That is completely normal!
In fact my girls is 7 and I swear I can hear her calling me sometimes and every time I go to her she’s fast asleep
This will happen for the rest of your life. Especially when your in the shower. Even when your baby isn’t actually even in the house. It’s a mum thing x
Phantom cries yeah they happen. I swear hear my 5 year old shout on us in the night sometimes even when she’s sleeping out!
My youngest is 2 and I still swear I hear him crying some nights and I run up the stairs as fast as I can and he’s fast asleep normal motherly instinct xx
Perfectly normal! It’s becoming a mother. Your protective instincts are telling you not to leave your baby. That’s all, and all a mother should feel. Phantom cries are a real thing. I found it with both of mine. Settles down once you’ve managed to get into a routine x
My kids are 12 and 10, I still hear them crying sometimes when I’m in the shower or am outside. I have to sit back and think about it
Completely normal, and when they get older everytime you hear a child say “mum” you’ll turn round, even when it’s not your child…
It’s definitely a mom thing. It’s scary at first because I thought I was going insane when it happened to me.
I hear mine when he’s not even with me
My kids are 3 and 14m, I do this alllll theeee timeeee!
Oh god yes I remember those days
My girls are 5 and 1 and I still here them even though they are fast asleep in bed.
I don’t have children and I have this with all my friends babies, I will think the baby is crying and go to see them peaceful x
I could hear my 6 year old having a bad dream early hours Sunday morning went into her bedroom to then remind myself she’s sleeping in my mother’s it’s a mam thing x
Yup totally normal especially if in shower or drying your hair. Or watching a programme on TV downstairs.
My son is eleven and I still think I hear him crying
I still do the same with my 4 year old, especially when I’m in the shower.
This is totally normal I used to think I heard mine too,you are not going crazy just a muma
When my niece was with me i use to swear i heard her cry and went into the bedroom to find her sound asleep
Its your mind getting you use to hearing his cries to take care of him.
Just a mamma tiger listening out for her cub . Your hormones will still be through the roof. I’m sure it’s very normal x
Normal. That’s just from lack of sleep and stress from everything
Yep I’ve now got that if there is a slight doubt In my mind i just stand and listen for a few mins
Yep. I used to always hear my babies cry as soon as i stepped in the shower, they never ever were. Think its just a mum instinct xx
Yup I get this with my 2yr old. It gets easier and quicker to realise.
i hear it too, that’s normal
Always in the bath tub
Constantly mine are 7 and 3 lol x
I am so glad someone asked this i thought I was losing my shit with me thinking I can hear my children crying or shouting me good to know its normal!
I use to wake an hour before he wanted feeding
Libi Arthur Day saw this and thought of you xx
Normal. I still wake up in the middle of the night thinking he is calling for me…and he’s 13
Its completely normal as a first time mom lol. My little girl is 3 and I still hear her crying in my imagination sometimes
Welcome to motherhood. It drives us crazy, but we love it. Yes, we “hear things” (our children crying out to us when they don’t). Yes, we are dependable…and dependant…its so darn hard to leave our kids in the care of someone else. And yes, there is nothing like it when they are in our arms!!!
Totally normal. My mom called them “ghost cries”
sometimes i confuse my cat meowing with my kids crying. Lol Its bizarre!
But nothing to worry about, its just those “mommy senses” kicking in.
I think this is perfectly normal. I experienced this with my daughter when she was a baby. She’s a grown-up now. I think it’s because you are attuned to your baby’s needs. Did you ever hear your phone ring, but it isn’t? It’s because your mind wants to be aware of what is going on around you. Very normal, no worries.
This happened to me when I had my first baby. Come to find out the monitor was picking up another baby’s cry that lived nearby… same frequency on the monitor!
First time parent training. Not enough sleep, no personal space, the CIA took lessons from newborns in cognitive retraining
100% normal from what I’ve experienced. Now that my kids are older I always think I hear them calling out “mom”… especially when I’m in the shower! Haha drives me nuts.
Normal,and so is hearing mum being said when your kids have grown up and left
Everyday! All the time. It’s just instinct for me I think. Love/hate for sure.
It’s phantom crying … it happens a lot and super common !! Especially in new moms !!
This is a mom thing. Its going to happen a lot especially when your in the shower.
Everymom has ran ass naked out of the bathroom convinced the baby is crying.
My daughter is 16mnths old and I still hear Phantom crying when I’m in the shower or when I’m busy doing something and she’s asleep.
Totally normal.
It’s normal. I also wake up a lot to make sure baby is breathing because I’m afraid of sids, I’ve done this with both my kids
Every time I shower I “hear” her crying
Very normal. Typical new baby paranoia lol. Had it happen with all 3 of mine (11, 10, and 9 months). Even still I think I hear my youngest crying and she will be sound asleep or think I hear one of the oldest calling me but they didn’t. Nothing’s wrong with you, it’s a mom/parent thing.
Ghost baby! We had one in our old house when my twins were babies. We’d hear crying, go check on them and they’re asleep or not making any noise. Multiple times with several people hearing these cries simultaneously.
It’s just you and the baby imprinting on one another… You’re not crazy… It’s just a new mom thing we all go through… After all you were closer than close for 9 months, your bond is strong
I would not leave him with the sitter for maybe a few weeks. Observe him carefully to see if you hear crying.
That happened to me ALOT with my 3rd baby but only him for some reason i never had that happen with my other 3 kids
My daughter is nearly 3 and there are nights she’s at grandparents and ill swear I hear her in the middle of the night… its just being a mom
Natural instinct. For the first 2-4 years you’re going to be on high alert constantly about your child. There’s no more deep sleep. Your instincts are not to leave the baby alone, if you are sleeping they are what’s waking you up.
Momma’s ‘high alert’ instinct. It will relax a bit as you learn each other’s patterns. Enjoy.
Normal. Give yourself time.
Happened to me with my daughter when she was born. I was exhausted. Sleep deprivation had me hearing AND seeing things.
after bringing my first baby home when i wud go to washroom the squeek of the spongy washroom slippers felt like my baby’s cry and so i would hurry back to the room to find him fast asleep
Or sleep deprivation got you hearing all types of things. I don’t know if it ever stops
VERY normal.
My kid is 5, I still think i hear her crying when she’s not.
Hahahahahahhahaha welcome to motherhood. Enjoy hearing phantom baby cries for the next 50 years
I’m 52 years old… youngest is 28… I still hear that randomly when I’m in the shower
I can still tell you when one of my girls are upset including my nieces …
This will happen, for the rest of your life, even if your kids aren’t home
No your not losing it , it’s normal it’s nerves
Google ‘Phantom cries’
Welcome to mother Hood x
Honey I still hear my daughter and she’s 47.
Welcome to motherhood!
Could be mama brain could be a haunting could be mental illness. Go to the doctor where we are qualified not the internet with a bunch of googlers
(No offense) it could be nothing it could be something point is no one here can tell you anything other than what they experience which is irrelevant to what you experience. GO TO THE DOCTOR PLEASE
Very normal. my youngest is 18 and last one living home. I still go in and check on her at night.
Phantom cries. It’s completely normal.
Its called Mothers instinc
My oldest is 38 & I still hear his baby cry. Its part of the miraculous wondrous journey called motherhood. I love it, as I never want to forget someone I love unconditionally needing me…
It’s a mom thing. Especially with your first. You’re not crazy. You’re being very attentive.
Yup my kid is 3 and sometimes when he napping I hear him calling me. It’s so weird
You’re going to go through all kinds of craziness until your hormones balance out. I had to move mine into her crib while I was cooking for the first 4 months because I was afraid I’d accidentally put her in the oven.
Not normal but normal, i’ ve experienced that also…consciousnesses was active!
Yeah he was crying cause he got to smell that killer cigarette in your breath smdh.
Lol welcome to motherhood. We all experience the phantom cries. Especially in the shower
You are hearing a baby cry. Is it an old house?
I hear crazy shit all the time. Thinking you’re hearing your child is just instinct.
your probally overly exhausted…take you a good nap moma at least a 3hr nap.good luck!
That’s normal. Congratulations. Welcome to motherhood😊.
Maybe your house is haunted.
Yep completely normal
You may need a nanny cam
I’ve just had my seventh child he’s 9 months old and I still hear phantom cries and even with my other Littles sometimes when they’re not here I can swear I hear them playing upstairs or someone got hurt and is crying
Its normal. Mine usually happened when I put my son down and went to take a shower, I would always hear him. I learned to take a few minutes and really listen and usually when I focused I wasn’t hearing anything.
I don’t know if it’s “normal” or not but I did it too! I think it’s just our brains realizing that we have a big responsibility and need to be ready to take care of out new little baby. I think its the same part of our barin that wakes us up in the middle of the night wondering if we set out alarms. Itll get better as you baby gets older and you get more used to the schedule
Not abnormal. You are just getting your first lessons in Mommahood. Soon you will be able to distinguish your baby’s cry from the others in the room.
This happened to me when my son was tiny. It’s very disconcerting, however you are not crazy, just anxious for his safety. Perfectly normal, many do and many don’t hear this, it’s ok either way. Relax and don’t worry.
When my son was an infant, he was asleep and my husband and I were trying for some “alone time” (would’ve been first time since he was born) and first I thought I heard him crying so I got up to check. Still sound asleep. A bit later my husband thinks he hears him so he gets up to check, still asleep. Like 10 minutes later, we both hear him and this time he was wide awake and crying his head off. My husband picks him up, looks at him and says “I never figured my own son would be such a c*ck block!”
If you start feeling, thinking, seeing, hearing anything that is not normal (baby crying is for new moms) GET HELP!!! I had post-partum psychosis with my daughter 16 years ago and that is no joke. I had to be hospitalized. But my daughter and I are here and doing well thanks to me getting treated right away
Totally normal for a first time mom when my son was born (first child) I used to take him in his bouncer to the shower with me because there were numerous times I thought I heard him screaming and crying only to run out of the shower with shampoo still in my hair and find he’s sleeping peacefully. It does get better
I have grandchildren and every once in a while it still happens to me. I think sometimes it’s just our mom hearing kicking in to high gear. Trust me you need it when the child hits teenage years
Normal. I didnt hear the crying thing but I did wake up about 400 times a night to check if they were still breathing.
This is a normal thing for a lot of new moms. I use to think I would hear my daughter cry and I would go to check on her and nothing. If it’s not a normal thing, well you are not a long.
Not weird. Think its just mom brain or intuition. When my son was 3 years old he was at preschool. I, same thing, kept hearing crying and i knew it was HIS cry. So weird i thought. I decided just call and check on him. They said " oh well, he actually just fell and scraped his knee and was crying". So i thought it was just my mama intuition letting me know.