Is it wrong that my boyfriend sleeps next to his daughter in boxers?

I used to cuddle with my boys when they were younger.and my girls too I do when I sleep with them which is rare but hey it’s my kids and I love them.Thats what parents do. Maybe his daughter wants him to sleep with her. Kids are clingy to their parents, I know mine are.


Kinda creeped out that anonymous Is doing that passive aggressive sexualization of a familial bond

and its gross


I’m so freaking grossed out by all the mothers in here attacking this woman. If there is ever a concern about inappropriate behavior with a child you always need to ask. Always! The amount of you shaming her for checking to make sure this is ok, is why so many men feel too comfortable to do it. They know the world is filled with women like you who will defend them or turn a blind eye all together. I am not saying this man is being inappropriate with his daughter, but this woman should not be shamed for asking for clarification if this is acceptable.


Why would he be even there!

You made it weird. I’m thinking your not the person for him. You also sound jealous


Father’s can cuddle with their daughter and mother’s can cuddle with their sons there is no difference and if you see a problem with one and not the other or even see a problem with any of it to begin with YOU are the issue.


My hubby has slept with our daughter with just boxers on before. Not sure what the issue is with your boyfriend doing this honestly. You are sexualizing a non sexual situation which is weird in itself.


Its his daughter there is nothing wrong about it. If you see it that way than i think your the one that is sick


So , his daughter doesn’t live with him , and you have a problem with him sleeping and cuddling with his daughter when she visit and spend the night?
The fuck is wrong with you? At that age kids love to sleep and cuddle with their parents , and this phase doesn’t last forever , let him enjoy his time with her .

Leave. It doesn’t sound like you guys get along - regardless if it is right or wrong.


No. YOU are sexualizing a child. Stop.


I would just watch. It could be innocent. I take it your in the bed too.

You best be flying the coop!!!


Not weird. It’s his daughter.


No problem with the cuddling.
However I do see an issue that you feel you cannot speak, thay he takes his frustration put on you and that his reaction is to get aggressively defensive…


Just going off of you wording as “cuddling up with him” you seem jealous and the problem. That is a child laying with her father, you freaking weirdo. If I was him I’d leave you over that bullshit. It’s not like hes laying naked with her. How is that any different than going swimming? I’d have an outburst at you too if you said that stupid shit to me.

Because that’s rude. You’re basically accusing him of being a pervert to his own kid when that situation is perfectly normal.

Why are you sexualizing a parental bond. He’s not nude for God’s sake. PJ pants are just like boxers just longer. Are you projecting jealousy or something? I don’t get your problem. Is he supposed to be in jeans and t-shirt to sleep in bed? I mean seriously let him be a daddy.

From my own experience, that could be a red flag. I know someone that did this with his own daughters and then granddaughters and that is not only what he was doing. Have you talked with the mother?


I agree, get out of that situation


You are paying for the house and he ask you to leave? Hmmm
You are afraid to talk about it in your house? Hmmm
He gets angry when asked? Hmmm
So you are the problem? Hmmm

I hope he is just being a loving father and that all. Thare are other red flags.

Keep your eyes open


unless you feel like he’s doing something inappropriate to her then leave it alone, that’s his daughter. i slept w my dad every night just about & he had on boxers never even thought of it as weird


It most likely is innocent unless you picked out a creep. My husband has slept in my daughters bed when she’s scared and there was absolutely nothing but a father being there for his daughter going on.

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My opinion it is weird. He atleast should have on sleepy pants or sweats and No man should be in his underwear around any kid. His or not!


People knocking you but nothing wrong with your concern especially now a days. To me it would be how and what you call cuddling … father’s do touch their children male and or female… So don’t get offended. And it’s a big difference in cuddling and laying close…


I think you should stop trying to have a say over kids that arent vehemently yours

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Get away from that man. He is not worth the trouble


Sounds like your dating my ex.

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Ah yes. Telling him that hes being creepy because SHE is sexualizing a 5 year old and him getting mad about it means she “can’t speak or say anything and has to sit in silence and not complain” what an AH


Is says TWO different things!!! You say his daughter! Then you change your story and say when your daughter comes by for a few days!!! And F!@#%% NO NO MAN IS SLEEPING NEXT TO MY DAUGHTER!!!

Why are you sexualizing a daughter sleeping next to her father? Youre the pervert, not him.


By any chance do you yourself have an unhealed trauma about someone in boxers laying next to you? Sounds like a you problem. At least he’s wearing boxers to bed.


Idk I wear a big t-shirt and snuggle with my daughter. That’s not weird? I don’t think this is weird either. She’s still little. It’s different if you’ve suspected him in the past and have a gut feeling about him being creepy. Set up a camera if you’re afraid or worried but I think it seems innocent from the info here.

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I know u cant be too careful so keep ur eye on it hes maybe not doing any harm u might also be a little jealous sohard to know

Dude hold up YOU ARE MAKING IT WEIRD!!! It’s the same like a mom cuddling with her son or daughter. You sound like one jealous person Boxers (Shorts) wtf is the difference?? Poor guy!!


My husband used to cuddle both my son and daughter when they were younger. It got to a point where I struggled to get them to sleep when he was on duty. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. What happened to u that u find it disturbing? And why if u don’t trust a man and think they are some type of pedo are u still asking questions online? Why not approach the child’s mother with ur concerns? Sounds like your projecting.


Please do sit in slience. By yourself. As a single little girl. Cuz you certainly aren’t an adult.


That’s her dad and she’s basically a toddler. It’s normal.


Jordan Helms if your going to date a person with kids you should be prepared for the day they may become part of your family too. Shes not trying to control the kids shes legitimately being concerned


Does he sleep in boxers every night ? If yes. Why is this an issue. If no. Then yes… odd…
My daughter crawls in bed with my husband and I all the time and he sleeps in boxers ? This only gets weird if you make it weird… ans you are…


Its only concerning because how he reacts when she mentions it. Why would he get mad if its simply innocent. Not saying its not but if he acts like that over these things he will get worse for bigger things. You should be aware of any red flags and get out if you need to.


Yikes, I hope this man finds a really nice woman to be in his and his daughters life.


My son is 8 and sneaks in with me and we sleep in our underwear sometimes when it’s really hot x

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I would tell you to leave too that’s his daughter??? Your making it weird


Is it YOUR house - if so - tell HIM to leave!!!

You can always discuss it with the birth mom as a women to women basis. Id respect any women who was potentially going to be filling in a motherlike role for my kid on the otberside of the field if she was concerned because she cared about my child too. My step dad and my real dad have always communicated any concerns with each other


Why are u making it weird. ? Would it be different if the child was male? Is it weird that I sleep with my 6 year old son sometimes? And only in undies?


Does the daughter have her own room to sleep in & she just ends up in dads bed? Or is that the only place she has to sleep. If that’s the case, that can be an issue. In my state, kids have to have their own room at the age of one. CYS makes a huge thing around here with kids not having their own beds to sleep in. But to answer your question, not it’s not weird in the sense you’re making it out to be. Stop it.

My other half always sleeps in his boxers and sleeps cuddled up to my little boy in his boxers?
I cosleep with nothing on with my son next to me? I really don’t think that it’s anything wrong with it? If it’s something he always does?
Also to add, I would get very defensive if someone questioned it to me

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She’s still young enough that it’s not weird yet. And I’m going to guess that you come at him aggressively therefore he responds that way. And he’s not being sneaky about it so I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. I mean my kids are all over 18 now but they still walk in on me naked sometimes. Even growing up I never made them feel uncomfortable about it. We dis talk about knocking once puberty hit tho


My dad and brother use to walk around in their BBDs underwear, not boxers, there was nothing sexual about it. There is no difference in boxers than swim wear. You are ok with swim trunks? What is the difference.

Her conclusive suspicions are detaching her from the husband making it impossible for her to be intimate and consequently this is an invitation for divorce.

3-4 red flags in 1 paragraph…


What’s wrong with that?

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Definitely NOT ok. My ex did it and I called DFC trust me it’s not ok. Good Job for looking into this red flags. Talk to him and see what’s his point of view and you will get surprise. “Defensive “ I put money on it.


My girls are 4 and 5, their dad sleeps in boxer (the ones that look like shorts) to bed and sometimes they fall asleep in our bed. I think you may have offended him by saying it’s weird. I would be a little upset too tbh, you’re making something completely normal into something weird.


it’s weird if he’s cuddling right behind her


In my opinion You are making it weird. I feel like you should apologize or just let it go and not try an have that type of energy around it. She is still only 5! Let her bond and cuddle with her daddy she feels safe. Thats all that matters


So, a dad sleeping/napping with his daughter is weird? Shit, learned something new about myself. I don’t wear just boxers, but I don’t see the difference. Y’all like to sexualize this stuff, sick mindset to have people.

Definitely not weird and he’s not in the wrong for being upset.

Negative Ghostwriter!!!

It’s only weird to you because they’re not your kids. And I bet he gets mad because you’re making this a big deal, basically in your own way saying it’s sexual or disgusting. Once you have your own child you will feel different. Those kids were there first, they are his priority, if you can’t except that then I think you should move on. And grow up before dating another man with kids. Just feels like maybe you’re jealous. Jmo


Why do people think it’s something wrong ? For me it says why do you feel this way?? When it’s the most natural things , my sons would hope in my bed when they had bad dreams ,


Wearing boxers is no different than wearing shorts or swimsuit bottoms and no shirt. What’s the issue?

I could be in a shirt and underwear and my kids still come cuddle me. They’re 2 and 6. If someone made a comment about it being gross or inappropriate or sexual, I’d be pissed, too. Like why are you sexualizing me SLEEPING next to MY CHILD??


Sounds like it’s a YOU problem.


Leave.if he treats you differently when his kids are there, that’s how it will always be. All his issues and frustrations will be taken out on you.
Sadly if they were biological kids there wouldn’t be an issue with cosleeping but biomom could raise a stink.
Personally even with my own kids I started transitioning them from cosleeeping to their own beds/routines at 3-4 years old.
I love my kids but I also wanted my bed and privacy back.

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I sleep in a sleep gown next to my kid. He still comes into our bed at night when he wakes up. He climbs in and wants to cuddle me. People are primates :woman_shrugging:t2:. Hes my child. I kiss on his forehead too. I think its sweet. He rolls over and cuddles with his dad too. Hes 3.5. I hope when hes 5 hes staying in his own bed but only because its so I can sleep better at night lol…without his little knees and toenails poking into me all night and my husband and i can have more private time. However, at 5 if he wakes up from a nightmare he is always welcome to come find comfort from his momma OR daddy. I think its kind of unfair that Dads aren’t thought of as a source of that comfort because of outdated views. If my son was a girl instead it would be fine too at that age if she climbed into bed due to a nightmare. Tons of parents experience this. Boxers are totally normal for a man to sleep in. I personally don’t approve of naked because my kids feet go everywhere at night…no thanks i dont wanna be kicked in my privates thanks. But theres nothing sexual there in the slightest.


Wow thays his baby, you’re the one with the dirty mind. I’d kick you out the house too

Your the one making it weird . I would tell you to leave too!

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Everybody seems to want to put a man in a certain box when it comes to little children. Not every man has bad intentions with their children and if you have any thought in your mind that he does you should dip out of that relationship cause that’s not cool. :woman_facepalming:


Wow what a dirty mind u have
That is his child


So what’s he meant to wear? A suit


This is just crazy :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3:

The biggest issues is the way he treats you. So that alone is reason to leave the relationship


Are you serious. She’s a 5 yr old. I would be telling you to leave as well :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:


He’s a good dad you’re the bad person for even thinking like that I’d leave you completely


Its his bloody kid, what an awesome dad still been involved and putting his kid before your crazy ass! Clearly have jealous issues or somthing going on, you should never once put your opinion into his parenting. It will never go down well as he will always put his child before you! Sorry but get over yourself and be supportive!

I am 67 yrs old and I have fond memories napping with my dad and dolls all in a row


When they’re both sleeping naked and cuddling then you have a right to be weirded out


Sounds like he needs a new girlfriend :woman_facepalming:


Clearly you don’t have children :neutral_face: just understand that it is completely normal for a child to want to cuddle their parent in bed. You need to assess your personal issues with this.


You’re both handling it wrong. You should have went to him and asked him about it when it seems like you’re making it out to be creepy and he should have discussed it w you instead of yelling. Without more info it sounds like you guys just aren’t a match.


Respect him no it’s not weird at least he’s not naked. You’re paranoid


Hell No !!! That’s not okay
That you are not allowed :no_entry_sign: to express yourself.
We have nothing but daughters and my husband always had sweats or pj pants on :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2: go with your gut :wink::wink::wink::wink::wink:


I don’t feel that is age appropriate personally. I would feel strange about it as well. If the child was a little younger, it would be different in my mind. That child is going into kindergarten and I wouldn’t want something like that to be “normal” to them if they were over at someone else’s house.


Uh oh. I sleep next to both my children (in underwear) lock me up.


Sounds like he needs to get rid of you, sick minded person for sickening an adorable cuddle with her dad.


Do you have children?? I am guessing that you do not. And I think that when this man’s child is not there he is snuggling with you. But when his 5 year old daughter comes for a visit he is snuggling with her and you feel left out. And the fact that you keep bringing it up and making it sound so inappropriate is pissing him off. I think you are jealous of him spending what time he can with his daughter. You need to find a man that has no children so you can be his main focus.

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It’s not the boxers you should be worried about it’s all of his other behaviour those are abusive behaviours and you should leave now before it gets any hardet


He he showed actions for you to be concern about? Because if not and your sexualizing a situation and that’s not the case then he should be asking you to leave … My husband sleeps in sleep shorts. . next to our daughter snuggled up and I have no concern what so ever … So if there is an issue your not addressing or like I said sexualizing something that not ment to be your the problem


Why do you need to sexualise everything ? I still bathe with my children … he is ok and he is mad because you are making him feel like a monster that cold sexually abuse his daughter. You are wrong here not him


My dad always wore his boxers around the house , we bought him boxers every Christmas . I remember his SpongeBob ones :joy::joy::joy: none of them were boring they all had characters on them. And my point I’m making is that it’s not weird especially if his daughter is wearing her Jammies it’s just a child and that child’s parent laying going to bed .

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If this was flipped around would have have a problem if a mother slept all cuddled up next to her 5 year old only wearing a small nightgown? Most likely not. If you’re not happy then leave. It’s his kid and how he and the mother of his child choose to raise THEIR child isn’t your business. If there’s abuse in the house then you need to talk to the child’s mother and let them sort it out.


Grow up that’s his child u sound immature and jealous, would you say the same about a mother cuddling her child in a bikini, your making it something it ant :roll_eyes: I’d blow up at you and tell you to leave as well… Ruin my time with my children cause you have weird thoughts?? Nah…cya


You are trying to make more out of him sleeping in his underwear next to his daughter than there is. Your insistence that he not sleep in his underwear is not your decision to make. If you are that uncomfortable, you are in the wrong relationship.


That’s completely normal, you’ll realise when you have kids, because by the sounds of you you clearly do not…I’d get mad too if someone was insinuating something with my own child, I’d get rid of you in a shot if it was me :woman_shrugging:t3::unamused:


it’s only weird if you make it weird. if you think that’s weird you’re probably the weirdo for sexualizing this man having a close bond with his daughter. no wonder you posted anonymously :woozy_face:


I came here for just the comments bc this one was like :flushed::flushed::flushed::flushed::flushed: to me


The only thing that’s weird about this post is you making a dad sleep in the same bed as his daughter seem like it’s in a ‘sexualised manor’
So if a mother was to sleep in the bed in her undies next to her daughter that wouldn’t be weird but because it’s a man it’s weird?! Get a grip please. My daughter’s are 3&2 and they still wake during the night at times and ask for either myself or their dad so we both snuggle up to them


He isn’t doing wrong. U are