Is it okay to sleep with another man while you are pregnant?

Ok well it’s up to you , it may be that way for yr friend but she isn’t the one that is pregnant .

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It’s your choice tbh your not doing anything wrong just think about how it may emotionally effect you if they don’t want to raise a baby but you get attached? Not meaning for that to sound awful x

I think you should do it as long as you know for sure the other person is clean. At this point your also responsible for the baby as well. You are human and need to be Haply as well.

I think one should check their moral compass. There is something called energy… I leave it at that …

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I did :woman_shrugging:t2:
Me and my child’s father broke up literally right before I found out I was pregnant. We didn’t get back together. I met someone else, caught feelings, and did the deed :ok_hand::eggplant::peach::sweat_drops::100:
We’ve been together 4 years now :woman_shrugging:t2:

It’s your body do what you want, but be safe and make good decisions for you and baby!

Well it would be a bit difficult to attract someone else while pregnant but if you do , then go for it.

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I wouldn’t be able to but like so many other women have said just be super cautious and use protection. One infection is all it takes. It’s all about keeping you and your baby safe :heart:.

My opinion is that her opinion doesn’t matter. Not her business. Pretty sure that is between you and the person you’ll be with

I don’t think she’s really your friend. If she was she wouldn’t make you feel like you even need to make this post!

My ex didn’t even wait a week after I delivered his second child to sleep with my best friend. And after I almost died giving birth to her…Like I said earlier your body your decision.

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I started seeing my now husband when I was 8 weeks pregnant on my 2nd. We were friends before this) We took things slow but when we both felt it was right we did sleep together. I really don’t see the problem one you and him are ok with it and you protect yourself from any stis etc… I’m sure the father isn’t waiting around til your not pregnant… Why should you x

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Use a form of safe protection…(std’s) etc…you’re free to do as you choose, have fun, just be careful…best of luck

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Do what makes you happy at the end of the day , Although I’ve always thought of it is weird like you’re carrying someone else’s child and I’ve never understood how any man would feel comfortable doing it with a pregnant woman when it isn’t theirs but this is just my opinion … granted we all have needs but I’d wait until the baby was born and wait for you’re vagina to heal then off you pop jump on any penis :woman_shrugging:t4::joy:

Go get that D girl! Just make him use protection!! Don’t let yourself out just bcuz the dad is not around!! Have fun! And if you feel like it is weird or something, get a toy they work too

I think it’s nasty just off of principle. You should be focusing on making sure that kid is taken care of, not your selfish needs.

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Well it’s your body… if you two aren’t together I don’t see anything wrong with it. Just be sure to use protection.

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Nah go do u gf…u got needs …unless baby daddy Wana come scratch that itch he helpd create I feel u I was super hot during pregnancy…if there’s a man out there keen to take care of ur needs go go for it :blush:

I think it is gross. You’re asking for honest opinions, so here we are.

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for me personally its a no… but im not one to judge. if its what you want go for it it girl. screw whatever one else says. live your life.

:roll_eyes: Lady do what you want to. A lot of people are going to “sex shame” you because that’s not what they would do or they somehow have gotten the dumb idea that is immoral. But there is nothing nasty or wrong about it. There is nothing wrong with taking care of your urges as long as you are safe for you and the baby’s sake. Other than that have fun and stop asking people for advice on what you want to do with your sex life. :two_hearts:

Use protection but other than that, it’s your life. Don’t let your friend keep you from moving on with your life and meeting new people.

Do you love YOURSELF enough to be patient at least until the one you are carrying is born…you may feel differently then…

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Wow - sorry you are not with the babies father but maybe that will change- get yourself off and don’t sleep with someone else - it does sound and is weird- the P is the prize keep it that way!!

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It cannot just be me that thinks this is nasty… maybe I was raised on a different planet but that’s just wrong. Sorry just my opinion.

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If you’re using protection it is literally fine. Also who gives a shit what your friend thinks. It is not her vagina.


Sexual relationships are totally up to you and your partner what others think should be of no concern.


Go for it! Do what makes you happy and dont listen to anyone else. Be safe, and be honest with your doctor and everything should be fine.

Your best friend is wrong. Just because you’re pregnant does NOT mean you don’t have wants or feelings. Screw that. You aren’t with the child’s father so who cares?!? Do what YOU want to do. It’s your life, not hers.

This generation scares me. I do divorce law and paternity cases and it’s a little scary the way things are done these days sorry I’m old-school but my opinion

Sorry but why are people saying it’s not OK have more respect is the baby daddy not off riding around like pony if he wants to cause his not pregnant she didnt make it on her own maybe he should stop too

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I haven’t a clue haha arx was the last thing on my mind while I was pregnant I couldn’t stand it :rofl: but I do know plently of people who have! Go and enjoy your life before little ones comes along x

I wouldn’t not because of the fact that its another mans baby but to protect your child. You could get an STD even with protection which is harmful to your baby

That is all thinking on their heads… You are pregnant and you are not with the father, so you free to be with whoever you want!! Not their life not their decision and they are no more than you so… do want you need

Omg, all I wanted to do was have sex when I was pregnant. Especially I was in my last tri. My now ex wouldn’t touch me, he was totally grossed out by me even though I was pregnant with his child too. So imo bang away lady… or get some toys for yourself. You take care of you and enjoy this time before baby comes into this world.

Like OP said she’s not with the father so no big deal. Use condoms though, you want to be extra safe and wash afterwards to prevent any UTI…pregnancy sex is amazing and fun! And girl…I did it with a guy I knew while pregnant. The babies dad checked out blocked me on all levels, still to this day no contact…so you do you and have fun!

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Who cares! All that matters is how you and this guy feels about it! It’s not gonna hurt the baby and the baby’s father is not in you’re life so I say get it girl lol😂

I think it’s gross to sleep with someone else when you’re pregnant.


If the guy is ok with it and you trust him enough to know he’s clean and you feel up for it then what the hell🤷🏼‍♀️ just makes for sure he’s dosent have something that can be transferred to the baby via you. Otherwise who cares! You do you girl!

I personally dont agree with it you also run the risk of infection please be very careful

Not weird at all, it’s your life and your body don’t be ashamed! It would be the same as if you weren’t carrying a child, people do it all the time

Don’t loose yourself respect you a women do you know how long DNA a of a man stays in a women do you want to walk around with multiple men’s DNA inside of you control yourself you can do it

I’m sure the baby’s father is with someone else :woman_shrugging:t4:


It’s no one else’s business but your own. If it feels good, do it- but protect yourself.

Girl, DO YOU. Just because you’re not with the father doesnt mean you can’t enjoy yourself and have a normal life. girl go get some. Its no ones life but yours dont let the opinions of others hold you back from having a good time.We only live once, its not really living if everyones irrelevant opinions stop you from doing what you want, now is it? Get it girl <3


Wear protection (obv not to prevent pregnancy :laughing: but diseases) but yeah get your end away, your still a person with needs


Girl you do you just be safe about it. And make sure the other guy is ok with you being pregnant. Some guys are weird about it.

Girl u better just do what u wanna do. Wtf? Don’t have sex while ur preg by someone else? If ur not together then ur not together. Im sure he’s having sex with someone else. Don’t go asking social media opinions on what to do with your vagina…js


My personal morals thinks thats hoeish and nasty, not okay to do, and something I wouldnt do. I agree with your friend. Have better respect for yourself you already just got knocked up. Like seriously? Your own personal choice is your own though

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Why would u even ask that on fb?Its your life your business who gaf what strangers think u do what u think is right.

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I never had children a woman pregnant wanting a new relationship would work for me

Why not?

You’re not with the father of the child and I doubt he’s abstaining because his ex (you) is pregnant

Your desires don’t stop just because you’re about to become a mother!!

As long as your new guy is aware you’re pregnant, then go for it

I would never personally do it because to me i would feel uncomfortable but do you!! Go get you some

Go for it, I have heard sex while pregnant helps with any pain, not sure how true that is but cant hurt to try

Girl, do what you’ve gotta do and don’t worry about what anyone else may think. For next sex while pregnant was amazing and I felt so relaxed and happy after. Get it girl!!!

Why is everyome saying it has to be with somome who cares and wants a relationship after wards.

Girl fuck who yiu want WHEN YOU WANT. You habe a free cumm in me card for 9 monthes use it!

Only sleeo with people you trust enough to be clean that KNOW they are ckean besides that do you hunny

Don’t let anyone shame you like that. Hush bestie. He/she is just jealous you are getting action while pregnant when they are likely in a dry spell.

I wouldn’t risk it…not for you or lil miracle inside you

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Depends… if day if it’s the beginning of a relationship okay… but some willy nilly you pick up… kind of sketchy

Ah the horny weeks. Lol
Having sex before birth makes for an easier birth, softens the cervix


To each their own…don’t worry about others do u

Do whatever the fuck you want. You’re single. Not like the child is effected in anyway. It’s after the child is born where you shouldn’t have other guys constantly coming in and out .

I mean is it really anyone else’s business to have an opinion … nahhh its how you feel about it there is no wrong or right answer its down to your own mind … do what ya want or who ya want hahaha just use a condom :crazy_face:

Hunny I was pregnant with my second and his dad wasn’t around. I started seeing a really nice guy while still pregnant. Do you, go get it girl! :heart:

Okay so there is this. Either A you’re the only one he sleeps with and it’s safe or B you’re the 3rd girl in the 3rd week and the second one has a std. That’s the only thing about it that I wouldn’t trust

it’s your body but be mindful of the possible infections.

I say do whatever you want… you are a grown adult… use precautions.

I would say no it’s not safe right now because of the covid situation. but other than that if you are wanting some action then it’s your business…

:joy::joy::joy: I left my child’s father when I was pregnant and started dating someone else when 5 months pregnant… didn’t stop us lol. We’ve been together 8 years now.

Yes. It is OKAY… you don’t owe no one loyalty. It’s your body! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

do you girl. you can have sex with who you want to. its your body & child not you best friend’s

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I think it’s fine ur two consenting adults and ur technically single. Sure it probably feels weird but idk girl do u

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I’m trying to figure out why its taboo? It’s either weird to have sex in general while pregnant or its not the fact if it’s with the father shouldn’t matter

Just do it as long as you use protection. It will not harm the baby.

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I feel it would be wrong. I just couldn’t because I would be carrying another man’s child. It would make me feel dirty and disrespectful to my child

Lol I did this. I was 4 months pregnant when I met my now husband. No relation to OUR daughter. He wanted to do whatever I was comfortable with but he was a-ok with it!

You’re a grown woman carrying a baby you’re going to make decisions for for the rest of your life. Trust your gut. If you want to have sex, have sex, ain’t nobody’s business what you do with your body, behind closed doors as a consenting adult.


Just make sure you wrap that meat and fire away as long as he is ok with it and you are get riding girl.

We all have needs and the opinons of others doesn’t matter. Fuck the haters

Your body, your choice. I personally tried it once and I felt gross about it afterwards so I never did again but I tried it.

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If he does not care then it does not matter in my opinion

I personally couldn’t but to each their own!

No you’re an adult you can do as you wish just because you’re pregnant doesn’t make you gross to want intimacy whoever told you that is a shitty friend

Do it if you want ! Nobody should tell you what you should be doing with your body.

Wow weird question why not use toys :roll_eyes:


Not cool at all…at this point you need to focus on the new baby not spreading your legs…js

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Why on earth would that be gross? Your body is still your body, even if its temporarily housing someone else. And sex drive doesn’t just disappear…

I did with my first child. I wasn’t with his father & I fell in lust with someone else at the time. Oh well :woman_shrugging:

If the guy is into it then go for it!

Haha I got into a new relationship while pregnant and had lots of sex with my new partner

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If the guy is cool with it and so are you then that’s all that matters

Girl, YOU DO YOU!! Pretty soon you wont have time for yourself as much do do what you can now!!


Girl do you. Forreal. People are gonna say not to but at the end of the day it comes down to what YOU want not anyone else. It ain’t their body, ain’t their baby and ain’t their life.

In tribal times the pregnant mother slept with other men for protection :wink:

I also think that’s nasty wanting to have sex with someone else while you’re pregnant with someone else’s kid. But it’s your choice and that’s on you :relaxed:

I left my youngest sons father when I was 3 or 4 months pregnant and ended up in a relationship with someone else while pregnant. I guess it’s all a personal preference. The guy I started a relationship with while pregnant was there for my son more than my sons father… :woman_shrugging:t2:


If the other guys doesn’t have a problem with it go for it. Who cares

It’s your baby and your body. It’s whatever you and your partner is comfortable with.

I would feel like another man is beating on my babie’s head.Couldn’'t do it. To each his own.

I’m not sure why you’re even asking. You’re single. Get laid. Now.

If you are single why can’t you mingle? Pregnancy hormones get you like that

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