You should handle your trauma and not deflect it on another and their situation. I know it’s hard to believe …I struggle with it daily. But not every man is a perv.
I had 3 children. Two boys & a girl. When they were young they would sometimes get in our bed and cuddle. My husband would have underwear on. I had a PJs or nightgown. My thought it happens with a lot of families.
Why is cuddling ones child not okay?
You’re wrong. Stop sexualizing his relationship with his kid. Clearly you are the one with the issues and are projecting onto their relationship. Gonna guess your dad prob wasn’t around when you were young . Why would anyone ever put up with a significant other that implies he has an inappropriate relationship with his own kid? You’re the psycho.
You sexualizing the father that way is the issue. My son has tendency’s to only want to come talk personally about his games, friends, school, ideas when I’m in the fuckin shower or shitting
I’m just mad I don’t get peace. Lol. My sister slept with her dad till about 10. You’re weird.
I would say trust your gut. Reguardless. YOU are the only one seeing this. LISTEN TO YOURSELF. Maybe its you. Maybe its not. But we have insticts that no man will EVER be able to compare to. Trust them no matter what the outcome.
I’m a mother & there’s days I’ll go to sleep a$$ naked & if my son wanna get out his bed into mine I don’t put anything on my husband will sleep in his boxers too but I never think of it in a sexual way so I think you need to get your mind right unless you have other signs that really make you worry. Who wants to sleep fully clothed…? Maybe unless it’s winter but even then still……
It’s only weird because you’re making it weird… I’m guessing you don’t jave kids of your own… It’s his daughter…
You just have a disgusting mind I guess.
My husband does the same with our 6 year old and 4 year old.
It’s absolutely innocent and the girls don’t even perceive it in any sexual or uncomfortable way.
Not all men are perverts and it’s not like he touches her inappropriately.
Wtf… is this serious? It’s normal… relax or your gonna lose him cause his kids come first
The society has become so wrong its sickening, what is wrong with a father daughter relationship? My 4 year old daughter is soo close no tata wakhe, she falls asleep in his arms, once he removes them, she wakes up…
You literally sound jealous that he’s snuggling his daughter with somebody else and not you. Yikes. I’d want you away from me & my kids too, paying for the house or not.
Our kids have always coslept with us. Our daughter is 5 and my husband sleeps the same way. He can’t sleep with shirts on it bothers his neck. Does she have her own bed at the house? Maybe you can just encourage her and him to slowly move to a big girl bed?
Honestly this double edge sword unfortunately we do live in a world where you can never be sure what somone is capable of so I get the paranoia and not mention where told as girls that watch out for this or that but unfortunately while helps us to be safe it all so makes us paranoid in perfectly normal stutions like this all so trauma does to unless anything else is happening to lead you to believe anything is happening there relationships is normal maybe you have some iusses you have to work through yourself
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Yeah i think its more of an issue on why YOU feel thats innopropriate or why u feel uncomfortable with him sleeping next to his daughter. Would u feel the same way if he had an issue of you holding your 5 year old son without a bra on? Its just body parts. Everybody has them. Hes a father, in the comfort of his own home. I would probably ask you to leave my house as well if you were sexualizing something so innocent with my children
He’s mad bc of your weird hang up and sexualizing his relationship with his child. He has every right to be upset with you. And whatever trauma you have in your life you need to work on.
My daughter is 4 and sleeps w us sometimes. My husband wears boxers or shorts. I wear panties and a sports bra. Nothing weird
If I sleep next to my daughter in underwear is that inappropriate? Or my son? I think people forget that they are fathers! It’s always assumed that should we be comfortable with our children that we’re some sort of child abuser. I dont let me 5 year old see me naked by choice, occasionally he walks in when I’m in the bathroom but that doesn’t make it inappropriate or me any sort of bad person! I’d be more concerned at him snapping at you if you’ve done nothing wrong!
It’s not weird. Get over yourself.
Nothing wrong with him sleeping like that but it’s not right for treating you like an outcast when he’s mad when the kids come. Speaking from experience. You better run for your life. Even if you’re married you still have no saying in a matter when it comes to his kids. RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN
You need a therapist. Get your head fixed. The fuck👀
I think maybe you should find a guy that doesn’t have kids…
Signed, A Stepmom to a little girl…
If women can do that with their kids, what’s wrong with father’s doing it? Stupid double standards are exactly what’s wrong with this generation and then some. Men and be loving as much as a mother could. Plus, you aren’t the parent to those kids. You have no say in how he raises them. Youre just a tag along meat pocket patronizing a man for being a good father. You don’t have kids and it shows.
Heal your trauma girl.
You are a jealous girl! That’s his daughter!’ Why are you making it weird?! My husband sleeps the same way and all of our kids have slept with us
The only reason people get creeped out by things like this is because they didn’t have loving parents, or grew up being mistreated, everyone in their family closed off… If they had parents that treated them the same then there would be no problem and no issue because then they’d understand.
Uhm no? He’s not naked and he’s covered….
Um my daughter is 8 and still sees me naked at times it’s not weird for a women don’t Make it weird for a man
I feel you have some underlining issues.
I could lay with my dad when i was little wasnt worried what he had on just know i was loved so it doesnt matter…we showed love in our house but in a respectful manner i see nothing wrong with it
I think there’s a few different issues here. He shouldn’t dismiss your feelings; you shouldn’t feel like you can’t say anything while his daughter is there because he may get angry. I think you guys need to talk. Try to see things from each other’s perspective and decide what your nonnegotiable are before your talk.
I find it weird when kids still co sleep after 3 like it’s time to sleep train. Boxers or not she can sleep in her own bed. Just my opinion though. Seems to be the unpopular one.
Sounds creepy to me. Men get random errections so in my eyes that’s odd.
My guess is you don’t have a child of your own. I see nothing wrong with this. It’s up to parents to normalize the human body, not to be ashamed of it. I personally think he’s being a great dad.
Sounds like your jealous
Yikes…. Are you sexualizing their relationship
youre making it weird by literally asking that, no wonder why he gets angry. shes his daughter, of course theyre going to have a special bond. when i sleep with my daughter, on the hotter nights, i sleep with the bare minimum on myself and my daughter always insists on sleeping in bed with me anyways, is that weird?
While everyone is sitting here calling her wrong, or a weirdo, or any of the other insults have been thrown…has anyone considered the fact that he’s got his child sleeping in a bed with a woman that is not her mother? Maybe that’s part of what is making her uncomfortable? Also wondering how comfortable the little girls mom would be with this sleeping arrangement
I find it more wierd that you find the situation wierd!?
I’d not only kick u out but break up with you.
Me personally I don’t think it’s weird at all … I took showers with my dad when I was 8 because of the county he lived in and the water … He never touched me and he never me feel uncomfortable … I don’t understand why adults make everything about sex … You’re sick af to think anything … UNLESS he has done other things I would keep your mouth shut and if you really don’t like it then leave
Talk to that baby and see how she feels about and without being too forward ask if he does anything to her.
He’s covered and skin to skin is also good even for older children…its her father …would b weird if wasn’t her father
It’s weird that your maken it weird and uncomfortable!! He’s a dad his kid comes first end of also it’s summer get over yourself makes me sad some people can’t be a good Parent to their children without someone been awkward.
Right so when you first have a baby the midwife ask you to make skin to skin contact with both mom n dad suppose thats wired as well and my daughter 6 she has learning problems autsm and other problems and she quite often gets in our bed for a cuddle did not even think of it in that way just to add my husband has got boxers and mostly pjs on lol no its not wrong at all ts the child’s daddy why on earth is that wrong
You should seek help.
The issue is most likely something with you or you’re past. Unless youve seen some other things to worry about beside the sleeping situation…maybe. but as far as basically being told to mind you’re own I agree. That’s his baby, you’re not the mom nor married so telling him how to raise his child is wrong. Accusing him of things that are nasty is horribly wrong. Him taking things out on you is the only thing I see concerning in this post…also you may wanna find another man because it’s pretty clear yall have different parenting ways in mind and I speak from experience when I tell that is a huge relationship ender…
Or if he says, threatens her or people she loves to not say what happens.
Lots of people feel comfortable in less clothes. He probably doesn’t think anything about it because they are family and it never occurred to him that someone would sexualize it.
But those types of things are usually the only warning you get in 'those situations. I’d try to tell him as delicately as possible that if you could get the wrong idea, other people could too.
And people are way more likely to pick sides in a blended family dynamic where the bioparents are apart.
He’d probably be doing everyone a favor by at least wearing some night shorts too.
Not that I’m saying he’s doing anything wrong. I know lots if guys that dress down. And there isn’t anything sinister about it.
But it can look a certain way. Especially if your around children who don’t have the maturity to have their own say about it.
Sometimes we have to put up extra precautions, at the very least so our kids know what to know is weird when people who aren’t safe are doing it.
Hes her dad, he’s wearing underwear. Id be more concerned if he was naked but he’s not…your being over zealous
Hes just sleeping? Whats weird about that? If theres other signs id be worried too but he gets mad and says those things because your insinuating things. Anyone would get upset. Id tell you the same thing.its rude and uncalled for. Always pay attention but dont just call people out for stuff you find weird but isnt.
That’s her dad. The real question is, why do you think it’s inappropriate? Do you have a past sexual trauma? Has he given you any other reason to think he’s doing something wrong .
Oh my. There’s nothing weird about this. Isn’t that what a lot of men sleep in? It’s his daughter. Unless something else has happened that’s caused you concern it’s honestly worrisome that you even think of the situation in a sexual way.
If you’re not use to it or was not raised like that yes it can have you feeling a certain type of way. I know of many who have daughters who will cuddle up to dad even if he is in his boxers. Mom’s who have sons who wear a gown or whatever. Him lashing out isn’t good on his part but more than likely he has been attacked with it before and is just at wits end with it.
You basically are accusing him of having sexual intentions towards his child. I’d be mad to. Except you would no longer be in the picture. Paying bills or not. That doesn’t give you the right.
You are ridiculous, childish, and I can’t believe he hasn’t left you yet
He needs to leave you asap!
He’s not wrong. You’re implying that he’s doing inappropriate things with his daughter when he’s just being a loving father. You’re literally looking to cause problems for this man because you’re messed up in your head about healthy father-daughter relationships.
U didn’t really give us enough info.
There is nothing wrong with a child cuddling with their parent, he is covered as you said, and if thr chilc doesn’t live there all the time, then this could be a bonding time for them. I was molested as a child, and if anythinv out of the way was going on, then there would be signs. The child would be withdrawn, and probably not want to be around their dad. It is normal for children to want to be close to those they love. Don’t read more into it then is there. If you see any other signs that support your fears then you might have reason for concern. As for now, give it a rest.
Women like you are why everything is sexualized and you need to grow up nothing wrong with that the only problem is at 5 she should be in her own bed
I personally think it’s weird. I never saw my Dad in his underwear. He should at least have on some shorts or something. And if he has a problem with you simply asking questions or commenting on things happening in your own house then I would say you need to get out of this relationship.
Your insinuating he is being inappropriate with his child
If someone said something about me being inappropriate in a sexual manor with any of my 4 children I would be upset
There are a lot of bad people in the world
I get that
Sexual abuse happens
I get that
But jealousy and insecurity and weirdness also happen
Boxers are clothing
He isn’t naked
As long as his dick isn’t hanging out I don’t see the issue
I sleep in a bra and underwear
Sometimes any of my 4 kids will come lay in the bed
Maybe the way you are addressing it is the issue
Instead of making it a big deal about what he is wearing and his inappropriate to you relationship with his daughter
Why not say
Hey she’s getting older
Maybe it’s time for her to get a big girl bed
I bet she would love it
Get to decorate and pick out new bedding
That is something exciting for kids
That’s her dad!!! It’d be weird if it was your kid. But it’s not so mind your own.
um…seems pretty normal to me…seems like u have underlying issues.
I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask the question. What’s unreasonable is that he’s totally offended and can’t discuss with you. And then tell you to leave the house you’re paying for. It’s the defensive stance that’s a problem.
yup… on the list today for
" Ways to loose a man over my own ill thoughts"
He obviously hasn’t DONE anything to even suggest there is anything disgusting going on… or you would have said it. So WTH… a dad can’t even cuddle his child that he obviously doesn’t see on a daily and misses and loves his child. I’d ditch you… you apparently don’t have a child so have you ever heard, " my child comes first before anyone else" cause … giiirrlll… you are about to be his crazy EX girlfriend he talks about to his new girlfriend who LOVES his child like he does… cause you sound like you don’t like his daughter. Are you calling her
" the kid" or are you stating " the kids ( multiple) come over. Can’t figure it out since you’ve also stated … “he gets made when you ask him that you are uncomfortable” are you from somewhere that this wouldn’t be appropriate? So it’s new for you to see ?
I would get pissed off too… He’s pissed off because he is a FATHER CUDDLING WITH HIS CHILD… he has no ill thoughts … YOU do. Dating for a year ? And you NOW have a problem ? Wwwoookay… take a walk… as he is suggesting
You are the the one with something wrong with you not him.
It’s weird you find it weird
Not weird at all, my dad walked around and slept in his boxers as well if I slept in his bed, my boyfriend does this too. That’s just how he sleeps.
I don’t see a problem .my little girl sleeps with my wife and me sometimes the same way . There is a difference in a dad and a perv .
My honest opinion my husband doesn’t sleep with our girls period. Doesn’t even change diapers to our 2 girls because he’s funny about stuff like this let alone sleep in his boxers at all with our kids home.
You’re weird af for sexualizing him and his daughter’s relationship. That’s so fucking wrong of you. He has every right to be mad at your for being a sicko.
Your wrong and he needs to leave you NOW.
not weird at all. just ill thoughts. my husband sleeps in shorts but our oldest girl still sits on his lap and everything. we all cuddle. clothed or not. we are family lol
Seriously, he’s a father sleeping (as in actual sleeping) with his daughter, he is covered, what does that matter! What about women that still let their babies sleep with them at that sort of age, some women I know do it and they only wear knickers and bra to bed, absolutely no different to a bloke, they are covered, your the one making a problem out of it. Yes you have the right to feel uncomfortable, but he also has the rights to share and sleep in a bed with his daughter. No one would be saying a word if this was the opposite way round and a bloke wrote the status about a woman sharing a bed with her 3 year old son!
Kick him into touch…he’s a pig.
I wish I had a dad like that. He’s protective of his kids, and he has a good reason for it. I’m sorry you didn’t feel loved by your parents. I have the same issue, but I would love to heal from it and would do everything opposite of what my parents did to me/put me through. I think it’s best if you break up with this guy and find someone who has no children that way you are his priority I think that’s what you need because you’re feeling like youre coming second and that’s your trauma stemming from your parents. You need to be put first, being in a relationship with someone that has kids isn’t for you.
I agree that at a certain age of curiousnesss, it’s weird. Only because she’s too young to be explained to about things she might see or feel if he’s thats close to her. Not to mention when men wake up in the morning sometimes it’s UP ya know. Definitely a no from me. My kids bio dad has never done that and my husband and kids step dad, doesn’t even walk out the bathroom to get dressed in his boxers because we have 2 girls in the house and he doesn’t want them to feel like its okay for any of us to walk around in underwear. It sounds like yall have a dysfunctional relationship anyways so idk why you are even giving it anymore time honestly. So many red flags.
I think you got the problem, it’s his daughter stoop looking for things that aren’t there x
Omg that’s her DADDY! Not some stranger. Our daughter would curl up with my hubby (her daddy) in bed when he only has boxers on she’s just turned 6
From this post I understand many guys and girls sleep nude or in their boxers ect. Instead of jumping down her throat maybe she’s been through trauma as a child and didn’t know how to feel about it. Maybe she needs help from her own insecurities it dosent mean the person posting this is weird or sexualising this.
I personally sleep in my undies but let’s just think maybe there’s something underlying
You’re making it weird…
Why do you think that’s weird?? Either there is more to it, or you have some issues to work on. And if I was him I’d tell you to get out and not come between me and my kids too
Jealousy is such a green little monster
You may feel uncomfortable but they’re not your children! Would it be any different if it was a mother in her underwear sleeping next to their child? It’s only weird if you make it weird! Besides that I would have more of a problem if my man tells me to leave a house we both pay for and having to sit in silence and not have a opinion! I would walk away bc of that bc it will only get worse!
Is he or had he ever been inappropriate with his daughter? If not then I’d tell you to leave & not come back. Fathers are just as loving as mothers. A father shouldn’t have to be accused of something because he’s co-sleeping. If this is normal for him & his child then you have some issues you need to address. And this is something that would make any caring & loving parent livid if their girlfriend or boyfriend was insinuating so I think most of these ladies need to think of how they would react if their boyfriend said this to them-I’d have dropped a man at the first frickin’ comment if they insinuated this to me about my relationship with my children.
Baby girl, truthfully, if nothing is up, he shouldn’t honestly get that defensive. But that being said, he may get defensive because he’s truly hurt and becomes defensive by the question (and inference alone) if you’re uncomfortable with it, a person would take that into consideration and adjust, imo. But I do think you need to sit down with him and talk.
My daughter was basically a nudist growing up. If I ever had a bad feeling about it, I’d address it, particularly with my s.o.
Trust your gut. Even if it’s wrong, it’s healthier to address the issue and proceed from there
Not weird. Our 8yr old daughter sometimes chooses to snuggle with her dad. He works away a lot. Similar situation. She misses her dad.
I walk around naked and have four kids so
I feel like you don’t have any kids and it shows
you are the problem, definitely
Wake up and grow up!Stop trying to start stuff that ain’t there. Men practically live in their undies when not working. Mine stays in his boxers all day when not working and me and our kids are fine with it. Why sexualize it? That is like saying a woman can’t sleep in a nightie or gown with her kids in bed. As long as not naked…it is normal.
Dump him. Sounds like he has some unresolved issues towards women.
He’s wearing boxers, whats the problem?
I sleep beside by son in my underwear when it’s too hot, but I bet you wouldn’t have an issue with that so why the other way round? Stop sexualizing things and let a father and daughter stay in bed together without causing issues.
Um…why do you stay…it won’t get better…and I think he should have shorts on!!
If you didn’t grow up with loving parents, I could see how this can feel a little uncomfy to you. You also clearly aren’t a parent yourself because you don’t understand the love and bond between your boyfriend and his daughter. However- stop sexualizing their relationship, you’re the one making it weird, and I’d get mad too if someone was insinuating that sleeping in the same bed with my child was anything but innocent.
As long as he has boxers on it’s fine. You may still feel weird about it because YOU wouldn’t do that with your kids but as long as nothing inappropriate is happening it’s fine.
I had a similar situation to this when I first got with my fiancé. We both sleep naked. His kids come home every Thursday to Sunday / every other Monday. When they were younger they would like to crawl in bed with us and he thought it was totally fine. I found it weird because well… we sleep naked. We made a rule that they go to bed in their own bed every night. If they have a bad dream they have to come knock on our door to wake us up and they tell us they had a bad dream and if they want to sleep with us we throw some clothes on. I also pointed out how even though it may be harmless and not in a sexual matter of how it was before that if his ex decided to be a bitch she could say “oh he sleeps naked with our child inappropriately” (or something along those lines) and could try to get him in trouble for nothing.
But your situation is fine. Once the child starts to get a little older it may be a bit more weird.
Not weird. My dad walked around in his boxers or boxers and T-shirt all the time. We would sit with him in the recliner at that age in our undies and T-shirt. Not weird at all.
If that’s truly his reaction, that’s weird. Y’all need to work on communication above anything else.
Idk my boyfriend cuddled his kid when she was little like that. I do find it alarming you must sit in silence tho. If he’s literally trying to make you leave every time you’re speak you should leave