Is it normal that my 8 year old started her period?

I was in 3rd grade when I started

I knew someone who got it at 7 and was told 8 was the minimum age the medical community isn’t concerned.

Got mine at 9. Educate cleanliness and safety and rules

My daughter started a couple days before her 9th birthday

They can start that young due to hormones in milk and chicken. Before 8 is called precocious puberty.


I started mine around that age as well

She’s probably getting it from her older sis , we as woman go from other woman’s cycles

I have had a couple of friends that started at 9

Completely normal my cousin is in the exact same situation

I was 8 when I got mine.

My daughter started hers at 9

That is way to young

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Yes normal hai mjhe 8 years me Howey thy

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I was 11 when I got mine
My mom was 15
My grandmother was 9
💁 It varies, but yes it’s normal. Ask her if going to the Dr. is something she’s comfortable with.

I was 8 when mine started

I wouldn’t “take her to the doctor” but I would call her pediatrician and speak to them and let them know- for her records- so it isn’t awkward when she goes for her well
Visit and you announce it in front of her. - just a little recommendation because it can be embarrassing for younger girls. Also- let her tell people she chooses to tell in your family. While it’s a completely natural occurrence, it can bring on insecurities and even some fear. We are used to it, but it’s very new to her. I hope you can have open communication with her and educate her about her body and the functions of it in an honest and comfortable way. Best wishes to you

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I was 9 so yes perfectly normal age honestly.

Yes menstruation can happen at 9 years old

Yes it’s normal.
Especially since you and your other daughter have yours, females in the same house normally all sync up… at least my family did :sweat_smile: so that was always fun lol if you are a bit concerned though, a trip to the dr wouldn’t hurt just to make sure that’s 100% what it is :slightly_smiling_face:

Regardless of her age… Did she start her period?.. Then yes, it’s normal. Help guide her because she is young and may feel awkward. girls are starting periods younger than a lot of previous generations because of the hormones used in foods. Guidance…


I was 9 whem i got it the first time. And it was really irregular. I didnt get it for like 3 momths after that then it was just random

Yes. She needs to be seen by an endocrinologist. My daughter started at 9 and had regular monthly cycle from the start. She had the hormone level of a woman. And they also will check her bone density. She learned at an early age and it has never been an issue.

I started at 8 and my daughter didn’t get hers until she was almost 13!

Why is this posted on a boy mom page lol


Personally started mind at 9 as well

I was 10 when I started mine

I was 8 years old when I started mine

I was 8 when I got mine

Too much information


I was 9 when I started mine. My daughter was 10 when she started. :confused:

My daughter is 14 years old and she has not started yet

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it normal that my 8 year old started her period? - Mamas Uncut

You may need to see a doctor

I was 8 when I got my 1st one. Ended up having very irregular periods. Got put on the pill at 14 to help regulate them

I started mine at 9 and never had issues, Some girls just develop faster than others

It is normal. My daughter is 9 and has armpit hair and public hair and has started her period. All children are different

I started mine when i was that young . Some girls just develop sooner

I was 9 when I got mine.

Your oldest starting probably has something to do with it if your youngest was already showing signs of puberty. I started mine around 10 or 11

Its true 8 yrs old she has pubic hair and all our girl was 9 yrs old it is a period in india kids are having kids there way younger now getting menstrual cycle i had mine at 15 yrs :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil::pray:

I was 8 myself when I started, was already wearing training bras and had pubic hair. I’ve never had any issues. Everyone is different, I’m sure there’s nothing for you to worry about.
But it’s always good to make a doctors appointment anyways. It may help her better understand what’s going on

*edit to add
I was also shaving my legs by the 4th grade. Some girls just develop faster

My oldest got hers on her 10th birthday.

Its normal, everyone is different

My girls did at 10. It’s early but normal.

There are so many hormone disrupting chemicals in our environment that effect all of us, but especially children. work on getting your diet as much organic/grass fed/free range as possible, cut out plastics as much as you can, do not use herbicides/pesticides unless it is an emergency(hornets. poison ivy etc–NOT for a monoculture green lawn). do no use any fake fragrances such as perfumed laundry detergents or febreze type products–they are extremely toxic. If you can afford to take her to an Integrative Doctor for assistance. It is NOT normal or healthy for children that young to start puberty but it is very common these days.


Got mine at 9. They were a bit irregular but settle down after the first few cycles.

If she already developed public hair then she is definitely ready for her period. Doctor is going to tell you same thing. Her hormones could have developed faster due to her sister.

I was 9. Everyone is different. Don’t listen to the ones saying it’s “too young” because obviously they are clueless.


It’s young, but perfectly normal.

Women in my family start at 9. My oldest daughter just turned 10 last month and started her period about 6 months ago. Our pediatrician said she could have prescribed her something to stop puberty. IMO only it is not healthy to stop a natural process for no reason other than she is 8. Yes it is scary and a lot. But you got this momma. I wasn’t ready either.

I was 9 when I started

I started at the same age

Yes. Kids have been starting younger and younger

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I was 9 when i got mine. Kids these days are starting at a very young age. I noticed with all of my nieces as well. Good luck :pray:

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I started I think in 5th and so did my daughter by 5th or 6th

I was 10 I was very irregular first month wasn’t much then didn’t bleed again for 3 months. After that my periods were so heavy and were sometimes over a week. They put me on hormones when I was 11 which helped my menstrual cycle normalize.

I know everyone is giving age but seems like a different perspective grade level weird to describe it this way but it’s not it’s a different view

This was posted yesterday too. The page no longer using new stories or just going to repeat posts?

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My daughter was 9 when she got hers. It’s normal

I started growing pubic hair at 7 and when I was 10 I started my period but I was in sports and didn’t have enough body fat percentage to keep having a period so after I started I didn’t have other periods for 6 months after I started. I had 3 periods before they stopped for 6 months lol

Why do people ask medical advice here?


I started when i was 9, definitely might want to speak with her about it though. I thought i was dying and hid it for 4 days before my mom caught on. Most women in my family develop early so we like to talk about periods and stuff early with the girls now.

I started when I was around that age , you can talk to her dr about it if you whant to but sounds like she may be having hers with y’all to some woman start when other woman in the house start

Maybe your oldest daughters hormones linked with hers anytime I’m around someone for a few weeks I start around the same time as them even if it’s not do for another few weeks

That seems way young. Wow. My friends and I were all in middle school around 11-12 years old when we started. 8 is like 2nd or 3rd grade!

I’d consult a doc, not a mom group. Everybody is different, yes you’ll get support here but as for how to put a pause on it or teach your daughter how to deal with cramps, amount of bleeding, paps, how to stay highly hygienic during her menses, frequency of changing pads and tampons, using cups or birth control that’s all for a doc talk and mother of the child. Not trying to be mean, I’ve worked in a few doc offices and docs wanna know about this kinda stuff so they can help. Docs don’t wanna see kids suffer with these issues if there’s a way to help them.

I got mine in 5th grade and was hospitalized because they thought something was wrong with me.

I was 13 my daughter was like 16 somewhere in there my granddaughter started hers at I think at 11 five granddaughters so far the girl at 13 now started and my 10-year-old granddaughter her nanny said she started a little while ago but I don’t know if she did or not for real all together my my five granddaughters one is 13 one is 10 and another one is nine another one is nine one is seven so I’m going to be with this for a while maybe in 13 was horrible to me so I can just imagine what these poor girls that’s getting it at 8 and 9 years old feels like

I was 10. sounds normal

I was that age…she should be fine…if overly concerned take her to her dr…she just matured faster than others her age…my 9 yr old son is starting to get facial hair!

Wow so young!
Poor girl :sweat:
I was 10 when I got mine…

It is for her …. None of us do the same thing the same time . Don’t make it an issue or make her feel odd about it til there is reason to

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Very normal. I started at 9

I’m 32 I started my period on my 9th birthday I say it’s normal

I started at 11, literally a few days before my 12th birthday. I feel like 8-9 is the new average nowadays.

I was 12 and my oldest was 12. My 11 year old didn’t start hers yet. 12 is average age, but it can start at 8.


My daughter did that spotting and freaked me out it was so early! But then it went away for about a year and a half until she actually started.

Yeah my daughter started at 10

Take her to her doctors

My girls and I were having ours at 9 1/2 - 10 years old.

It’s quite possible at that early age.

Some girls get it at 9 completely normal.

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I started in 5th grade. Terrified me, I was the only one, but my mom said it’s pretty normal in the family. My aunt’s started between 8 and 11

It’s with in range but yes a doctor visit is recommended for sure .

Take her to the doctor just to be sure.

Some of my friends when I was a kid started at 8, maybe the women on her dads side started early🤷‍♀️

I started when I was 11. My daughter stared 3 days after her 10th birthday. I have family members who have started as early as 8/9 and also family members who didn’t start till 15/16

I started early too.

If she’s already going through puberty then it’s perfectly normal

I had some spotting around that age but my period didn’t start until I was 11.
It can happen that early though.

My mom was 9 when she started. I was 14 or 15 when mine started.

I started at 8; not “normal” but more normal than it use to be.
I’d have her taken to the dr and be looked at for any more indications that she has precocious puberty. Nothing serious about it just want to make sure she’s all leveled out and everything.

I would go and get check

Everyone is different I’m 4 years older than my sister and we got ours a summer apart.

A lot of woman in my family started young around age 8

It’s more common these days, however, calling her pediatrician is recommended.


i was 9 when i got mine

My cousin got her period when she was 7.It may be rare that young but it’s okay. She is just developing early. Poor kid though dealing with cramps that young

I was 9 when I started mines :slightly_smiling_face:

My daughter was 10 and most of her friends were a few years behind her. Make her feel comfortable with this as it is a very normal part of life. Make a period basket with different products for her to try throw in some chocolate and a couple magazines… I didnt make my daughter a special appt we just talked to her Dr. At her next follow up.