Is it inappropriate for a child to cuddle dad on the couch?

I was invited along with friends that comment so I’m going to to say this blunt are u fu**ing kidding me are u serious im a dad of 2 a 9 an a 6 year old a boy an a girl an if they want to cuddle with me the wil for ever be able able to its not sexual at all least in my eyes an if it is to there is a problem

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Lmfao what is he supposed to do push him on to the floor? :roll_eyes: your mom needs Jesus :raised_hands:t2::pray:my 8 and 12 year old kick their feet up on their dad and relax on the couch with him covered under the same blanket! Your mom is a weirdo!

No way!!! That is just ridiculous. Nothing inappropriate about a father loving his children. My kids snuggle Dad every single day!

She needs help. Nothing wrong with kids kids cuddling their parents :rofl:

Sexualizing children is what’s inappropriate!!! :angry:


My 16 year old son stop wanting snuggles all the time when he turned 12. But every once in awhile if he isn’t feeling well or was hurt by someone he still comes to his dad or I for snuggles. Neither of us will turn him away because of age and are happy that he still feels safe doing so. I was 22 when my mom passed and up until that day I still snuggled her whenever I needed comforting. Her arms were home and a safe place.

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So make sure tell your mom she can’t cuddle with your daughter either.

This is crazy! A dad can show love and affection just like a mom can. :woman_facepalming:t2:

Wtf did I just read ???

My kids still snuggle me and they are 11 and 12 ,as long as they can snuggle me I will let my kiddos. I will not let my love go away from my kids

Good greif thats awsome so glad that they can have dadfy and son bonding. Heck whats wrong with your mum

That’s crazy talk. I cuddled with my dad into my teens and there was nothing inappropriate going on. Is there something particular that she is worried about?

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Do people seriously sexualize everything :woman_facepalming:t2: a 5 year old can’t cuddle with a parent?!?!

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My son is 3 and I snuggle with him every night until he’s asleep. Then we move him… does that sound inappropriate? Or is it just because it’s dad?? Tell
Your mom maybe she should mind her business

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kids need to feel loved and if they want/need to cuddle to feel loved then so be it, maybe she had a bad experience in her life but she shouldn’t project it onto other people


My daughter is 26 and still cuddles with her dad on the couch - that’s their time - I use to do the same thing with my dad when I was home & now that he is no longer with us I miss that time with him .

What the heck is wrong with your mom?

Fuck that my husband and I will cuddle are kids until they are 20 :rofl::rofl::rofl: if they let us

I will snuggle my kid till he disapproves and he os 18

WHAT?!?! It is most definitely OK for them to snuggle!!! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Y’all both need to shut Up!!! Send Mom home!!!

Wtf why would it be inappropriate? That’s his kid…and they’re FIVE. What is inappropriate is the way she’s looking at it. :expressionless:

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No its not wrong at all

That’s ridiculous, that is completely normal.

What is wrong with it :woman_facepalming:t4:

Your mom is mental children can cuddle their parents

What? Is this for real? I will hug and hold my children when they’re 40. Idgaf what anyone says.


Aint no way I could be an admin in some of these mom groups cause I’d be like, go tell your momma she is dumb and :fu: let dad cuddle his baby. My kids cuddle me, their dad, my mom, my boyfriend of 3 years, like kids love to be loved. Lawd.


No it’s not inappropriate! When I was a 5 year old my daddy time was so special to me. We cuddled, played in the floor, he’d dance with me. And Lord knows I’m very grateful for those memories because he passed away when I was 17.


My daughter is 9 and still cuddles on the couch !!! Yes it is normal

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im sorry you have that kind of mom. geez. maybe its her brain that is inappropriate


If it’s inappropriate for him you don’t get to cuddle either. To be safe best tell ya mama no hugging the kid either wouldn’t want Ms. Robinson complex


Wth is going on in that family? Are you trying to turn the baby into a person with mental health issues?

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Um no it’s totally fine

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A 5 yr old cuddling daddy?? I’m not seeing something abnormal with it?? Your mom sounds weird af and maybe you should question HER intentions. The only inappropriate thing going on is you letting your mom fill your head with crazy ideas.


Your mother is inappropriate & should probably see a therapist for her disgusting thoughts


It is perfectly normal.

Then your Mom has a problem, no reason why a five year old child shouldn’t snuggle with a parent

Why is this even a question :woman_facepalming:

Wow. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with your son cuddling with his daddy! My 5 year old son cuddles with his daddy all the time, and I wouldn’t have it any other way! I hope he always knows where to turn to when he needs a hug!

Your mom has issues!! There’s nothing wrong with a 5 yr old laying with their father on the couch, for anyone to make something wrong out of that situation has mental issues !

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I’m 30 and I’ll still go and lean against my dad on the couch … there is mother wrong with loving your parent

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No it is not inappropriate

No there is nothing wrong with your 5 yr old cuddling on the couch with the father.

Your mother needs a reality check! My daughter Absolutely loves cuddling with her dad. I love when I see it because he’s always working and she misses him so much. My daughter is almost 3.

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You’re mom is inappropriate and needs to be cut out.


My daughter is 8 and cuddles with her dad and I. My 10 year old loves to cuddle with me. Its normal.

The most ridiculous thing I’ve read today


I don’t understand why anyone would even question it ….… unless there is history or red flags but then the child shouldn’t be around the dad……

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My husband would be so heartbroken if our kids didn’t cuddle with him! The 9 year old still has “love on daddy days” where they watch movies, eat crap food and snuggle. Your mom has issues!

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your moms screwed in the head sorry.

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your mom is the sick puppy with her thinking theres something wrong​:rofl::rofl::rofl:whats with all the posts of some parents thinking theres something wrong with kids cuddling with their dads​:woman_shrugging:YOURE ALL THE SICK IN THE HEAD ONES thinking theres something wrong​:joy::joy::joy:

Sounds like your Mom needs to be cuddled.

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Something is wrong with your mom. Wtf

I cuddle with my son

No it’s normal and there is nothing wrong with it. She’s sexualizing that relationship. Are kids cuddle with their dad all the time.

Your mom needs to be cut out if you ask me smh

Are you f**** kidding me?
My 8 yr old twin girls cuddle with their dad, our 10 yr old son snuggles with me! I love my children, they love me, absolutely nothing inappropriate about it


Nothing is wrong with it at all.

Ness Crocker I agree!!

No. I cuddled my step dad all the time in the couch. If they are close then why stop it? He’s not a pervert or anything.

Yes. It is. It’s abnormal for a father not to express love. Wtf. Your mom sounds like the sick one. Not everyone is a pervert.

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Why would something be wrong with it? It’s your child’s father is not like it’s a stranger. Nothing wrong with PARENTS Cuddling, Bathing (to a certain age) and taking care of their children.

Sounds like your mom is jealous and should be cut out. She’s ridiculous.

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I’m 24 and if we are on the couch watching something hanging out, if it’s just us my head is on his lap. Still one of the best nap spots :two_hearts::sunflower::woman_shrugging:

As long as there is no inappropriate touching, which there probably isn’t, cuddling is a normal thing! Enjoy it while it lasts! They grow up fast enough!!

Yes it is okay! Your mom has a troubled mind.

Can people stop sexualizing children & daddy daughter bonds. I still cuddle my father and I’m 23


Well… that’s vague.

As a step daughter that was “cuddled” by her step father on the couch, I can see where your mom is coming from.

But, that’s a circumstance that is your responsibility to monitor and regulate. Unless your mother saw something in particular that was worrisome, it’s not her place to say anything.

Umm what the actual f@#k? Your mum has serious issues to even think that really. Since when is it inappropriate to hug your Dad? I’m 39 and up until my Dad passed away I hugged him all the time.

It sounds like your mom has been through some trauma and might need some counseling, if she deems a child cuddling with a parent inappropriate.

My daughter cuddles with everyone she loves. Mom, grandparents, aunts uncles, cousins. My bestfriends which are like her aunts and uncles.

My mom doesn’t even bat an eye. Because cuddling is not inappropriate for a child. Hell that child could be 13 and still cuddle with a parent and its still not inappropriate. I’m almost 30 and I snuggle up to my mom with my daughter and we all watch movies together.


If my son wants to cuddle with me on the couch then he is going to. I will never tell my kids No just because people are mental enough to think its inappropriate. If you find a need to sexualize a bond between a father and his kids then you need to get your own goddamn head checked. I’ve read some ridiculous shit before but jesus…

My daughter snuggles with her daddy every night before bed! Something is wrong with your mother!

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They’re still babies at 5! I still cuddle with my 7 year old and 4 year old sons and they still cuddle with their dad. :woman_facepalming:t2:

I feel like this question is constantly popping up on here. Why are we sexualizing the bond between a father and a daughter? It’s just unnecessary to me. They’re is nothing wrong with snuggling your child!!! If it feels wrong, I’d revaluate the man your in a relationship with!

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Wtf. No… not at all. Sounds like your mother was never cuddled as a child. My kids love cuddling with their daddy and with me.

Wow. What is the world coming to?:confused:

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Are we seriously at the point to where we have to question if it is okay for a father to cuddle his own child?! That’s sad. Of course it’s okay. How would this be answered if it was as about a mother? This society needs to change and definitely for the better …

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Nothing wrong with cuddling your child if your a Mom or a Dad. I think the Mom must have missed out on cuddling.

That woman is on drugs #Rehab #PackABag

Mom needs to take a chill pill and back off!!

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What would be tragic would be to say she couldn’t!

Woooow what a disgusting mind she have.

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I’m 27 and still lay in my parents bed :joy::joy: it’s normal!!!


Yes children should be able to cuddle their parents. It’s only “wrong” when people sexualize the situation.

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Your mother is out of her damn tree. A father’s love is just as important as a mothers.

I’m 22 and still sleep in the same bed as my father sometimes. I feel something has happened to your mum in the past for her to be looking at it in the wrong way. Maybe take some time and talk to your mum and see what makes her feel that way.


Grandma needs to butt out. Did your dad show you affection?

It’s absolutely normal… and it’s also none of her business.

No. That’s fine… Like children need love and snuggles are one hundred percent acceptable when coming from a close family member, especially the father the child… Now if the father was a pedophile that’s a different story but I won’t go there.

Lol. I know you didn’t ask this

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What your mom needs to be checked if she sees anything wrong with this maybe she’s the sick one


Omg! Seriously? Having a good affection father is one of life greatest blessings. Good grief

Tell ya mom mind her own business

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Why is it ok for the mom and not the dad?


Does she cuddle YOU on the couch? Does she cuddle said grandma on the couch? Then yes she can frickin cuddle her FATHER on the frickin couch! Why are all of these posts on here suddenly about whether or not something is “inappropriate” with dad when you know 100% it is being done with mom. Unless there is reason for concern (at which point LEGAL ACTION NEEDS TO BE TAKEN) then let DADS be PARENTS!


Your mom is weird…
Girls love their Dad nothing wrong with a daughter wanting snuggles from either parent.


It must trigger something in your mom.


I am 83 and my son, grandson and great grandson still cuddle with me sometimes all at once. If it’s wrong, I don’t ever want to be right. It’s HEAVEN!!!

I swear these questions get stupider and stupider with each post :person_facepalming: