Is it okay for my wife to go to a musical festival with a bunch of guys she doesn't really know?

Why did u stay with her after cheating on u 3 x :joy: let her cheat in peace


Your wife sounds young, immature and not really ready to be a wife. A music festival like this is something that you should be doing together. Drugs, alcohol and low inhibitions run rampant through these things (speaking from my own experiences). I don’t see her logic in wanting to go out to the middle of nowhere without her husband, instead picking a group of men she’s never met. Do yourself a favor and just let her go be her own free spirit. This marriage doesn’t seem like much of a marriage. You both deserve to be happy and if you cage her, she’ll never be happy, if you let her fly, she’ll happily always come home because you’ll always be there, but that’s not going to stop her from doing what she wants with who she wants when she wants. You both need to be with people that share your interests in marriage, goals, dreams and aspirations. Divorce doesn’t have to be ugly, but it’s going to get ugly because you are both going to grow to to resent each other.

Nope nope nope. Hella sus

Uhm no that girl belongs to the streets not commitment


Wake up!!! If she cheated 3 times already she will cheat again!


Here is what to do with her


I don’t think this could be real


Why the heck did you stay with her after she cheated 3 times???

The answer is no. That’s not okay. Or yes, but I will be gone when you get back.


But u weren’t invited?

Not okay. They are all online friends she is planning to meet by herself. First off why would she want to meet strangers alone. Nowadays so many weirdos. Second she should want you to at least go with her in case something happens you are there to protect her and third there should he no problem in you going so you should offer to buy your own ticket to go and build trust off of there

There will be no sleeping in the tent

No. Highly inappropriate. Insist you go to.

Can’t be real 3x u stayed your allowing the behavior. your asking this i really hope your smart enough to know its not okay. Let her go as hard as it can be. Its a cycle that will repeat and since u allow it its going to continue

Not ok. Planning to cheat and you’re giving her permission.

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Shes playing you, get out now


Once would be the deal breaker
 damn 3x
 why you even asking.

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Yeah you should have been cut tiesđŸ€Š she a cheater


Tell Hit to stay there and never come back grow a pare


Better get out of that one dude


Why are you still with her if she cheated 3 times already? How many times does she need to do it until you understand that she’s not a good person for you? :roll_eyes:


:joy::joy::joy: leave
 Her. She hasn’t been faithful 3TIMES ALREADY (or more)
 do you really think she’ll ever been faithful
. She’s already gotten away with it numerous times
 Now she just doesn’t care to hide it 
 hey at least she’s telling you before hand.


I want you to follow these two steps.
Step one: contact wife
Step two: open mouth and say “I want a divorce!”
Cheating 3 times is enough! Now she wants to go somewhere with 3 strange males? Hmm?


No u well be a dumb ass if u my ex seat on me weaf 3 guys and I got devoured from her se don the same things to me meat guy on Facebook don’t do it men don’t let her go it well brack your heart I still think bought my ex how I miss her

I’d definitely go with her otherwise leave her :person_facepalming::wave:


No this is not ok even if she knew them well, still not ok! She’s up to no good


:grimacing: think you know what needs to be done

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Go with her as others have said!

It’s absolutely okay for her to go. Just let her know she won’t be coming home to you. Unless, of course, you don’t mind her infidelity.


You’re being c u c k e d homie
 big :no_entry_sign: . It’s divorce time, you drop that bomb on her before she drops it on you for being “unhappy” in the relationship or some other thing.


Wait ??? Are you for real. Are you not very smart ??? Leave her shes probably cheated more than 3 times

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My brother, I am an African guy from (S.A), I don’t even trust my family around my Wife, so honestly your been played, that will never ever happen this side

Wouldn’t be happening in my house or marriage!

WTF!! Loose canon. Let her go dude. Not worth the heart ache!!

Who makes this crab up? No one is that stupid.

Instead of complaining why don’t you get two tickets and go with

She’s fooling you, especially if it’s Firefly :woman_shrugging:

yeah man,all good,not one red flag in this at all, on a side not,I have this scheme in which you give me $5000,in a year if its not tripled you can contact me on my blackberry


Not fair you should be with her

Ok tell her F&&k off and change the locks on the door she is using you big time

I would say let her go, and go file for a divorce. Because of her infidelity, it is just a matter of time.


3 times before?? She’ll do it again and again cuz you keep taking her back 

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The fact that she’s cheated 3 times! Let her go but tell her she doesn’t have a place to live when she returns. You’re being taken advantage of.


Leave bro. These hoes ain’t loyal. :100:

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She belongs to the streets


DAMMMEVILS!! Her n them don’t have agood track!! LOL :laughing: :rofl: :joy:

Cheated 3 times and your STILL with her??? Oh my
 You need to leave her


I wouldn’t just take off with a bunch of random guys she wouldn’t want you to do something like that would she ?

She is a dirty low down dog!! Find a real woman who loves you because she does not love you. You deserve better


Go with her and the boys!


And you still trust her after her cheating on you 3 times? I don’t see how you don’t know that this is a BIG red flag


I would tell her go if she wants but she better get her shit out before it’s over because the locks will be changed. She’s not “proving” her loyalty. She’s proving that you’re too trusting.

Def not ok! I say let her go and pack her stuff while she is gone and change the locks lol


You just got Punk’d :joy::joy::laughing::laughing:

Sure let her go, then make friends with a bunch of girls or just one & go away with them for the weekend to prove your love & loyalty. Jeepers.


Ahhhh no! Why are you not going!! And ho in the right mind goes camping with a bunch of strangers off Facebook :see_no_evil:

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Why are you still there if she cheated 3 times? Clearly she wants her cake and wants to eat it too. Let her go and pack her shit for her while she is gone. No one deserves to be treated the way she is treating you. I could never and would never do anything to hurt my husband. Go find someone who will respect you.

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Tell her that she just bought her own house :tent: and congratulate her ! End of problem!


She is cheating again


Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me!!

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Why are you still with her?? :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:


Leave that woman, she doesn’t respect you. Why wouldn’t she take you too?? If that were the case?

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That’s a big NOPE! Tell her to stop focusing on attention from other people and focus on her marriage. Move on or move out.

I can’t even believe this is a question. Are you completely in denial? She sounds incredibly selfish and immature and you sound like you have no spine. Why are you letting her dictate the whole relationship while you stand by? Absolutely no way should she be even entertaining this idea. And neither should you. Plus is she crazy? This is a recipe for a rape or murder!! :woman_facepalming:t3:

Offer to go with her and see how she reacts. I wouldn’t of stayed after the first time tbh

Nope! Leave her especially because she’s already cheated 3x. She’s going to continue this cycle! She thinks it’s okay too go back to the same venue she previously cheated on you with a bunch of guys! :woozy_face: absolutely not okay and you deserve a faithful spouse and someone who cares about you!


You need to leave her. She isn’t going to cheat, she’s already cheating and had been for awhile. Nobody in a relationship goes to a festival for the weekend such as this with their significant other. You say she’s already cheated in the past. You made a mistake in taking her back. Get proof of her cheating and get her for adultery. Act cool with her going then go but don’t let her know. Get proof of her cheating and they’re ya go

There is no way my husband would let me do that nor would I want to go to a concert without him. That is unless I was going with a group of just my close friends for a night away.

Ummmmm no its not ok. She goin to get gang banged, my friend. Leave and find a real woman!


Why aren’t you going? And personally I’d say it’s 3 times too many. I think you know the answer

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Would she be ok if it was reversed. I would never do this. It wouldn’t even cross my mind.

I’m sorry but dumbass!

Why can’t you go with her? If it’s not a big deal

Sounds like she thinks she can do anything to u and u will never leave her :frowning:

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:rofl::rofl::rofl: if you believe her, I have some ocean front property in Tennessee I’d love to sell ya


Doesn’t have a ticket yet but a guy she doesn’t know and met online paid for her campsite

Guarantee the man who bought her campsite is her next potential hookup. I don’t believe she doesn’t know them(him) :woman_shrugging:t4:


Cheated 3 times and you still with her. You crazy?? Doesn’t know these guys? Pure BS!! Dump her cheting ass and find a good loyal woman!!

:sob::sob::sob: is this a question ?

Good lord, you got your hands full. I’m embarrassed for you and trust me
she got you out here looking like a clown, especially if your not gonna shut that shit down. It’s a no brainer.

I would not even have to ask that question I would know the answer to that one right off the bat

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sorry to hear that FB has destroyed allot of marriages

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Sounds like she’s setting up a weekend at cheaterpalooza 
dump her ass! Three times is enough!

Go with your wife. Tell her you want to experience something she loves to do with her. If she doesn’t want you to go, I’d buy a ticket behind her back, catch her cheating on camera and file for divorce.


if she’s going to lost lands then im sorry bröther she belongs to the streets now


Would she be ok with you going to this weekend event with just one girl you met on Facebook?

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If she’s cheated on you three times how would you even trust her at all?


Is this a trick question? :roll_eyes:


She cheated 3 times and your still with her!!! That right there would have been 3 times too many for me to stay!


What kind of idiot are you ??? I know we’re supposed to be nice and supportive but get real, 3 times and now this ??? Don’t walk 
 run as fast as you possibly can !

No, not under the cicumstances you’ve listed

Why would you even ask a question like this when you know what she will be doing.


If she goes I would say see u later and don’t come back


She knows them/him, she probably has been meeting up with him for awhile now. Stop being blind to her infidelity


:rofl::rofl: my husband would divorce me if I told him that. No, that’s not right.

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This has got to be a joke


I feel like this answers itself


Would she agree if you had plans with a group of women you know from facebook?

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Each to his own. I wouldn’t want to go to an event like that without my husband or at least a good friend. However if she’s created three times
she’d be out the door a long time ago.


Your loyalty and love is not appreciated find someone who will love you the way you deserve :blush:


Nope don’t think so. Sorry.


Wow dude 3 times and you have to ask. Whats wrong with you?