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High blood sugar or Dehydration. When u make his appointment with the dr, tell them u want his sugar tested. Try to get the earliest appt available. He cant eat or drink before he goes. Give him water, lots of water. Dehydration will make u feel hungry too. As much water as he can drink.

As long as he is active, and his doctor says that there isn’t any medical reason then I don’t see a problem.