Is it true you get more sick when you are pregnant with a boy?

Never had morning sickness with either of my boys… Every pregnancy is different… Its nothing at all to do with gender to how sick you get…

I find boy pregnancies ALOT more sensory heightened

3 girls sick as a dog with each one!

I believe it. Your hormones are different with a boy. My daughter is expecting a boy. She is SICK.

Puked my way through the first two trimesters with both my little boy and my little girl.

I have 2 boys and 2 girls. All 4 pregnancies were completely different.

I think all pregnancies are different but I was sick the first trimester with both of my boys…

Nope. That’s a myth. Every pregnancy is different and every trimester is different too😊

No I was not sick with my first daughter but was sick with my second one.

I didn’t puke at all when I was pregnant with my son. I got nauseous like twice the entire pregnancy

2 girls… so sick the whole pregnancy with both.
1 boy not sick at all the during the pregnancy

I only had morning sickness mainly the first trimester and the beginning of the 2nd and third trimester

I was never sick with boys I had the best pregnancy did even feel pregnant with either of my boys

I’m having a boy and I barely had any morning sickness at all. I had a shit Ton of acid reflux tho

I have two boys and two girls and was sick with all of them…I’m pregnant now with a girl and nothing at 23 weeks !

Ha ha mine was exact opposite. I was bad sick with my daughter but with my son barely any sickness

Deathly ill with both my boys, no sickness at all with my daughter

With my first son I was not sick at all and with my second son I was sick all the time.

No! I had 3 boys 1 girl. and I was sick the worst with my daughter, I threw up almost everyday the entire 9 months.

Nope my 3rd was a girl and she had me floored thump the point I could barely walk

I was more sick with my 2 boys than my 3 girls! Also my hips grew bigger with the boys and the girls it was always the boobs first🤷🏻‍♀️ May just be a coincidence

2 boys and 1 girl here…NEVER, not one day, of sickness with any of them. All myths…

I was sick with my 3 girl’s no sickness with my one son

Only had morning sickness with my two girls & none with my son

I wasn’t sick with my son both my daughters I have had hyperemesis

I was very sick the first and third trimester with my son. Hes my only kid though so idk if it would be better with a girl

I never got sick with my son but now I’m carrying a girl I had mean morning sickness

That is an old wives tale. I had 2 kids, both girls. One super sick and one not.

Never had sickness with my daughter or son

I’m so sick too! My first was a boy but morning sickness didn’t hit me as hard with him.

Ive had 2 of each currently pregnant with no5 girl and i say for me girls were my worst.

I had no sickness with my son at all.

Two boys and never got sick one time while pregnant with either.

I never had it with my first born girl but man did I have it bad with my boy.

I had different pregnancies and had 2 girls

I have 3 girls and 1 boy, morning sickness with the girls and none with my son.

Your pregnancy is always going to be different than other’s, as well as each of your pregnancies will be different. But for me, I loved being pregnant with my boys. No morning sickness at all with either of them. My first one was very picky about what foods I ate though. I was not allowed to eat Italian foods except pizza, chocolate covered strawberries, and other things I loved. He wanted KFC… I hated KFC😂. To this day 16 years later he’s still the most picky eater I’ve ever known, and loves KFC and pizza. My second wanted so much food, and he still will eat so much and will try anything once. It’s so funny how they were “themselves” before any influences! I think the best advice to help ease your sicknesses through your pregnancy is to listen to their cravings. Much luck😊


Hell no. I had 2 girls and had severe Hyperemesis Gravidarum from week 5 until the day they were born both times.

I was much sicker with my first, a daughter, than my son. He was always hungry!

That wasn’t true for me.
My first was a boy, I had the normal morning sickness till 3 months…my second is a girl and I was very sick the whole way thru every single day

Eh no. I was barely sick with my son and with my daughter I was miserable and puking up till I delivered her. Literally.

I was zick 24/7 for my entire pregnancy (except for maybe 3 weeks) and I had a girl :woman_shrugging:t3: im talking couldnt eat or keep anything down

I wasn’t sick at all with my son. My daughter I puked for 3 months

I had no sickness with my boys. Just bad heartburn.

I didn’t get sick with any of my kids and I have 2 boys and a girl

Nope definitely not true I guess every pregnancy is different

I wasnt ever sick with my boy. This girl on the other hand makes me feel ill almost daily.

Depends on the person. But you do get more sick with twins…:face_with_hand_over_mouth::smirk:

i had a boy and wasn’t sick at all :woman_shrugging:t3:

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I was horribly sick with both of mine (one boy and one girl) :woman_shrugging:t3:

I was sick for 8 months pregnant with a girl

I have a boy and 2 girls and they all made me equally sick. Lol

I had very bad morning sickness with my son

I had zero sickness with my son.

I was sicker with my daughter.

I had 2 boys and was never sick just a little naseous

I never got sick… I had boys and girls… I read it just means you got strong pregnancy hormones🤷‍♀️

No sickness with my son throughout my pregnancy

I was more sick with my girls than with my boys.

I have 2 boys never got sick once.

I had a boy, and I was never sick! Maybe I was just lucky lol

No sickness with my boys but really sick with my daughter

Never sick 1 girl 2 boys

I had two girls and was sick for both pregnancy

I had no morning sickness with either of my kiddos.

I was sick for the first 19 weeks. I had a boy. Lol

Yessss omg my first was a boy-and oh boy!!:nauseated_face: alllll the time the whollle pregnancy

I wasn’t sick with either and I had 2 boys.

I was more sick with my girl

No sickness AT ALL boy!!

I had 3 boys, not sick at all.

No sickness with my son

I was sicker with my daughter

My girls were worse then my boy

I had a boy and I was never sick :woman_shrugging:

These are just myths. Not true in all cases.

it depends on the pregnancy

Hell no , i died puking w all three of my girls lolol

I could have wrote this post! LOL

I am 12 weeks at the moment and have hypermesis. Its awful. The doctor put me on zofran and unisom and vitamin b. Ive also been to the er 3 times because of dehydration. So if you find that the morning sickness if unusual, see your doctor.

4 boys: never sick once

Opposite for me, sicker with girl

I dont know but it was true for me

Yes every pregnancy can be different and may not mean anything but for me when I was pregnant with boys I was sick and could not eat meat at all.

I had two girls and was horribly sick with both 15 week+,… but every pregnancy is different :purple_heart:

I’ve had one of each and didn’t get sick with either

I had morning sickness to the point I couldn’t eat during almost the entirety of both my pregnancies and both my GIRLS came out with full heads of hair :joy::joy:

I hae2 boys, I was more sick with #2. Not sick at all with #1

4 boys 2 girls i was only sick with the girls :joy:

I didn’t get sick with my boy and he was my second. My daughter which was my first of my I was sick as a dog!

Biggest thing ive found bikkies preferably.ginger for first thing in morning dont move until you are well awake, use ginger in meals, ginger tea etc its a lifesaver oh that and maccas fries during the day anything salty :face_with_hand_over_mouth::joy:

I was way more sick with my girls than my boys

No. My 1st child was a boy. I had 0 symptoms other than getting fat and no period. My 2nd was a boy. I was super sick and tired

I didnt get sick for either but my daughter brought back my child hood motion sickness so yea thats fun

I thought it was girls u were more sick with :nauseated_face:I certainly was more sick with my girls

I have a boy and girl and I only threw up one time total for both pregnancies and it was with my girl :joy:

everyone is different. I got sick about the same time with both of my pregnancies. My daughter was sick all day long. Lost about 15 plus lbs with her. With my son, only got sick when I got up… I would first make a big breakfast for me, then go throw up & came out & ate my big breakfast. Also lost 15 plus lbs with him, Also had the worst heartburn ever with him…and he had no hair, where my daughter had a full head of hair & no heart burn. Again, everyone is different

i’m having a girl and i’ve been sick my entire pregnancy. Really you can’t believe “with boys this with girls that” every pregnancy is different.

I’ve had 5 kids and with my son I was sick very early on. My 2 girls I was sick later on but it was still bad. My twins (boy and girl) I was so sick it wasn’t even funny but it was later on as well and lasted longer than all of them.

I never had boys. But my pregnancy with my 1st daughter was BRUTAL started at 7-8 weeks and legit didn’t go away until I was like 32 weeks !!! Puking everyday :face_vomiting: luckily she was super healthy but born at 34 weeks I lost so much weight from throwing up lol. My 2nd daughter basically the same thing but it didn’t last as long! Morning sickness stopped around 20
Weeks and I had her at 35! I definitely didn’t feel no “ glow “ while I was pregnant :rofl: