Is it safe to have a cat while pregnant?

I had one for my whole pregnancy. I cleaned his litter box occasionally but my boyfriend primarily did it. The smell of the pee is what was worse for me.

Iā€™ve had my cat for a long time. And she was with me through my entire pregnancy. But my husband took care of her litter box

I had cats through all five of my pregnancies, and cleaned cat litter boxes with gloves and dustless cat litter.

I had 4 cats when I was pregnant, did everything litterbox-wise (husband too squeamish / too much of a big girls blouse about it), no issues.

If you are worried, I would invest in a litter robot. Pretty pricy but worth it. It filters the ā€œbusinessā€ and lands in a bag. You just take the bag out, tie it and youā€™re done. No scooping required. Minimal work needed. Probably would be better if you had more than one cat but itā€™s still worth it in my opinion

Perfectly safe! My husband does take care of the litter while Iā€™m pregnant though, just as a precaution :grinning:

Yes just have someone else change the litter box

Please donā€™t get rid of your pets because you are pregnant.
There are ways to deal with the litter box. Pets are great for babies and kids immune systems.


Yes just dont clean the litter box

Wear a mask, when clean it.

I had cats through both of my pregnancies. Itā€™s mostly for cats that are outdoor/indoor. Most of the time itā€™s perfectly safe to clean the cat box while pregnant as long as the cat is indoor only. Wear a mask, and gloves if you have to clean it and clean it as often as possible as to keep the ammonia level down. You should be just fine. And congrats!!

I have 2 cats while I was pregnant & no issues.

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Just use long rubber gloves, and wear a mask. Youā€™ll be fine!

If you grew up around cats itā€™s fine if not stay away from them while pregnant

3 pregnancies. 5 cats during all of them. Just donā€™t clean the litter boxes, ask your husband/boyfriend/etc to take care of it while youā€™re carrying.

Just have someone else clean the cat box

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Having cats can be a great thing for when your pregnant. You baby will less likely be allergic to cats. Also- just have someone else change the litter pan. The main issue is when the cat is an outdoor cat. If the cat is indoors, you should be fine!

Iā€™ve had two kids & have had cats each time and through out my entire life. Two healthy daughters.

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Wear a mask and gloves, I think you will be fine. I cleaned cat boxes with all 3 of my pregnancies and just took these precautions.

I have 4 cats ! I am nowhere near the litter though. Boyfriend cleans that out !

I have had cats all my life and been pregnant four times. Never had a problem.

Wear a mask and gloves when cleaning it thats what my daughter is doing at the momentā€¦ wash hands well afterwards even if gloves have been worn

Had cats during both my pregnancies and changed the litter boxes no issue. Just be in a ventilated space. I also clean the litter box everyday so that may make a difference.


You absolutely can! My husband took over the cat litter duties. Please do not get rid of pets just because your pregnant. Our one cat literally follows me everywhere our son goes. She even lays by him during tummy time.

I didnā€™t know I was pregnant and we had two cats and a litter box and I was the main one that took care of it in our bathroom until 23 weeks. After that my siblings done it or I wore a mask and gloves.

Cats during pregnancies never had any issues.

I have 2 with all 3 pregnancy and actually now my cats haven taken to my kids. My 7 year old cat protects my 2 month old son and will come check on him when heā€™s crying. He cuddled me alot while I was pregnant and was a big part threw out the whole pregnancy. My husband did the litter box

Having cats is fine while pregnant. I have 2. If my 1 year old liver transplant recipient baby can live around cats, thereā€™s no reason a pregnant person canā€™t.
Now, I will say, being pregnant, I have my husband change the litter or I wear a mask then wash my hands really good after.

I had cats during my pregnancy. I used litter liners and would take the box outside and wear gloves and mask and I was perfectly fine.

I had cats through out all three of my pregnancies. Never had an issue.

I have three cats and worked in an animal shelter till 37 weeks pregnant ā€¦ Zero issues just use proper sanitizing an precautions when it comes to there poop :slight_smile:

I had 2 cats and either my husband changed the box or I wore a mask.

Had 3 kids and I did it. Just did it often and had no problem. When itā€™s time to change the whole box I got husband or took it outside to do it

I wore gloves when changing the litter boxes. I have 3 kids. Weā€™re all fine. :+1:

I cleaned my cats box and also cleaned hundreds of boxes for a shelter during the week. Never bothered with masks or gloves or any of that nonsense. Zero issues.

2 cats and 3 pregnancies. My oldest cat loves when I am pregnant and sleeps beside my stomach. Just donā€™t change the litter box or take precautions if doing so.

Had 2 cats and did it no issues

Just had to wear gloves and mask when I changed the box and of course wash hands :blush:

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I know tons of people who have cats and care for them while pregnant. That being said, I would air on the side of caution and wear a mask, and gloves or wash your hands thoroughly afterward

This is mostly considered a risk if the cat is indoor/outdoor. If your cat is vetted and indoor only risk is minimal and itā€™s completely safe to clean the cat box while pregnant. Wear a mask if you want but bad c hygiene is enough, wash your hands and donā€™t touch your face while cleaning the box.

I had two cats while pregnant and was fine! My fiancĆ© just cleaned the litter box-but if I did(when he wasnā€™t home) I just made sure to clean my hands and stuff really well

Donā€™t go near itā€™s poop you can get toxoplasmosis. Other than that itā€™s fine. Iā€™ve had a cat for the last 13 years around children and Iā€™ve been pregnant.

Pay someone to change the box for u

Wear gloves, try not to inhale the shit fumes and youā€™ll be good.

I have been pregnant twice and i have three cats! Healthy pregnancies and healthy babies :ok_hand:
Just dont clean the kitty litter, have your spouse/boyfriend do it or someone elseā€¦ or if you must do it yourself, wear gloves and maskā€¦ wash your hands and sanitize them :wink:


Wear a mask and gloves when you clean the litter box, and thoroughly wash your hands when you are done.

I have 3 cats and have 3 kids. Iā€™ve never had any issues and I just have my hubby clean the litter box :smiling_face:


Just wear gloves and wash your hands well after

Have someone else clean litter box.

I wore a mask and washed me hands really good afterwards and was totally fine

You canā€™t be one month pregnant.

Youā€™re one month pregnant at the time of conception. So youā€™re actually two-three months currently.

Ok carry on.


Yes. Donā€™t be around the litter.

Im currently pregnant nd have a cat. I change her litter and everything, i just wear gloves, a mask, and use hand sanitizer AND wash my hands after every cleaning. im due november, so far no problems.


Cats are no harm to mom or baby. If you had the cat and cleaned the litter box before being pregnant youā€™re fine to clean it now. If your cat has the parasite youā€™d have gotten it already. My dr told me just to wash my hands extra better after cleaning the boxes and use a low dust litter. We had 4 cats at the time.

I have kitties. My husband just cleaned the box while I was pregnant. No problems, aside from him slacking sometimes :joy:

Yes. Just donā€™t scoop litter box

My fiancƩ cleaned it for me. I did it from time to time but covered my nose and washed my hands immediately after

I had a cat while pregnant. It was no issue. I would clean the litter box outside where thereā€™s good ventilation, I would make sure to wash and clean my hands very well after.

If you have someone to do it for you, I would get them to. My ex unfortunately refused and I did not have anybody to do it so I had to.

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I did, and when my husband was at work and was unable to clean the cat box for me I just wore a mask and gloves and instead of scooping through the cat box I just dumped the whole thing out into a garage bag, took cat box outside and hosed it out then refilled it threw mask and gloves out and washed hands really well. Or you can have someone else do it for you.


Wear gloves and a mask. Should be fine. We buy litter box liners also. I put a puppy pad in the bottom of the box, then a liner bag. When itā€™s time to change the whole thing just pull the draw strings on the bag and throw it away. The puppy pad at the bottom is in case they tear the bag while scratching. It catches the pee and the litter doesnā€™t stick to the bottom of the box. Just spray cleaner for the smell and rinse or let it air dry

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Donā€™t scoop the litter on your own and have someone else do it. Taxoplasmosis is a huge risk to your baby. Particularly if your cat is an outdoor cat. If nobody can clean it then put on a mask and gloves when you clean it and try not to breathe it in and itā€™ll be okay too.

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My husband cleaned the box while I was pregnant. If you donā€™t have someone to do it for you, wear gloves and a mask.

3 cats. Cleaned it every two to four days myself. No issues. Just practice good hygiene when you do it. I had two pregnancies and my cats never went outside and still do not ever.

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Everyone is right about being careful with the litter. Other than that, Iā€™m due in the next couple weeks and the only problem Iā€™ve had is my cat constantly wants to cuddle my belly every time i sit down. :joy:


I did and no issuesā€¦ I always had someone else clean out the boxes :woman_shrugging:

As long as you have someone else change the litter box, you are fine.

If your cats are strictly indoors, and you regularly clean the box, you have a higher chance of catching parasites from doing garden work. Wear gloves, wash your hands, and clean the box regularly.


Yes itā€™s fine to have a cat and itā€™s fine to clean it. Wear gloves and mask, after cleaning it take a shower.


We have a Munchkin Cat! Iā€™ve had him my whole pregnancy and when my husband isnā€™t able to clean his box, we bought the liners, I will wear a mask and protective gloves, bag up the litter, (scoop out the nasties on every day, bagging the whole thing is once a week) and just toss it, hose and rinse out the box, spray it out with a cleaner, put in a new liner and refill! Weā€™ve been perfectly fine this whole pregnancy with me doing the cat litter! My little Munchkin Scooter says hi and congratulations!:blue_heart:


I wore a mask and gloves when I changed the litter for my roommate while she was deployed. Better safe than sorry.

6th pregnancy and ice always had cats. But I did normally have someone else clean the box while Iā€™m pregnant if I had to do it I wore gloves and a mask

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I had 2 cats through my last pregnancy. I cleaned the litter box because no one else would. If your cat is a strictly indoor cat the chance of them carrying toxoplasmosis are slim. If youā€™re still concerned wear a mask to reduce the dust your breathing while cleaning the box.


We have a cat but the litter box isnt m job. You can get a self cleaning box. Or use a liner and throw the whole thing away. Or wear a maskā€¦ Iā€™m sure you already wash your hands after.

I have had many cats even cleaned the litter box I also had chickens and have 4 healthy kids. I fed and cleaned both animals places. Chickens are the same if not worse for pregnant women.


Iā€™ve had 2 babies around our family cat and had no problems what so ever! Was only advised to not change the litterbox and to always wash my hands after any contact with him :+1:

Itā€™s fine. I had three cats during my pregnancy and I cleaned all their litter boxes the entire pregnancy. You can have your cat tested for parasites if youā€™re really worried. I do recommend keeping them indoors only. This is kinda like the ā€œdonā€™t drink caffeineā€ rule. Itā€™s just being over cautious.

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Yes it is safe to have a cat, just get someone else to clean the litter box while youā€™re pregnant.

Just have baby dad clean litter box, other then that everything should be fineā€¦ I have 3 cats and my husband changed the litter

4 grown kids and I had cats and dogs always.

My friends cleaned the litter box for me until I had my baby so

My husband changed the litter but if you donā€™t have help, wear a mask and gloves during cleaning . I believe the ammonia smell of the pee is an issue too


It wonā€™t hurt nonsense!!put on mask wash your hands

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You need to wear gloves and mask when changing litter box.


I have a cat and while I was pregnant my husband did everything litter box related. I never went into the room with it and never had any issues.
Unfortunately we had a friend who was pregnant had 3 cats so multiple litter boxes in the home including in her bedroom. She had many complications including delivering early and the poor baby has some difficulties as well. Not sure if itā€™s directly related but I know it didnā€™t help.

Cats are ok as long as youā€™re not cleaning the litter box.

I had 2 cats with my last three pregnancy and cleaned there little box and my babies are healthy now Iā€™m pregnant with my 4th and got 3 cats.

I wear a mask and wash my hands after

Itā€™s safe to have a cat, but definitely have someone else change the cat litter!

I have 9 cats, Iā€™m 7.5 months pregnant, and Iā€™m a Veterinary Technician, you can have cats. Just donā€™t touch their fecal matter because some outdoor (and rarely some indoor) cats can contract toxoplasmosis from eating birds or rodents and spread the parasites through their feces. Im fortunate enough to have a handful of Litter Robot cat boxes that self clean and my boyfriend changes the bags. However, if you donā€™t have the option for a self cleaning box then you should be totally fine as long as you wash your hands after scooping, and Iā€™d reccomend wearing gloves. Itā€™s not a bad idea to consult with your OBGYN as well.


I had a cat while pregnant. I cleaned it and just tried not to breathe in if there was dust and always washed hands after wards with no problems. My hubby also would change it more often than I would though. If thereā€™s not help to do it, just make sure to wash afterwards. My doc said just to wash afterwards and if it got really bad not to clean it.

I have someone clean mine for me im 21 weeks i didnt want risk the toxics

My doctor told me if I had no choice then wear mask and gloves while changing litter boxā€¦ but its fine


I cleaned litter boxes while pregnant with all 4 of mineā€¦ the key is to wear gloves and/or a mask, then wash your hands really well when finished.


Yes !! My best friend cha get the cat box one time at 7 months pregnant and her baby died from catching that parasite


I have a cat since before pregnancy. Weā€™re all good.

Have you not had an ultrasound? Iā€™d hate to find out I was having a cat :rofl:

I have 4 kids and cat during last pregnancy had to do the litter tray and everything, as long as you wash your hands after you should be fine

I have had cats forever through multiple pregnancies. Use common sense. Wash your hands after you clean the litter box, get an automatic litter box and save yourself some work.

Just wear a mask and gloves

I have three cats and Iā€™ve been fine wear a mask and wash you hands if you need to do litter boxes