Is it harder being a working mom or a stay at home mom?

Work AND dealing with kids AND dealing w the house … the unholy trifecta of resentment.

Well i guess it depends on what stresses u out more ur job or ur kids, in my case I do door dash so my job would affords me some of that alone time a mother need away…unless their small children that need 100% care, child care expenses r high as well as trusting someone with ur kids! If there small children the stay home job can b very trying at times but not hard, u definitely don’t have a boss to answer to when u fuck up!

Depends what work you do. I used to think of work as a break, however if your scaffolding or something like that then it’s different.

I have done both ilove working but i felt better as a stay at home mom.

Both have their own different stresses.

Staying at home is harder, depending on the spouse……

Stay at home dad sucks kids are annoying.
Working away as a father sucks more but id never see them but house works easy give me the kids anyday

With 5 I was sahm. Even as teens I stayed. Keeping 5 teens busy during summertime management skils!

I’d say both, I was a working mom first, stay at home mom, then I went back. It’s hard either way.

Depends on the age of the kids and the amount of housework/running of the home you do. It can be extremely hard and it can be not as hard, just depends but for the most part it’s a hard job to stay home

I do both! I’m at home all day then go to work at night. I enjoy time we baby so I’m not missing out but love going work at night for some adult social interaction

Having done both, being a SAH mum is much harder IMO

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Both are hard. Choose YOUR hard and stick with it.

I worked the first 5 years and then was able to stay at home (well mostly I did work for my sister for a while so my daughter went with me till she was old enough to be home alone) I will never knock any one either way, you do what is best for your family and situation. I will say however that my daughter excelled in school after I quit my full time job. She was secure in the knowledge that one of her parents would be home for her when she got home from school. I don’t regret having to work at first and I certainly don’t regret being a stay at home either. Someone questioned me a couple years ago as to why I still don’t work even though my daughter is an adult now. My husband makes enough money that our bills are easily paid and we still have some leftover to do some fun things. I don’t feel the need to take a job outside the home when someone else could need that job more than I do.

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I think it’s the same. I do all the at home stuff, cleaning, cooking, watching baby, laundry I clean up after my hubby when he comes home from work as well.

a working mom is still a mom so has two jobs.

I have no kids so I can’t have a valid opinion on this but I honestly think every person is different, every situation is different. Some may find one more difficult then the other vice verse. No one will have the same opinion about it Bc some people prefer one over the other if one orders to work it would make the stay at home harder but if one prefers to stay at home but has to work it would make working harder, also you also have to consider every household is different, if you have a household with a super supportive spouse that helps with chores and cooking it would make both easier but if you are still doing everything yourself then that changes things to. Eeithet way I don’t have kids and it’s hard enough to work clean and take care of the dogs, I couldn’t imagine throwing kids into that mixture. Kudos to all the parents out there doing there best, you guys/gals are the strongest most patient and amazing people

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A stay at home mom is way harder than any job especially when you have more than one child

Working mom because of the job stress, worrying about your kids then going home after work and doing the stay at home mom stuff.

It’s a life style choice. For me, being financially dependent on my husband would be “harder” than balancing work/life issues.

Stay at home mom and working moms is hard as hell. My mom use to tell me, “a mothers work is never done!”

IMHO, being a working mom is harder because you are obligated to wear two hats. One hat as an employee and another as a mom. While society has made great strides in child care/home management responsibilities, the bulk of it still rests on womens shoulders. If women work, they are made to feel like a poor mother. If women stay at home, they are made to feel under valued as a person. Its a no win situation. Women need to make their own decisions and be confident in their life choices. Thankfully in this day and age, women HAVE a choice.

I have since both and working outside the home is more difficult. The day is very long.

Working mum, cos the stress of missing out and you kids demand your time the minute you come in the door too

Look at it this way write the pros and cons down and that will give you and answer. REMEMBER LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT good luck and the best for you.

Stay at home your always cleaning cuz you n kids are always there making a mess

A working mom because you have to come home and be a working stay at home mom

I’ve been both. Being a working Mom is MUCH harder.

Trying to deal with being a homemaker and mom. But if you have a job you have to deal with both

Working mom, hands down. You have all the work of a stay at home mom, on top of working 40 hours a week

Stay at home
Mom is definitely harder. I tried it and I couldn’t do it. I went back to work lol

Both are hard in different ways.

Working mom. You have to watch your kids grow up from a distance :smiling_face_with_tear:

I love being a stay at home but I also hate it some days. I hate that people think all I do all is sit around and play on my phone. I get no appreciation from anyone for all the cooking, cleaning, laundry, dishes, getting the kids dressed, bathed, to playdates, to school, to library storytimes, to picnics in the park, scheduling doctor and dentis appointments for the whole family, paying the bills, plus all the teaching and reading I do with the kids.

I never have a break from the kids, ever, until after they are asleep and that time I usually spend folding laundry or cleaning up messes that I didn’t get to during the day. I think I leave the house without the kids to do something fun for me, maybe, once a year. I get no help from my husband, who thinks nothing of spending all his time sitting around on his phone doing nothing, because “he works hard and deserves a break.” He does work hard and long hours so I can stay home with our four kids.

It would be nice for someone to appreciate that I work hard also. I no social life or adult community unless it’s a playdate with other moms and the kids are there. Being a stay at home mom is often a thankless, exhausting job but can be the most rewarding too.

Just dont. It’s not worth the debate and it’s pointless. Dnt compare

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SAHM much harder!!! I’ve done both!!!

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i hate this argument…both are equally hard in different ways

I would say equally difficult just in different ways.

Ive done both and they are both equally hatd as rhe other…

Going to work and dealing with all of
The stress.

I was a working single mom. My son is 20 now. I wish i would have spent more time at home with him. We have a great relationship and everything…i just missed things I can never get back.


Ppl will keep going back n forth with this until the end of time. Both “jobs” can be hard. Both of them. These kids give no breaks and have no manual… and work involves WORK and other ppl. One involves money, thats it. Tell whoever thinks raising humans is easy to kick rocks and tell that shit to THEIR mother!


I work 50 hrs a week then come home fix dinner n visit with kids doing the best I can single mom here

Surely it depends on the job?

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It’s an unwinnable debate, it’s subjective.

Its all hard. But for vastly different reasons.

I was a stay at home parent for 6 years. I Went insane. As soon as both kids were at school I went back to work during school hours. I think if I worked full time I would struggle to juggle everything especially with a deployed husband. But school hours is a good balance for our family ans it allows me to help out other families that work full time and can’t get to their kids for drop off or pick up.


It all depends. I’m a sahm and I find it more mentally draining than going to work. Don’t get me wrong, I love the fact that I don’t have to miss anything but I also knew going into it that it wasn’t for me… Working was my escape… I enjoyed missing my children and coming home to my babies. It also helps if you have a vehicle and can leave the house with the kids and take them to the park or run errands. I on the other hand , am stuck in the house all day because my husband takes our only vehicle to work. So I don’t really get any time to myself at all which is the most draining part.


Working, 100%. They usually have to work all day, then do “stay at home” tasks after work. Basically doing both.


Being a mom is hard either way

Staying at home is harder in my opinion, that’s if youve got good family and support system for childcare to work! Or I could imagine having to sort child care whilst working being quite stressful x

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My first taught is who u gonna clap while im at work now c’mon u can tell me lmfao …

Wking mom…it never stops.rinse repeat…

Having done both I’d say being a stay at home mum is a lot harder…by a lot. When I was working I thought it would be easier and better not working. I was very wrong!

Being at work is easier for me than being a stay at home wife & mom. But there is nothing I would rather do than that full-time. Now, I own my own business n kind of do both.

It’s best to raise your own kids, instead of someone else…
Yeah, it’s work, but more rewarding when you are old and have those memories.

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I do both sooo… they both suck lol

Try both I worked all my life up when I had my first child for about an year after she trun 1 1/2 it was driving me crazy worked all the way till I give birth again to my second child and still went back to work 6 months later if my kids are not with me they at a babysitter so I can work honestly they both are hard If you don’t have any extra hand to help

stay at home mom ur on the clock 24/7 and u get no pay check!!! i been a stay at home mom for 7/8 years and i been ready to go back to work i feel like i am never done and i don’t get my weekly pay check :woman_shrugging:t2:

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They are both super hard to be honest. I personally struggled more with stay at home.

Both are hard, I went from being a stay home mum to working 50 hours a week. Staying home I had time but was always broke and working I had money but no time. I was also still doing all the house work. Some weeks I’d only see my kids for an hour in the mornings. My 8 year old daughter has said she doesn’t want me to work at all but you know, bills ect.

Working mom hands down! It’s easy being a SAHM! I wouldn’t trade this life for nothing!:partying_face:

Trying to be both. I work evenings 3 nights plus 2 full days as a chef at 2 separate cafes. Plus try and full time mom during days I am home with library groups, play groups, swimming lessons. Make all the meals for my household and do all the shopping, laundry etc. My husband watches him 1 day a week, in laws one day and he is usually asleep in the evenings when I work. I am also the only one who gets up with him at night as my husband literally sleeps through the yelling and crying.

Being a Mom is so hard either way . I’ve done both .

I love being a working mom
to stuck at hous 24/7 would make me crazy

None is harder. Stop the comparison bs

Working mom is harder because you carry around a feeling of guilt and resentment for time lost in time not spent. That alone is heavy too carry. Now that I’m a stay at home mom I love every minute of it and I have more time for my family and for my home.

Both why does this ? Keep coming up, I don’t work yet but know that time will of essence with kids and homework when I am working, just being a parent in general is difficult working or not. Every struggle is different. Not all of us are women some are dads that are both dad/mum and on their own.

Everyone says they’re equally hard but thats a lie. Being a SAHM is the hardest. You have nowhere to go for a breather they follow you everywhere. They’re dependent on you. I can never manage to keep the house clean for more than 12 hrs. My kids are 7 3 and 8 months so thats why. It’s a job itself and it’s a tough but rewarding one

When the kids are young, SAHM is DEFINITELY harder than working. The day ends when you work. It NEVER ends when you stay at home with littles. Its harder to be a working mom when the kids are older though. School and activies always conflict with a working schedule and someone is left feeling neglected.

I think they’re both extremely difficult. But I also think it depends on how many kids, as well as what ages they are.

So, just because you work outside of the home doesn’t mean you also don’t come home and be a mom at home. So working mom is much harder, you literally double your responsibilities both financially and otherwise. You then have to pay someone else to watch your child until 6pm and then come home do all the cleaning, cooking, laundry, play time, baths, shopping, ect and get up in the middle of the night and go to work the next day. Working moms have A LOT of responsibilities to their home and to a business. It’s not for the faint of heart, especially depending on the career.

I had no choice but work to support my five children after my husband walked out… It was not easy… had to make the most of what little time I had with them, It would have been so much easier to be a stay at home mom and so much better for them, So much of their activities I had to miss and time I can never get back…

Depends. Are you a single working mom? If so then I’d say that might be a tad bit harder or more stressful because they are pulling double duty so to speak. Then again it all depends on the individual and how they handle stress. :person_shrugging: However if you’re married I think stress level isn’t as high for working mom because she has help. Just my opinion. All situations are different though because people are different.

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Being a mother is hard. Period. That’s it

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I assume working all day is exhausting but also coming home to kids and housework afterwards can drain you even more. At least staying home you can take naps and relax when they do. Sometimes you need a break from that stress too though. Another plus is you won’t have to pay for daycare which would probably be a good portion of your pay anyway. And you won’t have to worry about your kids being ok all day with a stranger.

Being a working mom has proven to be much more difficult for me. I still have to do literally everything I did as a stay at home mom, as a working mom, but have to jam it into the few free hours I have. Things have suffered (cooking being the biggest, I eat out way too much, but I’m tired.)

I don’t think anyone could argue which is harder. It really depends on the person. Some stay at home moms work harder than others and some working moms work harder than others. Both are hard jobs if you put your all into it

I was working 6 12 hour shifts a night and having the children all day,i have always done it.Finish work,rush back,get them to school.Sleep until 10-1 get ready to get them from school.Home,dinner,bathshousework,bed for 7.30 and back to work again.
Since having my youngest that was born woth a brain condition that requires more care and i just do not trust anybody with her i have been at home.It’s been 4 years now and i am just about to go out of my mind.She starts school in september and i cannot wait to get back to work.I love the mixture of both and not just one

Send me to work any day…

working mom for sure.

Both I have done both

Working mum for sure

Depends on the person

Pointless debate IMO.


That very much depends on your job and what hours you work. I worked a physically and emotionally draining job, on afternoon shifts because that was my only option. Getting the kids to school and doing all the housework before work felt like I was working flat out 18 hour days. In the early days I was surviving on bout 4 hours sleep a night. My job often went into unpaid overtime which didn’t help. I only worked 3-4 evenings a week, but it took me a few days to recover from those.

“stuck” home all the time with the kids?

I’ve done both and they’re both equally hard! Staying home is great because of the quality time but you get 0 breaks, 0 privacy and 0 help! Working is great cuz you get to be your own person, but you miss your kids when you’re gone and miss out on so much time!

I find this question rather pointless. Everyone is going to have different experiences.

Both are hard. Neither is harder - it depends on YOU, your capabilities, your interests, your personality, depends on your work load, on your kids, etc etc


Sahm is harder I currently lost my job while I was out for surgery and I’m going nuts

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They are both stressful. I was never a sahm but working then having to do all the house hold chores after work was stressful.

I’ve done both and when I was a sahm I also felt stuck. Then I had an opportunity to work and I jumped right in. After a couple years I had to keep working with no option to be a sahm anymore due to financial reasons. All of a sudden being “stuck” at home didn’t seem so bad. I think it’s all a mentality thing for each person. If you feel stuck then it’s harder to do.

You can’t say one is harder. I have done both. Both ways there’s guilt for not being home or guilt for not doing enough during the day.
Currently working from home with kids and that too is extremely challenging.
I would never give up the years I was a stay at home mom, to spend those years with them was a blessing. But I love my career and what it’s becoming.


Since I’ve done both, I definitely prefer being a SAHM. my house was cleaner, no frozen/processed dinners and didn’t have to worry about childcare places (that cost a small fortune) being closed on snow days/holidays. With all the work-time I needed to take off for Dr/Dentist, sick kids, early school release etc, I was barely breaking even with my salary so staying home was less stress for me.

I think it depends a lot on what the job is. I’ve been a substitute teacher and a security officer, both of those were extremely easy very low impact jobs. Then I’ve been a gas station cashier and a server at a restaurant, those I’d say were more labor intensive. Being a SAHM is 24 hrs a day, every single day. Add in multiple children if there are. I say there simply is no cut and dried answer.

Both are equally hard- I work 3 12s a week so I’m a stay @ home mom
1/2 the time. Nurse the other 3 days a week.
Some days are harder at home though😅

For me being a working mom is so much harder. However being a SAHM also has it’s own issues but currently I want so badly to just stay home again.

I’ve done both. I was a stay at home mom when my kids were small. I went back to work full time when they were school aged. I definitely feel that, While both have their challenges and are hard in different ways, I feel it is more difficult to be a working mom. The only reason why I say working mom is harder, is because I still have all the same responsibilities that I’ve had as a stay at home mom, but now I’m also out of the house 40 hours a week.


They both are in mom in general. One you have to stay away so long it hurts you’re missing so much.
The other you struggle alone basically. most of the time no one appreciates a sahm ppl tend to look down on you.

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Both are hard in their own ways. Try both, find what works best for you and your family. :purple_heart:

Being a stay at home mom was WAY harder for me than working. I now work from home though and it’s the best of both worlds. (My mom watches my kids while I work). :nerd_face:

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