Ignore these obvious non smokers. Marijuana isn’t hurting your baby. I’d stop at least 90 days before due date
Wow! How saddening and pathetic!
They do test you and the baby and if either are positive a CPS can be opened. Usually, it’s just a welfare check. Usually it’s open and shut.
So, quit the pot for a few months. You don’t want CPS to open a case. Of course, smoking anything has risks so, just stop for awhile.
Or…why not do it at all???
It took 7 weeks for me to test clean after being a hard weed smoker for years n years, but I was working out 6 days a week & hitting the sauna/sweats… (I wasn’t pregnant)
You would have to smoke ridiculous amounts of weed for the THC to be present in your baby at birth.
I’ve been a smoker for 15 years and continued to smoke throughout all 3 of my pregnancies over 8 years and breastfed every one of them until at least 6 months of age, every single one of my children have been fine and still are to this day!!
Piece of real advice from a real person who doesn’t care what the fuck you do- don’t ask for advice on these stupid things if you’re not looking for judgement from teenagers who have no fucking idea what they’re talking about!!
Can there be effects yes…can there not be effects yes…do your own research.
It goes back 3 months…I’ve been through it with my oldest and he is 7 now…it was ridiculous
I smoked weed through my pregnancy, I have a healthy 6year old daughter. Never had any complications during pregnancy. Weed isn’t harmful during pregnancy. I know lots of people who did it during there pregnancy. And they all have a healthy baby. My mum smoked it when she was pregnant with me. Im fine
They test the umbilical cord. Don’t smoke while pregnant but if you do it can be detected up to 3 months in the umbilical cord.
I had smoke both of my pregnancy 10 year ago and I did let my obgen know… they aware about it… cuz both of my pregnant I was so sick having hard time to eat…
If you can’t refrain from cannabis for your own unborn kid then you shouldn’t have them and no I’m not against weed I do believe it has its medicinal benefits although I’m not a smoker
All drugs you take will stay in babys poop from the time your about 4 months pregnant. The baby will not “get clean” when you do. Marijuana isnt generally a major concern when it’s found in babys system and it shouldn’t cause you too much trouble, especially if your in a legal state. Marijuana is becoming more and more commonly used during pregnancy for morning sickness and mood disorders instead of standard medicene so there’s not TONS of research yet but as far as is known it’s MOSTLY harmless aside from maybe low birth weight. I should mention some people believe there’s a link to autism, but then again everything is somehow linked to autism
They can detect it in mothers with their routine tests, which will tell them its in babies system too, they may request regular drug tests throughout pregnancy, and if they get a positive result mutiple times, further services may get involved, they do work with mothers first, but if the child has it in their system at birth, thats when child services can step in and take the child, or keep watch of the mither and tell her what she needs to do to avoid bubs being taken, even after the mother is drug free, they will stay involved and do checks, to ensure she stays on the right path and puts her baby first.
Once it’s born they can test it’s poop. But I’m most states they won’t even care, and if CPS does come just have a normal, clean home and it’ll get thrown out. My canna baby grew up to be a normal healthy kid and nor I or my baby was ever tested.
I hate judgemental people,I mean who made you judge jury and executioner…I smoked and was on medication yes it has an effect everything that goes thru you goes thru baby to…babys are born with withdrawal symptoms…not that it’s ok… but quit judging if you’ve never been there…not everyones perfect
Babies only make fecal matter in the very last weeks. Abstain in the final months. Alcohol and cigarettes during pregnancy are bigger concern. They usually only test for amphetamines and opiates. If they do test for mj they cannot take ur baby for it if they even try get an attorney on the phone before you leave the hospital. People are saying they test for it in your ob appt in those strips, they do not. But quit as soon as u can before birth.
you are drug tested every single drs visit and they don’t have to say anything if something comes back positive. Now whenever the baby is born, if the baby is tested and it comes back positive of whatever being in its system, then a CPS case is opened and officials interfere.
I’m not being all judgmental but if you are pregnant and KNOW that you are pregnant, why do anything that could cause harm even slightly to your babies health and well-being? Or something that is frowned upon doing.
If you love this child, you would do anything to protect it. Even if that means you can’t smoke for nine months, boo hoo.
Shouldn’t be smoking while pregnant!! It can wait. The baby is more important than some weed!!
You don’t wanna do it… Trust me… No bad effects or anything… But… You know… Child protective services are no joke.
I wouldn’t worry about it I failed for weed and by law they have to report it cps but they came to my house saw that we were good and that we could support our child and closed the case they actually laughed at the fact they were there in the first place cps dont give af bout weed anymore
I DID NOT smoke pot while pregnant but I remember very vividly putting my head between my legs in between breastfeeding my baby because of the around the clock Percocet they were giving me! I had a natural, no medicine and completely healthy delivery. No idea why they did that but they did and that was A LOT stronger than pot.
First: they don’t test a newborn for drugs without a reason. Second: get your head out of your ass if your smoking pot while pregnant.
Its suggested of smoking during pregnancy to quit by 8 months so as not to show up in baby. My son came put with marijana in his system and all I had to do was pass 3 mouth swabs and I was done with cps.
Join this group. There’s no judgment there.
They test the cord blood when the baby is born I would stop a couple of months beforehand unless you smoke dab then you will need longer as it motabolizes higher and takes longer to leave your system.
Aboriginals would chew on cannabis leafs during pregnancy to help with the nausea and improve their ability to eat… its the man made pharmaceuticals that are more dangerous for you than cannabis could ever be… cannabis is a harmless natural herb with a plturea of positive effects… its only “dangerous” because anyone with even a basic garden can grow it… which makes it dangerous to the pharmaceutical industry as they can not profit from cannabis
I’m in California for reference, but I smoked through my pregnancy because I had trouble eating. I was never hungry and would get nauseous when I made myself eat. My drs knew the entire time and nobody said anything about it. Had my baby and went home no issues.
Where I’m from they test the placenta. Doesn’t matter at what stage of pregnancy you smoke it’ll show up.
Lol the US is wild. Here in Canada I’ve never had to worry about cannabis testing. It’s a plant.
Bullshit they test the pee. Stop at 30 to 32 weeks to give yourself room incase baby comes at 36 weeks
They drug test your babies in america? Wow.
They only do that here if they suspect like…meth.
Weed is no big deal
Depending on the state you live in, it’s perfectly normal and ok, sometimes even recommended. It’s 2021. People need to realize there has been multiple studies and tests done about this. Altho everyone is different and it can affect some different than others…its perfectly fine and healthy. I have 2 perfectly fine kids, 5 and 7. I smoked while pregnant with both…
They put a little bag on their crotch and get a pee sample. Especially if you have failed a test for it.
If you quit smoking between 4-5 months along in your pregnancy, you both will be fine. Nothing detectable. Good luck!!
Yes they test the baby’s poop and if they find Marijuana in it, they usly start a cps case I believe. I was too paranoid so as soon as I found out I was prego I quit cold turkey
I am a Medicinal marijuana patient for many reasons and am currently pregnant now in a legal state and open with my doctors, i would rather smoke a plant than take a bunch of pills while pregnant i had terrible insomnia and morning sickness in the beginning and now in the 3rd trimester… i wouldn’t be able to eat or feed my babies what they need in order to grow if it wasn’t for marijuana.
If you aren’t being a POS why are you worrying about something like that
Edit since yall Karens are freaking out I’m not bashing weed, ive just never seen a kid tested unless they were born with a defect that correlated to a specific drug so they ran a test, INCLUDING prescription and over the counter drugs
But generally for something THAT severe to happen you’d have to consume an ungodly amount, thus being a POS; utilizing weed for insomnia and appetite, anxiety etc is perfectly acceptable but if you’re just smoking to smoke and it’s enough to cause that, that’s where there’s an issue
Y’all freaking out over a fuckin plant get a fucking grip
First of all in my state they don’t drug test without permission or reasonable cause. Second of all no it won’t hurt the baby. And if they test babies blood it will be in there but in lower amounts than if they tested your blood. If it helps you and you are happy and healthy then baby is happy and healthy.
THC, the main psychoactive component of marijuana, has a half life of 8 days in fat and is detectable for up to 30 days in the bloodstream. Once circulating in the bloodstream, THC is readily able to cross the blood brain barrier and the placenta due to its lipophilic nature. In a primate study, THC was detectable in fetal blood just 15 minutes after intravenous infusion in the mother
In situations where the use or abuse is suspected, tests may be administered to test for marijuana exposure in a newborn.
This may occur if marijuana use or abuse is suspected by a doctor or other medical professional. One of the most frequently used tests to look for maternal marijuana use is meconium testing.
To administer this test, clinicians collect a meconium sample from the newborn. Meconium is the first stool of a baby. Meconium first starts forming while the child’s in the womb, developing at 12 to 16 weeks of pregnancy, or roughly the beginning of the second trimester. Due to this, meconium testing can detect marijuana use in the last four to five months of a women’s pregnancy
Most places won’t test for pot anymore. And I’ve never heard anything about 10 weeks either
So I can tell you from experience not with me but with a family friend that if and this is at the hospital that I gave birth at and this family friend gave birth that that if the nurses suspect anything or anybody tells them that there could be drug use they will drug test the baby. I do know that they do test the blood that comes from the cord I don’t know if it’s for drug test but when I had my little girl 6 years ago they came in and said they tested the blood and everything came back normal. I don’t know this for sure but I wonder if it’s almost if they don’t drug test in the states that it’s legal.
Really? So guessing your smoking while pregnant…Hell ya they can tell duh anything you take in your body the baby gets as well. Just hope your not that stupid to be smoking
Wow. I wouldn’t even consider taking anything like that which could harm my baby. I wouldn’t even take Panadol when I was pregnant.
Oh the lack of education in these comments.
You’re better off joining a Cannamom group specific to your state.
Texas tests the babies first poop in some hospitals and it goes back to around 12 weeks
Half the ones putting someone down for smoking a bowl, gladly take those pills every day from the doctors.
Just shocks me that people cant give up a habbit for 9 months to give a child the best start in life possible!
24 hrs. It takes 24 hrs for it to get out of baby’s system. I had no choice with my first. And my obgyn told me 24hrs before the baby is born.
Im a heavy smoker and quit at 20 weeks and my kids were good💛
Mamas Uncut can you make a separate page called “conservative mamas” they don’t belong here.
Yes but it’s not 10 weeks it’s up to 8 weeks or something. I disclosed to my OBGYN that I smoked before I knew I was pregnant and they added it to my “file” and when I had my baby they sent in a social worker who questioned me if I smoked while I was pregnant and I said HELL NO GET OUT OF HERE and she tested negative
You need to quit before hour third trimester… if you have an emergency delivery or c section they will automatically test the placenta…
Otherwise you will be fine.
the meconium is a record of the last 3 months or stherabouts!
If its in your blood it’s in your babies.
There are 420 friendly mom groups on Facebook you can join don’t get advice like this from this page they will do nothing but tear you down!!
U need stop by 23 or 25 weeks but ur good till then for it get out of babys system
Yes. If there is any suggestions of drug use they test the baby… social services will be informed.
Don’t use any drugs while pregnant unless you are trying to harm your child.
First of all fuck the haters, second yeah they can detect it. I quit at 32 weeks and was fine
If you disclose that you smoke then they will test baby.
If you’re in a CPS case then they will test baby.
Those are the only two reasons why they would test.
Yes! My sister in law had thc in her system at 8weeks they told her they will retest her again when the baby is born and if the baby has it in his system he would be taken away
My doctor literally put me on thc pills because I was so sick. Talk to your doctor. They know best.
I smoked 3 times while I was pregnant to help with nausea and the last time was at 32 weeks and I delivered my daughter at 39 weeks and they didn’t say she tested positive. I talked to my nurse through out my pregnancy and she knew when I tested positive all three times. Idk if that’s helpful or not but that was my experience
Its actually 13weeks… I started smoking it when I was just 11 and wjen I found out I was 15weeks pregnant at 21 I stopped smoking and the midwife did tests through rest of pregnancy and it was 13 weeks before it was out of mine and babys system completely. My daughter is now 8 and shes fit and healthy infact shes clever as owt lol your baby will be fine x
this is crazy, they don’t test our babies in Australia unless they fear hard drugs have been used. Not a natural anti-nausea !
Personally I would never do drugs, smoke or drink while pregnant HOWEVER I highly suggest you eat edibles vs. smoking it; whether weed is “safe” or not during pregnancy inhaling any kind of smoke into your body is not safe.
I stopped smoking at 32 weeks and my oldest still tested positive!
Um stop using drugs while you’re pregnant
The hospital I go to checks it. Here in Utah, they always tell me that it’s good that my baby didn’t have any Marijuana in their system cause I’d be in a lot of trouble since I didn’t go the “safe route” (as in Marijuana card an doctor approval). They also told me that social services would get involved. but when I was with my first child I lived in Arizona, they didn’t care. I smoked for nausea and to keep my food intake regularly. I stopped at 30 weeks or whenever the doctor said they were breathing in their own.
What kinda questions here
Some of y’all are dead ass hateful!! At least it’s not meth or heroin!! WEED IS A PLANT!!! It makes ppl hungry, happy and sleepy!! Some of y’all you need try weed!!
I smoked my whole 9 months. My son had nothing in his system. My drs were well aware while I was pregnant, I switched to smoking instead of taking my insomnia meds n other meds which could of ended my pregnancy. Nor did he have any health issues what so ever. #cannamom
If you test positive then yes they’ll test your baby as well. & most hospital policy is they tell a social worker who comes to talk to you if your positive for any drugs. Also if you’ve tested positive at your doctors then more then likely it’s on your file and the hospital can see that & will probably still inform a social worker. I didn’t find out I was pregnant till about 10 weeks & had smoked a few times prior to finding out so it was still in my system at my first appt. The OBGYN never said anything about it at any appointment but at the hospital they had someone come talk to me. The lady even confirmed I only tested positive for weed once at 10 weeks but they still had to report it. 10 weeks for them to be clean sounds really exaggerated I highly doubt that’s true, I looked it up and found a few articles saying 24hrs. I’d guess it depends on how much you’ve been smoking too, if you’re a heavy smoker it can take up to 90 days to get out of your own system.
If you have to ask, you probably shouldn’t be doing it. There’s a reason they test. Just like for narcotics.
i like how some moms are shaming the ones that are smoking weed even though you don’t know the reason why they’re smoking you’re judgy af stfu
I can tell this page is mainly American based.
My doctor very clearly told me no smoking , drinking , or marijuana!
I get your body your choice but
I have smoked for many years, and in 2005 my ob/gyn and doctor both knew. Smoking weed is not looked upon today like it was years ago, there’s dispensaries now for crepes sake lol. You will be fine. Hospitals are not worried about the mom who smokes weed, the heroin and pill users are a different story.
I sure hope they can.
Any mom who does drugs while pregnant is a POS!!! You can’t give up 9 months of your life for your baby? This pisses me off so much!
I would check the rules on the state you live in… some are laid back and some check the meconium (babies first poop) no matter what. They do drug test you though when you go to the hospital to deliver. If you are positive they most definitely will check the baby. If the baby is positive, CPS immediately gets called.
Like I said, depends on your state. Some states only check baby’s first poop and pee if you tested positive at any of your obgyn appointments or if you tested positive at the hospital.
Also, babies meconium starts forming around the beginning of the 2nd trimester. So it can go back quite a ways and detect drug use.
Good luck… stop smoking though… your baby deserves that of you.
If you choose to do any type of drug while being pregnant your trash
5 months and on they can tell
My doctor had me smoke for nausea and was regular literally smoked right before labor and my son tested clear. Literally bag and cottonball to privates to give him the drug test
Just don’t do drugs and no one will have that problem!
I’ve only heard of them testing for hard drugs not weed so
It’s amazing how many women won’t give up substances for their unborn child… so selfish
Ok stop being so judge mental people. Have you ever heard of medical marijuana?? I am pregnant and still have my medical marijuana for my anxiety INSTEAD of being switched to anxiety meds that WILL have an effect on the baby more than medical marijuana. My ob knows and Supports this decision. Being on marijuana for medical conditions even during pregnancy is healthier for the baby than the meds they prescribe. Do research and stop being so judge mental people! And before anyone says “we’ll just don’t take meds. We’ll just don’t do it.” Yea when you have a medical reason, it’s not that simple. Would you tell someone not to take insulin? It’s the same thing.
They only check baby if u test positive. They will check also if the baby is preterm or has any other issues.
Yup don’t do something youll regret for life
Why Mad Faces on a Question?? Just because It Says “BABY”??. Maybe she/He is Asking Because she/He is Concerned.
I live in Arizona and this chick delivered her baby and since she tested positive for weed cps came to hospital and wouldn’t let the child leave unless the house and car was checked and she was accused of being unsafe for her daughter. This was a month ago and weed is legal here. I smoked up until I got pregnant and for that it scares me so I have not smoked once during my pregnancy. So I’d say ask your doctor.
It can happen but I was tested and so was my daughter when she was born and I was positive she was negative
If we are aware the mother did any drugs during pregnancy. We test them. Usually pot doesn’t effect a newborn. Family services is always called, even if the mother had a script for it. The most horrible withdrawal is from methadone, heroin & coke. What those poor babies go thru. Family services can not take a baby without a court order
I never even attempted. I seen numerous Mothers have their babies yanked away by social services in the hospital for failing drug screenings.
Nothing in this world is worth having your baby taken.
Um wtf they didn’t test me for marijuana and even tho I smoked during both my pregnancies nothing is wrong with my kids
I tested positive my first appointment (9w) so they immediately tested me in labor and said if I was positive they would test him. I stopped at 14w and I smoked three times after that. Once was three days before I went into labor and I tested negative so they never tested him
It sure does. Its in their poop. Its legal in my state. I had/have my medical card. (Its legal for rec and medical) the hospital had cps on me. (They came looked at my house, did a mouth swab. Which of course the father and I only tested positive with Marijuana. And my worker said all is good. Good. This was the first child (baby 3) I did it during. 2018/2019. And she is/was perfect (minus the fact I gave birth to her in my drive. Standing up. Delivered by me but whatever)
Just don’t smoke it while ur pregnant and u have nothing to worry about
I haven’t seen a baby removed due to weed in the system but probably depends on the state your in