I just wonder what underlying situation is prompting the worry. We’re you abused as a kid? Have you seen other things going on that worry you? Do you have children? Do you have your own daddy that never did these things? Did you have a missing dad, or abusive dad. There are so many circumstances that could trigger this worry. This is hopefully a healthy father daughter relationship… There will come a day when she shouldn’t do this anymore… An age where she feels uncomfortable… 10, 11 maybe. But again, if your concern just comes from this situation and not other observations, then no you should have no say… His reaction is understandable but could be dealt with in a constructive way. And my thought on his reaction are… Every human is an asshole it is just what kind of asshole you are willing to deal with. In this situation you both have your asshole points. So figure out a healthy way to deal with it or an asshole one. It will all work out in the end either way it is supposed to go.
I think ur mindset is kinda gross. Stop sexualizing that. I wonder how long you’ve been repeatedly bringing that up to him as if he’s the issue that’s causing him to get so upset everytime. Likely it’s not just been a few times that ur casually bringing it up. It’s accusatory for u to repeatedly hound him about this. If I was him, I’d be upset with u too.
Maybe she feels that the boxer time is her time. That’s her man. I don’t think she has a problem with him sleeping with her. I think the part is with the boxers on. Maybe run it by him that she is getting older now and it might be time to put shorts on and a shirt. I sleep with all 4 of my children and nurse a baby and I cover up as of respect for the child. Some people are more comfortable being naked around their kids. I’m not. To each their own!
You either think your husband is a pervert or he is not. If you think he is… then why are you with him? Leave him! If you think he is not, then why are you concerned about their sleeping arrangement??? You need to really reflect.
Depends on how old she is. If she is the one initiating it cuz she has nightmares or something like that. Cuz when I was little my mom worked third shift and I had nightmares and was scared of storms so I would end up in their bed to sleep. It is completely normal.
Complain about what? You’re dead wrong and a bit weird
I don’t think you’d find that weird if a woman slept next to her child in underwear.
I sleep next to my child in underwear and a shirt all the time. It’s not weird unless someone makes it weird, and you definitely are.
I think given the times we live in these days it’s understandable to have that thought but at the end of the day, if you don’t have kids yourself…you will never understand the bond. I understand his reaction too because that’s such a terrible thing to be associated with. The fact that he lets you around his child says he trusts you but then you judge him? If I were him, I would tell you to leave if you didn’t like it…and if I were you, I’d leave if you didn’t like it. End of story.
Do you think he’s a pedophile? Or is your sexualization of a father and daughter part of deeper issues that only you have? I think you need therapy.
You’re weird for sexualizing a father & daughter relationship that seems completely innocent. Of course she is going to want to sleep with her dad on the days he has her. They probably miss each other. Also, I sleep in my underwear with my kids in our bed…… am I weird???
I mean you’re basically accusing your boyfriend of ill intention because you aren’t comfortable. I would react negatively as well if I were him. My partners ex once made it seem like a weird thing I gave their daughters a bath and made accusations it was inappropriate, mind you I’ve a daughter the exact same age. I was livid.
Sleeping covered in boxers is not inappropriate, his bits are covered. I cuddle my kids when I sleep too. I sleep in panties and a t-shirt most nights, you’re the one making it out to be weird when it’s not imo.
You’re disgusting!!! My dad was a single father my entire childhood. From the ages of 6 and 3 my sister and me were raised by a single man and we slept in the same bed as him most nights! He slept in his boxers! And no one EVER accused him of being weird. I have the best father that ever lived. You’re disgusting!
Well for me it is weird because I don’t even sleep in my underwear next to my son I wear pjs because that’s more decent to little kids and if someone comes to your house and sees you in your underwear they will say go put some clothes on
You’re in the wrong here 100% he has every right and more to blow up at you for this
My daughter is five and occasionally sleeps in the bed with me and dad and he cuddles her I’m not a cuddle-y person
It really sounds like you have some unresolved issues with father/daughter relationships. Find a therapist to help you unpack that so you can stop projecting on your bf.
I mean if you think he’s a pervert just say it.
Personally I think you’re the weirdo and I’d tell you to stfu too.
What’s the difference between boxers and shorts?? I think you’re over reacting.
Jesus … I think this is jumping to an extreme. .he’s probably getting mad bc he thinks it’s crazy you are so freaked out by this…
Would you consider it weird if it was her mother doing it, they are father and child, some nights my son comes in my bed for cuddles and sleep sometimes guess I’m a weirdo aswell
You are being ridiculous.
The answer is in your complaint…time to move on… a good guy will NOT make you feel that way. He’ll be understanding and explain… not yell and blame. Lots of fish in the sea… find a better one.
I don’t see what’s weird about that?
You are the one being weird about it. You are sexualizing the way he sleeps with his daughter.
He is covered, basically only topless. No different from them being in a pool with swim shorts on. You are over sexualising something that isn’t.
If your fella didn’t do this I would find that weirder! Props to him for wanting all the quality time he can get with his daughter.
Fuck with that attitude I’d make you leave too, stop sexualizing him and his daughter eww like what? You’re over the top lady.
I understand his outburst because your accusation is unacceptable. BUT the way he treats you and tells you to leave is not okay. He should not make you feel that way ever. I would get out of this relationship asap
If you’re uncomfortable with this, then why are you with him?
But why are you sexualizing his relationship with his daughter? That’s the first thing you need to ask yourself.
Co sleeping with your own child is not weird and people need to stop making it seem weird . In other countries it’s normal and think about animals in the wild - most of them don’t be like u go sleep over there .
No, boxers are like shorts. My husband lays in bed with boxers when it’s hot. My 6 year old son comes and lay between us in the morning. I have never once thought it was odd. Your bf’s daughter is still young and if anything, it’s good for her to know she is loved so she won’t grow up seeking love that she didn’t get. I think if he or she was naked, it would be a concern. Also, a lot of 5 year olds seem independent to others, but behind closed doors they still act like toddlers with their parents and want to be a big baby. I actually made a video yesterday about my son not wanting to leave my bed.
You’re accusing him of being inappropriate with his own daughter, of course hes gonna be mad, wtf? You’re either a troll or YOU need some serious help.
Your house your decision,
kick him out,until you feel
You are wrong. It is his daughter you are making it sound like he molest his daughter over nothing. I don’t think it’s weird she’s young and he doesn’t want to feel like you think that
The guy has pants on, you are the weird one
It’s not weird. It’s his kid
His parts are covered… what difference is an extra pair of shorts really going to do?
Co sleeping is normal
No that’s not weird she is five she is his daughter
To me it kinda sounds like your jealous of their bond and want him to yourself but you should just let him be with his daughter and enjoy alone time when she’s not there
I’m not sure about theBoxers I would end it with him it’s your house find someone else too many problems coming up in your future
I think you’re right to question this, not to say that anything is wrong, but he should never yell at you for that you’re a concerned caring People. I don’t think I would want to be in a relationship with him if you two can’t talk about this.
did it occur to you that since her Mom and he are not together, he is trying to make her feel secure.the little girl is lucky to have her father in her life…my parents(and i am ole) used to walk round nude…and no ill intent happened there either… but i am not in the situation, but i wonder if you cannot discuss this without anger etc…what about other heavy discussions this may not be the right situation for either of you…
From your side of the story… I would definitely get rid of him and his attitude
Nah everyone is like “his outburst is unacceptable” and maybe that’s true, because if someone said that kind of bs to me acting like I’m some sort of predator I’d leave then point blank period.
Girl that’s his child why are you making it something it’s not?.. I’d want to know why my mind goes there if I was you. I don’t see your relationship working out. Get with someone without kids
Not weird. He is wearing clothes - even boxers - as long as he is covered up. Unless he has other behaviors with her that make you nervous, I wouldn’t worry.
I know there is a lot of co-sleeping with children going on all over the world, but in the US, grown men should not be sleeping like that with their children alone. Do you have any idea what would happen If she went to school and tells her friends that she saw her dad, and that she sleeps with dad who wears only his boxers in the same bed?? One child will tell another and another, then the school will get involved and believe you me he will be investigated. I was a forensic nurse taking care of children and adults, males and females who were victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, child molestation for over ten years, and I know what I am talking about. Trust me, it will get ugly when police and the courts are involved. Your boyfriend needs to wake up and realize that his behaviors are out of bounds. Getting mad at you and causing an argument is quite ridiculous. With his behaviors bothering you, and you are renting this home, talk to the landlord and get out ASAP, you do not want to be an accessory.
That’s totally inappropriate , your instinct was correct!
I think it’s u that’s weird here tbh
He thinks you’re crazy, but it’s him. Don’t let him around your children, she’s 5. I would leave him
Boxers? Lol your way wrong… your making it sound like he is being inappropriate and he has every right to be mad at you about it!
Maybe mind your own business and don’t sexualize men sleeping in boxers. There’s nothing wrong with cosleeping no matter what gender you are just cause he sleeps in boxers doesn’t mean he’s doing anything wrong
If she was 11 then I’d get this completely but why can’t he cuddle up with her…
Boxers are like shorts. Lol. Nothing wrong
How the hell can that be weird its his beautiful five year old daughter and his parts are coverd ,nothing weird about it at all
It’s ok at that age. As long as he’s wearing clothes…
She needs to understand that not everyone has the same opinions & beliefs as she does. She is still allowed to feel a certain way & He’s entitled to feel how he feels about the situation but if it’s a constant battle to win your word over then LEAVE. Leave & don’t come back. Find someone who understands your side of things & completely agrees with the same things as you. Fighting & being kept quiet only brings you down as a person! Normalize on being single until you truly feel you met your person:white_heart:
Girl ur weird. It’s her dad.
It’s weird you find it weird.
And I don’t blame Dad being mad, I’d be mad if anyone made the disgusting insinuation that I would hurt my child like that!!
….to everyone saying to kick him out, read the question again. She said she was paying for it TOO, meaning, likely, that they split the rent, or maybe the mortgage payment.
Now then, there are really two different questions here. The first question, about cosleeping, seems pretty innocent to me, and of course The second part though, about him lashing out at you, is it when the kids are there, or after they’ve left? I only ask because as a noncustodial parent, I know my mood is dark after I see my daughter and she has to leave, which doesn’t excuse the behaviour, but might perhaps explain the irritability. He needs to handle himself better, no doubt. And he may not realize it. Try to talk to him, instead of us. Explain how you’re feeling, and listen to how he’s feeling ( if he’s willing to talk about his feelings, that is… a lot of us aren’t). If that doesn’t work, then you need to decide whether you’re going to tolerate it, or split up. That choice is yours. But you’ve identified a problem, if it isn’t resolved, and you stay, you’re enabling. Just my thoughts, take them as you wish. Good luck.
What may be uncomfortable for us may feel natural to him. Maybe you came at him wrong and made something innocent sound pervert. But I feel you have a bad situation that will only get worse with the way he comes at you… don’t give him
more time and years than he deserves. You have to happy to make others happy. good luck !
Tell him to go fuck himself and leave
It’s actually only weird that you find it weird…
He doesn’t care about You please leave now
How is that wrong? I sleep in boxers and a nursing bra my daughter 5 often crawls into bed with me… is that wrong? My husband sleeps in boxers as well. It’s hot here even with AC and fans going. Our daughter sleeps in underwear and a tee shirt our infants (10 month old twins) sleep in just diapers… it sounds like you are making it an issue when it shouldn’t be.
Why are you making something innocent into something weird? You’re the weird one with a weird mindset not him.
I’m sorry but do you even have children? If you don’t, you have absolutely no place for an opinion how a parent acts with their child unless it is straight up abuse.
If it was your child and not his, yes absolutely not okay. But he is the father. He is doing skin on skin contact with his child which is beneficial for the child.
I hope he breaks up with you because your gross
It’s not really weird a lot of dads will do that they don’t think any perverted way toward their child so they’re comfortable with it but it’s okay if you voice your opinion also he shouldn’t have an outburst. He needs to understand that it’s just not something that was normal in your household growing up so you generally have a concern about it and that’s okay. I do hope that y’all come to a general idea of what it’s comfortable for both of you.
When I was 3 I absolutely refused to sleep alone. My bed was moved into my dads room but eventually I would climb up and sleep right next to him. There’s nothing weird about it. Just a father and daughter ready to rest for the night. If you have an issue with that, you’re the one making it weird. Unless she specifically says she doesn’t want to lay next to him or she’s uncomfortable, it’s not an issue.
Unless there is other inappropriate behaviour, i can see why he is Angry about you telling him he is inappropriate with HIS daughter. You could be stirring up unfounded trouble for this father and his little girl. However, both of you need to talk things out to improve your relationships communication and respect problem. Damn.
Thats not wierd. It would be wierd if he was naked… maybe a little wierd how mad he gets when you bring it up but we don’t really know the context and the way you bring it up might sound like you think he’s doing something more then sleeping
If you think he is capable of doing something horrible to his daughter then why are you with him? I would have lost it if my partner made that accusation. I think he was right, you should go. He doesn’t deserve that kind of accusation with no foundation.
I feel like it’s super weird that you find it weird. If I was a dad and someone said they found it weird and insinuated anything, I would tell them to leave and then change the locks
I was a daddy’s girl growing up, idolised my dad and we had such a strong close bond, i loved seeing my dad at weekends and would share his bed watch TV etc, 100% innocent!!! Especially at that age, there is nothing sexual or sinister about it, the people that have the issues clearly didn’t have such bond with their parent. He would have every right to be mad as would any father with his daughter in that same scenario. He loves his daughter, she loves her father, would it be such a travesty if it were a son and his mother in underwear? Or even a son and father? There’s nothing wrong with a child wanting to suggle up to their parent. End of.
I mean…it’s literally his child. You’re looking at it from the outside point of view. If y’all were together for a while and married or whatever, and he did the exact same thing, I can almost guarantee you wouldn’t be asking this question. However, the angry outbursts are a no no. So you should discuss that with him or scat. No sense in being hollered at and be oppressed in your own home.
No it’s no weird. But if you don’t like how he tells you to get out when you talk to him about things then maybe you should move on from this relationship.
He is comfortable to sleep If he’s not molesting her, then shut it.
It’s weird that you’re making it weird. Let that man sleep next to his daughter in peace without having to overthink it. Because one day she’s gonna say she’s to big to sleep next to Daddy.
Hey maybe stop sexualizing him with his child and he wouldn’t get mad at you
This is why I don’t let my kids near no other womens because it’s always something if it’s not the child making her uncomfortable or it’s her the problem. Smh!!!
Girl that’s his daughter !!
Yes I don’t like that. Not his daughter big difference and weird anyhow.
So you’re essentially saying he’s a creep around his kids- I’d get angry and tell you to leave too. You’re like half a step away from calling him a child molester. Unless you think he is doing that type of thing you are 100% TAH
You definitely have issues and I’d yell at you too
Buy him a pair of boxer_ briefs and Encourage Him to sleep in them.
I sleep in underwear and a bra and snuggle my children nightly. A man shouldn’t be any different. I do understand where you are coming from, its my biggest fear, but if everything else seems normal, it’s normal.
You probably get weirded out when parents bathe with their kids too
You’re making it weird, stop.
I don’t see an issue unless he has shown signs that he’s a weirdo pervert and if he is why are you still there? Naked would be a huge issue but just in his boxers is not a big deal. I have a 6 and 3 year old daughter and it’s fine with their daddy all the time. Yet I did buy my husband some sleeping shorts they are super comfy and he loves to wear them.
That’s his child stop sexualizing him sleeping next to his kid
Bud out. Probably best you just don’t comment. Ur making it weird
Its only weird that you’re making it weird? She is 5!? And his daughter? Maybe stop sexualising him and his daughter and he won’t get mad at you for being ridiculous.
It’s not weird you’re making it weird and creating a problem when there isn’t a problem. Our 7 year old son loves to still come in and snuggle with us and in the summer it’s hot I sleep in tee shirt and my brief underwear it’s not weird he’s my son same thing with his father he sleeps in his boxers you’re the problem not him
My husband sleeps in his boxers because he gets hot and out daughter sleeps with us a lot and she loves to cuddle up to her dad. She’s 3. You’re making it weird
Um. Look. Idk if you have some trauma or something that you need to address. But if you do, you need to address it. Don’t project it onto something innocent. That’s just a baby snuggling with her daddy. And of course he’s mad at that implication you’re slinging at him.
If you had a child you would probabably understand a lot more about true love. My 3 yr old daughter gets in bed with me at various times if she can’t sleep etc. And I’m in my boxers. It’s far from a sexual thing for your baby girl to lay on you or cuddle with you. It’s just a feeling of security and love from her daddy. There’s nothing sexual about it in any way.
You’re making it something that it’s not.
How is it weird??? My husband bathes with our 2 year old daughter, people need to stop making dad’s feel like shit for doing NORMAL things with their kids!!!