Is it just me or is it weird asf that people treat their dogs like literal children? like they are dogs…they dont need their own bed, clothing or strollers…my sisters friend has only dogs and she constantly compares taking care of them to be as hard as parenting is and says she is a mom…and they are her babies…tell me im not alone in thinking this is weird
We have dog beds, regular ones and I adore my pets but definitely not as precious as my son’s but as they are grown I get it. Let them do what makes them happy
My dogs are my babies as well lol, as long as you’re living your life why does it bother you so much how she feels?
No it’s not weird.
We don’t know the attachment they have to the dog. Some dog parents do a lot for their dogs! Like their life revolves around them.
Others just connect more with pets.
So to answer your question. Absolutely not weird.
dogs dont need their own beds? please never get a dog. You sounds like you’d be a horrible owner.
Some people can’t have kids and that’s why they treat the dogs like that.
You are not alone. But you sure will get scorned for saying that. Omgoodness.
Not just you. It’s definitely weird and quite annoying. However; that is their choice, so just smile and nod.
I think that many people out there, who cannot have children/ choose not to, are entitled to feel however they want about their pets.
I have a teen and 2 under 2. I also have a puppy and the puppy by far is the hardest to deal with
It’s called compassion, however; in my opinion, it’s not comparable to having a child.
I would literally kill for my fur babies. Never underestimate the power of someone’s love for their animals. They are the one thing in life that we as humans don’t deserve. They loved us without question on days we are not so loveable and count on us to love them back. If someone comes to my house and want me to lock my dog up, they can GTFO cuz it’s my dogs home and they are going nowhere
I mean in a way she is the dogs mom but there are some people who take it to extreme thing’s like I’ve seen on tiktok where someone had a whole bedroom like a toddler bed their own tv paw patrol toy box lamp & dresser for their dog
Now if it was a little corner in the side of the room that you have blocked off for the dog with like a basket & a dog bed that is ok but a whole room nope I call my cat my fur child & my dog was my fur child but definitely don’t take it to extreme it is a pet & they are our babies but their not our human birth given babies ya know
How does someone treating an animal good annoy you? Especially if they don’t have kids then that makes sense I’m happy they treat their dogs well. You’re weird
Nope, not weird. If your not willing to make them apart of your family, don’t get one.
It seems to me that people can love and do things for their animals as much as they want. I don’t find it weird at all.
Dogs are better than some people! I love my babies
I treat my animals as my kids and I do have 6 kids
Yes very weird! Scary how so many people treat animals better than children too.
My aunt isn’t able to have children. She has had several ivf treatments with no luck and her and my uncle aren’t able to adopt. She had two dogs (unfortunately one passed two weeks ago). She treats them like children, though they are too big for strollers and such they are her babies. I think it is perfectly fine to call pets “your babies”. You never know what struggles someone is or has went through to become a mother so I don’t think it’s right to degrade the ones who’s babies do have paws.
I have friends that can’t conceive and it’s true just in a different way that it’s just as tough…really hurts my heart seeing people say that they are not moms
Nope, my dog is my son .
Animals give you unconditional love. They are happy right beside you. They ask for very little in return. People very rarely give unconditional love unfortunately
Why does what someone else is doing bother you?
I think each to their own, if treating her dogs as children makes her happy and it’s not harming anything then don’t worry about it. So many people worry about things that have nothing to do with them. Try to relate to her instead. She says the dogs are hard (her kids) talk about stresses with your kids, who cares which one has more fur
They aren’t hurting anyone leave them be
There is a line…and it may have been crossed
Yes. Weird. Dogs are not the same as humans.
Ok I’m indecisive lol
I don’t think it’s weird. I’ve always considered my pets as family and one of my children. Not just my dogs my cats too
Some people CHOOSE to not bring humans into this hell hole we call society and good for them! Don’t trip, their fur baby’s won’t be shooting up stores, selling drugs to your kids, offended for everything under the Sun or require college tuition. All and all…fur babies are unconditional love!
I’m mother of two, 13 years old puppy and 7 years daughter, my puppy is my baby but get treated like dog no clothes no stroller but she spoiled that how it should be
I have two children and a cat and I call my cat my baby. My boyfriend has a dog and he’s a dog dad. It when u want a mother’s day gift bc u r a cat mom rhats alittle ridiculous I use to b friends with a girl in her late 30s who got a mother’s day gift from her husband bc she’s a cat mom I was like well thats stupid.
How cold ed could you be apparently you don’t have a connection with an animal and shouldn’t probably own animals there’s plenty of women out there that are unable to bear children and the closest thing they get their dogs or their cats birds whatever it may be you need to quit being so close minded and get over yourself
Some people suffer from infertility and their pets will be the only children they’ll ever have
I could never be with someone that didn’t like animals. But I’ve known a few that go so overboard it felt weird. Yes, they are dogs not children but they need care. Puppies are like babies. You have to feed them, train them, get their shots… like kids. So you end up loving them. I’m all for them having beds too!
I agree I bred working dogs and it’s so odd to me
Dog people are usually nuts so be prepared
i don’t find any issue w it honestly. some people are pet parents and love having their pets bc they struggle with infertility issues. this is a weird ass thing to pick at honestly.
i don’t think anyone should judge no matter what lol.
I have children but I still see them as kids
It’s a life you assume responsibility for therefore its no different
Take care of them
They can’t talk humans can
The stroller is a little weird but I treat my puppy like she’s one of my babies
what’s weird to one person if the life of another . i don’t think it’s our job to decide what means the most to someone or how they see there priorities .
and not overly sure why ur allowing it to effect u so much ?
you just do you , stop spending energy minding someone’s else’s business
My human kids are my absolute number 1 babies(they are grown) but let me tell you, my animals are right up there with them. You don’t know the situations people are going through. If they’re not hurting anyone, not hurting their fur babies then I don’t see how it would be weird. Let people be happy. You sound like a miserable judgemental person. Stay in your lane.
Humans don’t NEED any of those things either…
I actually don’t think it’s weird. I got 3 kids and 3 cats I don’t treat any of them any different to the other regardless of species. It’s unconditional love even when they in the bath
I also think it’s very weird and you have to be some what mentally unstable to genuinely feel like your dog or cat is your child and expect mother’s day gifts and what not. I get it to a point of adoring your pets and smothering them with love loves and treating them like family, but the wackos out here telling me it’s the same as raising a child and being a parent? Fuck off it is babe. And you can see they genuinely believe it is. Like… What. Iv even seen loadsss of people say “sorry but if it was out of my child or dog, idk which one I’d save because my dog was my first born” WACKOOOOSSS.
Personally I don’t think you can compare having a dog to a child. However so long as it’s trained I don’t care how much someone spoils a dog.
Geee our dog has he’s own bed out side and inside, when we have the kids he would rather sleep with my special needs daughter on her bed, the kids feed him what ever they are having part from chocolate. He was carrying on at lunch time because he wanted party pies and sausage rolls. He is a little spoiled but that’s ok
Yeah its weird but hey the world is changing. If I can’t carry it on my taxes and get a break then it’s definitely not my kid.
Maybe that chick also thinks your weird
I treat my moms dog as a sister, hell, I really treat her as if she’s my own child.
My daughter is my daughter idgaf lmao.
I don’t push it with a stroller, that’s a bit much. She can walk lmao
I know what you mean
Yup my dogs are my kids too. Wouldn’t have it any other way.
Lol how does this affect you at all? Is this literally your biggest problem in life? Are you seriously so put out that you have to post about it anonymously on a mom page? Fuckin’ yikes, my dude.
-signed, the mother of a (human) child
My dog is my fur baby and I can tell you now, it sometimes can be like living with a toddler (something I’ve done alot over the years). He doesn’t have a stroller, but if he ever needed I would get one so he can still go exploring with me, he also has a cot mattress in my kitchen for when I have in home appointments for my human baby, but he generally sleeps in my bed and has done since I got him (he’s three in 3months). Some people can go a bit far with it though
I have kids. My daughter considers our family dog her brother. And her best friend. I call him my son, he been around longer than my children and is as important to them as me so yeah.
You’re alone. Animals need love, care and compassion too.
If you feel this way, please don’t own any animals.
Well giving I couldn’t have a child for a long time . My dog was my first. Each to their own . I will do anything for my furry kids and my one miracle child. I do work in the vet field and the lack of common sense along with compassion priole have for their pets is gross. Like don’t come to me when u throw money down and it needs yearly vac like a human child
It’s weird as hell. They are pet owners. Not mothers. I think it’s okay to call your pet “your baby”. Animals become family, but not like children. Some women suffer from infertility. Loving their pet is as close as they can get to a child. However, clothes and strollers. That is way to much. I know someone who has full blown birthday parties for her dogs and she even has children. That is extremely weird and over the top. You can definitely love animals, and they need your care. But there is a difference between loving your pet, and being obsessed with it.
I’m a mom and let me tell you… my dog is my FAV child😆
Not all humans connect with animals on that level. When you do, you treat them as a child or best friend and it’s Soul crushing when they pass. Since you asked ,that says y you haven’t had that connection. To have an animal to be where ever you are, unconditional love, you are their entire world and their loyalty is unmatched. I have 2 children and none of my dogs ever rolled their eyes, disobeyed me, talked back, lied to me or stressed me out. Despite the little things, I had really good kids! My kids are adults now Dogs are simply there to love And be loved.
I treat my dogs & cats like kids, they’re my fur babies
i don’t even see why this is a post honestly like…. why are so many people so judgmental lmfao.
Raising kids is not comparable to pets at all. It’s like apples and oranges there’s really no comparing the two other then they are a living organism. However, as a cat owner my 8yr old and I call our 9month old baby kitten boys “our boys. Our babys. Our baby boys.” Then also call them by their names, we love them so much they have a bed they share, it just fills our heart do much to love them like little children. So I imagine dog owners feel the same, I refer to my friends cats or dogs as their “four legged baby, furry friend” I see nothing wrong with people loving animals.
- They definitely DO need beds wtf?
- Some dogs need strollers because they’re old and get tired or too small and get tired. I’m the mum of an elderly dog and you never know when he’s gonna putt out and can honestly tell you a stroller would be bloody handy.
- My dogs wear jackets when they’re cold, what’s the issue?!
I have my 2 little humans, then I have my border collie, I don’t call her my kid. But definitely a very important dog in my life. She has helped me so much with my depression and PTSD. Hell she help my youngest get walking and talking. They were inseparable when she was a toddler. She is 13 now and has a cat she trained. I have never seen a trained cat till she got hers. All she has to do is say Phoenix she comes running. She responds to commands. My oldest has a free roam rabbit she trained. Pets are important to people.
I’m just glad my human children don’t greet people with a booty sniff or take a poo in my neighbors yard. However my four legged children go to bed easier and cost less in food.
Is this post because some stupid news outlet posted that people have an issue with it so you thought you would jump on that bandwagon? There are real problems in the world besides what other people think to call their pets.
I have a Belgian Malinois. He is more hyper then my 4, 6, and 10 year old kids. I treat my dog like my baby just baised off the fact i watched my other mali get hit by a car and killed. Some people love their animals with all they have! Its better then neglecting them
some things should not be posted in this group lmfao, that’s the last thing i’ll say
Some people can’t have children so their dog is the closest thing they can get to having something depend on you to survive, some go way extreme about it yes but if you don’t like it that’s ok you don’t have to
mind your own business & just let someone have their happiness(:
I find it more weird, that seeing someone love and care for another creature, bothers you enough to seek validation for your feelings on the internet.
It’s not your place to call her weird you’re weird for judging her! I had fur babies and they were very much a part of my family and when they died we grieved! Mind your own business
I mean buying beds & clothes is whatever personal choice but taking care of pets is no where near comparable to raising children lol
Some people were not blessed to have children. Stop judging people. Dogs are more loyal than most people. #proundpuppygrandma
Not weird at all. I’m a mom to human babies and animals. I have 2 disabled dogs and they are alot of work. I have 4 dogs and 3 cats 2 turtles 3 rats 4 snakes. I treat all my animals like family. They are a lifetime commitment. I even do aninal rescue. It’s alot of work physically emotionally and mentally. Taking care of animals makes me happy. I will always treat my animals as my own children. Here’s the thing that will bother you the most. My dogs have first middle and last names . The rest of the animals have first and last names. The way I see it is I get along with animal lovers who treat their animals like family. People who don’t care about animals arent good people to be around:) animals are the best . They help with my depression and anxiety . Through my life with the verbal emotional physical mental abuse if it weren’t for the animals , I don’t know where I’d be at now. They help humans so much. I will always have my priorities human kids and animals. I will go into a building on fire to get my human kids and my fur kids and other animals I have. I would go hungry but be happy because my human kids and my fur babies and other animals have food. I will do anything for them. And guess what. I moved out of a house when a landlord decided to change the lease from to having dogs to no dogs. 2 weeks later we moved into a place that will allow dogs. You are definitely going to get alot of negativity from your post.
FYI I brush my dogs teeth too and dress them and brush their hair and give them baths and blow dry. If they misbehave they get treats or toys taken away just like I would for a human child so yes there are many people that will treat their dogs like human kids because we as owners are their adoptive parents
I I have a dog stroller too. Use it for my cats and dogs take them for walks. Also the ratties too and this summer i plan to take my turtles in the dog stroller
100% I will let an animal burn if it means saving my child and I love animals to death! I can’t stand when people celebrate mother’s day or fathers day because they have pets. It irks the actual fuck out of me!
Well I find buying a stroller and clothes for your dog weird and ridiculous but the rest is normal unless of course you don’t really care too much about your pets and their well-being and comfort.
But you are right with one thing… comparing taking care of animals to kids is not a fair comparison. They are not the same.
You are most definitely alone!
My baby steals my pillow every morning
Kids are definitely a lot harder than an animal (my opinion), but regardless how YOU feel about it, maybe you should look at why it’s bothering you so much. Maybe your sister can’t have children, so she resorts to animals? I’m confused as to why it bothers you so much that she cares about another animal that you have to hop onto a page such as this to seek validation for your weird feelings. It’s okay that you don’t agree with it, but you don’t bash and disrespect someone else when you don’t have the full story as to why they treat their animals as such. I’d rather someone care for 100 animals than raise a child they don’t want. As long as those animals are being taken care of, who cares if you sister spoils them? Be glad they aren’t being abused and neglected. Smh. Rant over.
Why do you care?
I swear y’all worry about things that don’t pertain to your life.
Let her be weird. Maybe she can’t have children & is filling a void? If it’s not your house or money, mind your business.
It’s weird but it’s true. I had a kitten for about 6 weeks and mate the stress was ridiculous. So needy like a child lol I gave them away
Some people aren’t able to have children, so their only alternative is fur babies. I don’t think it’s weird. I’m fortunate and blessed beyond words to have been able to have 3 sons after being told time and time again that I would not be able to have children. My son is only 20 but has decided not to have children because he is a Marine and doesn’t want to constantly be uprooting his children. He does have a fur baby with his fiance and he treats her like a child. It’s the cutest thing ever. As long as they don’t interfere with your life I say live and let live. But that’s just me.
I mean to a point it’s weird but are they hurting you in someway? Lol like let it go and focus on things that are actually important
Some people can’t have kids. Their pets are their kids.
Some people don’t want kids. Their pets are their kids.
Some pets require a lot of maintenance… weather it be illness, or special breed maintenance, etc. Just like a kid.
Many pets require training, time, and attention… just like a kid.
Many pets require a lot of money… just like a kid.
Keep your narrow minded views to yourself. I have a child, and I have pets. They’re all my kids. If you don’t see it this way, do the animals a favor and don’t have any.
What do you mean dogs don’t need beds? Where do they sleep?!
My fur babies are definitely my children. They’re just as much my children as my one human child that passed is. If you don’t wanna look at them as children. Then don’t. But don’t judge others for it. And if they wanna go above and beyond for their fur babies, what’s it to you?
Dog are everything!!!
Your not alone I totally agree
Your totally alone… my dog is my baby. As I don’t have kids. She is always with me and has a personality like most 2 year olds. I would do anything for her cause I have had her since she was a baby.
I mean. The part where she is comparing taking care of a pet the same as taking care of a human child. No. Just no
Buying stollers maybe. But to each their own
Clothes are a bit much but i buy my pooch matching shirts and or jackets for family photos
Beds are a must. He has had multiple beds and always will have one or two or three
Why is this question even posted? Who cares? Let them! Some people can’t have children and their animals are the next best thing to having any.
I don’t judge
Pets are very important to people. Some people can’t have children, some people have lost a child, etc. pets are completely dependent on their human much like children. Why does it matter to you? If you don’t want a pet then don’t have one.
My dog had her own racecar bed and bedroom with toys, dishes etc. Lmao
It think it’s more weird how you’re so concerned and invested in what other people do with their lifes. Let them live if that’s what makes them happy, so be it!
People getting so bent over the post is the dumbest thing ever. Who really cares.
She didn’t say she hates animals at all.
Some people don’t equate LOVE to literally parenting their pets. In fact lots of people who love their pets and produce healthy and happy environments for their pets, treat them exactly like what they are. PETS.
She didn’t say she had anything personal against people who do this type of stuff, she just said she finds it weird and her opinion is that, simple and plain.
No need to get hostile about it.
People are still allowed to have or share opinions nowadays right? I mean … It’s the last liberty we have left and I can not stand the thought of how many people have been so straight up rude AF over something so trivial.