It’s called a phantom cry. It’s normal. You either get used to hearing a cry, so itll come up (which can also happen with other things, living with my parents they called my name all the time and then I moved away and would hear them call my name every once in a while😂). Or you’re just anticipating it. You’re not crazy, just a momma thing. Happened to my mom with me and my siblings
I heard mine every time I got in the shower. Either you are normal or we’re both crazy.
I’m a new grandma of 2, mother of 2. I hear the babies cry frequently. I’ll run to check, they’re sound asleep! So it happens to new grandparents as well!
Probably did cry out a little and then settle back down! Normal!!!
Was normal for me to hear my baby cry every time i got in the shower only to find him sound asleep
Totally normal. I still think i hear a baby crying when my youngest is 5 lol.
So normal!! When are older you will think you hear them calling you from another room. Welcome to motherhood.
I think it’s called, “Mother’s Ear” and it’s normal. Try to relax.
My hubby and I have 7 kids. I really think this is normal. It was this way with all 7 of our babies.
I’m a gramma of 9, 4 kids,still hear crying when they nap…go ck on them their sound asleep. Instincts never go away. Mama bear syndrome. Of course, 2 of them are like tornado sirens.
As a new mother your senses are heightned, not crazy. You’re normal!
I still imagine I hear them cry and their 46, 43 and 30 it never leaves you.
This is something you should talk to your Dr. about. I had similar issues with my son
That’s called mommy ears. Your just want to constantly keep your baby safe.
Normal and still happens to me even though my kids are almost adults
If you care that much, stop smoking. Baby inhales on your clothes. Dangerous. And sleep on same level. Grow up….you actually need a babysitter the second week so you can nap?
I agree with all of these comments, I went through it as well when my daughter was an infant.
its ok i used to hear my daughter cry when she was new baby its a mother thing
Happens to a ton of people especially when they are going to sleep or attempting to take a shower
Had it with all 5 and when I took care of grandchildren also.
Its your instinct. I just recently had my first baby too and I do the same thing.
You know your baby’s cry anywhere and it is so ingrained that you may imagine it. Also if you breast feed any baby’s cry will let it down. I think it is a special gift for moms !
Its normal. Babies do make noises when then sleep. And as brand new Mom’s… We hardly sleep and think we are hearing them. Breathe Mama!
They’re called phantom cries. It’s a very real thing for mother’s especially, with hormonal changes that effect your nervous system.
Hearing the crying is normal. Stepping out for a cigarette should not be happening. Just quit.
Honey first off congratulations. You made a little human. That’s amazing. Second don’t you dare think you are crazy for caring so much that you can’t even try to relax with out him by your side. Thirdly its all part of the process. You are a new mom and your baby is on your mind 24/7. You are more exhausted at this point than you have ever been in your life. So hearing your baby when he isn’t crying is your subconscious remembering your baby. Its normal and will pass. Get some rest and when you need a break take one. Make sure you have someone that can help whenever you need it. Don’t be tuff and push yourself. Make sure baby is good and step out of the room. You got this your not crazy your mommy.
I have 3 kids 8,6, and 2, went out to dinner for my bday on Sat, just me and Hubby, swore I heard my 6yr old.
As newborns whenever I took a shower while they napped I swore I heard them crying. Would rush out, and they were alseep. Not crazy just a mom lol
Your on the same way length. Enjoy just don’t drive yourself crazy or nuts. Consider it a before it happens alarm. Gives you time to organize your thoughts or get that bottle ready. My mother and I enjoy it as adults. We just know when to call the other one.
I’m a grandmother and when I’m around my kids babies I hear phantom cries.
This has happened to me as a grandma and my son n law…not weird.
No its instinct and your brain being being on alert!! No worries its totally normal
I think it is normal to think or feel your baby needs something.
Heard it with my first and now again with our twins. I think it’s just ‘mom senses’ always check and most of the time no crying baby to be found.
You arent crazy, you are a new mom and very anxious. It will get better.
It’s perfectly normal. I used to do this when I was asleep or in the shower!
I hear that sometimes.
I dunno if it’s normal because I’m not normal.
If you’re concerned, mention it to your dr at your post partum visit. But I think it’s pretty normal.
Yes. They are called Phantom Cries.
This is so so normal. Happened with all 3 of my kiddos as young babies. Everytime you go to relax or shower or anything itll happen. 9 times out of 10 they were sleeping peacefully.
It’s normal, especially at that mind blurring newborn stage. Especially in the shower lol. You’ll get through it
Normal girl I do it all the time with my grandsons.
Well my kids are 11 and 9 and I swear I hear them saying “mom” and stuff and they aren’t… It’s just part of being a mommy… Welcome to the club
It’s normal with new babies. Happened with my now 12 year old.
Phantom cries…totally normal.
Babysitter or not that monitor would be on!!!
I heard my husband calling me after he passed away???
Its completely normal I did this with all 3 of mine
You’re on alert,and new mom sensitive, imagine still being that way 37 years later.
Is it possible your monitor could be picking up a neighbor’s ? I’ve heard of that happening.
I’d be more concerned with new baby and you are smoking. And your baby is only 2 weeks old.
You could be on the same frequency as someone else’s baby monitor?
Perfectly normal. It will stop eventually.
That is the way mamas are for the first child
It’s the first mom jitters
It’s just like phantom phone vibrations, your mom senses are tingling
Happen to me as well they wouldn’t even be home and I would hear them
Yep, you’re a certifiable nut bag. Lol. ( just kidding, I swear ) The real answer is that this is completely normal, especially with being a brand new mommy. Don’t worry, it gets easier. Good luck and congratulations.
I would sometimes wake my baby up because I felt like she slept too long
You’re normal momma, or we’re all crazy together😂
Keep him close they stop breathing die of Sid we lose a four month little boy
I did the same thing. I promise it will get better:+1:t3:
Mommy ears my doctor told
Me it might mean I’m stress and exhausted
Go figure new mom lol
It’s normal! You’re a great Mom!
I think I hear my kids yell mom and I answer they look at me like I’m crazy, lol
It happens to all of us and normal.
Normal new mommy anxiety. Happens to many of us.
This is you being a concern new mother
Reminds me of one of those nanny movies. Get rid of the nanny shes messing with your head
New momma paranoia. Every good momma experiences this.
Totally normal. Relax and enjoy your newborn.
It happens…nothing wrong with you
Thats means u need a babysitter and take a break for the night
New mommy jitters perfectly normal
Talk to your ob could be ppd
Sleep deprivation, you just need some rest
One of those motherhood things! Very common
Phantom crying happens all the time
Used to happen to me all the time.
Dream. Maybe a waking dream. Don’t worry. You aren’t crazy! Yet.
I don’t care how tired u r. If u think u hear. CHECK
I still wake up in the night thinking my 3 year old is sometimes. It was so so bad when he was young. But yes very normal.
Sleep deprivation is real.
Definitely normal.
It is completely normal and common
I’m a seasoned mom of 4 ranging in age from 20 to 5 months and I still think I hear my baby cry sometimes and he is out cold.
It’s normal ! No worries momma !
And this won’t go away for many many years
Welcome to motherhood …
I have a 5 month old and I call it “phantom baby cries”. I usually wait a minute to really focus on my surroundings, and make sure she is crying, before I get up. I get phantom baby kicks in my tummy too. It’s weird, but I think it’s normal .
Could be a warning. Stay close to your baby.
It’s perfectly normal, but if it worries you, talk to your childs pediatrician or your family doctor.
Normal, don’t worry. Happens often.
Happens to me all the time
Normal. Even when older you’ll think you still hear them.
There could be sound waves in the air that you are hearing…left over from the last time!?
It’s new mommyitis. Totally normal!
First child nature mate don’t stree your not crazy lol
Be glad you are home. If you work in a hospital nursery or daycare center, you hear babies crying all of the time
That happened with my first baby. It’s like some kind of new mommy brain fog.