You are sexualizing his relationship with his child with no evidence. He has every right to be upset with you.
You need to seek counseling.
Millions of fathers, and mothers, sleep in their underwear and also bedshare or cosleep.
You are sexualizing his relationship with his child with no evidence. He has every right to be upset with you.
You need to seek counseling.
Millions of fathers, and mothers, sleep in their underwear and also bedshare or cosleep.
This is a bad relationship. Get out now!!!
I can’t believe your even have to ask this question kick his ass to the curb protect that child
You’re the one making it weird
Stop stop YOU need to leave this relationship right now before you RUIN HIS life. You have to be jealous, I can think of no other reason this is weird other than your reaction
Nothing wrong at all from my point
This post and some of these responses,
Are you a mum yourself?
If you are a mum and it still bothers you then maybe it’s not you. People don’t see love and care as uncomfortable unless it is weird. Your gut tells you its not right then don’t accept it.
Try talking to him about it when the kids aren’t around and maybe think about the words you’re gonna use before you have a chat. Accusing him directly will cause him to over react whether he’s got good intentions or not so you can’t judge by that really. Best of luck!
Id be mad af at you too if you were saying stuff like that about my children, if you were actually concerned you would have spoken to their mother and left this man.
Could be an actual bad thing. Or could be an innocent thing that you find uncomfortable.
Sadly it’s hard to ever reaaaaally know
Pack a bag lady, and catch a bus out of town.
OMG your jealous… Let the man love his daughter and snuggle up. They grow up way to fast… That poor man/father that is loving his little princess… you need to take your jealous ass and nasty uncalled for words and hit the pavement…
Why the h3ll are you s3xualizing a child?! So he’s completely covered, in boxers, and it makes YOU feel weird? You must give great head or have killer punanny if he’s still putting up with you after this nonsense.
My husband sleeps in his boxers, and I sleep in a t-shirt & my underwear and we regularly have our kids come in an snuggle us. We have three boys they are 4/7/10
Yes absolutely you are wrong. You are insinuating to him that what he is doing is pedo behavior. I’d be pissed to
Smh that man needs to run away from you
Nope not weird.
Why are you seeing it was something sexual?
Sexualizing children is weird. You should really rethink why YOU feel uncomfortable because in this scenario you’re the one sexualizing that little girl. He’s just being a dad.
Why is everything sexalized that’s his litttle girl no it’s not wrong
This post makes me uncomfortable. As a woman who grew up in foster care because of parental seual abse, you need to leave before you ruin this man’s relationship with his daughter. He only has his daughter a fraction of the time and you’re trying to screw up the little time he does have. Let men develop healthy and affectionate relationships with their children.
This is a very strange thing to ask unless you have other reasons to believe he’s harming the child in which case you need to make a report to CPS immediately and leave. My parents (mostly my dad) was always lounging around in just his undies. Even when I slept in their bed… my household - kids and husband and I are frequently in our undies together… even if they curl up in bed. Nobody is being sexualized or abused. It’s just how we live within our home. If a guest pops up, nobody is in undies except maybe the 5 yr old still. Nobody roams around naked or exposing parts or anything weird. We just be lazy in our undies lol
This is normal in our house…
You mean cosleeping? And??
I’m a mother and I have a little girl. It likely is innocent, but I can also understand why you would feel uncomfortable. My husband loves on and snuggles with our little girl and to be honest He wouldn’t wear just boxers to do it just because as innocent as it is, it still would be a little weird and uncomfortable for him and anyone else. I would talk to him about it in a way that doesn’t sound like you’re accusing him of anything because I can see where that would make him defensive.
I’m really disgusted with the fact that you think this is weird. My son slept with me up until he was 7. Sometimes I slept in a sports bra and shorts. Other times I slept in a baggy shirt and underwear. If anyone tried to sexualize that situation I would have told them to go f*ck themselves
How dare you try to make him feel awkward over something that is innocent. At least he loves his daughter, seems to me like you have a problem…not him.
You’re the type to fuss about parents kissing their kids on the lips too aren’t ya?
You should clearly seek out professional help for your own issues.
People who have daddy issues/issues w men really show in these comment by making sh!t weird, quit letting your trauma speak for you, if y’all feel weird around your dad just say that, doesn’t mean this situation is weird, y’all weird for thinking it, if it was a mother the comments would be extremely different
It’s his child! My dad let me sleep in his bed every night I stayed at his house because I was terrified to sleep alone in a different place. You are reaching right now. It is comforting for his daughter and you need to leave it alone.
It would be just like a mother and her little son taking a shower together…. Or even her daughter together.
I’d tell you to get the fck out too!! He’s not doing anything wrong. Sounds like you might have daddy issues.
Wow these comments …yall talking about cps . Are you kidding me? A dad can’t cuddle with his child ?
And for the original poster , you’re accusing him of pedo behavior! I’d be mad too!
Yall watch too much TV. Assuming or accusing someone of that is wrong . Don’t ever accuse unless your have actual evidence.
No, it’s not weird… no different than a mamma sleeping in a shirt and panties with her kid
My son slept with me until we gave him a big bed to have. Even then he comes over at 5-6am to cuddle and sleep again. It’s his daughter, his kid. Would it be weird if it was a boy?
Sounds more like jealousy than actual concern.
You’re wrong for this. Do some looking inside. It would warm my heart to look over and see a man cuddling his child. It’s a sweet moment you’re trying to ruin. Find someone without kids maybe cuz you ain’t ready
Not weird at all - I’m 31 and would still go lay on mums side of the bed next to my dad in his boxers … like he’s my dad and he’s as good as wearing shorts so what’s the issue. Poor blokes probably getting mad cos your making him feel that what he is doing is wrong when actually it’s very normal.
My daughter still sleeps in the bed with me and her dad she is 2 and he sleeps in his boxers I don’t see anything wrong with it and neither does he.
I’ve slept next to my daughter in nighties or just a top and knickers, only when she’s been poorly or Xmas eve (keep an eye on her hahah) but not so much since we bought a house and now live with my partner as not enough space in the bed
You’re the wrong here. When I was a little kid I always snuggled with my dad too. It’s totally innocent. I can see how someone would be weirded out if they didn’t have that kind of relationship growing up but to q lot of people 5hats normal just like snuggling in your jammies.
You’re fucked up for that
That’s weird. 5 year old shouldn’t be sleeping in her dads bed. Kindergarten is starting soon… shouldn’t she be preparing?
It’s crazy how it’s ok for a mother to be in her night gown … no bra and cuddle her son but it’s not ok for a father who has on his boxers to cuddle his daughter! In my house… we walk around in underwear, sometimes braless… and my kids see no issue in nakedness!
Sounds like you’re either jealous or have some unresolved issues you need to work out in therapy. Leave that man alone
If you feel uncomfortable with him sleeping with his own child while wearing boxers. What type of uncomfortable are u feeling? If you thinking he a P or something why are u with if u think of someone like that… sounds very disturbing u thinking like that
Definitely it’s not appropriate !
You’re making it weird. Why?
My father molested me from the time I was 3 until 14. I would be uncomfortable with it to like at least put basketball shorts on. My husband would never sleep like that next to our kids
Are you a mom yourself?I think something’s wrong with your way of thinking & id be pissed & probably tell you to leave also. I sleep naked most days & my youngest are both genders & under 2, so needless to say they both end up in bed with us sometimes. My husband sleeps in boxers & we have kids up to the age of 14
l Get paid over $137 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16234 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This.
Nope your wrong. It’s ok for a mother to shower, sleep next to half naked, walk around half naked. But because it is a man it’s weird. You have issues
Yes you’re wrong. Unless you have a REAL reason to think otherwise. I’d be mad at you too. You are basically insinuating that he is a pedo. Seems like you’re the one sexualizing it. Maybe you need help.
You’re completely wrong here. Everything is so over sexualized today. I am shocked with how many people think it’s wrong for a father to sleep in the same bed as his daughter, but not wrong for a mother to do the same. People today are ruining innocence.
Hell yes, you’re wrong! A man can’t cuddle with his daughter without you making something ugly out of it. I’d be pissed off to if I was him. Get your mind if of the gutter!
She should have her own bed and room, his issues and outbursts will never get better……RUN
I need more info honestly. What are you expecting him to wear when she sleeps in the bed? We have a 7yo and 1.5yo and my husband gets up and puts boxers on if the girls come into our bed. I think this is what most dads do with their kids in their bed. I was also wondering if you have kiddos of your own because I think that can also play into how your viewing this situation. If you dont have any of your own then this would make a lot of sense why you feel this way, but I would say if you think he’s a good guy and this makes you feel weird it’s likely just a lack of experience and I promise this is common with dads and daughters. If you feel weird because you think something else is going on, then that’s a different situation, but based on the info you provided it really sounds like above board behavior.
If someone not related to my child told me I couldn’t sleep with her in my underwear I’d knock their teeth in. You have neeeerve
Jesus Christ you sound like a weirded out biotch, he should leave you and take his kids with!! Get help you need it, not him or his child!
It’s his 5 year old daughter fgs. She won’t even notice anything. Way too hot to sleep in pjs anyway
How is that weird? Would it be any different than a mom sleeping next to her children in sleep shorts and a tank top?
Respectfully you must have some sort of sexual abuse trauma in your life that you need to heal from. Leave that man and his child alone please before you damage them as well.
I’m currently laying next to my still sleeping daughter. Guess what? I’m in my underwear and there’s nothing weird or abusive about that.
You’re making it weird. Are you a mother? Have that same energy when you have kids and they want to cuddle with you. Or if you have a child and breastfeed past 2/3/4. It’s normal. I’d be mad at you too.
Its ok to express you’re uncomfortable, what isn’t ok is dictating the parenting.
He is her dad. “She should have her own bed” she probably does. Kids don’t hit 5 years or kindergarten and magically stop wanting snuggles with their parents. Quit sexualizing everything and add some innocence into the world. Unless you have reason to believe something more serious is happening, drop it and if you think there is something more serious, why are you with him?
My husband some times sleeps In his boxers other times shorts but either way when one of my daughters sneak into bed he cuddles up with them. I seriously don’t see what the issue is….
Is it coz he’s a man and she’s just a little girl🤷🏼♀️. It’s all innocent and she wants to cuddle with dad so let them be. I would be mad to. Let them be their only little for a very short time
Its YOU that’s making it weird. The child is 5… if a mother can sleep cuddled up next to their child wearing a nightgown, or whatever else then the dad can too. There’s way too much stigma against dads when it comes to these kind of situations.
You do not need to sit in silence. He’s abusive if everything you say ends in screaming and treats
I feel like if you feel some kind of way about a father bonding with his daughter, he’s not the one with the problem, you are
run but before you do see a lawyer
Not weird at all for a normal father/child relationship. Unless he has done something inappropriate in front of you, or the child acts uncomfortable, this is a totally normal thing.
What a world we live in when everythings viewed as somthing sexual, next we’ll be saying women who give birth are weird ‘i mean that kid just touched your vagina, omg peado!’, give it a rest ffs, its a parent with their child showing it love and affection.
You people saying it’s wrong are weird boxers are no different than shorts it’s not like he’s back naked. He’s not acting in a sexual manner toward his daughter and weirdo adults sexualizing stuff like cuddling are the problem. It’s not weird until the child has decided that’s not comfortable for then anymore and he insists on it happening
You are weird, he should have kicked you to the curb already.
i sleep in my bra and panties with my son so no its not
He is her father and he is wearing boxers. It is not like he is naked and letting his daughter sleep in the same bed as him.
My son is 6 almost to be 7 and special needs … since his birth till now he needs someone to sleep next to him. I slept with him 70% of his life other times my husband does. Few times when we travelling or in hospital he slept with his grandma and literally snuggled. Nothing is wrong … she is 5 year old… and being a girl who went thru abuse at some point in life. … little girls know that too and maintain distance from such people themself
Of course he gets mad because what you are implying comes with very serious consequences regardless of the outcome.
Your a gross p ig, who’s self esteem is probably so low that your trying to accuse ur bf of child molesttion I hope he leaves u. Spts oh u. Lol thank God ur not a mother,
I’d worry about your mind before his…
He’s a bf you’re not stuck with him
If it was your daughter he is in a boxer cuddling then it’s different but it’s his own daughter nothing wrong with that
Would you be saying the same if he had a son?
Why are you sexualising a dad and daughter relationship?
I could understand if it was your daughter and your boyfriend but no he is her father. I also understand your thinking because we hear of so much incest in families and you have a right to be cautious but do not accuse him while discussing it with him. You should be able to talk to him about it without either one of you being angry at each other and he should also be happy that you are vigilant about stuff like that. We do have to protect our children.
Please ignore all the verbal abuse people are giving you. They are harse and unkind. I have been a step parent and then a biological parents. I understand your feelings but it’s probably fine. The fact that he is yelling at you and kicking you out of a house that you help pay for is a huge red flag. Please educate yourself on the abuse cycle and get out of that relationship while you still can. If you stay in to long you could get a Stockholm syndrome type thing and it will be harder to leave.
You are definitely the one making an issue and I would be pissed at you too.
It was normal for me growing up to see my dad in his tightey whiteys. I have several pictures of both myself and my baby sister cuddled up in the bed at 3, 4, 5+ years old with my dad who was in his undies.
Also have one of my dad in his undies wearing a princess crown my then 4yo sister decided would be great for candid photos.
To clarify: my father isn’t a chomo and never has been.
Sounds like you’re the one sexualising their relationship and should probably seek therapy for whatever internalized issues you’ve got.
My lord, she is the only one making it weird!
Runs over and slaps husband for wearing boxers to bed.
Knowing good and well our 4 year old comes and sleeps in between us cuddled up to him.
I feel like that’s how men sleep. I mean if he sleeps differently when it’s y’all too (example: wears pajama pants). Then that’s a red flag. But other than that. Seems pretty normal to me.
You lady, are an idiot.
He should leave your ass.!!
Wrong!! Call the sex cops!!
It’s not weird unless something more is happening. My daughter is 7 and still gets in the shower with me sometimes. It’s your own child. They are part of you. Why should we hide our bodies? Her dad sleeps in his boxers and she’ll get in bed with us all the time. Totally normal behavior.
No,you do not have to set quite!!! He needs on P’J’s !!!
He needs to leave you. You are not healthy for his child.
My daughter is 3 and will sleep in bed between me and my husband sometimes. We both sleep in underwear in the summertime. I don’t see a problem with it. In fact I had never thought about it. You should probably stop trying to make it weird.
Unless there is reason to believe or the child has said something, it is absolutely NOT wrong, and in fact, you should dig deep and figure out why you are sexualizing that. Co sleeping is so normal. It’s been done for centuries. Creates a stronger bond and connection as well.
Two separate issues.
How would you have him sleep in a bed next to HIS child? Fully clothed?
Second issue… he yells at you for speaking up and expressing concern?
When he tells you to leave… do it. Like…. Pack your shit and leave.
It’s always young ass people asking these…. Don’t put up with bullshit.
Do no harm, take no shit.
Hunnie you really need to evaluate this. It’s normal for a mom to do it but not a dad? Goodness I’d hate to see what you’d be like when she got older and was a daddys girl. You’re making this sexual for no reason. It’s almost like you feel threatened of their bond. You realize that little girl will Always come before you. Her needs > yours. Sounds like you need to just find someone else without kids because you obviously don’t understand the bonds of parenting
This is odd thinking and telling someone how to parent their child, I’d tell you to leave too. What your implying is sick.
These comments are crazy. This man is abusive.
I don’t see a problem with it IMO
You don’t have to sit in silence and not complain. You’re choosing to do that. There’s a difference
Why are you tolerating that kind of treatment?
Life is too short.