Is it okay for my wife to go to a musical festival with a bunch of guys she doesn't really know?

Not if shes a history of cheating, shes got away with it 3 times as youve stayed with her so in her eyes she would get away with it again, you deserve better

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What the flip flop nonsense is this exactly? If this isn’t a joke. Your commitment and loyalty is tremendously under rated. :woman_shrugging:

Let her go n say don’t come back!!!

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Um I would not do it leave and don’t not look back

That’s all I imagined :rofl: but she’s up to no good. You deserve better :relieved:


Go with her LoL
That should ruin her plans


Ummmm no! If you have forgiven her in the past And she really wants to make it work she won’t put her self in the situations where you have to wonder.


Get ready to be cheated on for the 4th time that u know of!


And what’s wrong if you both go together instead of bunch of unknown guys


Honey she finna cheat. Leave her


She’s either planning on cheating or too dumb to realize she’s about to get raped


If you can’t trust her, than the musical festival is the least of your worries. From the sounds of it, you’re not gonna trust her either way. So maybe look into a divorce, not an answer to letting a grown ass woman do whatever she wants. :person_shrugging:


Either Let her go and Pack yours/her shit to be moved out in the meantime OR Go with her :woman_shrugging:

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i wouldnt tolerate it, tell her to take all her belongings with her, setting yourself up for cheat number 4 sorry just my opinion

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Ex wife? Presumably soon…

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Bro she won’t change.

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And why aren’t you invited?! :thinking:


Are you looking for other opinions? If she cheated before I don’t see why she wouldn’t again. I would left the first time. My husband of 7 years cheated on me numerous times. Chance after chance he always promised not to do it again. Now we are not together and his ex wife lives with him… but they “are not” together.


DIVORCE. All I’m saying.


Wow…seems pretty inconsiderate of your feelings and disrespectful to the relationship. Have you been invited to go along? Hate to pass judgement but sounds like you should raise your standards for yourself and what you put up with in a relationship


There’s no way you are serious… :laughing::laughing::laughing:

Yeah it’s ok as long as you’re ok with her getting passed around like a joint at a Wille Nelson concert lol


If you are asking… You already know the answer… Have respect for yourself and move on. Not saying it will be easy, but damn dude…


Sounds like she is getting ready for a…I suppose it will be alright if they are vaccinated and wearing a mask…

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What in the hell if she wanted to prove her loyalty she would have planned it with you or….she wouldn’t go now that you’re uncomfortable…who cares if some random paid for her campsite just so you know guys don’t do that shit for nothing I’ve had guys buy me hotel rooms to come visit them and video games so I could play with them whatever they wanted to get me specifically so I would hang out with them in a dating capacity

I more interested on why most the answers are from women than men. Also so many women assume she is cheating. It’s an interesting question but if you’re asking it haha you know how you feel about it anyway. No need to validate your feelings.


Yeeeeaaaaah noooope. She is about to cheat again. Leave her

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I definitely think that’s something you should have been invited to. Especially if she’s cheated before at the exact place she’s going to. And going with random men is not only stupid but really unsafe for her as well. She’s being really inconsiderate of your feelings. And she cheated three times? You should run dude. Three strikes and you’re out!


Buddy, run. Fast. In the opposite direction.

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You call her Stephanie I call her hefaneeee :rofl::rofl::rofl::skull::skull:


Leave her, there is no loyalty and you can’t trust her.

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You already know the answer. Your just too comfortable, there are better people in this world. Take the leap. Move on, you deserve to not have to worry your wife is cheating.


To me it seems like she’s trying to manipulate you into thinking you’re being ridiculous by having concerns

:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: you must be joking

Why dont you go with her?

My question is why are you still with her when she’s cheated 3 times…she clearly doesn’t value your relationship


What exactly is she trying to prove if she’s going out with a bunch of guys without you…? Is she trying to prove that she’s cheating again orrrr…

Go with her and mess up her whole.plan.

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And why wouldn’t she be going with you? Leave her now and let her do her. She clearly isn’t on the same page as you are in the relationship.

Nope she will be cheating

Ask her to come and see how she responds


Why would she not invite you?
This sounds so suspicious and also music festivals are notoriously unsafe for single women, so she probably has other plans.
And random dudes from Facebook? Um, no.
This all sounds so weird

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Buy a ticket show up and watch her. Then when you catch it take pictures. Then file for a divorce she definitely cheating


Why in the h** are you still with her?? You know rhe answer to this already no reason to ask this you should have been gone a long time ago

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U bout to get Cheated on Again

Kick her to the curb! She i d a cheating b*# ch!! Wouldn’t trust her as far as I could throw her!

Sounds like she’s planning a gang bang :woman_facepalming:t2:


always a cheater
walk away now

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How can you trust a women like that? Let her go and do her thing while you are at home packing her clothes and set them outside. Or just throw them out like you need to do!


3 times too many already.

I’m just curious why yall are still together if she has cheated 3 times. At that point it’s pretty clear she has no respect for the marriage

She knows you are whipped so she going to see how far she can push you. She meet these guys on Facebook do they know about you? She sound immature and maybe she not the right girl for you. If she has already cheated three times what are waiting for she is a cheater. You deserve better let her go.

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That’s a big negative .

Doesn’t make any Use your common sense . She’s a player.

No. It does not make any sense and you are being practical. It sounds like she is falling into old patterns that she needs to step back and reevaluate. Counseling could really help her so she doesn’t keep repeating same mistakes.

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Oh wow she fucked up!!! U need to leave her

Omg seriously Hell NO you might as well let her go and tell her you’ll be gone when she gets back


Absolutely not ok… You should have gotten rid of her the 1st time she cheated

Why don’t you go with her?


And she lets you know about it ?!?! Damn dude wtf shes trash and you let her walk all over you !

Seems more than a little bit shady

Hard no x sorry move on :two_hearts:

Setting aside the fact this is extremely unsafe since she hasn’t met any of them, she has repeatedly been unfaithful. She’s probably going to be unfaithful again. Cut your losses dude :disappointed:

Think about it. Ask you self that question does it mmake sense… Why not attend to the concert with her. or request to go with her…her respond with show u whats more important…


Tell her to kick rocks. Don’t keep letting her make a fool of you.


This isn’t a red flag. Its a huge neon sign. Shes cheated 3 times, and once in a similar situation? Nothing good can come of this.


Ummm no. At least not in my relationship. Why not go with her??

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Develop a cuck kink. You’ll be alright.

:joy::joy::rofl::rofl: SORRY BUT WHAT?? WHAT?? YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO!! Tell her if she goes DON’T COME BACK!!( maybe she wants out) GOOD LUCK!!:joy::joy::joy:


Absolutely NOT!!!
Divorce her… She doesn’t love you
Sorry but you married HOE :woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:


Would she be ok if you did it??


Doing this is a free ticket to cheat again

Trust me she isn’t going to be in the tent alone.And why couldn’t you go with her? She is playing you …

And the other guy is paying. Open your eyes sweetie. She is doing you wrong AGAIN

She sounds like a cheater and you sound like a fool.

I mean this genuinely. Could she be bipolar? Maybe something to think about or look into. This is as benefit of the doubt as I can get.

If she cheated on you why are you still with her? You know she’s gonna do it again. No sense you put yourself through the pain… ditch her she’s not worth it

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If you can’t go then dump her! I be damn if my man goes camping with a bunch of girls he just met smh

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Is this a trick question :rofl::woman_facepalming:t4:

And coming from a female! If we truly loved our man we wouldn’t go without him! Girls night is different but with other guys?? No she is definitely going to cheat


The quote “Egg on my face” comes to mind after reading this.

Sounds like she’s already cheating again. Why would a “random” guy purchase her campsite, and how is it okay that they’d be camping together? Just leave before it gets worse!


Let her go and when she comes back- be ready to hand her cheating ass divorce papers

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3 times that you know of. About to be 4.

Ask if she’d be okay if you went on a trip with a bunch of women you met on Facebook

She’s cheated 3 times that you know of …

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Dude she is planning on cheating again! But your still there so you must not care

3 times? Once is too much. I’m sorry, you need to move on and gain some self reapect.


How can you allow someone to cheat on you 3x… let her go, and be gone when she gets back…


It’s called boundries and you don’t have any…
You’ll be much happier starting over on your own…

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This will be the the fourth time, take it from someone who’s knows. Put your foot down, tell her hell no.

Put her in the trash

If she cheated on you 3 times already, give her the tent, and keep the house.


Sounds like she’s gaslighting.

Yet if he was to tell her “no”, it’ll be spun round that he’s controlling!
Are you happy knowing she’s already done all of that to you and is prepared to disregard your feelings and relationship?

Lol he’ll nah she’s going to cheat bro most likely that’s just sketchy asf

She knows she can get away with it cause you wont do shit about it. Pack your things and leave bro.

Tell her ok fine, but say ur going out with some women you just started chatting to that sound fun see how she reacts

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You can’t be that stupid, as the idiot joe Biden would say. ( come on man )


I think that you allready know she’s a cheater but you need confirmation but I’m sorry to say that what your waiting for is a disease or a pregnancy that you won’t know who’s the father! Leave because she is not trying to save your marriage she is just trying to see how much people she can screw before you get fed up! What kind of relationship do you have knowing you can get a disease at any moment with your wife?


Split the sheets now, she ain’t going to changem

Book a ticket… don’t tell her. Surprise her :thinking::sunglasses: