Is it okay for my wife to go to a musical festival with a bunch of guys she doesn't really know?

Let her go… Doesn’t sound good. Maybe she’s not ready to settle down yet

Dump her need a girl that wants to take you with her!

let her go and file for divorce while shes gone


If u have to ask then u already know

Let her go… and when she’s gone keep her gone!


Come on man, we can’t help you!!! Look at this


No dam way!! Even if prior cheating hadn’t happen this is not ok when the guys aren’t friends and you don’t know them. I would never disrespect my spouse in such a way. Run dude!

Your wife at the festival


No! Why would you even want to ask us that? Why would you not be included? That is very inappropriate.

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Throw the whole woman away and start over !


If you want her attention, move out while she is gone. Most likely she would plead for you to return. Don’t do it.

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Don’t tell her and pop up at the concert. See with your own eyes!


Throw her shit out while she’s away.

Why can’t you go with her ? I’d say she isn’t going or you’re getting divorced lol

I can’t work out if this is a joke or not :tired_face::sweat_smile:

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Leave her… ASAP… You’re better than that. You deserve better.

Come on. Seriously??

Are you seriously asking this question???

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Is this question for real??? :woman_facepalming:t2: I swear some of these have to be fake…


This can’t be real. You better show up & see what you can see :thinking::face_with_monocle:

Y’all are being rude af. This man could be brain washed into thinking this is ok.

Uhhhh imma go with no. What about you Chris? :rofl:

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3rd time should have been the charm :woman_facepalming:t3:

Of course she doesn’t see anything wrong with it you’ve let her off the hook 3 times. Move on with the tiny amount of dignity you have left.


Just dump her and move one … Or get the campsite next to her find a hot chick and get your revenge lol


Umm what why ? Why not go together ? This looks suspicious


She’s already cheated 3 times so why are you still with her? Also why would your wife want to go to a festival with a bunch of guys she doesn’t know and not with you. Kick her to the curb asap!

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Ummmmm wtf is this a real question :question::interrobang: no not cool

Hell no she can’t go!

She’s cheated on you 3 times already, and you’re still with her WHYYYY?? :woman_facepalming:


Why can’t you go though? The writing is on the walls with this one. Good luck.


I went to a group meet-up with ppl I met on FB. Most were guys & many brought their plus one.
It wasn’t a thing for my husband bc the guy setting it up runs a news site and he knows him.
That said, if he had asked me not to go, I’d have felt like he didn’t trust me bc we’ve never had the issues of cheating. He knows better.
If she’s got a history & didn’t invite you or try to make it so you could check on her, that’s actually a red flag for me.
It may be time for you to decide what you’re willing to deal with. Ppl treat you how you allow. :heart:

Is there a tattoo on your forehead called SUCKER

Tell her to take her tent and send her packing…For good.

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Seems you already know the answer, Its always nice to have feed back. See her reaction when u suggest going w her and meeting all of her new friends.

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Let her go , pack her things when she returns dont let her back in and give her her boxes :joy:


She would be proving her love and loyalty by acknowledging your feelings and not going to the concert with a bunch of randos. Oh yeah…and by not cheating the first, second or third time to begin with. It doesn’t even need to be said that most people won’t pay for a random person to be able to camp at a festival unless there’s something in it for them. Leave now. Don’t walk…run. There has to be someone out there who would be willing to treat you better than she is.


Is this a real question. You should’ve left her ass three dam times ago! Good luck!


That’s crazy that she thinks that she should be able to do that at all, without the previous cheating even being involved. She sounds selfish as hell. I would just tell her to kick rocks. She clearly has no regard for your feelings which is beyond sad.

If you aren’t going then no

You deserve better than to let someone cheat on you! And there is absolutely no reason for her to go without you. Please love yourself enough to move on.


Who wants to tell him. Lol


You can do better. Move on she’s not the one.

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I saw a video on the hub with a similar plot.


Why were you not invited? After cheating 3 times you still trust her?


Sounds like my ex wife

Can’t turn a Ho into a housewife


As a women ima say it……. She is planning to cheat again this is a whole scheme to try and get one over on you … sorry, but if I was you I would tell her to have a good life with her concerts and friends on fb !! I would never in my life go to a concert with another man let alone an over night with a group of men and my husband is the best and trusts me with his all.


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I dunno wtf you’re supposed to say for 3&4 times.


Go with her :woman_shrugging: see her reaction and depending on it, leave.

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Bruh you should’ve left the first time


3 times that you know of.


WTF…… NoWay is that ok.

This shit cannot be real lmao.

It’s definitely weird. It’s unsafe in general for women in the world and she wants to go with three men she doesn’t really know…

Definitely a weird indication.

If the relationship has no trust… is it worth having?

I’m thinking you’re wife is very young and incredibly immature. Because none of that is ok. If she goes anyway I would leave her ass. Shes being really inconsiderate and selfish. Its definitely not ok.

Completely leaving aside the history of cheating. That’s not a safe idea for a woman to do. She supposedly doesn’t know these men.

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Sounds like the plot to the start of a reverse harem book :no_mouth:

Let her go and follow her. Catch her in the act. Because it definitely sounds like a plan to cheat…

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Let her go. While she’s away that gives you a weekend to either move out or pack her shit and drop it off her a family member of hers.
She’s cheated 3 times and she’s going to do it again

Just the fact that she wants to!! Yikes.


Nope, it’s not ok. Let her go…really let her go.

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I’ll put it bluntly.
She is gonna get laid that weekend.

Tell her youre going too and watch her reaction or better yet let her go with her fb friends and you go too but dont let her know youre going. Bet you will surprise her cheating ass cause thats EXACTLY what she is planning

Trust me hun I’ve been there, I was in a relationship for 4 years and was cheated on the whole time, even after 3 kids (twins, and a singleton.) Once a cheater, they’re just a cheater… Respect yourself enough to get out of the relationship, especially if you have little ones. If there’s no trust there you’re only hurting yourself because obviously she doesn’t care about your feelings.

Lol. That’s a hard no. There is no way this even SOUNDS like a good idea. Is she insane? Take out the history of cheating, even. She met these guys online. Never in person, and now wants to have a sleepover with not one but THREE of them? If she had a daughter, would she be all for this? The answer is no. NO. NO. NO. One more time for for those hard of hearing in the back. NO! This will not end well. As a wife who loves her husband, there is no way in hell I would even dream of putting myself in this kind of situation.


Why would you want to go away with 3 men you dont know :thinking:…not all right and definitely an unsafe situation


Okay so it sounds to me u need a divorce like right now!! I’m gonna give ya some reasons why.

  1. She’s already cheated multiple times.
  2. She don’t care about your feelings at all, if u have expressed to her that u don’t want her to go bc she has cheated on u before and because she’s going with other guys and she still goes than she clearly does not care how u feel at all.
  3. It’s extremely weird she would go to anywhere with a group of guys she does not know. Mostly cause it’s not safe and who would wanna be the only girl? And why would she NOT want her boyfriend to come? Why is she talking to these guys on the internet in the first place if she’s married? I’m sorry but she sounds like a hoe that does not care for your feelings I deserve better leave her!

You might want to rethink staying married to her

Run as fast as you can

Yeah I mean you could just show up and I am sure catch her cheating or make it easier for your self and walk away now


Plain and simple it’s not ok, (just for kicks, tell her that your going with and see what she says.) If she goes she really doesn’t care about your marriage, but then if she’s cheated 3 times and you stayed with her she thinks if she cheats again you take her back again, I’d tell her if she goes your marriage is over, you deserve better!

Boyyyy 1st time should been last time she’s goin to cheat again and again until you stand up and say enough is enough .

it does not make sense to me . i think you should leave her asap

You poor thing .just let her go

Um, definitely not.
No semi-classy woman is ever going to go camping with men she doesn’t or barely knows. And if anyone thinks it’s a good idea, you should think about readjusting your decision making processes in your mind with professional help.

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She is totally using you, you are not crazy, she is going to bring you a disease, that gift that keeps on giving!

Wow. If you’re even asking then you really don’t know. ARE YOU STUPID?! That scenario is completely crazy & inappropriate

Is this the same “music festival” the husband of another poster went to the other week :thinking:

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Is this seriously a question?? Divorce

She’s literally for the streets bruh


No it’s not at all leave her she’s gonna keep doing it

I’m betting she knows them more than fb :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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She’s Already shown you who she is ((3 times)). Pull the blinders off. While she’s gone all weekend pack her shiz (or yours), change the locks (or move out).


Tell her to keep the tent. She can live in it after the concert. Move on. No one deserves to be treated like that.


Do you have a pair of cojones?

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Sure let her go!..and tell her NOT to come back!!


She probably knows them better than You realize


No it’s not ok. It’s disrespectful to you. I would think there is a high probability that she plans on cheating or will cheat. Why is she going without you?


Might as well let her go. She’s gonna cheat on you again anyway. Might as well get it over with cuck.

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Um hell no she shouldn’t be that’s disrespectful as shit to you and that would be my breaking point and if she is not inviting you to go some shady going on there she would go and not come back how can she even in a million yrs think this is okay to do what if you was to do that to her would she like it I mean is she stupid she doesn’t even know these ppl at that and gonna go camping with them like really come on now none of this situation is okay at all🤦‍♀️

No, if it’s not inappropriate…you should go too

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Nope! Why were u not invited?? My husband worked at strip club. Completely nude so I’m chill ab things. There’s no way in hell I would be ok w this. She met them on fb?? That’s weird. I don’t know any girl that would be ok w meeting up w a group of men she has never met , and sleeping in a tent. He paid for her. Shes cheating. There’s more to this. I guarantee she knows one of the guys she going w. Do some research . Search their names looks t their friends list and see if any of them match her friends. If they do they know each other.

Tell her to buy an extra ticket for you.

So she’s alone with a group of guys she “doesn’t know” and some other man is paying for her site? Yeah, you know what’s happening there.


Your hearts worth more then being shat on. Your worth is worth more then this. If loyalty doesn’t matter to you and this doesn’t hurt you, make it a open relationship and then u can both be together but free. But if loyalty is a must for you, she ain’t the 1


Let her go then lock her ass out. Throw her shit out too.

I’d leave she’s not a true woman to you. I would never fool around with anyone else on my husband. It sounds to me that she wants to have sex with multiple guys at one time.

Move on asap she’s a street girl u deserve much better than this bro


Wow! Bless your poor heart… Lol you know they’re all going to sleep with her right :joy:


Nish Nugent wtff​:skull::skull::skull::sob::sob::sob::sob:

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