"Weird question, but are you still friends with people who you hooked up with?
I talk to a few guys that I slept with, and my boyfriend thinks I shouldn’t talk to them…what should I do? They are just friends and have been just friends for years."
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“It’s just common sense to not talk to people you’ve had sex with if you’re in a relationship. Ask yourself the same question would you be ok if he has girlfriends he had sex with still talking to him.”
“I still talk to people I’ve hooked up with. We’re friends and work better that way anyway, it’s good having a friend I can go to for anything and not have to worry about judgment like with some girlfriends. I love my husband and talking to past exes means nothing more to both of us. I did have an ex once though that didn’t allow me to talk to any guys (even though I had never touched them). He turned into the most controlling guy and it escalated too quickly, so I wouldn’t stay with someone like that.”
“No. I used to. When I was single, I’d stay friends with some exes. Or friends with benefits. But, I got with my husband. And I stopped talking to them. Because I respected my husband and our relationship. He didn’t ask me to. He didn’t have to or have the chance to.”
“I agree with your boyfriend. I personally think it’s weird. I can understand where your boyfriend is coming from I mean if they were just your friends and nothing else happened between any of them I would say your boyfriend was just insecure but you had sexual relationships with these friends of yours… completely different than just a platonic friendship. How would you feel if he was still talking to his “friends” that he slept with?? Probably would be a completely different story. It’s about respect. Bottom line.”
“Out of respect for my husband, I do not maintain a relationship with anyone I’ve slept with. That goes both ways: I don’t want him chatting up some girl he slept with. Mutual respect.”
“I am friends with exes or hookups. When I am in a relationship I don’t tell my S/O that we slept together unless they ask. Everyone has a past and as long as y’all are just friends now I don’t see anything wrong with it.”
“If it makes your partner uncomfortable, don’t do it.”
“I’m still friends with someone I slept with before I was with my husband. We’re friends, no feelings. And my husband trusts me. I don’t think it’s weird, as long as no lines are crossed while hanging out together.”
“There’s no ‘right’ or ‘wrong.’ There are only perspectives here. When it becomes an issue is when there are double standards. If you have different ideas of what’s acceptable and aren’t able to find a compromise, you just may not be compatible. Especially if this is one of many things that y’all feel very differently about and can’t compromise on. Relationships aren’t black and white. Every human is different… you have to find one that compliments you well.”
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