She should have her own bed tho. If she’s sleeping with him bc she just misses him and wants to soak up that time with him when she’s there, that makes sense. But she should at least have a bed she can go to if she wants to. As she gets older, doctors or educators may ask if she sleeps in her own bed, just a heads up. So if y’all don’t have anything for her yet, you may want to get something and work on transitioning her soon.
Big red flag. Really big.
Don’t sexualize love. I think something is wrong with you, not him. She’s 5, not 15.
The real question is why are you sexualizing a very familial act. Would you feel uncomfortable if a mother sleeps in her underwear next to her kid or is it simply because he’s a guy? You’re off base telling him how to raise his kid, you’re the one making it weird.
My rule of thumb for parents co-sleeping with kids is that it’s okay until they hit puberty and it’s time to start discussing appropriate and inappropriate situations and why
Big red flag in my
If it was the mom would u feel the same way about it probably not so u are the issue here. Why do u think it’s creepy if the daughter isn’t uncomfortable and their is no abuse I think you need to just mind u. Maybe he’s not the one I know plenty of dads who cuddle their kids in their boxers if that creeps u out u are not ready to be with a man who has kids.
You’re a part of the problem. You’re the one sexualizing a normal father daughter relationship. Too many females think that a dad being close to their daughter is just so terrible. Maybe you didn’t have it growing up, I didn’t either. But my daughters always sneaking out of her room and crawling up in bed to cuddle with me and her dad. My son too. It’s only weird if you sexualize it
Take a picture for proof. Tell her mother immediately!!! And run do not walk!!! Red Flags everywhere!!!
Sounds to me like he puts his children before anyone and you’re having a tough time. He won’t allow your bs to be had around his children. If you think it’s ok to voice these concerns in front of the child, you’re lucky he hasn’t put you out yet. IMO you’re out of line and creating a divide that doesn’t exist. I’m going on a limb to say you moved in with him and you’re contributing financially, therefore you believe you have more input. You don’t.
RUN DONT walk!! Those are ALL red flags! And if UR PAYING fir the house DONT U DARE LEAVE IT! Tell him pack his bags & get the hell out! I AGREE w/ u he shouldnt be sleeping that way esp w/ his daughter! I fear for that girl esp!The longer u stay w/ this guy worse its gonna get & the more HURT ur gonna have!! PLZ kick him to the curb b4 he tears u completely down! Theres Absolvierte NO reason he should tell u not to talk leave etc! Get outta here! Thatd be damn day!! Esp if Im paying for it!! In the long run you WILL BE SO MUCH HAPPIER CALMER BEST OF ALL PEACE IF MIND!! After all this mess is over itll give u the opportunity find someone else & be mindful of any red flags!! Good luck!!
I have 4 kids ranging from 15-3 they all walk in when I’m in the bathroom the shower in bed I sleep in a tank and girl boxer undies is it weird the little ones crawl in with me in an d their father who’s usually In just shorts…no but people thinks father’s who. Cuddle or play with the kids must be doing something wrong…
There is nothing wrong with it.
There is absolutely no reason he couldn’t and shouldn’t throw on a pair of pj bottoms. Things can fall out of the hole in boxers when sleeping. Why tip toe that line it’s not necessary takes a second to throw something over your underwear.
If this was 30 years ago noone would bat an eyelash. Nothing wrong with that at ALL. In my opinion, thinking there’s something wrong with that is wrong
If you’re that uncomfortable with it request that he wears shorts? We sleep with our kids but we all have our own blankets.
Just an honest question here, are you sure your feelings about this isn’t coming from something that happened to you as a child? The reason I’m asking is I was SA’d as a child and sometimes we have to check within ourselves to make sure it’s not our inner child who is just uncomfortable. Please don’t sexualize a father/daughter relationship. As for him getting upset, your pushing your own fears onto him and making him feel like he is doing something wrong.
Maybe time for a change
I pray this man leaves you. Its honestly pathetic that you’re jealous of a 5 year old. Grow up!!
Is this relationship new? What you are implementing is his being sexual around his daughter? Do you realise how that would make him feel? If he only see his daughter once a week or fortnight he might just want to spend time with her, He probably sleeps in boxers even when she isnt there which then is normal, it’s totally okay to question it, but also realise what you’re saying as I’d be reacting like him if someone was implying I was sexually acting around my kids, unless you’re a parent you have no idea seek help please.
My hubby wears boxers to bed and often our kids crawl into bed with us. I sleep in a night shirt and panties.
We have 5 at home ranging from 8 to 2.
If they are scared they crawl into bed with us. Or if they are sick…
Why are you trying to make it perverted is my question?
Stop sexualizing it.If either was uncomfortable,then I’m sure it would stop.Would you feel the same way if it was a mom and her son?
I almost thought this was a post from Reddit AITA.
Ok just depends on the ages.
Lmao u know how hot it is sleeping next to a Lil kid as long as his junk isn’t hanging out then what’s the difference between boxers n shorts fr
Kick him and his weird habits out! He is verbally abusive
and shows no respect for you. Child should not be sleeping with him!
No it’s not weird…wtff???
You’re the one making it weird. Why are you jealous over his child? Good lord
I don’t think there is anything wrong with a parent laying next to their child in their sleeping clothes. I would be angry too if someone was implying me cuddling with my child as sexual in any way. Because it isn’t. I mean do you have kids?! Have you ever cuddled them? This just seems really petty unless you have a founded reason to believe something is actually wrong. Our son climbs in bed with us… it would be the same if we had a daughter. I think you’re in the wrong unless something has caused you to believe there is something else going on which doesn’t seem the case
That’s his child it’s only weird because YOURE making it weird.
Wow you can tell that you do not have children ………
It’s only weird because you’re making it weird.
I sleep nude with my daughter who is 4, and we do cuddle when I’m nude sometimes. She’s my baby, someone I cared for her entire life and I love with all my being. It feels natural and beautiful when we can do “skin to skin” cuddles, nothing sexual about it, because she’s my baby. Let’s not villainize men for wanting to be close to their daughters in the same way that mothers are allowed to.
In hopes of the person who asked this. Actaully reads my comment: I dont blame him for telling you to leave. Thats a super odd thing to think about and I’m sure it infuriates him. You should fuck off probably.
Girl hush ya mouth. If you think he’d even be capable of doing something like that then you shouldn’t even be dating him. You sound jealous of his relationship with his children and that’s the real problem here…
Your house your rules
Give your head a wobble im guessing your the sort of person that can’t handle a joke or banter either. Trying to sexualise a father daughter relationship it’s defiantly you who is the problem I’d tell you to get out aswell if I was him.
At 5 years old it’s okay , but if they get in the older then that… it’s not. You could suggest to at least wear a T-shirt with his boxers on.
What the fuck is really wrong with you
I say he’s getting defensive . It shouldn’t get him upset . I would try to reach out to the baby mom and see how she feels. Good luck !
There’s no pleasing some women either we don’t show our kids we love them or when we do it’s weird…
My father in law use to do that with their adopted 4 year old. She told my mother in law and he stopped, and started wearing pj bottoms. Problem solved.
Not necessarily weird. But if you and him are in disagreement over so many things he doesn’t get to tell you to leave your house. That’s the big
You’re the one making it weird. If you even thought for a second that he would even do something like that then you shouldn’t be with him. Like you obviously don’t have kids🤦🏻♀️
You’re the one making it weird stop sexualizing the situation and just see a dad bonding with his child y’all be weird
I don’t see it as a problem. We have 5 kids (4 boys and a little girl ) and my husband does that.
You are making it weird! Why does it make you feel some type of way is the question?!? Leave them be! I’m sure if he totally ignored his daughter & made her sleep on the floor you’d have something to say about that to!
My son is 10 and he often creeps up into my bed and I’m just in underwear especially in this hot weather i wrap duvet around me also and sweat like a pig
Now if it was the child’s mother majority of y’all wouldn’t care. Stop being weird and insulting the man. Bunch of Weirdos.
I would be offended if I were him because you’re implying he’s being inappropriate with his child.
A child being in a parents bed is very normal. Unless you observe inappropriate behavior you should trust that he is a loving parent. And if you cannot handle that he is prioritizing his child and being present for her needs you don’t have any business being in a relationship with him or having an opinion about it.
For one you are sexualizing human bodies and that’s nasty, your the one who’s putting the nasty sexuality into him and his daughters relationship
For two you really shouldn’t be telling him what he should do with his daughter if he’s not being unsafe and inappropriate
Like I said before there’s nothing wrong with him laying beside her in bed with boxers nothing sexual about it he’s not doing anything wrong and therefore you should have no say in that that’s him and his daughter’s relationship
I sleep in my bra and panties with my children. That’s not sexual. They are my children and we are sleeping lolol
I’m 34 with 4 children and I will still walk into my mums room while she’s changing or sit and talk to her if she’s in the bath?? Its natural to me coz she gave birth to me. My kids will walk in the bathroom while I’m in the bath or come and get in bed with me while I’m naked… they don’t batter an eye lid because to them it’s natural, they came out of me but they know about inappropriate touch and wouldnt be so relaxed if it was someone else naked in front of them not me.
Don’t sexualise what you don’t need to they arent small for long, if you aren’t comfortable with what the relationship a dad has with his daughter maybe that relationship isn’t for you.
It’s only wrong that you think there is something wrong with it
I walk around in my underwear all the time and my son is 7. I’ve never ever thought it was weird, and would only stop doing it if my son ever asked me to (which he might as he gets older and I’ll understand lmao) Honestly you’re making it weird. Guys walk around and sleep in boxers all the time…
What if this was a mom and her son? Quit, he is being a good dad. If the daughter was uncomfortable she wouldn’t be laying there. You obviously don’t have children.
He needs to wear more than boxers that’s weird
He yelled at you because you’re being fucking ridiculous. The fact that you’re sexualizing this tells me he needs to leave your weird ass IMMEDIATELY.
Stop sexualizing children, it’s her dad they are bonding ffs
My husband sometimes sleeps in his boxers and cuddles our kids but always use separated blankets for himself. The kids will be covered in their own blankie
Your the one making it weird stop sexualizing things like this. This is what’s wrong with the world. My daughter sneaks into my bed every night and we sleep in just our undies I see nothing wrong with it plus she feels safer and more connection with skin on skin contact. Dads should be allowed to feel comfortable as well with skin on skin contact with their child.
You are the one with the problem! Over sexualizing things! There is no problem, only problem is you!
Perfectly fine, boxers, bathing suit, what’s the difference, same amount of material. Parent bonding with child, no big deal. I am assuming someone done something to you and your just protecting said child.
My daughter is 3 and still sometimes sleeps with me and her dad and she cuddles up to both me and her daddy. It’s something children need. It’s called comfort and security. If you have a problem with your bf innocently loving on his own child id say you have some daddy issues you need worked out. If he was inappropriately touching or doing other things then you should be calling the police not asking random people on fb.
Only one being weird is you.
Are you jealous she is getting dads attention and not you?
Our daughter is 8 be 9 next month she has always slept with us and will till she wants her space…I cant stand someone who tries to make a dad uncomfortable with his daughter…I wouldn’t put up with that for a second…if I thought my hubby even thought anything like that I’d be gone!
I want my child to be able to go to dad if something happens or she needs to talk and if you put it in a kids mind that dad Is gross, well they will never come to him in other situations…my hubby helps put clothes on our daughter or helps her dry off when I can’t and we think zero about anything wrong with that!
I don’t care what anyone says it is inappropriate for a grown man to be sleeping in his underwear next to his daughter! He needs to wear pants! But at the age of 5 I wouldn’t take it as to much of a concern. It’s when she gets around 8 or 9 that it needs to stop. Especially when they begin to come into puberty. But you also need to observe…just because he is her father doesn’t necessarily make him an innocent man either! If you sense something is not right then confront it. Even if he does get pissed and defensive which in my opinion would be raising some red flags. Confide in a close friend or family member and confront him together.
I sleep in bra and panties does it make me a weird mom that my babies come and sleep in the bed sometimes? Good lord quit looking for a reason to get upset. It’s not weird and you clearly don’t have your own children. Grow up!
Why would it be wrong? Is he doing anything inappropriate? Or are they literally SLEEPING?! It’s people like you that are making the most natural basic things into a problem. Let him be a dad and stop degrading him. My husband sleeps in his boxers every single night with me and our 5 year old daughter. One day you’re gonna say something wrong about something completely innocent and it’s going to ruin him and his daughters life.
Don’t make something out of nothing. There’s zero wrong with that.
If he was naked I could see a problem. But otherwise I see nothing wrong. I’m 27 and still sleep next to my mom when I can.
No, it is NOT wrong.
Not your kid, not your place. He isn’t doing anything inappropriate. You have zero right to interfere in how he parents. If he has always cuddled next to her then it’s fine. I’d kick someone out in a heartbeat asking something like that too. Seems you need to grow up a bit since you seem young. It’s no different if he slept in basketball shorts. He is angry that you are implying something ominous
Right or wrong, here is the real question: why does an adult man feel the need, want to sleep with a 5 year old ??? And why isn’t the 5 year old sleeping by herself, like most kids her age ?? If she tells people at school she sleeps with her step dad, it will cause raised eyebrows. Even if he is fully clothed, it doesn’t look good, is not good for the child.
But does the child understand that no one can touch her privates and does she know the proper names for her privates?? If she doesn’t then that’s a red flag a 5 year old should understand that no one is suppose to touch, squeeze, poke or even look at her privates not even dad.
If mums can sleep with there babies why cant the dad. I’d say something else if it was a new partner joining the family .
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.
I come from a family of nine and my father used to walk around in his boxers at your daughter’s age but he never slept with anyone but my mom or in the livingroom. I was also raised with two older sister’s and 6 brothers who walked around occasionally in their underwear but we never gave it a second thought. That was only in the summer when A/C’s were becoming a big thing. No story in my life because of it tho. However, these days are questionable???
This post and some of these comments are very concerning the fact that people are sexualizing this is disgusting.
All I can see here is a father daughter bond, nothing else. Its no different to if it was a mother and her child. Different story if something else was going on though.
Not your kid not your place to say anything.
Speak to him about it and not an anonymous Facebook post. Frankly, it’s his child and if he’s not touching that child, I don’t feel like it’s wrong. Maybe encourage him to spend more time with them in different settings.
At 5 he should at least wear shorts too. That’s a little old for just boxers. Howe er it also sounds like he won’t be able to open his mind to you having opinions around his kids which can be a problem parenting step kids or any future kids. I’d take a big look at having an in depth conversation. Or potentially leaving. (Even though none of that is your fault)
Just sleeping? Come on.
I’d want you to leave to suggesting such. If it was a mother it wouldn’t have even crossed your mind even a father and son but because it’s a father and daughter.
Is this what the world has come to?
I don’t think it’s right she’s not sleeping by herself quite frankly, most kids her age do.
Idk why this is even an issue. You’re sexualizing and making something dirty that is not …this is the type of thinking of toxic women, who twist and turn shit, and some even manipulate. Do better. This is not even a question. Clearly you 2 aren’t even on the same mental frequency, and more so you still have a lot of love and life left to experience before I’d say you’re ready to be an asset to this man and his child. Perhaps when you have your own, you’ll look back and understand things better. Good luck.
What’s wrong with it? His child. He is clothed. I’m guessing she is too or you would have pointed that out…
U don’t like it? He told u to leave. Sounds like he has the right idea about you
First of all, it’s not your kid. Second of all, there’s only something wrong with you if youre sexualizing the thought! In my eyes, it’s just a parent going to sleep with their kids it’s a very normal thing for many people. Many of us sleep in our underwear too it’s not a big deal, grow up.
So if they go to the beach or go swimming is he allowed to wear trunks or should he remain covered head to toe. Would you even be questioning it if it was a mother and son or even mother and daughter. This is exactly what is wrong with the world people to quick to sexualise something as innocent as a parent sleeping with their child. Why does your mind even go to that dark place. I’d be mad too he probably feels like your accusing him of something. It’s his child and this is the norm for her and what she is comfortable with unless you have any reason to think something is untoward then let him be. I’d hope that if you even thought for a second he was a danger to any child you wouldn’t be with him anyway and would have made some one aware.
Something is wrong…with u
I come from a family where it was majority guys… They all walk around in their boxers unless they plan to leave the house.
If u find something wrong with this, I think u may be the one that needs to rethink things. Its his daughter. Not someone else’s daughter. I dont see the issue. I have a 9 yr old and 3.5 yr old both girls with my husband. He sleeps in boxers and sometimes they end up next to him. Kids need love and comfort from parents sometimes!
Well DCF wouldn’t like it
Way back we would have my 2 kids in bed watching cartoons
So that was a long time
They frowned on that
So I would say becarefull
Boyfriends are not fathers and most children sexually assaulted by boyfriends or family members and most child murders r by boyfriend just saying
Your sexualizing a non sexual situation. Shes 5
He is justifiably angry at you and justified in wanting you out. A father being close with and comforting his child is important. How dare you say those things and act like that. He needs to break things off you and find a woman that will nurture his positive relationship with his child
I’m the type of person who would be really uncomfortable with this too, but what’s most concerning is how angry he gets when you ask about it. That’s a red flag to me.
You must not have kids of your own. It sounds like your jealous and maybe you need to move on. I would want you out of my house for even thinking this way.
I would let my son sleep with me in the summer until he was like 7 we’d both be in underwear because it was hot when we’d go to bed. I think it’s normal up to a point… like once she starts noticing certain things about his body maybe? Some people are nudists and sleep naked, probably occasionally with their kids… as long as nothing is happening and they are both comfortable I don’t see anything wrong with it. Maybe if she was a bit older it would be inappropriate.
Instead of posting on face book how about having a face to face adult conversation with your boyfriend about the situation you have made to be sleezey. There may be a good reason why his daughter wants to sleep in the same bed as her father. You have begun a relationship with a man who has children, and expect to have a say in things that happen its not about sitting in silence its about picking your battles. Don’t be a door mat but at the same time don’t let him treat you like nothing its a juggling act you will need to work through one visit at a time.