I work overnight and watch my kids during the day. Def harder working lol
Depends on so many different factors
I’ve been a stay at home mom for 1.5 years now, the first 6 months was way harder than any job mentally and emotionally! However now we have a good routine and it’s been great!!! However I am returning to work this fall and I’m kinda sad Bc even though I really wanted to get back to work a year ago now that I’ve got a hang of this staying at home mom job down I’m really enjoying it!!! I have a 4 months old, 2.5 year old, and a 5 year old!
I have been both and I feel working is harder because I have to work and do everything in the weekend I couldn’t get done during the week, including apts and barley see my kids. I loved being home with my daughters, at times it was stressful but if I got to choose I’d stay home with my children. Working parents lose out on alot.
After being a stay at home mom 14 years. I’d much rather work. Gives me a break from the kids and I appreciate the time and fun I have with them when I do.
Everybody is gonna have their opinion. I honestly can say hands down staying home was much harder. I guess being with children 24/7 means non stop. Cooking, cleaning, laundry, breastfeeding if you have a baby, stepping on toys lol, then making sure husband has dinner once home. You still have to be a wife. It is tough. Now that i work I’m usually physically tired but I will say I was way more emotionally and mentally drained being home and my kids attached to me all day. Don’t get me wrong I love my children dearly but being with them all day everyday no help no babysitter is quite hard. They’re school age now which means I can clean/cook or run errands, have adults interactions, work, and get stuff done without hearing MOM yelled 100 times.
Both are hard because motherhood is hard
Sahm is always harder I rather work full time and be like a man that gets breaks when they get home from work
There’s nothing to debate about it. I don’t see why it even is one. I’ve been a stay at home mom and a working mom. Both are equally hard for their own reason. One isn’t harder than the other. Some of us just can’t stand being stuck inside 4 walls everyday, reason I like to work because I just cant stand staying home. Others can, but that does not mean I have it harder or they have it harder… I find these types of debates toxic. That’s just me though.
its hard being a working mama , it can also be hard being a stay home parent as it can come with isolation…both sides have there pros and cons …I feel you can miss out on a lot of things being a working parent but this day and age you got to do what you got to do
I’ve been both and definitely a working mom is harder IMO. Being a SAHM is definitely a blessing to me at least.
Depends on the person. Being a sahm was way worse for me. I hated it. I like going to work.
Stay at home is definitely harder. When I worked, going to work was my break lol.
Both hard. Choose your hard.
Being a mother is hard. Whatever else you do, being a Mom is tough! Then you worry that you’re working too much and not spending time with your kids or you worry that you’re not doing enough to help with bills etc.
Being a working mum and then having to juggle everything at home is tough. I’d give anything to be a stay at home mum. Really struggle with being away from my daughter. I never planned to be a working mum. Hopefully won’t have to be much longer! Kudos to mums who do either.
I was a stay at home mum but when the kids got older i worked outside the home i think working was heaps harder because we had both home and work drove me crazy
I work 16 hour shifts so I have to say working mama just cause it’s so hard not seeing my little. I work in healthcare though.
I dont know because I’ve always been a stay at home mom. I love being with my kids. I would never had kids if I had to work and someone else half raised them. I didn’t want to be a part time mom.
Both are hard but I think being a working mom is harder as far as time management. We have to still do all the motherly duties, doctors appointments, dental appointments, homework, school activities, cleaning and cooking. Even if dad helps, it’s still a huge responsibility. Being a SAHM is difficult as we are overlooked and expected to be a 24 hour around the clock caretaker of everyones needs. i work nights two jobs and it is very stressful. I worked from 6:30 pm to 7 am (4th night straight) got home and made dinner and washed a load of clothes. My husband is working 10 hour days 6-7 days a week.
For me personally I have been both, stay at home is a lot harder for me…
Both are difficult. I have been both.
When I was a sahm I wanted to go to work, when I was working I wanted to be home with my babies, you do what you gotta do either way
They are both hard but in different ways i guess. The grass is always greener
When your at home your stressed and never get a break.
When your at work your stressed and never get a break, but you feel like you never see your kids
SAHM is Harder! You don’t get breaks, you do multiple jobs. IE: Nurse, Doctor, Cook, clean, ect…
Personally, I think they’re both hard but for me being a stay home mom was even harder.
Iv done both.
Iv also worked part time.
Beging a mom is just hard.
Having everyone pull you from every angle is hard.
Depends on the kinda mom you wanna be and how you can manage…
I mean pick your poison I guess lol
Personally I hate this working full time mom thing. I’d much rather be at home full time it was WAY easier.
Part time work is where its at though. That’s where my happiest place is, the best of both worlds.
SAHM is harder because it’s unappreciated by the SO.
Ya don’t get breaks or paid holidays and no help with household chores/ kiddos, because SO worked all day and is tired.
At least when I worked everything seemed a little more equal.
I’ve done both. Mentally, being a SAHM was harder for me. Physically, being a working mum is harder.
Overall, both hard!
I say both because not only area you working away from home, but then you gotta come home, cook and clean and take care of the kids and the hubby. Not sure how you’re husband is but we all know most husband don’t help much at home(mine does, but sometimes there are days where he doesn’t want to help) and you have to pick up so the extra slack. But also being a SAHM you never leave the house,you communicate with kids 24/7 and no other adults. You only leave to go grocery shopping or Dr appts. You never get breaks and you aren’t paid,and if you’re sick,oh well you got to take care of everyone still. You rarely even see the outside world while trying to manage and be a teacher to the kids,and then your constantly stuck cleaning and everything and we’ll yeah. Both are super fucking hard,you just have to pick which one you wanna deal with more. Neither of the two are above the others they both suck honestly but we as women that’s our never ending battle for us.
It’s ALL hard! Even more so in the current pandemic environment.
They’re equally as difficult. I’ve been both. Both have their upsides and downsides. Thing is, I’m a single mom, so I am both because the work doesn’t stop when I get home, and I have no husband to rely on.
Been both. They’re both hard. In my experience, working mom is probably harder BUT, that’s because when I was a SAHM I was married. I’m now divorced, hence why I’m working, so I’m doing everything I was before on top of working. Idk. Motherhood is hard af no matter what the circumstances.
I would say being a working mom. You to to work deal with stress and deadlines but you don’t stop being a mom. You still deal with the school and then get home with the kids, make supper, clean up, pack for the next day. So you doing both instead of having the time during the day to do it while at home with the kids.
I do both in a sense. I work half day and then I’m home in the afternoon with the kids. I used to work full day and honestly, I don’t know how I did it. Coming home after a full day of work to try cook, do washing, do homework and spend time with everyone in 3 hours was hard. Really hard. That being said, being a stay at home mom with kids 24/7 is a lot of work too but if they are at school its much easier.
Being a stay at home mom is a job. They’re not comparable
I’d rather stay home. I’ve done both & am currently working. I’d much rather go back
Kids I’ve both had a job and been a SAHM and I’ll tell ya being a SAHM is WAY harder than any job I have done. My kids are almost 3 and almost 1 and boy oh boy is it hard. I also have 2 boys they drive me insane most days lol
I’d rather stay home. Working as a parent is complicated because you still do all the stahm jobs but with less Time and energy. Being a stahm isn’t a job, it’s a life choice.
Definitely working is harder
I’ve done both, but in my personal opinion stay at home momma is harder.
I think both are hard and can be draining. The thing about being a SAHM that people don’t understand is that yes, it is draining. It gets mentally exhausting, lonely, and your mental health suffers. Nobody talks about this. It is one of those things that you don’t hear about it or really acknowledge until you are a SAHM. You are never off the clock as a parent however if you are a SAHM, you have 0 time between your job and coming home to have a little break like those with jobs too. So it is a 24/7 job. You have your identity when you go to work as a SAHM - people just look at you as “so and so’s mother” or “so and so’s wife/spouse”. You don’t have your own identity. There is always something that needs to be done when you are a SAHM. Then society expects you to have this spotless house, yard, the kids always looking their absolute best, you looking your absolute best 24/7, etc. It’s hard and there is so much more pressure put on you. Then you feel a constant guilt for not being able to financially contribute to your household. I’ve had several jobs in my life and being a SAHM is the hardest one that is the most physically and mentally demanding ones I’ve had.
(Don’t get me wrong - I love being a SAHM since I get to be with my daughter all day… but it is far from being sunshine and rainbows. That is not talked about nearly enough)
Being a mum. Period!
Im stay at home with 2yr old twins and some days i miss work but then if i go to work i miss the kids as for me i think stay at home is better i get to spend time with kids cook clean teach and dknt have to pay child care
But going back to work gets u out of the house and more income for the home
Then after work u get to come home cook clean take care of the kids
Stay at home is better MOST of the time sometimes u end up burned out
Probably depends on how many kids we are talking about and how well behaved they are. Both are not easy but both can be fulfilling.
I’m gonna say being a single working mum/dad, I have worked and been a single parent for 11 years and trying to juggle everything completely alone isn’t the easiest and is very stressful.
Being a SAHM with a full time SAH job. Hardest multitasking I’ve ever done.
Stay at home mum is 100% harder I have a 3 month old and a 3 year old and am scratching to go back to work for some stability and routine
I was a sahm for years when my son was little I loved every minute of watching him grow! I also nannied other people’s kids while we were both home (yes it’s still a job but I got to do all the sahm stuff too) … he’s 9 years old now and I work at a school so we have the same schedule and I’ll tell you I was happy being a sahm but this just feels right I’m happier about myself and who I am and I feel like I’m becoming a better person and finding myself for the first time in a long time! …. So I think being a sahm is a bit more stressful
Depends…it is what you make of both. I work and still carry every responsibility that a SAHM carries and actually much more. You make it work to suit your life choice regardless. My SAHM friends are consistently amazed at how I keep my sanity and still smile. Then I spend a few hours with them and I am amazed equally for them. Mom’s are mom’s regardless of employment status. You just have to have the right support system to make both work.
Stay at home mom definitely
Being a mum in any situation is hard
I would rather stay home but cant
I was a stay at home mom for 10 years. It was extremely hard. Now I’m a working mom, that is also hard. I don’t think one is harder then the other. They each have their own struggles.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it harder being a working mom or a stay at home mom?
I was a SAHM now I’m a working mom with 3 kids. Both are hard as heck. I went back to work to help my mental health. I’m alot happier now
It depends on who you are as a person. Its not a competition thats for sure both are extremely hard. Some of my friends found it easier to be SAHM. Some of my friends found it easier to work. I have done both and if I dont work, this momma doesnt have sanity. It also might have helped if my ex wouldnt have treated me like an unemployed bum the entire time considering it was his idea I stay at home so he could keep his very well paying job. But thats not the point. It varies for everyone. Do what works for you and your family.
I think making it a competition between stay at home moms and working moms is unhealthy. I think motherhood is hard no matter what. Both have challenges and those challenges different based on mom and kids and situations. Pinning the two against eachother is mom shaming no matter what
Prepare yourself mentally . Develop a positive attitude and go for it. You can do it Mama
It’s easier for me to be a stay at home mom. My husband’s job is on call 24/7 and when they call he’s gone for 36+ hours at a time (railroad). Our kids are in sports and it falls on me to transport them, be there for them, tend to the house and all the laundry, grocery shopping, birthday parties, church, pay bills, Dr/dental/eye appointments… I have to be available because we never know if he will be home. I worked part time the last 2 years and it’s been good but exhausting at times. I will be a SAHM fulltime again because baby #4 is coming nect month. (I have found that I have to be sure to socialize and make time for myself even if its just a walk or bath to be emotionally healthy as a SAHM- loneliness can be the hardest part) I struggled to get everything done when I worked full time and felt like I was going to forget important things and miss out on the kids school functions and stuff.
For me being a stay at home mom has been the hardest. I think working had me stressed yeah but I could sit in my car for 30 mins before even getting kids from daycare but now I have to stay up till midnight just for a minute alone. Idk this stay at home mom stuff is not the easiest for me. I miss working honestly just for the freedom as bad as that sounds
SAHM is hard for me because I can’t do that whole trapped life feeling, but working was hard just because I have to find time to do everything in a day as being at home I could get a good portion done and be good. Mentally and emotionally though they are pretty tied
This depends a LOT on how much support you have and what kind of resources you have. It’s not a cut and dry answer.
It’s all hard! Honesty I truly believe if you have a good partner and your able to take care of yourself mentally, emotionally, physically make sure your blood levels are good hormones healthy I know all moms can do it. I did both and I felt like I could do it all I just wish I had more energy as moms we give so much to our partner and kids we wear ourselves out . I think the only way to know is to try it go to work see how you feel . Or stay home and see how you feel or do both if your baby is small stay home and work will always be there .
Imagine doing everything you do now then take away 10 hours a day (8 hour work and 2 for commmute). Now think about all the appointments, extra curricular activities, sudden illnesses, and last minute baby sitter because the other cancelled right before you have to leave for work. Also, schedule all the appointments around your work schedule. Hmm
Most doctors, dentist, and eye doctors usually have the same hours as a working person with a regular 9-5 job. I did both and I would rather stay home with the kids. Both are exhausting, but it depends on your family and mental health if it benefits you to work or not.
It depends on the individual personality. I have friends who LOVE being stay at home moms and others like myself who wither and nearly die at the thought and everything in between. Society tries to make all of us feel guilty for our choices, none of which are easy. Do what is best for you and your family.
As a first time mom with a single baby who went back to work but quit to stay home-
Working is so much harder because of the anxiety of being apart from your little.
Now if I had more than 1- staying at home would be much harder than working.
I work two jobs right now because my partner had shoulder surgery. I preferred being a stay at home mom a lot more than a working mom. Being away from every day of the week is super super stressful.
Ne and my fiancee fuss about this im disabled so thus a sahm well he works n thinks thst all he should do and I’m like shoot I never gwt a day off on your days off u don’t do nothing he tells me I get every weekend off ughh gl hun
Both are hard flat out. I work 8-10 hours a day and an mentally and emotionally drained and then have to come home and have to pour from an empty cup to do all of my motherly duties at times depending on how my work day went and how the kids are behaving. I don’t get five minutes in the door before the kids are going at one another or to sit before we’re back out the door running to practice or an appointment. I have to find providers who have extended hours just to ensure my kids can get appointments incase I run out of paid time off (I usually don’t) but this year I had surgery and had to take time off (god forbid I use my time for my own health reasons) either way it’s hard that should be your answer
Definitely feel like SAHM is much harder…mentally and physically. I just went back to work in April after being laid off for a year due to covid. My mental state was horrible, on top of the CONSTANT stress of cleaning, cooking, laundry, etc. It never ended. I was completely exhausted every single day. Now that I’m back to work, I’m tired, but it’s a different kind of tired in a good way. I am grateful I was able to spend that year with my kids, but I couldn’t be happier being back to work. I feel like I have my sense of purpose back. I’m a happier person, and it shows, especially to my kids.
Everyone’s situation is different whats easy or hard for some may not be for others. Try it for yourself best way to find out
I had to work when my girls were kids. It was HARD!!! Then I got to raise twins by MYSELF in my 50’s. The first year was hard being on my own with them 24/7, but I absolutely loved every minute after their first birthday and they did NOT go to Daycare!!
I think both are super hard but what’s even harder is being a working mom when you’re working and then coming home and being expected to do all the laundry, dishes, cooking, cleaning, packing daycare/school lunches, taking the kids to and from both daycare and school as well as appointments while your partner says he does enough when clearly he doesn’t. That’s what I went through except no school because my little one is too young but I worked, then came home and was handed the baby as I walked through the door. Didn’t get a break, wasn’t able to, my ex just made me do all the work.
So I guess it depends. If you’re working is your partner also working? Are the house chores and responsibilities shared? Does he pick up the kids or drop them off, or help pack lunches and help with laundry?
Sorry I’m ranting.
I think both are about equal BUT I don’t think SAHMs get the credit they deserve. Everyone always assumes your available to help them out, people ask favors of you more because you’re home and “not doing anything” which is literally my biggest pet peeve. And I feel like I can’t say no to doing anyone favors because I AM home but I am also VERY busy with my kids and the house. Im trying to just learn to say no without an explanation, it’s hard but I don’t need to explain why I can’t/don’t want to do things for people. I help when I can and I try my best to repay any favors I ask
Personally staying at home was harder I had a year of mat leave but went back to work 3 months after having my son for “me time” but I was also lucky enough to have my village support me and help with watching my son. Staying home is a 24/7 job. Work is a vacation
I’ve been both. Both are very hard. It also depends on the kind of support you have for each. Yes each scenario needs support. It takes a village
Which is harder? I’ve been both, both are extremely hard. But working has been the hardest, because on top of work I’m also still mom and still have the mom responsibilities.
For me staying home is harder.
For me, harder being a stay at home mom. Being a working mom has been amazing for my mental health lol
I found both to be challenging in different ways
Honestly I’ve done both, not from baby’s but my youngest about 2 and half and my oldest in kindy, working part time is the goal. I’m full time and it’s hard u hardly get to see your kids and you miss out on alot. If there at kindy or school and you can get hours that work with and for your family 4 days a week would be amazing so you have that extra day for appointments or grocrey shopping or just hanging with your kids (if there in daycare). But ultimately its up to. If your ready start small at 1 day a week and see how you go.
I have just started working again and both are hard and both have there rewards it is what ever feels right to you at the time
Being a mom is hard period. Whether you stay at home, work, or work from home
Working cause u end up taking care of things anyway so if u stay home it’s just one less things to do
Stay at home mom for sure. Even more if you don’t have a car send help
While I have he utmost respect for SAHM (as not everyone can do it) i feel like working out of the home is harder. Working out of the home you have to figure out who is going to watch the kids, get them to extra curriculars, doctors appts., calling out when they are sick or school closes, all while trying to be the best employee you can and trying to be on time for work, not calling out or missing.
Definitely working mum.
I’m a stay at home mom and absolutely love it while my friend has been absolutely dyeing to get back Into work but we are two different people with very different work ethics, she loves working and I on the other hand find work very mentally exhausting having to deal with other people every day so it really depends on the people and their situations
Depends on if you get help being a working mom…working 40 hour then coming home to the full workload there gets ridiculous and draining
Stay at home mom is much much harder in every way.
For me it’s harder being a sahm. The only thing that sucked for me about being a working mom was the price of daycare and worrying if my kids were gonna be well taken care of or not. But physically and mentally being a sahm is much harder on me.
Both… being a single mom is definitely the hardest.
Stay at home is waaay harder
At home! I work pt and love going to work! However can’t do ft and be best mom for our family… both are hard
Being a mom is hard.
It honestly depends on the person/situation. For me being a working mom was easier. I am now a sahm. I question my sanity nearly hourly.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it harder being a working mom or a stay at home mom?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it harder being a working mom or a stay at home mom?
I’ve only done the stay at home thing during maternity leave & I could not wait to go back to work. I love my kids but it’s so much more mentally & emotionally draining being with them all the time. There’s no lunch break, there’s no staff meetings, there’s no other grown ups to talk to for the majority of the day. Yes there’s cuddles & smiles, but the SAHM workday doesn’t go finish until the kids are in bed. x
Not really a fair question to be honest they both have different kinds of stress and different kinds of problems especially depending on the kind of work and the personalities and needs of the children but both are hard physically and mentally