Is it appropriate for my sons step mom to talk to him about cheating?

Never too young to seize an opportunity of the moment.

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I don’t know but I feel like you’re overreacting :person_facepalming:

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What really peeves be about all these step parent posts, is we want them to treat our kids like their own in some circumstances and not at all in other circumstances. Can’t people just be happy that there is someone else that loves their child? End rant.

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Inappropriate. Stay in her lane.


And people like you are what’s wrong with these kids today


This is petty. Leave the step mom alone :person_facepalming:

I have never sugar coated anything with my kids. The best way to teach your kids about life is to be open and honest with them. Shielding them from real life is only gonna hurt them in the long run. My kids are older teens and adults now and I have great communication with each of them they can talk to me about anything. Yes I believe there should be boundaries on some topics but I think if they are appropriate then why not teach them young on how to treat people or relationships.

I would have said it to my kids so I don’t see an issue :woman_shrugging:t4:

How did I even get in this group? Literally every situation I read is ridiculous overreacting

There was no need for these conversations…unless the child asked. Children should not be in adult conversations, unless they ask about certain topics. I don’t care if it was at dad’s home…that don’t make it right nor better. Talk to dad and step mom about it…

Are we not gonna talk about twilight

Hardly conversation for a 9 year old,And with Nothing to do with the MOVIE. :thinking::grimacing:

I see no issue with this, but I am not a parent that believes in a lot of sheltering from benign things like this.


I don’t feel that’s inappropriate. It’s a lesson in character and you are never too young to learn to be a better person. He’s nine. He’s plenty old enough. If it were 4 then maybe too soon but not nine. How are children supposed to learn to conduct themselves as productive adults if adults don’t talk to them about real life issues?

9? My daughter is 10 and they’ve learnt about sex education in school, seen videos of it too. Isn’t it healthy to talk about good and bad relationships so children are aware of their surroundings and what to avoid and what is healthy? Everyone parents differently. I don’t see any harm in the step mom. She’s teaching him. Could be that she wasn’t directly talking to him, rather just talking in general. Who knows.

I’ve been having these types of conversations with my daughter since she was 7 (she just turned 10).
I think it just depends on the kid and whether its appropriate for THAT particular kid.
My daughter has been having these conversations for 3 years, but her best friend who is 10 doesnt have the mental or emotional capacity yet to have these conversations.
So really it just depends on the kid.

I think divorce is something most kids learn about at a very young age because all kids know someone whose parents are divorced and either start asking questions or their friends talk about it.

I was not even 5 when I knew my parents divorced, so I mean, why does age matter if the discussion is age appropriate?

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Though inappropriate to talk with a child about…most children unfortunately are already aware what cheating is and that it usually leads to divorce. Don’t shelter that 9 year old too much, he may already be aware of more then you know!!! But if you are not comfortable with her talking with your child about certain things, you need to make that known to HER.

who cares lmao pick your battles.

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I mean unless she went into more detail than a 9 year old should he hearing, I genuinely don’t see an issue with it. It’s a conversation about real life. You seem annoying

It’s real life kids these days are definitely different from when we was coming up. They are exposed to way more way earlier, better to learn from a loved one than a outsider

It’s actually proven that the kids who know more at a younger age, grow to be more responsible at an older one. :woman_shrugging:t3: I talk to my 7 year old about this stuff so personally, I don’t see a problem but I’m not your kids mother. So I can just give my perspective. It’s up to you to make the decision of what you want your kid exposed to. And the step mom should have really talked to you first

I don’t see a huge deal, she’s teaching him about right and wrong but the real life situation with the divorce would be bordering on inappropriate for me depending on what was actually said

It depends on how she said it🤷🏻‍♀️
I have “sex talks” with kiddos before they even start talking (based around proper terms and consent) and graduate it as they become more curious or are exposed to things. I think it is important to capitalize on teachable moments.

Maybe the parents involved in your child’s upbringing should have a coffee meeting while kiddo is at school about what message you want your child to be getting so everyone is on the same page

It’s a practical conversation, and they have a good relationship to be able to talk about anything. Be glad ,could be worse

I rather my kids learn things from dependable and honest adults about true stuff. If kid is old enough to ask, they are old enough to be honest with

Idk I don’t see why she would even discuss that with a children it’s kind of weird but some kids maturity levels are different abd if he’s ready for those conversations and discussing it already himself then I guess it’s not a huge deal, but also why would a 9 year old even need to know that? Also Could it have been a situation where she was actually talking to the his dad and since he’s by them he started to listen in on their conversations ? Kids be doing that. But as his mother if that’s something your not comfortable him hearing that you could possibly bring it up to her and his father?

We can’t keep them in a bubble. Lots of 9 years old are going through crazier things in their REAL LIVES!

I personally don’t think she meant harm If your uncomfortable I would just say something but believe it or not 9 year olds read books and books have those same things in them they gonna find out eventually :woman_shrugging:t2: it’s real life and that’s just real life things

There is irony in posting this in this group :sweat_smile:

I mean it’s real life but he’s nine so probably doesn’t even understand all of it anyways she’s probably just talking and she just keeps talking I think we all do that at some point he’ll be fine I promise

She is a step mom . You trusted her enough to get married . So let her be a parent also / Your son is now her son .

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Seems like the smum doesn’t respect boundaries, I wouldn’t be surprised if she starts commiting covert (emotional) incest (not how it sounds) she very clearly doesn’t have many friends either to think its appropriate to talk about adult topics with a child and behave like they are their best friend. Weirdo. I’d maybe have the child say they were not comfortable with this conversation and to stop that way the child is learning to set healthy boundaries with people and stepmum hopefully whose clearly a bit of a weirdo will realise she’s being inappropriate

It’s not appropriate. If the child had asked for more information then I wouldn’t see an issue but if it was just randomly brought up without reason then it’s weird and boundaries need to be set.

I see alot of “its inappropriate”
How? How is discussing that inappropriate?
Yall are saying bc she’s the "step"mom.
But if her biological mom said the exact same thing it would be okay?
That’s hypocritical & a double standard.
Same conversation but only 1 person is okay saying it?!
No. If you think it’s inappropriate then neither the mother or step mother should be talking about it.
To be honest it isn’t inappropriate.
Idk what makes it inappropriate to talk about some actors & actresses no longer being together.


Watching movie-

Step mom-It’s sad they are no longer together.

Step son- what do you mean?

Step mom- well these two were married/ dating in real life but they broke up for someone else

Step son- oh

Like what sounds so bad about that?

It’s crazy to think that that conversation went kinda like that & the mother flipped out & think it’s inappropriate.

Who knows. I can’t see it being discussed any other way. It was harmless conversation im sure

Not a big deal. I’m sure he knows more than the both of you think

she could be teaching him worse things. it’s social behaviour of humans, why not teach him. I wouldn’t teach a child about “cheating”, I’d say “unfaithful”

Maybe if more people talked to kids straight forward and taught them what’s wrong or right, people would be less shitty adults. :person_shrugging:

I have very open and honest communication with my biological and step children. These are real issues in the world. Sounds like a bit of defensive deflection issues happening as the issue with the step mom talking to the kid about a real life issue

Omg what a ridiculous post

Get off the step mom
U think a kid at 9 doesn’t know about cheating lol

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I mean he probably didn’t understand what she was talking about but to me honestly kids should learn about things. Maybe not about real people but taught the concept of it. Don’t shelter kids.

Perhaps, be an adult, and sit down with the stepmom and dad and come to an agreement what conversations you guys feel are appropriate and why…

No, adult business isn’t kid business.

… I mean they are parts of life that do effect children. You aren’t together with the 9 yr olds dad any more and seems like you were fine explaining that.

I talk to my SD (she’s been my SD for years and years and lives with us full time) about anything and everything. If she asks I’m honest with her. Our kids pick up information from AL around them, and sometimes they have questions. Sometimes they don’t, but they will remember who told them the truth about things. I don’t see this as being something to be worried about. Kid is 9, buckle up babe, it’s gonna be a rough ride!

In the world we live in today you almost just have to be real and straight up with your kids… I don’t really see an issue honestly…

I don’t think explaining about cheating is a big deal…now if say, you cheated on his father and she told him that, then ya it’s a problem because it’s personal business. But just explaining the concept to your son, I don’t think it’s an issue. :woman_shrugging:t3: He probably already had an idea anyway. I knew what cheating was when I was like 5 because my dad was hanging out at another woman’s house and my mom confronted them at the ladies house…with me in tow. :roll_eyes: She never explained anything to me. I just kind of knew what was going on, I figured it out. (I actually don’t even know if they actually cheated together, I think they were bar buddies who hung out and my mom spazzed, rightfully so, but I still don’t know if anything was sexual because her kids were there too). But anyway, sure we all want to protect our kids from the realities of adults, but it’s not always possible, and at 9, I think he could handle the info. Just have a talk with your ex. :woman_shrugging:t3:

Why wouldn’t it be appropriate? I’m confused as to what the problem is tbh…

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Or YOUR son :woman_shrugging:js sorry not sorry

It’s obvious to me that you’re looking for a problem w the stepmom…

If it wasn’t done maliciously I would be fine with it :woman_shrugging:t2:

Its your child its your call

Should a 9yr old even be watching Twilight? The rest is definitely not ok tho.

My 6yo inquired about cheating because he heard it on something he was watching. I explained it to him in a language that he understood and kept it moving. He’s also asked about divorce…it’s not a big deal. Address it and move along. No need to feel a way about stepmom. Any other time You would want her to treat him like her own…you cant pick and choose.

Why is your 9 yr old son watching a 12/pg rated movie if you don’t want to have to answer these types of questions???:roll_eyes:

I mean Twilight is PG 13… if that’s not deemed Innappropiate to be watching. The conversation of basic world happenings shldnt be.
What lead to the conversation, was it over heard or directed to the child? Is it the subject itself? noting cheating and divorce seems to be a soft spot

I don’t think it’s a big deal. Kids understand and pick up on way more than we realize. Sounds harmless. :woman_shrugging:

They gonna learn one way or another chick

I don’t see a problem. They see a lot at that age anyways lmao :rofl:

If you are worried he’s gonna tell on you, maybe don’t cheat. :joy:

(It’s a joke, it’s a joke) but really, there’s nothing wrong with talking about morally sound things like being loyal and faithful to people you love. My daughter is 10 (today) and she knows way more than most 10 year olds. She’s got a good head on her shoulders and she will absolutely tell you when you could be, being better. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::call_me_hand:t3:

I dont think its inappropriate


Idk it’s your call. Maybe don’t make a huge deal about it but just be like hey don’t talk to him like that because he’s not your BFF lol

Not so bad
My boy step mum
Tells him
They are both going to Vietnam so he can marrie one from their :joy:
Lucky I’m in lock down

Inappropriate. She need some friends, this pandemic ain’t it

So What welcome to the real world

They are plenty old enough to comprehend at that point i dont see see an issue teaching your children right from wrong when it come to love just like you would with manner… now had she been talking about a person affair or a current family affair I would be a little more concerned to get a child I’m voted but to use stars as an example of what not to do is complete fine

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Don’t bubble wrap him. He will either learn it from his parents or learn it at school or YouTube. Shes just being honest with him. Are you mad because you arent having these talks with him or what? Might want to get a head start on that sex talk before she does it for you.


I think y’all be looking for reasons to have issues with the significant other of your ex. If she’s nice to your son, if he’s safe and likes going over there, I don’t see an issue. She’s not blatantly talking about sex, she’s talking about normal human relationships. I’m also sure given the state of your and your sons father, that he’s aware that relationships don’t always work out

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I think you should grow up a bit or your kids are gonna be real surprised one day. She’s part of his life. She’s his stepmother so she has the right to speak to the kid about things. She has responsibilities with him too and she’s apparently got to pick up what you’re lacking.

Speaking about real life situations is mandatory in my book. I don’t sugar coat the truth to my child. I think that hovering around trying to protect your child from reality can harm them in the long run. Some things you will never be able to control INCLUDING the relationship between your child and their alternate family. Let it go! Save your peace!

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I just don’t feel that situation needed that specific talk. There was no reason to even go into it. He’s too young to even totally understand what she told him. It had absolutely nothing to do with the movie. That’s my opinion.

I don’t see a problem with it…does she take good care of your child when he is with them, does she show h love and support ? That’s all that matters. Her parenting style will be different from yours, the father was in the room and it sounds as if she was just talking. If your son foele some reason was upset by what she talked about sit down with the father and your son’s step mom and explain he was upset…if he wasn’t, let it go

Its nuthn wrong with a real life conversation although he may not understand she is having a harmless conversation


Well then you’re really gonna be shocked when you hear what kids that age talk about in school/when parents aren’t around.

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I’m honest with my kids about EVERYTHING. That goes for the child I birthed as well as my other kids, and I yalk to them about anything :woman_shrugging: If it’s something not meant for them at a certain age or I don’t think they’re mature enough to know about I will simply state that :tipping_hand_woman: a lot of times my kids will ask me stuff about the actors and I honestly would have told any of my kids the same thing. It’s gossip. Maybe her and your child’s relationship is strained in some way and she’s just talking to talk? Maybe she knows something you don’t and she was trying to teach yalls child a lesson through that conversation cuz there are definitely lessons to be learned there. Or again, maybe she’s just gossiping. Either way, she’s gossiping to the child so she’s not neglectful, I didn’t read anything about exclusion, or abuse. What you deem inappropriate isn’t the same for everyone honey​:bangbang: It sounds like you have a woman simply being who she naturally is in her own home and I personally don’t see an issue :woman_shrugging: When you and the father of yalls child couldn’t work things out that opened the door for your child to gain step parents, the woman isn’t going to be you, but if she loves, accepts, and cares for your child like they were her own, which to me sounds like she does, you should count yourself, and child lucky​:bangbang: Don’t be the baby mama who picks at the step mom. You don’t get to tell her how to live in her home, be grateful this is your only issue fr

I mean, unless she graphically described sex, age-appropriate honesty is best in my opinion. Cheating and divorce are real life topics and he’s at an age where he will be hearing at school “yeah my mom divorced my dad because he cheated on her.” Would you rather he learn from an adult he trusts or a kid at school?

My mom has conversations like these with my children :bangbang::roll_eyes:it still kind of annoys me glad to see im not the only one but its ok our parents our filled with facts

You need to address that with your ex-husband, what happens in their home is there a business so long as it doesn’t put your child in any danger, it is one of the hardest things ever but you need to learn, so long as she’s taking care of your child and respecting him and loving him, mind your business with her and take it up with your ex if it’s really that big of a deal to you.

Step mom teaching him about cheating so he can see that it’s wrong so if dad does it he will tell her. Thats all that was…

Are you trying to find issues with her? It’s real life, why shelter the kid? I’m assuming there is some understanding of breakups since dad has a new girlfriend, sounds serious if it’s “step mom”

Reason 80000000000000 why i can’t date a man with children. I swear you kids mom find anything and I do mean anything to cry about.

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It’s kind of odd, to say the least. You could ask dad to tell her to knock it off if it upsets you.

I wouldn’t care :woman_shrugging:t2: are you looking for something to complain about? Do you not like your children’s stepmother? If you have a problem with it then let her know. She won’t know you have an issue if you don’t tell her.

My kids stepmom decided it would be a fabulous idea to call them at 11pm and tell them she caught their dad in bed with another man.

So it could be worse. :woman_shrugging:

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I think the subject matter of fire it’s important to be honest and not cheat on your loved ones is important maybe she could’ve gone about it a better way I wouldn’t pick this hill to die on with my sons father‘s partner though I would just leave it

Step parent, bio parent, friends parent, idgaf who’s parent. Age appropriate convo ONLY. Kids do not need to be in the know of all that tabloid crap!

He is 9. Kids at that age know about divorce and cheating and all of that. What’s weird is you think they don’t. By 6 I began talking to my child about sex, consent and STI’s and pregnancy. All age appropriate but I don’t think it’s healthy to not have open and honest conversations with kids.
You are not with your child’s father so obviously he already knows about separation and divorce.
PLEASE for your child’s sake stop trying to find fault in everything the step mom does. I am the product of divorce and I guarantee you are doing harm to your kids if you are harbouring angst still. The kids know even though every single miffed parent claims they hide it from their kids. They know and it hurts them!!!

I’m 100% honest with my children and they need to understand this real world we live in.

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You can’t shield him from real life forever. You’re doing him zero favors

The only thing I’m questioning is why were they watching Twilight to begin with :joy:

Your son isn’t ready for that conversation at that age
She’s wrong

It’s life, cheating happens… We should teach them bad things happen, it’s how we handle it that matters.

Maybe I’m different but I think that Givin she used age appropriate explanations she did nothing wrong. There is a lesson to be learned in most every situation and maybe your 9 year old will be okay learning that those types of things are wrong and that in real life you shouldn’t cheat. I have children ages 21, 19, 17, 16, 13, and 2 one thing I’ve learned during my time of being a mother is that out children will always seek out one person outside of a parent that they can speak to and ask questions that they aren’t exactly comfortable asking their bio mom and dad, that should ALWAYS BE OKAY!! with the exception that the person you know is your child’s go to person always know their boundaries, know what you deem appropriate, and make a pact to always come to you anytime they think your child is making poor choices, dangerous choices, doing things you wouldn’t exactly approve of and if they are ever subject to harm. That way you can try to do damage control by getting ahead of the situation without violating the trust they have placed in their “go to person”. I know that accepting something like this isn’t always easy but my daughter chose her person and it was her dad’s sister and she was respectful and let me know. Yeah, it hurt feeling my daughter chose someone over me… but really she didn’t because we had a GREAT bond with the capability of talking about most anything… with exception of the things my daughter thought would disappoint me in her, then she would speak to her aunt. In your situation maybe it doesn’t feel appropriate but your son may feel comfortable speaking with the step mother, however, maybe you should have a conversation with her and set some ground rules, boundaries, and understandings. Just my opinion. I understand that it may not be for everyone. I just accepted because I would rather have my children comfortable confiding in one person that ai can trust to alarm me of situations over them keeping things to themselves and me never know potential risks and dangers.

I’m open to all my children about everything from babies to my oldest being 12.
Some ranting some joking and some serious but all my children know right wrong wrong.

At least someone is teaching him about betrayal since you won’t.

Ya I think 9 is a big young to be talking about it. Especially when he didn’t ask she brought it up

This is what we’re doing today? In my opinion, you’re overreacting a bit.

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Feel like that’s not a conversation to have with a child … does she have friends ? Bit strange

Lmaooo sometimes me and fiancé says things we may go oops about my son is 9. Shoot they’re learning it through roblux, YouTube & everywhere else I’m sure she didn’t mean harm.