WTH! Your thought process is messed up. Very unhealthy thought process you have going on. You need therapy or something.
My husband was just in here cuddling our child in underwear. It’s completely natural. Btw our child is a boy.
Sounds like he’s being defensive towards his relationship with his child. I don’t think it’s weird. I think your finding things to complain about
Wow. I never knew there so many people who excuse mental abuse. She may be overprotective if the child but to tell her she’s wrong and insult her is just as abusive as his screaming at her and not being mature enough to discuss the situation like an adult. My question is why is he so angry and why is he pushing hard enough to ruin his so called loving relationship. Yes I get he loves his child. That’s a given.
This young lady is probably been abused herself and is trying to protect the child the best she knows how. Just because she’s a step mom doesn’t mean she doesn’t care for the child. I have 2 myself and would gladly die for them just as I would our 2 youngest. Stop being triggered about her Not being a bio parent and grow up.
He is her da why would it bother u i blame the heat luv
You should seek help like its her daddy geesh leave
I can understand your concern, but I’m sure it’s innocent…
That would be uncomfortable for me but I have young childhood trauma… however I know this isn’t or shouldn’t be an issue that’s his daughter… and unless if like myself you have some trauma from childhood why would you sexualize a father sleeping cuddled with his little girl …
I don’t think you understand how offensive your being! Your accusing this person of basically being a p*do and of molestation!
Gd girl get it together how do you get by in the world being so thoughtless? Honestly.
Would you say something if it were a mom sleeping in her underwear next to her 5 yr old son?? If not, keep it moving and stop oversexualizing without reason.
She literally shot out of his dick and that’s how she became a person it’s not weird you are gross minded and are making it weird. You sexualizing that action is gross and on you and you should get some therapy because there is something wrong with you
Id be livid if ssomeone’s aid something like this about me and my kid. Sounds like you have different views and should leave.
So EVERY time the kids come over he just gets angry and yells at you? For no reason? Honestly I would SNAP the hell out on someone who thinks I’m being sexually inappropriate with my own damn child too. It seems like you may have been sexually abused as a child but that is YOUR issue, NOT his. You should seek counseling IMMEDIATELY. You should also end the relationship and move into your own place because your there’s really no turning back from something like this. He will probably ALWAYS feel some type of way about you thinking he’s being inappropriate with his own child.
Go with your instincts. Get hold of the child’s mother tell her what you’ve seen & how it makes you feel. Advise her to have the child evaluated for sexual abuse. He’s yelling at you to shut you up because he knows if you keep watching his behaviors you’ll find something more sketchy.
I think you’re sexualizing something that doesn’t need to be sexualized at all.
My partner sleeps in his boxers and a wifey most of the time, and our daughter naps next to him in bed and often times sleep by him at night.
I’ve never thought twice about it or had a thought like this.
They have a strong bond and love each other to death. My little one just loves to be near daddy for comfort.
I think it’s great your boyfriend still cuddles his baby.
Follow ur best judgment, intuition…. If it feels wrong, it is! My kids dad has NEVER slept with just boxers with any of our kids. Regardless of their age. And he started telling them as they got older, they have to wear pjs or shorts at bed time unless they’re in their room with the door closed. HOWEVER!!!: MY own dad used to wear boxers to bed and I’d sleep with him and my mom all the time. He would use his own sheet away from my mom and I though.
Sounds like you have some unhealed trauma YOU need to look into…
This comment section passes the vibe check.
He’s not weird. You’re weird.
All kids should be in their own bed by 2 but that’s just my opinion, I’ve raised 3 kids and they all turned out just fine
Seems pretty normal to me. I won’t excuse his yelling at you, but I think I’d get pretty defensive too if someone made assumptions like that.
Do you not have kids? It’s not weird
Am I the only one that has more issues with the last 3 sentences. red flags. The boxers isn’t weird, you’re making it weird. My kids climb into my bed with me all the time and usually only wear underwear and a tank top to bed so . But the outbursts and expecting you to be silent are red flags.
My fiance puts his daughter to sleep in his boxers. It’s his daughter.
It’s his baby, that’s not weird and she will and should always come first
This isn’t weird at all. The fact you think it’s weird is the weirdest thing about this whole post. It’s his child, don’t sexualize the relationship.
Nothing wrong with that.
She sure is he’s in boxers not naked! People have to much to say especially when it’s innocent!! Get along or leave
Sounds like you need to leave
If he was naked maybe, but boxers are just cotton swim trunks essentially.
You’re being insane. It’s his daughter… He’s not doing anything bad to her… If I was him I’d be done with you over this shit. It’s insane that A - you even think like this about him and B - you’re posting about it. This is a huge thing to put on someone
… you are so out of line
my son is two and i sleep in exactly what i did before i had him … underwear and a t-shirt and his dad will sleep in just boxers … you don’t sexual his own child … that’s just weird in its self … i would get pissed if someone said something like that to me about my own kid too… he has a right to get bad especially if you brought it up so much and everytime his daughter is there… then there is something wrong with your mindset… If you haven’t seen anything inappropriate or the daughter hasn’t said anything… Then it’s harmless and just a fad sleeping with his daughter when she’s over for visits… no different they shorts
Why is it in today’s society men can’t cuddle with their kids some woman is always standing by suspicious of their intentions did it ever occured to you that he lives the child he’s not with every day and wants to snuggle with her wtf is wrong with YOU that this is so weird I hope he’s not in this for the long haul as you are going to be a problem with his realationship with his child no no just no too many women out there ruining their kids with this nonsense…
It’s weird you’re making it weird
I think it is just a little strange also.
You’re the weird one. How horrible that you’ve twisted something so sweet and innocent. He sounds like a good father!
It’s not weird. You are weird
Why are you even sexualizing a father sleeping with his child obviously he doesn’t get to see her every day. You sound jealous that he’s cuddling the child and not waiting on you hand and foot.
Sounds. Fine to me , she’s 5
Hun you’re definitely sexualizing something that doesn’t need to be seen that way. Now if he’s doing other things that seem weird thats one thing. But if he normally sleeps in just boxers, like most guys I know, then that’s just how he sleeps leave him alone cause you’re gonna make him feel shitty about something he doesn’t see sexual in any way from the sound of it.
if you see something wrong with a father cuddling up to his daughter, then i think theres summut seriously wrong with you !!
You are making it weird… You should seek therapy to help you.
My father would wear just underwear or if it were winter sweatpants and I would sleep next to him for comfort even when I was a teenager. there was nothing sexual about it.
Throw the whole girlfriend out, you are out. Ma’am, it’s his child. The fact that she is still coming to him and snuggling and he DOESN’T HIDE IT, he is his daughters safe place. You gotta go. I think this is more jealousy on your part, then concern.
That’s his child, my husband sleeps in his boxers and i sleep in a tshirt in undies and sometimes our 4 yr old daughter and 1 month old son sleeps with us.
You think to much into that because you don’t have kids and as parents That’s completely normal, when you do have kids just to let you know, you will never poop in peace again.
My daughters sleep with me still, they hv their own beds but sometimes they want to sleep with momma or like my 4 year old woke up from a bad dream and came into my room amd scared me lol but I always hv at least a shirt on or something bc I am uncomfortable if not but I hv a lot of childhood trauma related issues. I think women who hv been sexually abused and other situations it is harder on them with daughters and their dad. I know this. He does hv boxers on so its basically like shorts. I wouldn’t say anything and you saying that to him you are accusing him basically and ya has a right to get defensive. Also all u can do is let him know how you feel in a good way though, explain to him why that makes you uncomfortable. Do not attack him but hv a conversation.
Boxers r fine…she is 5 and prob thinks it’s shorts. No need to make it a big deal.
Whether you’re wrong or not, I wouldn’t feel comfortable living somewhere that I’m constantly threatened to be kicked out of. You should start saving your money for your own place. Live separate, if you feel things will be better later on, then you can take that risk again .
You need therapy. Also, you’d be long out the door if I was him.
These responses are just horrible. 1st we don’t have all the information. 2nd no one has questioned if she had childhood trauma that makes her feel uncomfortable. 3rd whether she has children or not so she just doesn’t understand the love & bonding in a parent/child relationship. Everyone should be asking those questions & EXPLAINING to her why this is not wrong (if she’s not actually seen anything inappropriate) instead yall just jump on her bashing her & being down right nasty & hateful. A bunch of internet bullies
The fact that you’re sexualising a father sleeping next to his daughter in boxers is highly concerning, either you’ve been though some hectic stuff or you’re just a judgmental woman who needs to mind her own business.
There is so much of that crap going around people saying “oh eww he’s sleeping in his boxers next to his daughter” or “do you think he has ulterior motives sleeping in the same bed as his child?” Like NOO get over yourself if you don’t like it, then leave but don’t EVER sexualise a father sleeping in boxers next to his child.
You really need to sort your head out girl I really hope he decides to leave you
Idk maybe you’re doing something w the kids you shouldn’t be doing? No? Now you know how he feels about your implications.
It’s not weird and it’s not strange and it should not make you uncomfortable! My question is this? What happened to you? Were you ever molested or raped? Because that would be the underlying suspicion and fear that you are having!
I guess it’s better than sleeping naked? My husband sleeps in boxers and both of our kids sleep in bed with us. Does that mean it’s weird? No! Do I think he’d do anything to them? Absolutely fucking not!
Only weird if YOU make it weird! That’s his kid. When the daughter feels uncomfortable (out grows sleeping with dad) she will stop sleeping with him. Until
then, you are wrong. Support their loving relationship.
How about minding your own business. If the mother is not upset by it, then it’s not your place to tell him what to do with his child on his time. You aren’t married and it’s not your child so it’s not your problem.
Ummmm leave the relationship.
He’s just cuddling with his daughter who cares if he’s just in boxers or not like I wouldn’t even be thinking anything sexual at all about it. Children like to cuddle with their parents if it was reversed and a child was sleeping with their mother with a bra and underwear on with that seem weird it’s hot out
I think you’re the one In the wrong here. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wearing boxers and sleeping with a child. It’s HIS child. It’s not like he’s naked. Y’all are just dating, not married. It just sounds like you don’t understand what it’s like to be a parent.
The issue is you, not him.
Girl…you need to stop!!! Your the sick fck to even think of something like that!!!
That’s not weird ,
You are weird.
It’s wrong that you feel that way and obviously he should move on from you. Of course he’s pissed off, you’re subtly accusing him of being a pedophile for loving his daughter! You are a disgusting human being.
I’d kick someone out for making an innocent situation with a child sexual. You’re ridiculous.
But why are you paying for a house and he gets to kick you out of I’m taking your supporting him and that’s not right either but a kid sleeping next to their parent is quite okay
Stop sexualizing father daughter relationships you weirdo
My daughter is 3. At my home, she sleeps with me, she starts in her bed but always makes it to mine. At her dad’s house, it’s the same thing. I do not think it’s weird at all. He doesn’t change in front of her, or shower with her, or anything like that. Children need their parents. You’re making it weird and you seem jealous, which is sad.
There is nothing wrong with him cuddling with his child.
Never date any more dads, ever.
What’s concerning is your sexualizing a 5 year old child and fathers bonding. He’s not naked so why not, if mothers can cuddle up to there sons and daughters as a living gesture in short or bras ( even panties ) then why can’t fathers let there kids come cuddle up in the middle of the night. He has every right to be pissed at you, it’s plain weird and honestly unhealthy. She’s 5 years old let the child cuddle up to her father if she wants, boxers are like shorts or like mothers wearing there panties and bras, would you sexualize that too. I’d put you out too before I’d put my child out of my bed. Seems like his head is on straight if he’s putting his love and daughters happiness over your sketchy thoughts. This comes from someone whose been taken advantage of before, let that man be a father seems like he loves his child more then you and good for him!
He’s cuddling HIS daughter. Surely this isn’t real… I would tell you to leave too.
I don’t find that weird. My boyfriend sleeps with our almost 3 year old daughter like that and I have no issues with it. It’s not like he’s sexual with her. Just relax.
I think its strange she is not in her own bed. Sad part is times have changed. His reaction has me concerned because i question why is he so defensive about it? People say its innocent in these comments, but yet say its okay for him to be defensive about this accusation when you didn’t actually accuse him you said it makes you uncomfortable to which i can agree. You need to decide if this is what you want if you can’t say anything he sounds a bit abusive. I would have a conversation with him when she is not around do not accuse just have a conversation about your relationship. Then you can decide if you want this the rest of your life or not. There are plenty of men out there don’t settle. If you decide to go ypur iwn way take time out for yourself, decide what you want, take time. You dont want to be walking on eggshells everytime his daughter comes over. It might just be his way of bonding with her. It be honest there really isn’t enough information so i am going by what your saying. This is what i would do. Good luck if you need to talk im here.
That’s not weird. You are trying to sexualize his child.
Girlfriend like to be dramatic and just jealous of everyone… especially kids from previous marriage or relationships. I noticed this alot when it’s the bfs time with his kids then there’s an issue. No man! get over yourself and your insecurities.
Stop sexualizing a father and a daughter relationship. I coslept with all my kids and when my kids come in the middle of the night and I happen to be sleeping in my bra and underwear it’s not weird. Maybe talk to a counselor about YOUR concern with your boyfriends healthy father daughter relationship.
No. Not at all. He’s comfortable and so is his child. The only one who is not comfortable is you.
And obviously you’re not sitting in silence and you are speaking otherwise he wouldn’t get angry. Anger is a response to an emotion and he’s prob already feeling hurt by you making him feel like the next Micheal Jackson when this is his child. My husband is always in his boxers and our children sleep with us on occasion.
If it were your child with him, you would find no fault in this and he’d prob be happy with you. Grow up. Grab the bull by the horns and get your emotions or feelings under control.
Atleast he’s not going commando.
You’re the wrong one
I’m afraid you’re the “asshole” in this round of the “am I the asshole?“ game.
Your sick, seek help!
Like do you even have kids? What is your problem?
No it’s not wrong he cuddles and lays in bed with his daughter. Nothing awkward about it either, other than you making it that way. I’d tell you to leave also. Think about it, your suggestion is that he being inappropriate with his own child. I’d have broke it off completely with you if I were him. Doesn’t sound like you have kids of your own
Not weird at all. Have you thought about getting therapy for your traumas?
Wow, that’s a lot of red flag energy.
Break up with him based on how he’s handling communication and boundaries with you.
You know I agree with a lot of these ladies that commenting you are in the wrong because that is totally wrong of you to say that about a father and a child hey guess what Karen my husband sleeps next to his son in his underwear and my son sleeps the next to his daddy in his underwear it’s completely normal up until a certain age
No. My man cuddles both of his kids and mine in his boxers. It’s too hot to be paranoid
No, but his reaction doesn’t seem right
My almost 7 yr old ends up in bed with me and I sleep in a tshirt and undies. I’m not cuddled up next to him and he isn’t cuddled up to me. Who cares! Just this morning he came in and laid down and fell back asleep with me.
Wow a lot of people here saying this person is wrong without even understanding why that could be triggering for some adults.
If you’ve survived abuse or love someone who has, little things like that can make you very uncomfortable. And having discussions about it is never the wrong answer.
Your partner should consider your feelings and be willing to comfort/soothe you.
Why is that weird? honestly. I see it as a loving dad. He obviously is sleeping in what he is comfortable in. There’s nothing wrong with that at all
And only a few days??? Girl boo hoo that’s his kid sit in your silence let that man soak in time w his kid?? Weird energy
No. He’s in underwear. He’s still in clothing. There’s nothing wrong for a guy to sleep next to ur daughter in his underwear. Most guys do it. Nothing wrong with it.
Kick his ass out the door and slam it hard. Sleeping issues is creepy but for you to with stand abuse of any kind is not good for you. Kick his ass to the curb fast
And for all of u saying why is she sleeping in his bed and not her own? Who are u to judge where a child sleeps in their own home? She is 5!
Theres nothing wrong with sleeping next to your child in your sleep clothes.
Sammy Selway I was just thinking exactly the same xx
The outbursts are the biggest red flag RUN
Nothing wrong with it , stay in your lane .
U shouldn’t sexualize their relationship.
It’s perfectly normal for a dad to love his kids (boy and girl) just because YOU are uncomfortable don’t mean it’s wrong.
Mind your business. He’s laying with his child. He has clothes on.
Wtf, that’s her dad! They’re sleeping, and boxers are basically no different than a pair of shorts. My daughter is actually currently 5 and she sees her dad in his boxers at night sometimes, who cares? The human body is natural and it’s creepy to me honestly that that’s the first place your mind went. He has every right to be mad at you too because if someone insinuated that to me about my own child I’d kick em out too.