Is it weird people call their dogs kids?

I kinda feel sorry for you

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My cats are my babies but in no way do I compare caring for them to being a parent. And they’d kill me in my sleep if I dressed them up or pushed them around in a stroller.


I have a son and two dogs. My dogs are still also my babies, but obviously kids are harder lol. But they all are my life

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My dog is my friend. I will defend her just as much as I will my kids. She’s unconditional with her love. It’s not weird if you love you pet.


Its not weird at all. Taking care of dogs is as much a task as children. They have to be fed, see a doc, and eventually take medicine. Many need obedience training, and have daycare/dog sitter. They misbehave, and have to be taught how to act but will still test their limits. They can communicate their wants and needs. The biggest difference is our children often out live us, but our dogs don’t.

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I find it weird—but also understand that some women can’t have children so may assume that they are their “babies” but as a mother of 4 children, I just humor them and let it slide!

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I’m a mum to both my child and my dog… my dog is my kid he’s harder work than having a toddler I have looked after not only my own single handed but also my nieces as toddlers and I will always say my dogs harder. I don’t go as far to put clothes and get strollers because tbh he’s a big dog and wouldn’t fit but he is my second child… we had a dog as kids and he was always classed as our brother.
If that makes me weird then so be it but In my opinion I’m lucky not weird :v:t2:

You are not alone !!! I have kids and I have pets and they do not compare to each other .

I don’t think it’s weird

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Ummm no! Anything that u nurture since being an baby is like your kid! Animals are like children that can’t tell u what they want or need ,they’re innocent and depend on u for everything


It’s frikin ridiculous.
Children are ten thousand times the work than dogs :joy:


Some people can’t have kids and that’s the best they can do to fill that void.


My mom called my cat her grandcat before I had kid’s…

Some people can’t have children and it’s pretty close…

I have 2 children and any animals are considered my children too…

They are included in the family

If you don’t like it just avoid people who consider them part of the family…

Many reasons why they are… just because they have fur and 4 legs with a tail isn’t a reason why they can’t be a family member or someone 's child…

They comfort us unlike a human being besides a baby…

Some people don’t or can’t have kids… So.

I have both a toddler and a dog. I think the language she used can be helpful here. I wouldn’t compare effort level….its not necessarily harder or easier…or less love or more love…its just DIFFERENT love and different effort. A dog is a canine, a child is human. Different needs, different capabilities, different communication…but both should be loved and cared for. Its one of those things where you can try imagine how you feel about it but you won’t have a real concept until youve had a dog, AND had a toddler. The real life experiences matter. So, i agree that your sisters friend is a mom- a dog mom, and they are her babies, where I disagree is that she thinks only having dogs gives her the expertise to compare them with having children.
Heck, even if she had children…she still wouldn’t know because they would only be her children and her experiences. People talk a big talk and act like their word is gospel…but sometimes its just convenient limitations in language in the moment, and not to be taken that seriously. If she truly does think shes now an expert on dog and children comparison…well she doesnt truly know it all right? So pifff on what she thinks.

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Idk my cats were/are worse than my kids. And you obviously don’t have a loved one that cannot have children, their animals are their kids. My sister had a dog that she got when she was in a rough place in life, I spoil her as if she is my niece. Sorry not sorry, it’s only weird when you haven’t been there.


And it’s not really weird. Animals are just as important to a lot of people

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I think your the werid one my animals are my babies and mean as much to me as my kids


We treat our kids “dogs” better than most people treat their actual kids. Not weird at all.


Y’all can love both, you can adore both!
But people are lying if they say they value and love their human children the SAME as a frikin dog - or way less people should be parents to human children holy fahk.

Not weird at all. I know a few people who are unable to have children and their animals are their babies.

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Whell some people cant have children or have mental problems that make them incapable to care for a child I would be careful about what you say to those that call themself dog moms im not one of them


People can call their pets whatever they want


I have children but my dog is also my child lol :joy:


Girl you have sure ruffled some feathers with this post! I’ve met many people that think their dogs are like kids and treat them as such. I myself got a black lab when I was 18 and did just that. And I meant it. Fiercely. There’s nothing like a good dog. I had a baby and my lab loved the baby so much. She was definitely a member of the family. It was incredibly hard when she died. I had her cremated and her ashes sit on my dresser. I refer to her as “my first baby”
All that being said, they are not comparable to having children, imo. It’s just not the same thing. I feel like looking back, MOST of the people I know that act like it’s the same are people who haven’t experienced having children.
It’s a super close second tho, thank god we have them, for folks who aren’t able to have kids, aren’t ready, need a service animal, need company, need protection, etc.

I think it’s a similar type strong love we feel for them, but it’s different from kids. Again just imo.


I have pets and would never compare them to my kids. Being a parent is completely 100% different them being a pet owner.


Umm yeah that’s not weird at all!! People who find that annoying are the weird ones :roll_eyes:
If it really affects you that people think of their pets as their kids/family, then you must be a truly cold hearted person.


Dogs are literally like children. I have 2 toddlers and a rottie and she’s just as bad as the kids when it comes to taking care of her :woman_shrugging:t3: so no it’s not really weird. Especially when she’s being trained to be a service dog


Some woman NEVER get to have “human” babies so those dogs and cats are their babies. It took me 14 yrs to get pregnant with my 6 yr old son. My cats were my babies and still are. We now have 3 cats. They have climbing towers, houses, tunnels and tons of toys. Stop judging what others do. Be thankful God gave you “human” babies.


If you struggle for many years to fall pregnant, you replace that longing with a pet that you can love and care for like a little baby. Nothing wrong with that


I brought my first puppy home eight months ago. I have three children. One is 3 and my older two are 12 and 8. There where massive similarities between bringing home baby and bringing home puppy. I had to buy loads of things that the puppy would need and like most parents, I had to buy the best for my puppy and it was very expensive! (Not just any old crate for my boy, he has a hand crafted, white wooden beaut of a bedroom) and I prepared like mad. I watched you tube videos on what to expect and read articles on what I should be doing. I felt excitement and trepidation. All I could think about was this puppy and I even started nesting because I so wanted puppy to feel this was his home and feel happy on arrival and beyond. We thought for ages on names as a family (we chose Wilson) and I prepared my then 2 year old for the big change that was coming to normal family life, whilst I got excited with my older boys. The big day arrived and myself and my 12 year old went to pick up Wilson. We wrapped him in a blanket and spoke softly and ahh’d and ooo’d at him. I walked into the house with him where my family were talking in the garden, I held the bundle with nose poking out and whispered “He’s here guy’s!” …(note: puppy didn’t cry as loud as a road digger when he arrived and ruin the moment) … Pup’s first few weeks here I slept on the floor of his crate so he didn’t feel lonley. I wanted to be close if he cryed. I didn’t want him to develop separation anxiety by always sleeping with him, so I put my dressing gown in his crate so that he could smell me. I had his little bed next to mine and after a few nights he was fine to sleep without me on the floor. (note: my babies cot was next to my bed for 2 years. Even now, none of my kids can go to sleep without me) I woke a few times a night to give him food and water and took him into the garden for the toilet. (Note: babies wake every two hours day and night for the first year. And second and third and forth and fifth…and so on)

The first few months were the hardest sleep wise (note: with kids it’s years not nights) but it didn’t matter because I got so much joy being with my pup. Even at 4am in tha garden in October, but I think not having to sterilise everything at that time might have helped.

Wilson is now 8 months old and is a happy, confident boy who doesn’t cry or want for anything. He wants one of five things at all times, walk, food, water, play, love. (Note: This is not the case with children. They can want 100 things at once and once given said 100 things, won’t want it at all actually and will SHOUT at you for giving it to them)

So yes, there are massive similarities between the two. However, Wilson stopped being demanding at about 6 months old, whereas children only get more demanding with age. The baby stage is the easiest in my opinion with us humans. Very similar to a dog in that they need to poo, wee, eat and sleep BUT Children are always in need of their parents for things and also you have the huge emotional rollercoaster with children. They also don’t sit still long enough for long cuddles on the couch like doggo does and children shout ALL over what you’re watching, until you are forced to watch crazy people on TV instead, singing and dancing to nursery rhymes at 6am because that is the only way you will get some peace and can sip your coffee without getting your nose broken.

Children are much harder “work” than a dog for these reasons and so many more. So yes, there are similarities for sure, like unconditional love, worry, nurture, protection ect but bringing up Wilson never leaves me exhausted or run down, or searching for answers, desperately wanting to make him happy when he’s feeling a million and one emotions (dogs aren’t as complex) nor does he make me feel heartbroken or not good enough or constantly running around all day, nor does Wilson make it so I’m unable to leave the house on time or at all in some cases. Nor does he make me have to remember homework, or anything else, on very little sleep and with very little congnitive function due to years of the same exhausing routines.

He doesn’t make me cook when I’d rather not even eat due to being exhausted. Wilson doesn’t destroy everything in his path and make me have to clean CONSTANTLY. Wilson doesn’t ask for snacks every 2 seconds… wait. ok, Wilson does do that. but there’s no tantrums, he doesn’t have meltdowns in public and he doesn’t get piss all over the floor… hang on, wait. ok, so Wilson does do that too. Lol I’ve listed just a few reasons children are harder and why there is no comparison in bringing up the two. There are a million and one rewards for bringing up children but I’m just listing SOME of the reasons it can be so hard. Children are much harder work if you’re a good mum! Dogs are no contest. There are massive similarities but nah. Dogs are easier by far.

That being said, you need to remember though that some people can’t have children, so their dogs are just that to them and it’s none of anyone’s business how they want to refer to themselves or how the want to treat their dog. Live and let live xx

You’re alone in this thinking. Dogs are family. I have 4 babies! And take care of them as I would my child. I feed them, love them, give them blankets and beds and last but not least I give them the medicines they need daily. I also get any operations they may need too!


To each their own. I love my fur babies just like I love my son.

Yes it is weird! I h@te those type of dog nutters! A dog is an animal not a human. Join Why are Dog People like this? It’s a great group :blush::rofl:


Lmao :rofl: I take it you’ve never had a dog before? I sure have right from the puppy stage. Boy let me tell you that the amount of trouble they get into is just as much as a human toddler :grimacing: Not to mention until they’re house trained some puppies need to go pee every 2hrs…

My parents got me a dog at 15 so I wouldn’t have children :woman_shrugging:t2::joy::pinched_fingers:t2: It definitely worked until I was about 19.

Sorry but you’re the weird one here.


I do because they are

Give us so much love and loyalty
More than I can say for other members

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They don’t need a bed? So sleep on the floor? Nope. And I have always referred to any animal I had as my babies. I call both my son and dog my sons. I can tell the dog to go wake up daddy and he will take off to wake him up. If it ain’t for you then don’t do it. But there is nothing wrong with it.


My dog is my child so…… if you don’t treat them like family you shouldn’t have them

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Calling them babies isn’t weird. Neither is them having their own bed, stroller, or clothes. Is it what you would do? No. But apparently neither is minding your own business :woman_shrugging:t3:


I haven’t any pets , but a pet to me would be part of the family and not just a dog or cat or whatever animal I chose.

i don’t really care what people call their animals tbh, what effect does it have on your life? absolutely none🤣

I think it’s weird. I have kids and a dog.

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I don’t see anything wrong with people treating their dog like family etc. but having a dog and having a child are totally different, not even close to the same.


I have three kids and I had a cat who was basically a family member and my kids would accuse me of loving the cat more and I would tell them sometimes they were right LOL when my cat passed away we all felt his absence and were heartbroken over the loss it was like we lost a family member we all grieved like we did. There is also a level of companionship that is created when you have a fur child since my cat passed away I have had a certain type of loneliness that I didn’t have when he was alive even with three kids and two grandbabies

“Like” is used in context to compare something similarly; not figuratively.
I’m taken aback by how you don’t include your animals within referral to family. I have a son; but say I have three kids cause of the dog, husband and child. Discipline, obedience, trust and respect are earned, not given. Concluding my point that our four legged friends, are “like” our children - As I am the one raising the animal.


So no calling your pets your kids isn’t necessarily weird but trying to say raising animals = raising children is just completely wrong. You’re not parenting your dog. You’re not teaching your dog morals, ethics, judgment, independence, etc. It isn’t the same.


It’s weird. Animals are family but they are not as hard as parenting. They are in their own category of hard. I wouldn’t refer to my child as my husband or my husband as my child. They’re all family, but it’s weird to say an animal is your child. No, they are your companion.

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Omg… is this affecting you or your life? We say this because we love them and they are like family. Don’t be such a grump.


I think this question is weird.


That’s your pet. Part of your family and someone you should love. They should have at least a bed. Maybe not clothes or a stroller but they don’t need to be sleeping in the floor all the time. That is a living being with feelings too and if you have a pet you should love it and take care of it.


I don’t have a dog I have a parrot and he’s my baby.


You really are missy out feeling that way trust me there love is unconditional sorry you’re missing out on that ,since you feel that way please never get one ,because your not worthy of that kind of love just saying :dog2::poodle::cat2::cat2::heart::heart::heart:


There’s nothing wrong with it. In fact you don’t know if she might not be able to have kids.

Dogs in ways are like human babies.


Some people cannot have children. Others are usually moms whose children have grown up and moved out so they need to fill that void.


People like you scare me. Get over it. If this bothers you; you are petty. It’s not your business to get uptight about how someone feels about something. I wish you peace within.


It literally doesn’t affect you. If it does, then you need to reevaluate your life. Maybe these women you judge can’t have kids, and since you have to jump thru hoops and give up an arm and leg to adopt, they probably use dogs to fill that void.
I hope you have a wonderful day/night, whatever it is wherever you are.


She’s off her rocker.

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It bothers me when people say animals are “just” animals. They have feelings too. They might just be a small part of your life, but you are their entire world.

No, they aren’t the same as human children, but it doesn’t affect you at all that they say that either. Life isn’t a competition about who has it harder.


Mate. Don’t be offending my fur children. They are innocent children hahahaha


We feed our dogs. We bathe our dogs. We take them to the vet when they are sick. We love them like they are our children. So why would we not call them our fur babies ?


Leave the fur momma alone , she’s not hurting you in anyway so what business is it or yours ,
I have 3 human children and a dog . The dog is by far the most respectful and loving at the lot of em :laughing: dogs bring so much love and joy into a family and she gets treated like one of the family to .


You’re easy annoyed :expressionless:

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Does it really matter to you if someone treats an animal with love?

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You probably aren’t alone however I don’t agree with you. Think about it this way, everybody has their own passion, something they love. My personal passion is dogs, so yes I care for my dogs such as I do my human child. They have beds around the house, their toys are all over the floor, I clean up after them, we celebrate their birthdays and adoption days, they get days out on the town, they provide us with affection and love, they are my children. My human child knows she is their sister, only difference is they are hairy and bark.
I wonder what your passion is? I will probably find it weird. :thinking:

Also, yesterday was National Dog Mom day. We took our oldest, a 13 year old Golden Retriever to the pet store and Hobby Lobby. We were supposed to go to the beach but it rained.


My dog is my baby …
I pay her vet bills I buy her food and I love her …

Not weird at all. My cat is my fur baby. He’s my kid and will have a bed. A stroller what I would like to do for him. He’s my bff.loves me unconditionally.

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Dog are family why are you so bothered by the fact she treats them so well?


Don’t be talking smack about my dogs. They are family period. Bet they behave better than your kids. #facts


Please don’t ever own an animal you don’t deserve them. You have a crappy attitude. Animals can be your children to they deserve the love and care. I think you’re the odd one here… I feel bad for your sister


my dogs ARE family and ARE my babies. BUT they don’t have a stroller or clothing, not their own beds either because they sleep wherever they want. treating them as children though doesn’t happen because children are, well…not quite the same as a dog. but they are still my babies and treated with respect and like a furry family member

I’m so glad you’re not my sister lol. I’ll gladly take yours tho since you wanna post this about her. Ignorant for real

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I have a kid and 6 cane corsos lol. I prefer the CCS :joy:
To her, they’re her kids.
She cares for them,
Feeds them, loves on them. Who honestly gives a shit as to what she refers to them as?

I take as much pride in my dogs as I do my child.
And fr, how’s it hurting you or anyone?
Let her call them whatever she wants lol.

Why do you care??? Easily annoyed much :upside_down_face:

I treat all my animals like my kids. I don’t compare them because for me who has kids there is no comparison but before I did they were my entire world. I don’t like when people say it’s like taking care of a child because it’s not…some similarities tho but when it comes up I either change the subject or end the conversation. You can think what you want about but at the end of the day it’s their life and not your business

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Most of these people commenting, would let your kid get hit by a car if it was a choice between your kid and their animal. Humanity is doomed because of people treating animals better than children. Taking care of an animal is not even comparable to taking care of a human. She’s insane and most of the people commenting are.


Anyways why is it any of you business ? Keep your nose to yourself and leave your sister be instead of :poop: talking to her on fb. :slightly_smiling_face: have the day you deserve


My fur babies get spoiled just like my human babies…

Animals have souls, feelings, and a heartbeat so honestly they’re not quite so different than we are…

My question is: so when she actually has human babies, are you going to talk smack about how she cares for them too?


They are babies just not human ones. Ease up a little bit you don’t need to clinch your asshole at everything you don’t agree with. It’s just words lmao

I delivered my dog, helped her nurse off her mother etc as she was the runt. She’s now 3 and 400 times the size but still my baby… Why is this a shock to you?

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Just because you don’t see it the same way, doesn’t mean you should judge someone else for how they have a relationship with their pets. You chose to have kids. She chose to have animals. They’re kids to her, and she loves them. Everyone is different and wants to live their life their own way. Accept others differences and try not to be so judge mental. I have pets and a child.! No, it’s not exactly the same, but my animals are very special to myself and my family, and are family members to us.


Not weird at all. I have 2 human kids and 8 fur kids. :woman_shrugging:

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Let me start this by saying, I’m becoming more and more convinced that someone is making up these stup!d posts just to get everyone worked up :woman_facepalming:t3:

That being said, if this is a real thing, mind your own business. Why does someone else treating their dogs like their own kids bother you. My dogs and my son all get treated the same. Some people can’t have kids and desperately want to and this may be as close as they can get. There’s nothing wrong with it and it doesn’t have anything to do with you or your daily life so just move on.

I swear people will find anything to complain about :woman_facepalming:t3:


My two dogs were like my babies they even slept in my bed when we had breakfast or lunch they also gor when u have animals they become part of your family and one seems to get a attract to them

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I personally think it’s weird but not my problem. What’s stranger is when someone who is not a mother demands I tell her happy mothers day because she has a pet, I never do tho. Not my cup of tea but to each their own.


I am not going to tell people they sound like a 6year old girl playing house pretending to be the mom but if the shoe fits. :woman_shrugging:


My fur baby is just as spoiled as my daughter and deserves to be it’s none of your business what anyone does

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I never understood it either….

You have your own animal that you love just like family.
Now I know why.

I have dogs and a baby and they are all my kids! Part of the family

Some people can’t have kids, and they cope. Be nice.


I pity the person who posted this question. The joy of sharing life with a dog is like no other…shame the poster will never know.


I don’t agree that they are like children but it isn’t my business how people treat their pets.


My dog is just as much my babies as my babies are

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You’re definitely weird for being this obsessed. What’s the problem? Do they treat their dog better than your parents treated you? Get over it. You sound jealous and immature. And for the love of fuck dont breed until you grow up

Some people actually love their dogs like family. Not everyone gets it.

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No. My aunt wasn’t able to have children so she had 3 dogs. They were her babies. Nothing wrong with that


I have children…now adults…my dog is my fur baby. She’s spoiled and deserves to be for the companionship and unconditional love she gives me.
No I don’t dress her up or put her in a stroller. She has her own bed but shares mine if she wishes.
Shes as much family as my children /grandchildren


No it is not weird, Of coursethey have their own beds,you want them sleeping with you?Of coursethey are part of the family. They are loved.

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THEY FILL A VOID FOR SOME PEOPLE… geesh… worry about your own life and stop being malicious. How is it hurting you in any way for someone else to love their animal?


Dogs are like kids lololol I’ve had both. If you can’t treat your animal like that you probably should never get one


Not weird. To each their own. As long as that person is happy that’s all that matters.