Is it appropriate for my sons step mom to talk to him about cheating?

People need to learn to be honest with their kids about real life. They find out young so it’s better if they have an understamding

I don’t think it’s inappropriate. It’s teaching him about real life situations. Things I would talk about to my own children. I wouldn’t find it inappropriate if a step parent talked to my child about that.

Well what does your son think happened between you and his dad? A divorce, a separation?! Now his dad is remarried and your son has a step-mom, so was none of that questioned by him nor did he ask about any of it; or ask why all those things took place of you and his dad not being together anymore? My son is 10 and his father and I divorced when he was 6 and he asked questions and we told him everything of why we were not going to be together anymore and now we are both remarried and have other children by our new spouses. Your son is 9 why are you sheltering him from the truth and the real world?!

My kid has seen Hamilton so he knows what cheating is… he wasn’t proud of Hamilton! LOL

But this would still be annoying to me.

This is a subjective question that only you can answer. You’re going to get a thousand different opinions here. Personally, I don’t sugar coat shit for my kids (step or bio). The world has its good and bad and I’d rather prep my kids for that instead of sending them out into the wild unprepared. But you may parent differently and that’s okay. If you don’t agree with step mom discussing these things with son, just tell her :woman_shrugging:t2: once you talk to her about it you may find out the conversation went much differently than you think.

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I don’t see an issue with it. I think you have an issue with his stepmother, not the conversation.

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It’s probably not that big of a deal. There are far more inappropriate things that could be spoken about that haven’t occurred. Seems a bit nitpicky.

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if he is 9 chances are half his classmates are from divorced or cheating homes and already knows about it

Let’s not shelter these kids the more real world they know they better off they are. It’s the adults responsibility to guide them in the right direction. We can’t stop the madness around us all we can do is guide them to do right!

My kid is 5 and we talk about everything. Your kid is 9 I’m sure he knows or will know what cheating is very soon. Not a big deal

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As long as she didn’t talk about the sexual aspect of cheating, it doesn’t sound inappropriate.

I mean disney channel shows have cheating on them, my 7 year old knows what it is. A little weird but not a huge thing

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I’ve had to explain divorce, cheating etc to my kids because they heard it in tv or a family member said something. It’s not inappropriate to talk about it, to know what it is, if anything I find my kids are more well adjusted to the real world and real conversations around them without cutting people off or asking questions. It depends on how you explain it. My 5 year was explained cheating as someone liking someone else more but not telling you. My 8 year old knows cheating as a married person is in loving someone else that their not married too without the person their married to knowing. I also explained how cheating on a test is different than cheating while married. I may be the odd one out of this group but my kids also knows what consent, abuse, and suicide is because as much as I’ve tried to shield them a little girl got raped in grade 3 at my daughters school, she tried killing herself at school weeks later. I taught my kids because one day they might be the help someone needs.

When do you think it’s time to have age appropriate talk about it. You can discuss it with her and come to agreement on what’s talked about and what’s not. If they don’t find out from you they will from tv or friends. Kids are smarter then most of us give them credit for. One person said be glad another person is a bonus parent. I agree unless it’s something completely out of bounds for you then I really don’t see a problem with it. Kids are going to start asking those serious questions and we have to be prepared for when they do no matter what age

This wouldn’t even cross my mind as being inappropriate. It’s a situation they’re going to hear about their whole life why shelter them from the concept of cheating? Maybe I’m the weird one idk.

I think watching the program and discussing it with a nine year old is inappropriate

I don’t see anything wrong with it and I’d be the first to scrutinize what is said to my son by the stepmother LOL

He’s watching twilight and you’re worried about him knowing what cheating in a relationship means? Have you seen twilight?
The message basically is that co-dependent relationships with dangerous secrets are OK just so long as the other person is attractive enough. He comes through her window in her room, they make out while she is in her underwear.

When they break up at one point, she spirals into an extreme depression and can’t go on without him. At one point, Edward says the a humans blood taste like heroine to him.
Look, I’ve accidentally let my kid watch something that was questionable, only to totally regret it later. I get that, no mom is perfect. I’m just saying, when you compare the things he was just exposed to in the movie vs cheating…… puts it into a different perspective.
Also, if you feel those conversations should be with you and not her, (and I agree with that) figure out a way to put a stop to it. You’ve got this momma, go with your gut! :pray::v:t3::muscle:

I don’t think it was not too bad. The boy probably hears kids at school and obviously from op and father when they broke up. Kids aren’t dumb! Now maybe if he was 4 it’d be a different story!

Okay if it didn’t happen in your home and the father was right there with them then you need to chill out 9-year-olds nowadays already have boyfriend and girlfriends and most already know about cheating for crying out loud my seven-year-old walked in looked at me and her dad the other day and told us exactly what cheating was when we asked her. where did you hear that from she’s oh I’ve heard it at school and we seen it on a movie at least the Stepmom told him could have been some kid at school

If the child doesn’t ask, the child doesn’t need to know. As for it being appropriate or not, my parents divorced when I was 8, so I knew all about family drama, cheating, etc. So meh… yes and no.

Well its funny shes being over dramatic 9year old aren’t dumb plus its bout actors it would be different if she said they was having sex together

I told my 12 year old the same thing. We’re both really into Twilight and it just came up one day while watching it. Call me what you want :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

not appropriate, id try to keep him out of grown folks business so he can enjoy being a kid and not have to worry about that kind of stress

Some of these commenters need to be really wary of overstepping boundaries with kids before they start woth emotional Incest this has many implications later in adulthood

First of all you and your we should of had this discussion. The new partners follow what the BIO PARENTS want, not their home their choice.

Secondly do you have a relationship with the new partner, as the parent you should, not saying best friends, but this is your child.

Third what is your child saying to you? It’s great that you have open conversations with them, at age appropriate, but that is for you and the other parent to decide. Have you had a conversation with the other parent/step parent about this?
You don’t have to just be grateful that someone else is in your child’s life, this is your child, they need to respect that.

I think you’re looking for a reason to have an issue. His dad was present. And with the comment above, wouldn’t he know about break ups since you and his dad aren’t together? Just my opinion. No judging.

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Honestly, I know way way wayyyyy too much about celebrity gossip and I’ve been known to just randomly say things like this, not really thinking about who’s around or the person probably doesn’t give a crap :rofl::rofl::rofl: my 8 year old can tell you all about Britney Spears and her conservatorship thanks to me lol. So I personally wouldn’t really take it too seriously but to each their own

Not appropriate to be talking about but not the worst thing that the kid has probably heard

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Sounds like someone cheated in your relationship and you don’t want your child finding out

I have 4 kiddos… my older two being 8 tomorrow & 9.
I don’t see where it’s inappropriate, divorce happens all the time… and so does cheating. I don’t just conversate about it randomly but if they ask, I will answer honestly!

Depends on the kid but the dad was there so can’t really do a whole lot about it. Kids these days aren’t safe from the realities of life. Between electronics, games, tv etc… twilight is a pretty grown up older kid movie but my daughter watched it at 10.

I don’t See why anyone would voluntarily tell a nine year old about cheating, unless the child brought it up!
Wonder if she’s trying to accuse you

I would be more concerned that my 9yo was watching Twilight.

If the kid asked why they weren’t together anymore then I wouldn’t care. Divorce and cheating are so main stream right now I’m sure he already know what it is. It wouldn’t bother me

Grow up. It’s all over tv, internet, etc Unless you lock your kid up he will learn about it with or without you.

Kids know way more than you think. I don’t see the issue in this conversation. I’m honest with my kids and feel we have a good relationship. They can ask me things with no shame and know I will talk to them.

I can’t believe how many people think it’s no big deal since kids hear worse in school. So does that mean we should just throw every adult situation into a child’s lap. Why not explain heroin addiction, pornography & serial killers to third graders? Although I agree it wasn’t horrible, it was still inappropriate & the child didn’t ask so why in the hell would she explain an adult situation to a child who wasn’t even asking. For those thinking it was ok bc the dad was there, so what? He’s apparently clueless too

It sounds like step mom likes to gossip but has no friends so step son is the next best thing :joy::joy::joy:

I would start with asking was the movie appropriate for a 9 year old to watch before the topic conversation…

OH BOY! You wouldn’t want to be a fly on my wall for dinner conversations with my
13 and 11 yr old! Lol

Kids at that age you don’t necessarily have to tell them things directly they will listen even when you don’t think they are listening and bring things up later haha if they ask there’s no problem in telling them

I wouldn’t be happy. It’s up to the parents to talk to their kids about personal things.

How do you know she was telling him directly and not talking about it to his dad and he was just there listening? I don’t think it was harmful. I’d pick n choose my battles… this wouldn’t be one.

What’s inappropriate about it? It sounds like you’re looking for reasons to have an issue with the step mom.

The conversation could have been explained on the level for a 9yo. Ultimately it’s about honestly abs loyalty. They are concepts that are taught young.

From my perspective, if he’s 9 and doesn’t understand divorce as a child of divorced parents, someone’s doing something wrong.

Absolutely NOT!! It’s not her place, and the child is freaking 9 years old

Even my 7 years old knows what these things are. He asks a question I answer truthfully. I see no issues here.

I wanna know who thought Twilight was appropriate for a 9 year old

I have conversations about things like this if questions arise with my now 10 year old. I don’t see an issue with it. It’s part of real life and he is interested in learning

Idk. Sounds to me like your son has a stepmother that watches movies with him, teaches him about actions and consequences, and talks to him like a human as opposed to a burden. Stop looking for reasons to dislike her :slight_smile:


There is absolutely nothing wrong with treating a child that’s 9 like a real person. Lying and sheltering children on real life issues doesn’t do any good for them.

Okay, what did that conversation have to do with the movie? I understand if something in the movie triggered your son to ask a question regarding the subject of cheating but … The only way it could have come up is in regard to Edward and Jacob. But clearly it didn’t. So, why? Does this woman have kids of her own? Granted kids today are far more advanced than I was growing up. Thanks to technology. But I just don’t feel it was an appropriate conversation for a 9-year-old.

Personally I don’t see it as an issue as long as it was done in an age appropriate manner

I don’t see an issue with it. I mean my nine year old and I def have more intense convos than that

Are you upset about the topic of the conversation or the fact it was the step-mom who was the adult having the conversation?

I don’t understand why this boy would even be interested in this kind of subject.
I know my grandson wouldn’t. But then he doesn’t watch Twilight. :woman_shrugging:t2: It’s good that they have this close relationship.

I think it they were duscussing sex then yes it would be inappropriate. But kids understand more than we give them credit for.

I don’t see a problem with it. It’ll be confusing but he most likely won’t even care to ask more questions unless he becomes curious than you can further explains

They lii oh get as well learn about it. It’s a thing and happens.

So… they can watch it in movies but not talk about real life situations, causes and effects. ORRRR is it a topic you’re afraid will come up about yours and your ex husband’s marriage ending?

I played Grand Theft Auto as a nine year old, bashing prostitutes with a baseball bat and stealing people’s cars for fun. He will be okay. Lmao :woozy_face:

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I can’t believe a 9 year old would care if Bella cheated on Edward in real life. Like why talk about it?

Not a big deal. It’s no worse than what they see on TV or hear in music or even in school.

This is like when my step son came home from his moms when he was 7 talking about watching sons of anarchy killing scenes

I’m just curious are you going to hide them from the world

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9 year olds know wwaayyyyy more than you think they know. I don’t see the big deal.

With the way things are going with the world…why not. I explained to my 1yr old about cheating and birth control methods…also drug use, crt , and what a useless pos we have for a president and vp !!! So yeah, totally appropriate :joy:

It is not her place to have those types of conversations with a monor who isn’t her son

It’s only a problem if you choose make it a problem, not really that big of deal. Choose your battles more wisely, there will be more important things to stress out about than a conversation about a show and the actors .

If dad was there it’s not your business. Your literally being controlling of another person’s home.

I don’t think “Twilight” is even an appropriate movie for a 9 yr old!

I wouldn’t have a problem with it. She’s just being honest and explaining the movie. Would you rather her lie to him?

I really don’t think that this is problem. Not being present it’s hard to say if she was having the conversation with him or with her husband and your son was there to hear it. In my opinion if he’s watching Twilight movies then the content of that conversation is ok too

That’s honestly a weird movie choice for a 9 year old kid anyway :woman_shrugging:


But you think watching twilight is appropriate?

Omg. Really? It was a talk about cheating, something they have to learn not to do…you know, by talking about it. It wasn’t sex talk, and isn’t inappropriate at all. Choose your battles because it sounds like you just need something to whine about

Y’all will literally pick anything to have an issue with a step parent. Yeesh.

Unnecessary sure…inappropriate…that’s probably a stretch.


If its explained in an age appropriate manner,I don’t see why it would be a problem. This is life,

Shoot i knew about these things since 5. I knew how babies were made when I was 4.

My middle sons is 9 and knows what that means etc I wouldn’t let it bother me at all lol

I don’t think it’s anything to get crazy up in arms about, but if it really bugs you talk to dad and let him know how you feel :woman_shrugging:

A 9 year old’s concept of cheating is having another gf/bf. They don’t get the depth of what’s involved, just the general idea.

No that’s grown up stuff he doesn’t need to worry about

If the child is old to ask and understand at that age go head and tell him the truth

They’ll learn it one day… just some mothers don’t want them knowing about the crap til their older

I’ve been teaching my 8 year son that it’s bad and that you have to respect women. Who better to learn from then a woman imo. I don’t see it as wrong. It’s the truth.

Not even sticking around for the Karen fest I’m sure these comments are…

Your reaching really hard for something girl :roll_eyes:


I think it’s weird twilight is becoming popular again lol


Sounds like you’re looking for a reason to be mad


That is your place to talk to him or his dad.
I would be upset.

Inappropriate for his age-period

Stop finding more ways to hate the stepmother. Stepmothers matter too

I mean she’s not telling him about drugs so that’s a plus lmao

She didn’t do anything wrong…you’re just nitpicking cause you don’t like her lol

The hate towards bonus /step parents in this group is unreal. Ya’ll have a lot of anger. :woman_shrugging:

If his family doesn’t talk to him about it, he’ll see it on tv or the internet :woman_shrugging:t4: