Is it gross to let a dog lick out of a bowl before its washed?

Y’all are tripping :joy: A dogs mouth is cleaner than a humans. The bowl will be washed. I share ice cream comes with my dog. I know 100% he doesn’t eat out of the litter box, garbage, dead animals, gross stuff, etc. But I absolutely won’t touch a public door handle or sit on a public toilet. Grossest of the gross mfs out there, but y’all are scared of a dog’s mouth. Gtfoh


I honestly believe this is where all the new sicknesses and diseases come from


As long as its washed after, idc. But if a mofo reuses the bowl without washing it, now thats gross.


I mean how else are you supposed to prewash your dishes??? :face_with_monocle:

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She’s out of line lol. Gross


Yeah I’m white too and I think that’s nasty as hell even if it’s gonna be clean after, they lick their asses and eat shit. So that’s a hard no for me

Hand washed dishes…absolutely not :nauseated_face:

Dishwasher on sanitize mode…sure

It’s still gross and I just prefer to scrape it into the dogs dish over letting them lick the bowl, plate etc

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If it’s getting washed, what’s the big deal? We always feed the dog from her bowl though. It’s important that she knows she can only eat things from her bowl.


I’m with you!!! My dog licks his butt so there’s no way he’s licking anything of mine.

Well I don’t know what being black or white has anything to do with it but who cares the bowls gonna get washed anyway…


Well my white arse is with you 100% just the thought makes me feel sick. Don’t come at me people I’m allowed to be my own kind hahaha
I don’t care if it’s going to be cleaned either that shit isn’t even getting washed in my kitchen sink or dishwasher or with a cloth I’d use for my dishes!

If my ex can eat off a plate, so can my dog.


Lmao I shared cereal with my doggo the other day :skull:

My family has always done this. :woman_shrugging: if put in the dish washer it’ll be sterilized if you’re that irritated about it.

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If this is what you argue about then your relationship is in trouble


Dogs have the cleanest mouths then anything,but I wash my dishes regardless with bleach anyways so I don’t see a big deal especially if u have kids etc they eat werid shit and everything else so I say u both need to come as a couple and talk not plaster issues on fb bc not everyone is the same not everyone sees ur relationship how you both do so work together not against each other and don’t put people into ur battles

I’d be more worried about the dog eating the hard boiled eggs in the potato salad and what that means for the aroma in your house later :nauseated_face:


Yes it is gross! :face_vomiting:
I don’t care if it is washed.
I have seen dogs eat poop and they will eat their own vomit. :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:

You are definitely overreacting!!! Since I could walk I could let my dog lick my bowl or plate after i was done eating. Then to the sink for a soak. Then a pre-wash Then to a dishwasher. Sorry bro! I’m with her!


You’re way overreacting

Yall are ridiculous. The bowl is going to be washed :unamused:

That’s called prerinse … definitely a white ppl thing tho … my moms mom would feed the dog off her fork then keep eating. Gag … but prerinsing before washing … no biggie lol

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That’s pretty disgusting IMO … I’d be more pissed off that they let it happen in my house too lol, but maybe you could have approached the situation a bit better… mehh it is what it is in the end I guess

That’s gross. Not even gonna cap. That freaks me out. And I’m white as rice

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Shade of skin has nothing to do period on how the fur baby licks the bowl :rice: or not

I agree with her, it is going to be washed.


I know people that feed their animals with a spoon or fork. We don’t personally do it but I don’t see anything wrong with it as long as the dishes are cleaned properly

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It’s being washed. There’s not a big deal about it. Hand washed dishes are just as clean as dishwasher dishes. 1st world problems :rofl:

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On a few diff left overs (that id just otherwise dump in the garbage) which im assuming this is right before washing it or placing in a dishwasher,…ive scraped it out onto a plate and place it on the floor for my dog, then when he is done i rinse it off in the sink &place it in the dishwasher to be washed. If its going to be well washed, rinsed…i dont see the harm in it, its not like she is feeding it to anyone directly after letting the dog lick it clean, this seems like a silly thing to be upset over imo, maybe discuss it- coming from your raising and background differences and come up with a compromise you both can live with, so you both will be comfortable with the outcome. No 2 families raise the same, so maybe start a conversation about it using this as an example, amd go from there.

She’s so out of line theres no line to be seen anymore she needs to look up the kinds of stuff you can catch from that


You’re overreacting honestly in my opinion the dog’s getting a little treat but what I would have done is give the dog or in my case a cat their own serving in their own bowl but I don’t see a problem with that as long as it’s being washed with soap and water

Not gross. It’s getting washed anyways. People put worse things in their mouth :joy::joy::joy:


You are way overacting

This is what you signed up for ‘bro’ :rofl:

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I love my dogs but :nauseated_face:I would never​:joy:


Absolutely gross no matter how you look at it! I’ve had this same argument.


My husband always puts his cereal bowl down for the dog. As long as it’s washed good I don’t care. I’d rather eat after my dog than off the same dishes as strangers at restaurants to be honest. :grin:


As long as the dishes are properly cleaned there’s no issue

I mean it does get washed lol

This Is Why I Don’t Do Potlucks

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Definitely overreacting lol. Hunan mouffs are just as foul as dogs :rofl:

My grandma straight up let her dog eat food out her mouth​:nauseated_face::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting:


Over reacting for sure​:woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2: it’s gonna get washed

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Dogs mouths are cleaner then yours so yes your overreacting

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No that’s disgusting :face_vomiting: people are just nasty I love my dogs but there is absolutely no way I’d do that


I feel like this is one of those fake non sense posts…

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I understand. I let my dogs eat off my plates, on the floor. I would NEVER let my Mom know. She would never eat here again. :rofl: Every one is different. :flushed:

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Umm I’ve always done it. It’s going into the dishwasher anyway.

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My dogs always like the plates, but they get washed good


If it’s getting washed correctly I don’t know what the issue is. Dogs mouths are actually pretty clean.


I have pets and no I don’t like that either

My dishes are either sanitized after being washed in the dish washer or I hand wash and sanitize them myself. I’ve been known to let me dogs like a bowl or plate clean :woman_shrugging:

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My Mom would throw it in the trash.

:nauseated_face: nope… one is just plain gross but the dog shouldn’t be eating or licking people food…

I mean, it’s going in the dishwasher, right?

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I don’t think it matters it’s gonna be washed anyway

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I am black and my wife is white and I agree, it’s nasty. Throw the bowl away. :bowl_with_spoon: my wife would never do that out of a bowl we eat out of. Shit. We all have different opinions

Hell no that’s nasty :nauseated_face:

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… you’re going to wash it.

People definitely put worse things in their mouths :grimacing:

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Why is this even a question? :woman_facepalming:t4:

I think it’s gross. I don’t want to eat after a dog even after washed and I love my dog. They have their dog dishes and I don’t eat out of their’s

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I let my dog lick a plate clean a time or two. Of course it always gets washed. I have never thought about it being gross before. I can see though why it would be if someone wasn’t raised around that.

I dated a guy once whose family grew up sharing their food with their dogs. Human would take a bite from their fork… then the dog would take a bite from the fork.
THAT was disgusting. But a plate someone’s done using, before a wash??? My only concern there is that the dog then thinks human’s plate = dog’s snack

DISGUSTING. Buy her her own dishes and you have your own. Let her do with hers what she will :face_vomiting::face_vomiting:


If it is washed and sanitized in a dishwasher no big deal

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First off who feeds a dog potato salad? Out of all the things cooked at a bbq she cbose potato salad? And yes out of line I 2 dogs love them spoil them but they will not eat off my dishes :triumph: thats nasty

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My girl always finishes off my plate. Nothing dirty about it if you wash it proply like you should

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Yall complaining about a dog licking a bowl before it gets WASHED but will put other shit in your mouths that you don’t know what’s been on in it or in it ect…

I do it from time to time
The bowl or plate is getting washed anyways.
I think it’s over reacting .


:nauseated_face::face_vomiting: Gross
You are not overreacting. We have two dogs that we love very much and love to spoil but definitely do not share bowls with them​:joy: Definitely not using their “washed” bowls anytime soon for a bowl of cereal :joy:.


We’ve did this for years. There’s no harm in it at all. Some ppl put worse things in their mouths…

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I’m going to scrub it anyways 🤷

I grew up in a house that thought it was gross too. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I’m not really sure what being black or white has to do with this. I’m white and I wouldn’t let my dogs lick any of my dishes. I also don’t regularly give my dogs table food either. Most people I know that do give their dogs table scraps, scrape it into their dog’s bowl. I also don’t like when my dogs lick me. Especially my face.


It’s been proven that dogs have clean mouth and also can heal wounds They have specific antibiotics in their saliva. I would definitely wash the bowl but I also let my dogs lick the plate. You eat of the plate in a Restaurant and don’t know who
Used the plate before. If they had a sickness or what.


Haha. I’ve heard this argument FOREVER! half say no and half say yes. Good luck getting to a solution!

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That’s a big No No …
Separate the animal bowl from the human bowl …


All my family has dogs and seen it happen, those dishes get rinsed and go in the dishwasher where they are washed and steamed.

That’s disgusting! This is why I don’t do potlucks. Saw a post where a girl had a foot in each crockpot. I almost threw my own crockpot away :joy::nauseated_face::face_vomiting:


No that’s disgusting. Animals don’t eat from the same bowls as humans.

Just Google “is it safe to let dogs lick plates”

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Yeah that’s gross. That’s the reason dogs have their own bowls. I grew up in a household that animals/pets slept outside. This was in the 90s and a lot has changed now. But I’d definitely react the same way.

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It’s nasty. Dogs should have their own dishes.

Dude, I joke that my dog licks it so that I don’t have to wash it . Of course I do but it’s a joke. It’s not a bad thing. You’re washing it. A dog’s mouth is cleaner then ours


Over reacting my ! God the dog has a cleaner mouth then you :joy::joy:

Just put whatever you want to give the dog in his/her food bowl.

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I’m not really a dog person, but cats also lick food in dishes and they can jump up high. Yes, I might feel a bit grossed out at the actual sight of it but it WILL be getting washed presumably very thoroughly. It would be far grosser if the dog were eating the actual dishes just prior to guests serving themselves. If that’s the worst of your worries in your relationships, count your blessings.

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Lol a lot of people let their dog lick bowls. I prefer for the dog to eat out of its own dish…

Its going to be washed. I let our dogs lick my ice cream cone. They’re my kids to me.

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Nope that’s gross. I have 3 dogs and I wouldn’t let them lick our dishes. Then again my dogs don’t eat people food besides fruits and veggies for healthy treats. But still never off of our dishes.

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Um yeah that is nasty haha it’s a no from me

Is this really a question?? Yet there’s humans out here eating other humans a$$'s. :joy::nauseated_face: and we all know what comes out that end. So…:woman_shrugging:

Guess I’m nasty cuz I don’t see why that’s gross as long as it’s getting washed after. I thought this is more of a people with pets kind of thing. Have you not noticed people let their pets lick them in the mouth? Now that’s nasty.


We use paper plates but the dishwasher sanitizes. I mean when you go to a restaurant you realize thousands if not millions of people you have no idea who, y’all all eat off the same plates that are ran through a dishwasher lol. Some people out there dirtier than dogs lmao.


Do you eat ass? Is it washed before or not hahaha

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I don’t let my dog eat of dishes but
I will put stuff in his bowl :grimacing:

That’s the dog’s bowl now. :unamused:

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No . I call it pre rinse :rofl: I mean I add bleach to my water when I wash them . So I know there get clean plus . They have them looming new lol so I don’t have to worry about having food go into my water

send her the video of the man who lost his limbs and lips from infection because he was kissing his dog on mouth. It’s gross and animals tolerance to germs are not same as ours. Dogs lick all their privates all the time so yes it’s gross af.