This happened to me with all three of my kids. I also woke up a billion times a night thinking they must have quit breathing and had to check on them. They’re now 9, 12, and 19… and I will hear them yell “mom” and go running just to find no one said mom!
My first baby was very premature and spent six weeks in intensive care. After she had been home maybe two months I was out across the farm, some distance away and distinctly heard her crying. Rushed back to the house and she was sleeping soundly. Glad to hear it’s normal.
This happened to me. I started calling it “phantom crying”. As soon as I got in the shower, tried to get some rest, etc. I’d hear him wailing, only to find him perfectly fine. I assume it was due to fatigue and stress
At least your in tune to listening for your baby crying even though hes not.I always imagined my children crying and would get up several times and they were sound asleep. It’s a new parent thing.
I still think I hear my babies crying, and they are now grown adults and doing fine! I also get very concerned when I am somewhere and hear a baby cry, or when I hear a child cry “mommy”. My ears automatically perk up and I get worried. It’s very hard to turn off being a mom.
Completely normal! We are always so hyper aware of baby crying and listen for it at all times that sometimes our brains give us what we expect.
You are completely normal! Welcome to motherhood - you will now hear EVERY LITTLE SOUND. You will sense when things are off, just a little bit. You will never be the same…in the most wonderful way. You will be exhausted and at the end of your rope…and you will raise good human beings <3
My first cried a lot -at night so I could not get sleep, so when the second one came and never cried unless he needed a diaper change or he was hungry, I was always checking on him. I was afraid I would find him dead. I worried so bad that I was afraid I would never raise him-that he would die. I was afraid to love him! He is 59 years old now. I worried for nothing.
I have birthed 3 children and helped raise several others. The youngest is 8 and I still hear babies crying sometimes or hear one call mommy in the middle of the night. It’s just my brain being my crazy brain.
Perfectly normal I use to think I heard my Son crying but he wasn’t be within 2 minutes of me waking up so did he I think it was mothers intuition
I used to constantly think I heard my babies crying. I think 1- I was exhausted 2- I was just on such a high alert. Now my kids are 10 & 13 and I hear them arguing and fighting when they really aren’t lol. Same reasons.
Had my first baby at 37 (she will be TWO in a couple days) she was a preemie and I didn’t get to take her home for ten days. But when I brought her home, I kept thinking I heard her crying. Nope. It’s a completely normal thing
You are not crazy it is just that being a mom is a big change and a big responsibility and your mind is still overwhelmed with the newness of it all. It will get better in time.
I think your brain is just trying to train itself to recognize a new thing you have to learn. Don’t panic, babies do cry & it won’t hurt them if you don’t get to them immediately. Best of luck Mama !
It might just be wise to talk to your doctor. Auditory hallucinations can be a big warning sign of postpartum psychosis. It could just be exhaustion, but to be on the safe side, I’d talk to your doctor about it. Especially if it’s causing you distress. Good luck momma.
Depending on what kind of monitor you have, it could be picking up the signal of another monitor. They run on frequencies like walkie talkies ( not exactly but similar) so if someone near you has the same kind of monitor, it may pick up their sounds.
I would say it’s just new momma brain. He’s so little, your new to the momma stuff and you worry when he’s not in sight. It’s perfectly normal to be overly cautious and worried when you have a baby especially your first baby! When I had my baby I had a hard time letting her leave my sight and when I was in another room I always thought she was crying or was worried that I wouldn’t hear her cry, I was constantly peeking in on her and sometimes just refused to leave her side. You could always get a baby monitor to help put your mind at ease. That way you know if he’s crying you’ll hear it coming from the monitor.
Very normal. Wait until your boobs leak when someone else’s baby cries (if you’re nursing).
Honey, don’t feel insane…this is something a lot of moms go through. I went through it too. You’re so tired as a new mom and your sense of alertness is on over drive. You’re not alone
It’s completely normal it’s happens to me and my son is 18months old I still check on him
Girl!! My baby is 14 months and I still have phantom screams. I notice I hear it most when I’m in the shower or trying to take a nap
My kids are 21,17, and 13 and I still hear them say mom when they never did. Perfectly normal
Put a bassinet right in your room then you can all sleep peacefully. Until it’s time to move him into a crib, then he gets his own room.
I used to do that when I would jump in the shower. The baby would be in her carseat just outside the open bathroom door and I would swear I could hear her crying, but nope…I’d open the shower curtain and she’d be sleeping peacefully. I think it’s the “mother instincts” kicking in.
I believe that happened to all of us, specially the first time that you step out without the baby… I think it’s normal as a mother of 4 kids
Totally normal. Mommy instincts kicking in. Congratulations on your baby.
100% normal
Happened to me and my husband - just when you get in the shower turn off the water thinking you hear crying pull up the monitor - asleep
I believe it’s normal. My son is almost 16 months old and I still hear him or what I think is him and I turn on the baby monitor just to find he’s not made a sound.
I’m not a mom but work in a hospital and hear alarms going off at home when I’m exhausted. Baby cries are like an alarm and we are conditioned to hear alerts
I did the same thing when I would get in the shower. I would get out and check on him and he’d be sleeping.
Very common!! I always thought I heard my babies when I’d get in the shower and then I’d hurry, only to find them happily playing or napping quietly.
So normal. I dont think it ever fully stops. Your kids are always on your mind. I freaked one day because I couldn’t find one of mine. Just to remember she was spending the night elsewhere lol
It’s normal. I did it with all 3 of my kids when they were first born. I think it’s just a combination of being tired and worried that you don’t want to miss their cry when they need you. It will get better with time.
Completely normal, I even thought I heard my babies in the backseat of the car or in the house when they were not with me…
That happened to me when mine was first born he is 4 months now and every now and again I think I hear him cry but not as much. And it’s perfectly normal
Depending on your baby monitor- you could be picking up someone else’s baby crying. This happened to me as my neighbor & I both had babies and we both had baby monitors. ( this was years ago). I could even hear conversations between her husband & her as well.
I think it’s because u feel guilty to leave just in case something go’s wrong,
Maybe u could keep the baby in ur room for a while that way ur there & u can see him
Maybe u can get some rest & not feel so guilty. Blessings.
First time I had to leave my son with day care when I went back to work was very painful. I didn’t call during day (but wanted to) just waited till I picked him up to find out he had great day and loved the other kids. It’s just a mom thing and you will adjust just as your baby will.
Yes dear this happen alot when you’re a new mom. You subconsciously listen out for everything the baby does. It’s normal, you’re not crazy. Congratulations on your little one.
I can’t imagine having a baby full time and not doing this lol. Honestly, my niece is here sometimes once a week usually, and when she leaves I have spent so much time worrying that she is upset or has woken up and was crying, that I will go check on her because I hear crying even when she’s not even here. Lol. Sounds normal to me
Oh my gosh, I think it’s just that natural mom instinct starting to kick in. Plus you are probably a little sleep-deprived and that can make you feel a little crazy!
My 0ldest is 11 youngest is about 3 and i still turn down the tv or ask if someones crying lol. Altho specifically at night. I think bc we are on high alert 24/7 if something sounds similar we probably think its them.
It’s perfectly normal. I did the same thing with my little . I still do from time to time and he’s 18 months lolo
That is totally normal. I did it when my son was born. Thought I would hear him cry and go to check on him and he was sleeping
When my babies didn’t sleep thru the night. I would hear them crying at night only to find them sleeping. I think it was lack of sleep for me.
Hell know you are just fine new parents fear put good you have great hearing no problem checking in if you think they are crying when my kids was little I learned how too tell who was up walking around and not in bed sleeping mostly my daughter
I did that when my son was a newborn. I could swear he was crying but wasn’t. I thought I was going nuts.
Yes I still hear my 2 year old when he’s not even here!
I would chalk that up to lack of sleep and just trying to stay alert. Don’t be so hard on yourself.
This is normal. Just get some rest. Be patient with yourself it want hurt the baby to cry.
Very normal. My mother in law and I both do this when my youngest isnt even in the house lol
My baby is a toddler and I hear crying and she isn’t it is just the maternal instinct
The first time my grandson spent the night at my house I woke up hearing a baby cry. I ran into his room and he was sound asleep. I had a baby monitor and figured out that it was the baby next door. They also had a baby monitor. Go figure.
It’s called a phantom cry. It’s normal. You either get used to hearing a cry, so itll come up (which can also happen with other things, living with my parents they called my name all the time and then I moved away and would hear them call my name every once in a while😂). Or you’re just anticipating it. You’re not crazy, just a momma thing. Happened to my mom with me and my siblings
I heard mine every time I got in the shower. Either you are normal or we’re both crazy.
I’m a new grandma of 2, mother of 2. I hear the babies cry frequently. I’ll run to check, they’re sound asleep! So it happens to new grandparents as well!
Probably did cry out a little and then settle back down! Normal!!!
Was normal for me to hear my baby cry every time i got in the shower only to find him sound asleep
Totally normal. I still think i hear a baby crying when my youngest is 5 lol.
So normal!! When are older you will think you hear them calling you from another room. Welcome to motherhood.
I think it’s called, “Mother’s Ear” and it’s normal. Try to relax.
My hubby and I have 7 kids. I really think this is normal. It was this way with all 7 of our babies.
I’m a gramma of 9, 4 kids,still hear crying when they nap…go ck on them their sound asleep. Instincts never go away. Mama bear syndrome. Of course, 2 of them are like tornado sirens.
As a new mother your senses are heightned, not crazy. You’re normal!
I still imagine I hear them cry and their 46, 43 and 30 it never leaves you.
This is something you should talk to your Dr. about. I had similar issues with my son
That’s called mommy ears. Your just want to constantly keep your baby safe.
Normal and still happens to me even though my kids are almost adults
If you care that much, stop smoking. Baby inhales on your clothes. Dangerous. And sleep on same level. Grow up….you actually need a babysitter the second week so you can nap?
I agree with all of these comments, I went through it as well when my daughter was an infant.
its ok i used to hear my daughter cry when she was new baby its a mother thing
Happens to a ton of people especially when they are going to sleep or attempting to take a shower
Had it with all 5 and when I took care of grandchildren also.
Its your instinct. I just recently had my first baby too and I do the same thing.
You know your baby’s cry anywhere and it is so ingrained that you may imagine it. Also if you breast feed any baby’s cry will let it down. I think it is a special gift for moms !
Its normal. Babies do make noises when then sleep. And as brand new Mom’s… We hardly sleep and think we are hearing them. Breathe Mama!
They’re called phantom cries. It’s a very real thing for mother’s especially, with hormonal changes that effect your nervous system.
Hearing the crying is normal. Stepping out for a cigarette should not be happening. Just quit.
Honey first off congratulations. You made a little human. That’s amazing. Second don’t you dare think you are crazy for caring so much that you can’t even try to relax with out him by your side. Thirdly its all part of the process. You are a new mom and your baby is on your mind 24/7. You are more exhausted at this point than you have ever been in your life. So hearing your baby when he isn’t crying is your subconscious remembering your baby. Its normal and will pass. Get some rest and when you need a break take one. Make sure you have someone that can help whenever you need it. Don’t be tuff and push yourself. Make sure baby is good and step out of the room. You got this your not crazy your mommy.
I have 3 kids 8,6, and 2, went out to dinner for my bday on Sat, just me and Hubby, swore I heard my 6yr old.
As newborns whenever I took a shower while they napped I swore I heard them crying. Would rush out, and they were alseep. Not crazy just a mom lol
Your on the same way length. Enjoy just don’t drive yourself crazy or nuts. Consider it a before it happens alarm. Gives you time to organize your thoughts or get that bottle ready. My mother and I enjoy it as adults. We just know when to call the other one.
I’m a grandmother and when I’m around my kids babies I hear phantom cries.
This has happened to me as a grandma and my son n law…not weird.
No its instinct and your brain being being on alert!! No worries its totally normal
I think it is normal to think or feel your baby needs something.
Heard it with my first and now again with our twins. I think it’s just ‘mom senses’ always check and most of the time no crying baby to be found.
You arent crazy, you are a new mom and very anxious. It will get better.
It’s perfectly normal. I used to do this when I was asleep or in the shower!
I hear that sometimes.
I dunno if it’s normal because I’m not normal.
If you’re concerned, mention it to your dr at your post partum visit. But I think it’s pretty normal.
Yes. They are called Phantom Cries.
This is so so normal. Happened with all 3 of my kiddos as young babies. Everytime you go to relax or shower or anything itll happen. 9 times out of 10 they were sleeping peacefully.
It’s normal, especially at that mind blurring newborn stage. Especially in the shower lol. You’ll get through it
Normal girl I do it all the time with my grandsons.
Well my kids are 11 and 9 and I swear I hear them saying “mom” and stuff and they aren’t… It’s just part of being a mommy… Welcome to the club
It’s normal with new babies. Happened with my now 12 year old.
Phantom cries…totally normal.
Babysitter or not that monitor would be on!!!
I heard my husband calling me after he passed away???