Is it normal for a grown man to kiss his mom/grandma on the lips?

Totally normal. One side of my family is super kissy and lovie and the other side not as much. I even kiss my MIL, totally not weird.


Girl thatā€™s him mom and grandma. That is literally where he came from. I kiss my mom and grandma on the lips. Why are you getting weirded out about kisses?


that wouldā€™ve weirded me out. i donā€™t even give/receive cheek or head kisses from my family & neither does my SO itā€™s just creepy let alone on the lips LMFAO! but to each their own


because you didnā€™t grow up in a loving family isnā€™t a reason for you to be disgusted by what your bf did. Wow. Affection differs for every person, every family. You should be glad he shows his affection!!!


Yes it is actually normal especially in Hispanic culture


I give my grandparents kisses on the mouth. Except now Covid.

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Just depends on the family. My family doesnā€™t. Not my cup of tea but itā€™s definitely normal for some. Depends on the culture and ethnicity of the family too sometimes. I wouldnā€™t be weirded out by a peck though.


My husband does to his mom and dad. Itā€™s a quick peck and hug. Every family is different. Not weird or awkward. My family doesnā€™t kiss much, but we do hug.


I feel like once the kids hit double digits the lips are off limits. I had a bf in college and his mom kissed him on the lips. Super weird and made me uncomfortable. And I do come from a very close-knit and loving family. Super weird.

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Italian people do this


In our family it is. Normal

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Itā€™s normal, I personally donā€™t like it and my family knows it but they still kiss each other on the lipsā€¦I pass.

Iā€™ve never seen an adult kiss their family on the lips. Just kiss cheeks/ touch cheeks.


I have gave my children a kiss on their lips. Itā€™s all in a persons mine Wheater you have a dirty mine or not.


Very normal. I kiss my mom on the lips

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Nothing wrong with this get your minds out of the gutter FFS

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My family we do it is just how we were raised.


Lots of cultures do this. Itā€™s pretty normal actually. Iā€™m Puerto Rican and we do this all the time.

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Iā€™m 46 and my 2 sisters and brother all kiss my parents and each other on the lips itā€™s how we were raised

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My family does that.

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Normal in many families.


My brother kisses me and my sister and were all adults, its just a peck but hes done it since we were little, my dad isnā€™t that way but my mom is sometimes, so yeah, its not weird unless someone makes it weird imo.

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Its weird to me :person_shrugging: I dont kiss my kids on the lips. But hey ,to each its own. Dont think to much about it some people were raised that way. I guess you dont have to like it. My advice is to not make him feel weird about it maybe he was raised that way .Idk.

Definitely normal for some families.

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Lots of people do this. Not my family , but Iā€™ve known quite a few people who come from families like that.

I kiss my mom on the lips sometimes. Itā€™s nothing sexual at least it shouldnā€™t be seen that way. I think we all have different normalities & thatā€™s just their normalā¤ļø.


For some its normal for some its not. Real question is: can YOU handle this type of normal?

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Definitely not the norm. With Corona virus running around I suppose they are not afraid.

Iā€™m 22 and still kiss my mom on the lips :woman_shrugging:t2:

Itā€™s pretty normal in my family. I meanā€¦ my one year old shows affection by hugging and giving kisses and he was never really taught to do that. His kisses of course are more along the lines of trying to eat your face at the moment, but he tries. Lol

My daughter always does that .sheā€™s 28 now .and donā€™t care where she is if shes leaving itā€™s a kiss on lips and an I LOVE U Mom

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Its weird for me, but whatā€™s weird for me isnā€™t for weird for others. And vice versa :woman_shrugging:

Every family is different . I know adults who do this and I know kids (such as myself) who no longer wanna do that and kiss them on the cheek . I used to kiss my parents on the lips but then the older I got it changed cause I guess we all just felt better that way , but I donā€™t feel like thereā€™s anything wrong or disgusting about it .

Yes itā€™s fucking wierd!!! I donā€™t even kiss my baby on the lips! Cheek is sufficient

Iā€™ll give my momma a kiss on her forehead or cheek but even thatā€™s iffyā€‹:woman_shrugging: my toddlers like to give mouth kisses and it grosses me out cause well boogersā€‹:woman_shrugging::rofl:

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It is normal for other people. Im native American and we show no emotion or express it. My BF grew up kissing his Mom and Grandma on the lips it also weirded me out but obviously got over it. He actually taught me to be more affectionate.

Some kiss on lips in my family some donā€™t depends on what people are comfortable within their own body

Yep, we do in our family! Just siblings to parents/grandparents; definitely not sibling to sibling.

I wish my Granny and Grandaddy was still here so I could give them a kiss!


Never did it with my parents. Only my youngest does it with me.

As many people have already said, it is quite normal for a lot of familyā€™s. Just depends on how you were raised and cultures. We are huggers in my family. But I see nothing wrong with it.

I know a lot of people who do.

I find that normal but my husband finds it weird. Different for everyone x

When we were younger yes! But as adults, no we kiss cheek or the top of the head etc. my boys are still babies and I do give them a kiss! But I donā€™t expect that to continue as they age into young men

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Iā€™m 27 I still kiss my mum & dad on the lips thatā€™s normal for me but my partner doesnā€™t hug or kiss his mum at all and I find that weird :woman_shrugging:t3:


Some do, some donā€™t. Very normal for some families


I kiss my mom/dad siblings and grandmas on the lips. Always been normal in my family, even as adults. I did stop kissing my uncles and aunts like that when I was grown but everyone else it just never seems weird.

Its normal! alot of people and families grow up doing it and they really probley donā€™t even know there doing it we did it in our family still do my husband brought it up after we first got together it was just such a habit or something we did when we said goodbye we didnā€™t even pay attention to it. Its normal its only weird if someone makes it weird.


I kiss my mom on the lips. Iā€™m pretty sure my brothers do too. :thinking: Weā€™re an affectionate family. Itā€™s normal for us.


I kiss my mom and grandma on the lips, always have. The only thing weird about it to me is they have thin lips and mine are fuller. Feels like Iā€™m about to swallow their face lol. I kissed my dad on the lips too until he passed away, not very often but nothing felt weird about it.

I am 44 and kiss both of my parents on the lips and both of my childhood girlfriendsā€¦its quite normal

:face_with_monocle: of course its normal

I think most men wouldnā€™t

depends on the family

Yā€™all shouldnā€™t be mouth kissing anyway, corona!

I find that odd but everyone is different. I guess itā€™s just how u were brought up. Even as babies my hubby wonā€™t kiss on the lips. I dont after like age 3 maybe 4 and I have all girls.

This post just made me leave the group. Yā€™all are some seriously hateful people. Itā€™s not normal for my family or anyone I have ever known for that matter. If itā€™s normal for you, so be it; but the amount of nasty comments coming from people is absurd! You canā€™t hide an ugly heart, and some of yā€™all are hideous


I would feel weird doing it, but Iā€™ve met a lot of people that do it.

Is he from the south cause we kiss our mommas on the lips

I donā€™t care what anyone says itā€™s a 100% a no from me. Others do different and thatā€™s on them. I just ā€¦ummmmā€¦nope

no hun that is disgusting they normalized confusion and uncomfortableness

a lot of researched have advice mothers not to kiss your own children on the lips bcs it confuses them yes it really does they grow up having really intense problem itā€™s their sensitive area and it connects to many other things so please be careful doing this to your own children donā€™t be abusive and think u have rights to a body just bcs u birthed it


Def not normal for us around here where Iā€™m from.

Reading all these comments saying itā€™s normal? Has me feeling uneasy, to each those own but damn :nauseated_face::face_vomiting: i think itā€™s okay if itā€™s your child and just a quick little peck and keep it pushing but being a whole grown ass adult kissing them on the lips? Thatā€™s weird af.

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If you are disgusted by a peck on the mouth among family, you are in the wrong family


Depends honestly. If theyre close and some families still do this - its not sexual its literally just like me kissing my grandpa on the cheek. Some families are super close and have such an amazing bond. Dont over think it and dont make it out to be something its not.


No. IMO thatā€™s not normal at all. Iā€™m Hispanic and have lots of family. I have never seen this done. Just stated that because I seen a comment that said Hispanics do this. WE DONā€™T.

Our family is from the south,we have lip kissed family members on the lips for generations,didnā€™t kill any of us I donā€™t think. So yes itā€™s normal, if your uncomfortable with it simply pass on it but donā€™t be offensive


My whole family does but on the cheek. We greet with a kiss and a hug I have seen many friends families do it too. Itā€™s actually pretty common.
Now that we are older obviously itā€™s more of a cheek thing but my grandparents still kiss me on my lips :woman_shrugging:
If you werenā€™t raised in a super lovey family or that way. I could see how it could be weird but itā€™s only weird if you make it weird lol nothing sexual about it.


That is NOT normal at all. Ew.


It all depends on how it was done. But for alot of cultures and families a small peck is normal.


Not normal. I donā€™t even kiss my 16mo on the mouth


In some regions, familys, cultures, it is normal. Thereā€™s a difference between a quick peck on the lips and long lingering kiss though.


Yes, in some families this is normal.


Yesā€¦ yes it is normal. Unless it was an extended/tongue kiss :roll_eyes:


my dad always did to any female relatives. I had to have my momma talk to him about be not being comfortable with it. It was always a peck, and didnā€™t really bother me until I had a boyfriend, and then I was done with it. Itā€™s pretty normal.


In some countries even guys kiss on the cheek, the double sided kiss kind ā€¦ It seems like a cultural thing/way raised


I kiss my family. Its Normal to me. I also say I love you when we greet and say goodbyešŸ˜˜


In some families it is normal for a little peck. Its how they were raised.


Yup! I still kiss my mama!


I still do. Both my parents too. Itā€™s the way I was raised. I donā€™t find it weird at all.


You know what I think it is awesome they have a close relationship to be able to do this. They are not tonguing each other. My husband asked this question and I do not think there anything wrong with it as long as both parties are comfortable with and thatā€™s there way of showing love for there mom grandma dad or grandpa. One day they wont have them around anymore show such love


This is totally normal. Some families have different levels of ā€œintamacyā€ that shows love. I still kiss my mom on the lips amd Iā€™m 20. And everyone in my family is that way. Itā€™s just like a hug. Nothing weird till you make it weird


Im 33 and kiss both my parents on the lips when I see them.


I think its lovely that they are that close and have such a loving affectionate bond x


In some families that is completely normal. Personally I find it icky, but itā€™s not sexual or anything.

Yes itā€™s normal for many. Why sexualize it?


Absolutely normal in some families!


For my family it was very normal. My mom and grandma kissed my great grandma on the lips until she died. To me it was weird and uncomfortable so I avoided lips but everyone just kissed great grams on the lips.

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I havenā€™t kissed my parents on the lips since I was a very little girl, and donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever kissed my grandparents anywhere but the cheek ā€¦ So to ME, no way eeew


If anyone thinks itā€™s ā€œnot normalā€ itā€™s because they were probably raised with lack of love and affection. Sad really!


I kissed my grandpa on the lips until the day he died

he was more of my dad

iā€™d give anything to give him another kiss, so yes itā€™s perfectly normal


Normal for someā€¦ I guess?
Very strange and completely not normal for me. :flushed:

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Depends some do some donā€™t

People need to realize thereā€™s more worlds than just yours. This is where ignorance comes in. What nots right for you doesnā€™t mean its wrong for others.
I myself dont do it but I wouldnā€™t shun someone else for doing it.


That would freak me out. A lot.


Totally normal! I still kiss my dad on the lips and Iā€™m 32


Yes itā€™s normal if itā€™s a peck

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Its grossā€¦ sweet but gross

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My bf family do it with my daughter. I find it weird and now she expects me to do it. I do it but still find it weird

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