Hahahaha pardon? A dad and his child can’t love one another? your mother needs to check herself. Too bad she isn’t the parent and her opinion doesn’t really matter.
Nope not at all she’s 5 and loves to cuddle her daddy
No it’s totally normal even for step children.
Inappropriate? That’s his child!!! I would think.something was wrong if someone seen that negatively. My daughter is 6 and still cuddles with her dad.
Your mother is the sick one
I’d tell your mom to mind her business and let you raise your children. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with a child of any age snuggling with either parent. Your mom has daddy issues.
Mom needs to be cut out
WTF NO?! Why wouldn’t it be okay?!
100% not inappropriate unless some inappropriate stuff is happening. My almost 11 year old daughter cuddles with my husband all the time.
The fact that she even slightly thinks it’s inappropriate unsettles me. My baby girl is always cuddling with her dada, she’s a daddies girl.
What the f*** no it’s not f**** weird. It’s weird to say your 5 year old needs to stop cuddling their father. I cuddled with my dad until I was about 12. I still cuddle with my dad when I get the chance. Don’t listen to your mom. The fact that she said that is inappropriate.
I’m going to guess that your mom has been through some trauma that has been unresolved. Mom may need some extensive therapy if she has. Yes, it is normal for a child to snuggle their father.
Is it inappropriate for you to cuddle your 5 year old? It’s his kid. Your mom is nuts.
How is that a question. Absolutely not. Cuddle them for as long as you can. Babies don’t keep.
The only thing that’s inappropriate is her thinking that way, weird as hell that’s his child is he not supposed to show love? Weirdo
Is this a real question?
What’s wrong with that?!
I’m 31 and I’ll go cuddle my dad right now lol
Your mom has issues. If her mind is going to dark places then she needs to seek help
What’s inappropriate is your mom even thinking that way
I’d tell her to fuck off
Your mom needs to be cut out and she’s inappropriate . On a serious note, it is NOT inappropriate for your children to show love to their parents! We are our children’s safe place.
No that is her daddy. Why would she even think something like that. Sounds like she may be trying to start some crap.
That’s sad that your mother feels that way … Before y’all bash grandma maybe she’s experienced trauma in the form of child molestation and she has a hard time trusting men . I was molested as a child , I get it … I completely trust my husband with our daughters but every other man in this world will always be suspicious to me . Grandma could have been molested by her own father or family member, many victims will take the abuse to their grave and never tell but show it in ways such as this or maybe she knew someone that was molested and she just wants to protect her granddaughter… I would just have a heart to heart with my mother .
They have an issue if cuddling on the couch is bad with their dad! Unless he keeps putting his hand down there and they make a noise! Also being a sexual assault victim myself always tell your children they can come to you about someone touching their vagina or penis and you need to use the correct terms because if they are ever sexual assault victims then the court won’t convict them unless they use penis or vagina terms! So please have that talk with them! My kids talk to me all the time about their penis if there is a problem with it! Which is very important to do!
Then I guess it’d be inappropriate for me to cuddle my five year old boy? The fuck? Your mom has a sick mind cuz if the fathers anything like me he’s never once had a fucked up thought any time he’s cuddled with her. The fact your mom thinks that is concerning. Maybe you need to sit her down and ask her what happened to make her feel that why. Or at least why she feels it’s inappropriate.? In the meantime don’t let it bother you. There’s nothing wrong with a child and a parent cuddling. Regardless of gender.
My kids are 10 and 7 their dad was killed in March, they would give anything to snuggle with him again anywhere, anytime anyway. My 7yrold used to fall asleep next to him almost every night.
My son cuddles with his daddy, I think it’s the cutest
Your mom needs to butt out. Numbness of cuddling don’t last long they outgrow it too soon. Take lots of pictures and enjoy every moment.
I will go cuddle with my dad right now
Someone thinking that would lead me to believe that they’d been inappropriately touched. Maybe she needs to seek help for that.
It is appropriate for a child to cuddle with their parents.
Tell your mom to seek help.
What ??? That’s her daddy… not weird at all. Our 5 year old sleeps next to my husband every night and can’t fall asleep with out him. They are best friends
What rot must be a hard old bat.
Shit, I’m 26 and still cuddle up on my dad at times
Dude…of course dad should cuddle his children.
That’s like saying mom can’t cuddle kids
I am so sick of these stupid posts about weither a dad and child can do this or that…smh
Your mom needs to mind her own business
I still snuggle my 11 year old son. He is my baby and always will be. It is not sexual until someone sexualizes it! Your mom is the one making inappropriate.
Josh Koegler this is ridiculous.
It’s normal for any age to snuggle there parent
Nope they are bonding
I’m 20 n cuddle both my parents
Um…no…not weird at all. that’s totally normal hunny.
Tell your mom to shut up. Lol
Your mom needs to be cut out. That toxic shit will only cause problems.
Not everything is sexual. Not everyone has serious mental issues. But pushing a child away, not creating a loving bond CREATES mental issues!! Show a child love and attention.
Is it weird if you cuddle your child?..didn’t think so.
Wtf. Its 100% normal. Your mom has issues.
Well your mum needs help with parental education
My daughter always cuddled with her daddy
Wow. Would it be inappropriate for 5 year old to cuddle mom on the couch? Sounds like there is something wrong with your mom for making it weird.
Tell your mom mind her business
Are you serious? Tell your mum to go jump.
Why would it be inappropriate to cuddle your child ?
Honestly these questions are getting dumber by the day.
I don’t see a problem with this at all.
My 13 year still cuddles up on the couch to have movie night with dad. Your mom is not right for trying to sexualize a parent spending quality time with their child.
Wow my almost 7 yr old calls her daddy cuddles because she says I don’t cuddle right! She is a huge daddy’s girl and I would hate to see the fall put of I told my husband and my daughter they needed to stop cuddling.
Yes it’s normal that’s her dad
Wtf is wrong with mom!?! I mean damn!!
No. It’s not weird or inappropriate.
Last I knew it’s loving and comforting your child I’m 35 and still snuggle my parents I hope whenever my kids are older they know they can come cuddle and talk about their problems anytime
I cuddled my dad all the time when I was young.
With all do respect your mom is an idiot. There’s nothing wrong with a child cuddling with a parent
Not appropriate at all unless the dad is a weirdo who shouldn’t be around young children. There should be no age limit on cuddling your kid.
Wow. Just wow.
Your mom as fucking issues
Anyone who think it’s weird or inappropriate needs some help!!
How on earth is basic affection between a parent and child inappropriate? Your mom needs help
Umm nooo… I used to cuddle my stepdad on the couch watching tv or even while he watched his shows when I was around that age… heck right up until i myself “grew”out of it!! Whoever thinks something is wrong with that has there own issue they need to work thru!!
I cuddle with my 9 year old boy on the couch and the bed and there is nothing wrong with it. They are your child!!!
I used to sit on my dad’s lap in his recliner watching tv…
I mean I didn’t have a strong relationship because he wasn’t always around because of traveling job.
But it seems your momma has a dirty mind.
Hell…I still cuddle with my mom sometimes and Im in my 30s
Thats so stupid. Stop being brainwashed
Now snuggling is one thing…
It’s another to be in a bed with an adult male that sleeps alone usually snuggling with a lil girl… IDK there’s totally innocent things, but there’s also weirdo s…
Your mom’s ideas need to stay out of your home if she believes that it’s inappropriate for children and parents to cuddle! It is ok at any age, at any time and she should be ashamed of thinking that it’s inappropriate unless she can prove otherwise!!!
This world has gone crazy!
Your mums a idiot
More like don’t let your mother around the kid
What the actual??!! Is this a serious question?? Surely not
My son is 6 amd cuddles me the time on the couch amd sometimes he will jump into the bed with me and his daddy
OMG, your mom has a problem if she thinks thats anything but innocent. The idea of her Sexualizing a parents relationship with their child is a red flag!
Also, last time my dad got out of the hospital I laid on the bed next to him and held his hand. But don’t tell your mom that. She might have a heart attack.
Hold your children!!!
Your mom needs to mind her business my 6 year old snd 4 year old still cuddle with they’re dad is it inappropriate if you do it let me guess no or if you did it with you r daughter I don’t have girls but I guarantee I would think it was adorable why do people need to sexualize things thsts his babies thsts ehsts weird
Your mother’s reaction is inappropriate!
Nothing wrong with cuddling your kids!
Last week someone asked a similar question. I think this page looks at questions that has lots of engagement and then posts it again. In fact, I am pretty sure this is a fictious question because no one can be this stupid in life.
DO NOT DENY THEIR RELATIONSHIP:clap:t2: There is absolutely zero issue with a child cuddling with their father at ANY age.
I’m so tired of seeing questions like this fr. If you ever think your partner is capable of this then you obviously have the wrong partner! I have a 5yo girl, 3yo boy and 1yo girl and if their dad (who im divorced from) co slept with any of them or cuddled with any of them the last thing I would think is that it’s inappropriate or that he must be doing something inappropriate because I know he’s not that type of person and he wouldn’t do that to any kids at all because he’s not a pedophile. So maybe take a long hard look and ask yourself why you even have to wonder this!
I’m 38 and still cuddle up to my dad when I need that closeness.
My son is 8.5yrs old and cuddles often with me.
Humans are social creatures…like what!?!
Sounds like grandma needs to mind her business🤷.
Good Lord. Is this a real question?
The fk did I just read.
What the actual fuck is wrong with people I’m sorry for my language but come on already… my husband & I have 4 kids, 3 are girls & 1 boy. My girls cuddle their daddy 90% of the time they’d rather play with him bc he’s the “fun” parent but my son, that’s a mamas boy, so would anyone question him snuggling me ? His mom? It is INSANE to me how everyone has something to say about a daddy being a DADDY! If he weren’t around it’d still be an issue
How cold must that feel to not be able to cuddle with your children. I’ll cuddle them as long as I can. One day they won’t want and you’ll miss those days. This goes the same for both moms and dads and it’s sad if anyone thinks there is a difference.
I got pics of me and my dad on the couch together and i believe I was 5 it’s not inappropriate
My daughter cuddles with her dad when she’s sick. There’s nothing wrong with it
How is that even a question?!
When how and why would it be inappropriate for a child to cuddle there father?! What a stupid question
Nothing wrong with cuddling with dad at any age!!! Snuggling up on the couch watching a movie or whatever is absolutely normal! I’m 35 and I’d still snuggle with my dad if given the chance lol I’m a daddy’s girl and that’s ok!
My son would give anything to be able to cuddle his daddy. He doesn’t get that opportunity anymore…
There’s nothing wrong with showing your child love an affection, I think it’s the most important thing you can have from your parents. Enjoy it while you can, you never know when the day will come that you won’t have that opportunity anymore
Oh for goodness sake the world has gone completely loony.
Your mother is crazy. My husband cuddled all 5 of our children way past age 5 or 6 yrs old.
My son is 5 and sleeps with me every night by daughter is 9 and she knows my bed is her bed as well
That fact that she’s sexualizing a dad cuddling his child is weird, unless she has a reason to suspect something is wrong… I would ask why it makes her uncomfortable.
I used to cuddle with my dad on the couch when we would take naps. I thought no I was about 5 or 6
Um…Your Mom needs to get some Help.
Why Would it be wrong for a 5 year old to snuggle with Dad? Its her dad… Is it wrong for her to snuggle with you? As a parent you are a childs comfort zone… This is sad…