Is 5 years to big for an age gap?

My kids were born 2008, 2012, and 2018 perfect age gap between all 3

We have 3 girls 15 yrs, 12 yrs and 6 mos… no it’s not too big an age gap.

I have 8 years between my 2

Nope my last 2 are 18 years apart. There 28, 25, 7

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mine are 42 and 32, no issues with 10 yr gap

Nope between my eldest and the baby there’s 5yrs age gap

My youngest siblings is 11 years younger then me

Is there a rule about this somewhere in haven’t heard of?

All three of my kids are 5 years apart. Its been amazing

My boys are 13 yrs apart they have a wonderful relationship.

I have a 32 year old,a 19 year old and a 11 year old. They’re all close.

My oldest is 20, my youngest is 5 months. He was a surprise and a blessing

I have 4 kids and my 1st and 2nd r 2 years apart and my 2nd 3rd and 4th r all 5 years apart

Mine are 21 years apart

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12 years between me & my sister ( best friends too )

My 3 boys are all 3 years apart

Mine was bigger than that. Do you!!!

I just had a baby and my oldest is 7

My oldest is 16 and my youngest is 2. Do what will make you happy

:rofl::rofl::rofl: mine are 16 years and 9 days apart

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Nope. Mines got a 6 year gap.

It’s all love

My sister is 19 years younger

I’ve big age gaps
4yrs 10 months
4yr 6 months
3 boys
15 10 n almost 6

Wanting them to be happy and love each other is no guarantee that they will do so. Js.


Listen, I’m 29 and my youngest brother is 8. I think 5 years is ok :joy:

Prob gonna be more of a challenge for you momma as your kinda starting over again

My first two are 7yrs apart and I’m working on my 3rd which will be 6yrs from my second lol :woman_shrugging:t3:

Mine r 17,15 and 6 and they are happy and love one another

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Me and my brother are 10.5 yrs apart and my oldest is 10 yrs apart from my son…its all good

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My 3 are 23, 17,and 7…dont let the age gap stop you…mine are all very close, despite their age gap. The 7 year old looks up to the 23 year old and wants to be just like his big brother.

Age gap is not a major concern as it is how they are raised to love and support each no matter what

Age gaps do not determine how well children will get along. I have kids who are 3 years apart who do not get along well and my nephews are almost 11 years apart and are amazing together. It isnt the years, it’s the children’s personalities. If you want another, just go for it. It will all work out.

No I’m 12 years older than my youngest brother. And we are closer than ever… my 2 children are 81/2 years apart and they are close… it all depends on how u interact with the oldest 2… involve them in everything. Help them bond with baby. Let them help. If they want to hold baby let them sit there as long as they want and hold the baby…

Mine are 20 yrs apart…

I have two girls . Ages 26. 10

I got a 31,28,18 and 9

I have 5 children first four (all boys) 2 years apart then my 5th is a girl born 16 years after my last son

My boys are 5 years apart. They’re now 15 and 10. The gap works out great as both were the baby for a while. Now the 15 year old has his permit and the 10 year old wants him to drive him around.

2 years between my1st and 2nd. Then 12 years between 2nd and 3rd. And 2 years between third and twins. I dnt think that makes any difference. Just be a healthy happy family. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

My father and his only sibling were 18 years apart… it’s fine

Mine are 12 years apart. There has never been a fight out argument between them. In fact, my older treats my younger, like he is her child.
I wouldn’t want it any other way.

My boys are 4 years and I love the age gap, my brother and I are 8 years and we get along grea now and growing up as kids

I have 13 years between my brother and I and 9 between my sister and I

My 2 older sisters are 5 & 7 years older than me and my younger sister is 7 years younger than me. My cousin is 21 years older than her younger sister. I think no matter how close or far apart in years siblings are, it works out.

My children are 8.5 years apart. They love each other like no other :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

My sister and me were 6 years apart. My daughter and my son are 7 years apart. Honestly my kids get along great. Since my daughter is older she has more patients with her little brother. At this point, if I have another there will be an 8+ year age gape. I don’t see myself having anymore but who knows.

I have 2 4yrs apart. No problems.

No mine are 5 years apart

There are 5 days short of 11 years between my last two. If it’s meant to be, it will be.

My kids are 1 and 13 and they love each other :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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In my case, it was the absolute worst. If my sister and I had been closer or further apart, I think we would have done ok. As it was, it was a nightmare.

My kids are 30, 22, 21 and 10 :woman_shrugging:

My sister is 13 years older than me and we are just fine. You are overthinking.

Lol my 3 kids are 18 yrs, 9 yrs and 11 months.

Mine are 7 yrs apart. 18 and 11 and man they fight like crazy

I am trying now and my daughter will be 8. :woman_shrugging:

My girls are 5 yrs apart. As adults, they live down the road from each other, and are very involved in each other’s kids lives. :heart:

My girls are 5 years apart. I am 49 with a 27 yr old sister. For me, its no big deal

No. It isn’t too much.

My kids are 8 years apart

My kids are 7.5 years apart and he adores his baby sister. He’s a great helper too! She is so calm in his arms :revolving_hearts:

My best friend and her little brother are 17 years apart and they get along great! She’s been like a second mom to him. We’re 30 and he’ll be 13 soon and he now helps with her new born.

I have 1 that was 12 when I had my second child and 15 months later my third child was born. CHILDREN are children they are family they will be all just fine … Children are flexible and adjust well as LOVE is deeply involved .

Yes. Mine are 5 years apart. Will never go to same school, run with same circle, never have anything in common. In fact mine are 11 and 16 and it’s the worst

My parents had 4 kids… my brother and I a year apart then my siblings are 6 years younger than my brother and I. My brother and I have a close relationship and my younger sister and brother have a close relationship but the oldest and youngest dont

Mine are 11 yrs apart…i have a 13 and 2 yr old

My kids are 13 years apart so no 5 years isn’t too bad

My sister and I are 5 yrs apart. It’s fine. We are friends and always have been.

I prefer the 4-5 year gap. All of my kids are 4-5 years apart. There’s 10 years difference between my oldest and youngest :joy: There’s less fighting between them, in my opinion.

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My kids are 8 years apart and get along great

Me and my sis are 7 years apart and we get along great

A gift from God. Enjoy…

For my sisters and I there is a two year gap between me and my middle sister and then a five year gap between me and my youngest sister. And I’m actually closer to my younger sister.

For my kids it is 15,12, 12 and 9. The gap wasn’t bad at all. I think you’d be fine hun. Whatever is best for your family

All my children are exactly 5yrs apart (I have 3) my youngest 2 which are boys (5 and 10) love playing around with each other… They have their moments but a really good bond

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Not really I’m the oldest and I get along the best with the baby of the family she’s 8 years younger then me I just have to make sure they do a lot of stuff together. I have seen siblings with even bigger age gaps don’t worry so much mama as long as ya do a lot of activities they won’t feel left out

Mine are 7 years in age difference and they are so close it’s crazy

No its not too big a gap.

My eldest was a month shy of 6 when I had my youngest and honestly I think the gap was great. It meant she could help out with her baby sister and I didn’t have to worry about juggling two young kids. She completely understood that sometimes baby needed my attention more . They are 8 and 2 now and have such a lovely little relationship


My first two are 16 months apart, then an 8 year gap for bub number 3, and another 6 year gap for bub number 4


12 years between me the oldest and my brother the youngest and he is my pride and joy I helped raise him and guide him and we are very close I was 16 when he was 4 and I took him everywhere with me. Mall movies bowling fairs cedar point. Some of my best memories are of rasing him and watching him become the smart strong sarcastic young man that is graduating next month.


All my girls are 5 years apart, it wasn’t planned that way due to treatments and last one natural, my eldest is 20 youngest is 10,
Don’t over think it, it’s going to be fine x


There’s 8.5 between my brother and I, didn’t make a difference and I could help my Mum and babysit when he was older x


I have a 23 year old, a 13 and 11 year olds and a 2 and 1 year old. They all love each other(most of the time). To be honest, possibly because I’m older, but having them 15 months apart is exhausting and definitely the most challenging parenting experience I’ve had. I dont remember it being so hard when they were 2 years apart.


My boys are are 5 years apart. The oldest was a big helper when the baby was born. He was off to school so I was able to spend 1 on 1 time with the baby. They fought like cats and dogs as they were growing up, but the oldest always looked out for his little brother. Now at 25 & 21 years old they are the best of friends.


As an adult, I am closer to my brother, who is 6 years younger than me, than I am to my sister, who is 20 months older than me. It’s all about personality, not age.


I had 4 children, 2 close together and then a 5year gap before another pair close together. There were very few problems and the older children loved helping the babies.

My brother and I are 5 years apart and I think it’s a perfect fine age gap! We’re really close.

Stop overthinking age gaps!! My brother is 7 years older then me and my sister 7 years younger and we get along just fine!! Don’t think about the age gap, if you want another baby have one. :slightly_smiling_face: your older ones will be able to help out.


I’m 40 and my youngest sibling is 16, I absolutely LOVE my baby sis….my oldest is 20 and my youngest is 12 and they absolutely love each other

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Ihave 3 children and was never sorry for having a third child. I love them all equally. If you can afford to have them and you and hubby desire 3 children then I say Go Ahead.Dont worry about the Gaps.

I have a 5 year gap between my two. 7 year old son, 2 year old daughter. Both on the Autism Spectrum, but they get on amazing when they play together :slightly_smiling_face: He makes her laugh so much :heart:

My closest sibling is 6 years older than me, and the oldest is 19 years older than me. Obviously the relationship isn’t the same with bigger gaps, but that doesn’t make it wrong in any way

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I was 8 years younger than my sister and as an adult we were best friends.

I have a 5yr gap and love it. My daughter is like a mini mama to my son, they do get on each others nerves now hes walking and running around and hes stealing her toys :sweat_smile: but its just normal sibling squabbles. My daughter was abit more understanding and a little less dependent so when it came to settling/sorting the baby she was easier to distract/entertain than maybe it would have been with a younger older-sibling. In general i think ive had it quite easy compared to others, even if at times ive been pulling my hair out, terrible 2s seem to be worse this time round too :sweat_smile:

Every situation is different. I have two older brothers and we’re all 5 years apart - one is 5 years older than me and the other is 10 years older of me

If you are thinking of having another, do it. If it’s what your family want you will make it work and won’t live with regret. My gap is 19 months then 6.5 years. Each stage is different and we embrace each one.

My kids were 10 and 12 when my last one was born. They fought like they were all the same age. But now that they’re grown they get along great.

My older brother and I are 15 months apart, my younger brother is 7.5 years younger than me- I’m closer with my younger brother. I helped to basically raise my little brother since my parents worked full time.

I have a 5.5 year old son and had a daughter 8 days ago, I think it’s easier this way. He is at school and can do things for himself unlike if they were two babies and both in Nappies needing help to be fed etc :blush: